Fish David Rosemary 1983 Chile PDF

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VOL vn

MARCH 1983

From August 1976 through August 1982, we published a newsletter every two months, about our work in Chile. We kept on a steady time
table, as we mailed the newsletter under a
services to missionaries ail over the world.







Tennessee will save a

lot of work for our

second-class permit. While on furlough, we decided to suspend our second class permit and have our newsletter printed and mailed at Mission Services Assoc., in Knoxville, Tennessee. This is the first issue published by
Mission Services. We are thankful for their

Forwarding Agent, and the church secretary In Joliet, Illinois. Even though we will not have a post office deadline to meet, we want to continue to publish the newsletter on a regular basis. If you have any suggestions as to how to make our newsletter better, we would like to hear from you.


Does it seem strange to you to think that summer camp 1983 is a thing of the past? In Chile it Is! We spent the week of February 13-20 at camp with the San Joaquin Church. The church asked me to go to camp with them to teach a class on Church History. I had taught a class on Church History during a week of leadership training camp in the summer of
1980. Some of the leaders from San Joaquin

were there, and wanted the entire congregation

to benefit from the study.

It was quite a challenge to cram nearly 2000 years of history into 6 hours of teaching. I
divided church history into 6 time segments,

and developed one segment as well as I could in

Cabins interspereed among eucalyptus trees.

one hour, thus finishing the entire history in 6 days. I ended uponthesixthday withastudyof the "Modern Church". We spent a short time discussing doctrine and history of modern denominations, but then I dedicated the rest of the class to the history of the "Restoration
Movement" in the United States, and the history of our movement in Chile. We have alv^rays

emphasized "Restoration Principles" in our v/ork, but have never actually taught about the history of our movement in the States, so as not to sound "paternalistic". People really seemed
interested to know more about the movement, and the churches in the United States. There's a cow in the camp kitchen!

Recently a Honda generator was purchased. It puts out a total of 4200 watts, in either 110or 220 volts, or both simultaneously. That may seem silly to you, but it is quite a blessing. We're thankful for the lights. At this writing, the very first "Youth Camp" ever held at the Eltabo Camp is in progress. About 80 young people are in attendance. We are very excited about the spiritual potential. Jerry Keeling, our co-worker who is working exclusively in youth work, organized the camp.
There are both Christian and non-Christian

David teaching on "Church History".

young people there. We're praying that the results will be far-reaching.

The camp has been used all summer long by different congregations, mainly for family camps, as in other years. During our week, we had electric lights for the first time since 1978 (when our old generator/motor went caput).


As you know, we said good-bye to the existing Maipu Church at the time we went to the United States for furlough (we worked with them for the past two years). We will be moving to another part of Maipu within the next couple weeks, and will be working to start a new church there. As we stated while we were on furlough, we wantto key in on an up-until-now unreached group of people in the middle class; the "educated class". Much of the present-day
church has a minimal educational level. Because of the class structure in Chilean

society, some people are turned off by the

church. Classes for smoll children. We have had some contact with the

"educated class", and have found them to be

open to the good news about Christ. (Craig Woolsey has had good results with the class of

people across town.) We have some prospects, and will get to work right after our move. Please
keep this need in your prayers. We have seen another need which we can fill, and about which we are very excited. I have worked in leadership training ever since

While I was in the U.S. several people mentioned that they would like to hear my point-of-view in the newsletter, as well as David's. I don't think I'm a very good writer, but I'll try to put in a woman's touch. We're getting excited about moving, but it's a lot of work, too.
I arrived back in Chile in time to be able to travel 300 miles south to San Carlos for the 7th Annual Women's Convention. It was one of the best conventions I have attended. It is so

arriving in Chile. Steve Phillips and Steve Bond

are working the coastal region (about 80 miles west of us), and have contact with several different churches there. There is a strong need for training of leaders there. They have asked me to cooperate with them in getting their program going. Initially, there will be three

groups. Steve Phillips will be teaching in one, and I will be teaching in two different groups (I will dedicate one day per week, and visit two different groups on that day). I will have 15-20
students from the Christian Church in Villa

encouraging to see Chileans teaching classes as they mature in the Lord. t have just arrived home from camp again,
which means there are a tot of clothes to wash.

