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1h|ruvananthapuram, kera|a, Ind|a - 69S034

(LsLabllshed as unlverslLy of 1ravancore by Lhe 1ravancore unlverslLy AcL ln 1937 and reconsLlLuLed as
unlverslLy of kerala by Lhe kerala unlverslLy AcL of 1937 and presenLly governed by Lhe
kerala unlverslLy AcL of 1974 passed by Lhe kerala SLaLe LeglslaLlve Assembly)

ACLIA]031942]2013 1hlruvananLhapuram,
uaLed: 13.08.2013

Not|f|cat|on of hD]MSc Lng|neer|ng by research Lntrance Lxam - 2013

Cnllne AppllcaLlon ln Lhe prescrlbed form are lnvlLed from ellglble candldaLes for Lhe Ceneral
ApLlLude 1esL for deLermlnlng ellglblllLy for admlsslon Lo lull-Llme/arL-Llme research leadlng Lo
h.u/M.Sc. (Lnglneerlng ) by 8esearch uegree.

Cond|t|ons of L||g|b|||ty

CandldaLes who have secured noL less Lhan 33 marks aL Lhe MasLer's uegree LxamlnaLlon are
ellglble Lo apply for Lhe LesL.
8achelors' degree holders ln Lnglneerlng wlLh noL less Lhan 33 marks are ellglble Lo apply for
Lhe LesL for securlng ellglblllLy for admlsslon Lo MSc.(Lnglneerlng ) by 8esearch.
CandldaLes belonglng Lo scheduled casLes and scheduled Lrlbes who hold MasLer's uegree ln
Sclence and Applled Sclence faculLles wlLh aLleasL 43 marks and MasLer's uegree ln oLher faculLles wlLh
40 marks are ellglble Lo apply for Lhe LesL. hyslcally/vlsually handlcapped candldaLes are ellglble for a
relaxaLlon of 3 marks.
CandldaLes who have appeared for MasLer's uegree LxamlnaLlon and whose resulL ls sLlll awalLed
may also apply for Lhe LesL. Powever, such candldaLes wlll be consldered ellglble for admlsslon Lo research
leadlng Lo h.u uegree provlded Lhey pass Lhe MasLer's uegree LxamlnaLlon wlLh aL leasL 33 marks and
have been declared quallfled ln Lhe LesL.
CandldaLes who have already quallfled ln Lhe naLlonal LllglblllLy 1esL for !unlor 8esearch
lellowshlp or LecLureshlp of Lhe uCC/CSl8 or lCA8/CA1L or lCM8 !8l LesL or candldaLes who are selecLed
for lellowshlp by Lhe kerala SLaLe Counsll for Sclence, 1echnology & LnvlronmenL or Lhe SLaLe level
ellglblllLy LesL conducLed by Lhe kerala CovernmenL or who hold M.hll. uegree by research and Lhesls ln
addlLlon Lo a MasLer's uegree or lLs equlvalenL wlLh noL less Lhan 33 marks are exempLed from ellglblllLy
CandldaLes wlLh u81-!8l are exempLed from Lhe P.u LnLrance 1esL and Lhey are permlLLed Lo
reglsLer for research leadlng Lo h.u uegree ln 8loLechnology.
CandldaLes wlLh uS1-lnSl8L fellowshlp are exempLed from h.u LnLrance 1esL.
CandldaLes who have quallfled (CA1 ) are exempLed from h.u LnLrane LesL and are permlLLed
Lo reglsLer for researchleadlng Lo h.u uegree ln harmacy.
SclenLlsLs/Ayurveda uocLors worklng ln harmaceuLlcals/PosplLals/8esearch CenLres owned by
CovernmenL wlLh 7 years experlence and havlng 2 research papers publlshed are exempLed from Lhe h.u
LnLrance 1esL.
SclenLlsLs/Lnglneers worklng ln approved 8esearch LaboraLorles elLher owned or managed by
Lhe CenLral/SLaLe CovernmenL or an AuLonomous research lnsLlLuLlon of naLlonal SLaLus wlLh seven years
experlence ln Lhe Crade SclenLlsL/Lnglneer, havlng Lwo research papers publlshed ln Lhe recognlzed
research [ournals of Lhe concerned sub[ecL approved by Lhe 8oard of SLudles concerned, are exempLed
from Lhe h.u LllglblllLy 1esL.
College Leachers who have seven or more years of Leachlng experlence are also exempLed from
Lhe LllglblllLy 1esL. CandldaLes wlLh uM/M.Ch uegree are exempLed from appearlng for Lhe LesL.
1hose who have quallfled M.hll ln sub[ecLs oLher Lhan Lhe sub[ecLs ln whlch he/she seeks
reglsLraLlon for h.u would be requlred Lo quallfy Lhe LllglblllLy 1esL.
CandldaLes SelecLed Lo Lhe Cl (CuallLy - lmprovemenL rogramme) lnLroduced by AlC1