Alemana (which just established a daughter church, and plans a second one this year PTL!). The second group will be in a Presbyterian Church in Vina Del Mar. Their preacher is not a typical Presbyterian preacher. He doesn't seem to be very well liked among the synod. The Santa Ines Church is one of the only growing Presbyterian Churches in the area. Because of their minister's persuasion, they practice baptism of believing adults, by immersion! The minister himself was baptized about a year ago by the minister in Villa Alemana. I will have 1520 students studying there too. It seems like a fantastic opportunity for simple New Testament Christianity. I'll be reporting more about it later. Classes will start in March. Keep these extension seminary groups in your prayers. We established the Neptuno Church in 1977.
I learned a lot in that work. I left them at the end

It's a lot of work to pack up, but the joy of camp is worth all the trouble. The kids get filthy, but

enjoy it so much, as they have many kids to play

with there.

of 1980, disappointed that it hadn't grown more, frustrated as it was so difficult for me to bridge the huge cultural, social, educational and economic gap, and half expecting the work to die. It's 1983 now, and the church is still

Loading up car after week of camp.

going on. God takes care of His church! In the years since leaving them, I have had personal
contact with Luis and Ines Molina. Luis has

School will be starting around March 15.

Carey is looking forward to it, and so am I. She

enjoyed school so much in the United States. We're thankful that she can go to "Santiago Christian Academy", a school for missionary children run by Baptist missionaries. Greg is getting bigger all the time. He imitates everything he sees his sister doing. He's got a strong will, but an awful lot of love, too. Well, that's about all I have to say. Thank you for everything you have done. God bless you

grown and matured, and the group has an excellent possibility of "taking off" now. I have visited them a few times, and want to encourage
them all 1 can. Their main need still is to find a

suitable meeting place. The Lord is at work In providing a place, as there are several possibilities, but wisdom is needed to know just how to proceed. Keep these brethren in your prayers as well.


1. Pray that everything in the process of moving will go smoothly. 2. Pray that a door will be opened wide for "middle class/educated class" evangelism. 3. Pray that the Neptuno group will find a suitable meeting place and that Luis Molina
will continue to lead the church forward.

4. Pray for the effectiveness of the extension seminary classes in the coastal region, especially in the Santa Ines Church.

5. Pray for the unity of the churches in Chile, in spite of the fact that they come from differing

6. Pray that Jesus Christ would be glorified.

Field Address: WM David Fish Casilla 75

Maipu, Chile

Forwarding Agents: M/M Harley Mitchell 1511 E. Washington

Joliet, IL 60433

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JUNE 1983

NO. 2



As I have always been active in leadership training, both under our Bible Institute, and our Extension Seminary classes, I have resumed
responsibilities in that realm. The work in that area gives a lot of satisfaction, and the
interaction with the different students is


Our basic level of the Extension Seminary is the study of 6 programmed instructional books, based on the life of Christ in the Gospel of Matthew. Normally each group takes three years to go through the material (at the rate of 2 books per year), Our first group of students graduated in 1982. The basic level is easy enough for just about anyone to do, and gives a good basis in the life of Christ, also Acts of the Apostles. Where a theme of practical ministry comes up in the Gospel text, a lesson is given to treat the theme, thus making the course very

I am now teaching three different groups in

the basic level: in Villa Alemana and Santa Ines

Students in Lo Prado Extension Seminary Class.

Presbyterian Church (they just formally split away from the Presbyterian Church, more on that in upcoming newsletters) of Vina Del Mar, and at the Lo Prado Church of Pudahuel, in Santiago. In those three groups I have a total of
over 50 students: 25 in Santa Ines, 20 in Villa

Alemana, and 8 in Lo Prado. We are just finishing up book 1 (of 6 books in the basic level), and will begin the study of book 2 in July. I anticipate losing some students in Villa Alemana and Santa Ines, as book 2 is quite a bit more difficult than book 1, but that always happens. In Lo Prado. I will pick up some more

students, from the La Estrella Church, also in

Pudahuel, where some brethren did book 1 a

while back, and will get involved in book 2. There is still another aspect of my work in the basic level of the extension seminary, that of travelling outside the Santiago/Vina Del Mar area. There are Extension Seminary groups studying in the south also. A group in San

Carlos that is finishing book 5. and beginning

groups in Osorno and Puerto Octay. To attend those groups (it is 250 miles to San Carlos and about 600 miles to Osorno and Puerto Octay), different missionaries take turns traveling on weekends (two times per month) to lead these groups. Two weeks ago we went to San Carlos as a family. I led the class there, and got to preach in the church. This weekend I am going to Osorno/Puerto Octay. I haven't been there for about 5 years and am looking forward to the trip (all night long train trip). I was late buying my ticket and all the sleeping berths were taken, so I'll have to sit up all night. Hopefully on the return trip I can get a sleeping berth. Students all over Chile are hungry to learn more of the Word of God. For that we are thankful, and give praise to Him.
For the students who have finished the 6

Students in Villa Alemana Extension Seminary Class. by the students on the outside. With my combined activities in the basic and

level 2 studies of the extension seminary, I am busy on Monday, Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday nights, a pretty full schedule, each evening requiring 2 to 3 hours each. We're thankful, though, that we can be so used, and that there are leaders being trained to work in

the churches now established, and to begin

other churches in the future.








Seminary is offering a more advanced level of

We have affiliated ourselves with an

interdenominational organization for

leadership training, based in Miami, Florida for
the texts and curriculum. Our students are from


our churches in Santiago. The organization in Miami is "FLET" (Facultad Latinoamericana de Estudios Teologicos). Their text books are available only to those studying in affiliated
extension or resident seminaries in Latin

America. course of year. This The study

The basic curriculum is a 3-year study, with 5 different courses per level is closerto a college-level class. has been a big challenge for some.

After much hemming and hawwing around. It seems that I'll have a pretty good chance to get my general class radio license and get on the air towards the United States soon. On June 17, I am eligible to take my test for a Chilean general class license. For what I am told, perhaps in the interest of having more "HAMS", the test isvery
simple, not so with the "FCC" test in the USA!

We finished the first course for 1983 about two

weeks ago. and have just begun the second course. In two groups in Santiago from our
churches we have 12 students. All of the 12

students passed the final exam, administered

by the representative of "FLET" in Chile. Up until now, the study has been one day a week,
but because of the extensiveness of the

Pray for me, that I will pass. If I fail, I won't be able to take it again until September. The radio has had some technical problem, and Phil Casey (a U.S. licensed "HAM") hasn't been on the air either. The rig is being checked over now by a competent repairman (a Baptist), and should be working this week. I was able to

material, a second day of studies has been added. With the added day, the course easily could meet 4-5 hours weekly, with added study

buy some needed tubes here in Santiago, at an excellent price. Hope to be in touch with you
"HAMS" out there soon!

Since our last newsletter, our family has gone through a lot of changes. The most obvious is
the fact that we moved. We've done a lot of work on our new home. Also, David had a wooden

shack built in the back yard for an office. We're

all settled in now.

Mr. and Mrs. Manuel Gonzalez, who take the girls to school each day. (Girls, left to right: Heidi Phillips
and Carey Fish).

Mrs. Hamel and kindergarten class {Carey to the right

of teacher).

Greg likes to ride in the van sometimes with the girls on the way to school. On Wednesdays he gets to go to "his school". Shirley Woolsey
has a "Bible School" in her home each

Another big change has been school for Carey. She is about half-way through second semester kindergarten now. She goes to "Santiago Christian Academy", a school mainly for missionary kids, run by American Baptists for World Evangelism. This year's kindergarten class is the largest ever: 9 students, (4 of the 9 are from our team!). The school has just moved into a brand new building, which although not quite finished, is still very nice. Mrs, Hamel, the kindergarten teacher, is a missionary wife from the U.S., and really loves the children. Carey
now can count from 1 to 100 without mistakes,

Wednesday for all the pre-schoolers on our team. ThatisthehighlightofGreg'sweek. Heis getting bigger, talking and singing quite a bit. I have always enjoyed having people in my home, and since getting settled in, we have had a lot of company. I had long lists of people that I
wanted to have over to dinner. It seemed

impractical to have them over one family at a time, so we had two different groups of over 30 people over to eat. We did something different

knows all the letters of the alphabet with their

sounds, and can read a little bit. The school is

on the other side of Santiago, Heidi Phillips, who also lives in Maipu is in the same class. We and the Phillips pay for Manuel Gonzales, a man

in the Maipu Church, to take the girls to and from school every day. He is really responsible as a driver, and comes by to pick up Carey at the same time every day. She leaves for school at 8:10 A.M. and gets home at 1:30 P.M. Kindergarten is half-day, but the kindergarteners eat lunch each day with the bigger kids and leave right after lunch to go home. In August she will go full-days, leaving at the same time, and getting home about 4:00

Weinie roast in our backyard.

for Chileans, and had a good old U.S. weinie roast in the backyard. That way preparation was easy, fellowship was good, and the Chileans got to do something new. Among the people we had over during the weinie roasts
were church leaders from all over Santiago, as well as Christians from Maipu. We have also had several groups of non-Christians in for "once" or for dinner, to build a bridge of


1. 2.

Pray for non-Christian contacts, with whom

we share Christ.

Pray for the students in both levels of the Extension Seminary. Pray for the Santa Ines Church in Vina Del

confidence through which to share Christ. That is my way of helping to reach out to


Pray for my success in passing HAM radio



Pray for time to dedicate to "SOLID", our proposed project in conjunction with Good
News Productions, Int'l.



Pray for our family, that our children will grow to love our Lord. Pray for Chile, which is going through a political/economical crisis. Pray for an open door for the Gospel in the
middle class in Chile.

Field Address: M/M David Fish

Casilla 75

Maipu, Chile

Forwarding Agents: M/M IHarley Mitchell 1511 E. Washington

Joliet, IL 60433

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Volume VII

September 1983

Number 3


Home Bible Study group

We have begun a Bible study in our home on Sunday evenings. It has proven to be a valuable

means of getting non-Christians into the Word

of God. We have just recently started it, and
have no visible results, as far as conversions.

way of life in the Scriptures that is contrary to the general stream of modern society. Please pray for these people, that they would
surrender their souls to the Lord Jesus, and become more than our friends, but our brothers and sisters in God's family. Some weeks we

But pray that God would use it to blossom into a

group of Christians who meet together because they love the Lord and love one another. I have
emphasized to them, that it is not a church meeting. Most of them probably would not attend a church meeting. They have seen, though, that the Word of God is relevant to the

have been encouraged, and other weeks discouraged by the attendance and
participation. One rainy Sunday we were

planning on a decent turn-out, and nobody showed up. Last Sunday we had a good group, and the Lord was also blessing (in spite of the

society in which we live, and that God reveals a


I have had my share of travels in the past few months, visiting our churches in the south. In June I was in Osorno (600 miles south of Santiago) for leadership training classes. We have groups studying in Osorno and Puerto Octay, which we have been visiting
about once a month.

monthly letters sent out with receipts, but it is worth repeating here. Our brother Naaman Sepulveda had asked the Lord to take him home
before a weekend, so that the funeral would be on a weekend: "So we can preach to more people". And what a preaching service it was! We walked in the funeral procession for close to an hour, from the church property to the cemetery. But we didn't take the straightest route, instead we paraded around the "Plaza de
Armas" in the middle of town, so that all could

I was also in San Carlos (300 miles south) for the same reasons in May. That weekend we made it a family affair, driving down, so that all the family could be there. I returned to San Carlos in July to lead studies there, and also to participate in a leadership meeting, similar to a Board Meeting, but a meeting in which plans were made for evangelism in the entire area. The San Carlos Church has several "Preaching Points" which are attended by its own

see. The procession had about 1500 people on foot, and behind them, many more in vehicles.
The casket went before us all in a hearse. In

front of the hearse, there was a small white van

Later in July, I was invited to speak at a youth convention in Osorno. It happened to be during the winter school break, so I took Carey to -Osorno with me on the train-(an exciting trip for her). My trip to Osorno was cut short by the death of Naaman Sepulveda in San Carlos. I tied up what loose ends I could. Some good Chilean brothers from the San Joaquin Church assumed my teaching responsibilities in both Osorno and Puerto Octay, so that I could travel
to the funeral in San Carlos. The Lord worked

that had a sign on top that the San Carlos Church uses in funeral processions. The sign said, "Today I'm leaving here . . . Tomorrow it could be you! I accepted the Lord and have eternal life! What about you?" The service in the cemetery turned out to be a real evangelistic preaching service! Members-of-the church
preached. Friends from other churches

preached. We missionaries from Santiago preached (all of the missionaries from Santiago travelled to San Carlos for the occasion). The most powerful thing, however, was to see our brother Naaman's own children, singing and preaching at his own funeral!!!
I have not returned to San Carlos since the

out the travel plans. I had booked train fare for Sunday night. Allthe trains and buses were full,
because it was the last weekend of school vacation. I first checked for bus fare to San

funeral. We will be there however, from September 17-19, over the Chilean

Independence Day celebration.

During that

Carlos. The closest I could have gotten to San

Carlos on bus would have been about 175 miles.

I wasn't in the mood to walk the remaining 175

miles with luggage and a 5 year old girl. From

there I went to the train station. Minutes before,
someone had cancelled their reservation for the

train that was leaving that evening. I took that right away. Carey and I took the train that night to Chilian (about 25 kilometers from San Carlos). We got into Chilian at 5:30 in the morning, and was it ever cold!!! We took a small hotel room near the train station to sleep a few more hours. About 9:00 we got up, ate breakfast
and continued on to San Carlos.

weekend, I will finish three years of extension seminary study for leaders in the San Carlos Church. Also, I will participate in extensive meetings with people from the mother congregation and the many preaching points out in the country. The assignment that I have been given for that meeting is worthy of about 60 hours of study and 15 hours of teaching. I'm sure that the Lord will help me in my inadequacy. I'll probably have 3 hours in which to develop it. Of course I continue my travels each Saturday
to Villa Alemana and Vina Del Mar. Those

The funeral in San Carlos was something!!

I've already written about it in one of my

groups continue to be rewarding. I'll finish up those studies just before Thanksgiving. That gives you all a rather complete picture of

my comings and goings in the past few months.

We can see the Lord atwork both in and outside

of Santiago. For that we give Him praise, and thank Him that He has put us here in his service. May His name be praised forever!

The last few months I have hosted quite a few "onces". An "once" is basically a "tea".

Most Chileans eat four meals a day: breakfast, lunch, "onces" {about 5:00 p.m.) and dinner

David and Mexican Food Chef, Miguel Amigo

(about 10:00 p.m.). Standard ifare for an "once"

can vary from bread and tea, to more fancy things like cakes, cookies and other sweets.

hear a first-grader's account of tear gas.

Because of the protests, she has missed about two days of school per month. Fortunately they
have not been counted as absences, for the

Chileans usually enjoy sweets, and I am happy

to oblige them. David has had a weekly leadership training class here at home, and we have a Bible Study on Sundays, so I've been cooking a lot.

school has cancelled classes for those days. Greg goes to his "school", a Bible school that Shirley Woolsey holds for the pre-schoolers each Wednesday morning. It has been
cancelled sometimes because of the situation,

also. In July when thecollegeinternswerehere from California, they held a one day VBSfor all the kids at the office. That week we enjoyed having the interns in our home.

Rose serving Leadership Training "Once

We also had a night of fellowship with all the missionaries in our home on August 26th. Miguel Amigo cooked Mexican food for all of us. Mexican food is something which we can't regularly enjoy, so it was special. I found old slides of all the missionaries, which we viewed together. Also wetalked with Chris De Welt and Ed Holt that evening by Ham Radio, which was fun. We closed the night off with some singing
and devotions.

Left to right: Gabriel Phillips, Lisa Woolsey and Gregory Fish

after Wednesday Bible School lor Pre-Schoolers at the Woolsey ftome.

Both kids enjoy watching "The Muppets Show" on TV. It is about the only decent kids' show that's on during the week (four nights per

week). In fact, they're watching it right now as

I'm writing this.

Carey is in the first grade now and loves school. During August's protest, there were some problems in the vicinity of the school, and tear gas was used. Some of the gases came over the wall of the school yard while the kids were outside for recess. It was interesting to

Spring is coming and we are planting a garden! We have room for a garden now, but have never had one before. We are going to
share the produce and the work with a Chilean

couple who are friends of ours. We'll enjoy the garden, and the time spent with them working. David will enjoy eating from it.

We've had some trouble with our mail getting

through lately. Definitely we know of things we

have sent to the States that have not made it there. That's really no reason for you not to write. We would like to hear from you. Drop us a line when you can.
Field Address: M/M David Fish Casilla 75


1. Pray for the government of Chile, which is facing growing unrest among the general population. 2. Pray for the unity of our churches in the Santiago area, for the Chilean ministers and
the missionaries.

Maipu, Chile Forwarding Agents: M/M Harley Mitchell 1511 E. Washington

Joliet, IL 60433

3. Pray for the church in San Carlos, which must continue on without the leadership of Naaman Sepulveda. 4. Pray for the weekly Bible Study in our home, that it would grow, and that people would
make decisions to commit their lives to the

5. Pray for the Maipu Church, which has just

purchased land, and is entering into a

building program. 6. Pray that Jesus will be manifested through us, and that His kingdom would continue to grow in Chile.




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^ss^^Seasons Greetings^ss^^

Dear Friends of our Ministry:

1983 has come and gone, and it seems like just yesterday we saw the departure of 1982. The Lord has been good to us throughout the entire year. As His children, it is a privilege to serve Him here in Chile. We're thankful for the many blessings of this past year. May God be

Our most sincere wishes are that you also have enjoyed spiritual and material blessings during 1983, and at this special time of year that you would reflect on the purposes of God in
your life. Many times life goes by so quickly that we forget to place the emphasis on Him who
is to be the Lord of our life. In the hustle and bustle of Christmas, let's remember that Jesus

Christ is the center of the Christmas story.

During 1983 we have been very busy. We moved "lock, stock and barrel" to a new house, which we are enjoying. I also moved my office to our new back yard which is handy. About that same time, I made a quick trip to the United States for a Missions Fair in Florida. The main direction of my ministry during 1983 has been in the educational field, through our extension seminary. The school year here is from March to December (autumn to spring), so that has been the busiest time of year for us. During that time I have conducted over 100 studies in level oneof our program, here in Santiago, in Villa Alemana, Vina Del Mar,
San Carlos and Osorno. In level two of our program, I have participated in about 40 classes and meetings. Level two is a more advance study in conjunction with three organizations; 1) Logoi, a Spanish Christian Literature Publisher in Miami, Florida, 2) Flet (La Facultad Latinoamericana de Estudios Teologicos), with offices in 8 Latin American Countries, with headquarters in Miami, and Sean (Seminario Alcanzando Las Naciones), an organization located in Chile which produces excellent programmed instructional materials and study guides. Our organization, "Seminario Por Extension El Encuentro", participates within their program, but also retains its own identity. The program of Flet/Logoi/Sean is a three year study program. Two years from now I hope to see some ministers and leaders from our churches graduate from the program. During the past year, we have participated in four camps and retreats, and have shared

teaching during those times. We have travelled to San Carlos (250 miles south) six times and
made two trips to Osorno (600 miles south). We also visited Christian Church missionaries in Montevideo. Uruguay in the month of June, to meet them and see their work. They had spent a few weeks in Chile viewing the work here during our furlough in 1982. We have opened our home to Chileans and missionaries, having five large (20-30 people) fellowship meetings. At these times, we have tried to promote unity among the churches, inviting people and preachers from all the different congregations in Santiago. The last meetings of that type was in November, when all the Santiago preachers and their wives
came over for a weiner roast and fellowship. I am also working on a project which is perhaps worthy of "full-time work" for a

considerable time. We hope to see the production of "Solid" in Spanish, a 13episode (six and a half hours in total) video tape presentation of the basis for the Christian faith, to be

produced by Good News Productions, International of Joplin, Missouri. I have rough draft
translations for 8 of the 13 scripts, and hope to finish the remaining scripts soon, at which time I will submit the scripts to a panel of viewers for editorial suggestions. Towards the end of this year we started a Bible study in Rancagua (60 miles south of) Santiago). We have no church there, but hope to see one soon. I have been going every two weeks during the last few months. We are looking forward to the time when people from that study group will make concrete decisions to follow Christ and will be baptized into Him. It is a unique group, formed by well educated people from the middle calss. In the study group two M.D.'s and two Dentists have participated and several teachers. Please keep this project
in your prayers. Receive our most warm Season's Greetings for a very blessed Christmas Season, and a

New Year in which the Lord will be pre-eminent in your lives. May the Lord bless you all.
For Christ Jesus,

The David Fish Family

Merry Christmas

Seasons Greetings

Field Address:
M/M David Fish Casilla 75

Maipu, Chile

Forwarding Agents:
M/M Harley Mitchell

1511 E. Washington
Joliet, IL 60433

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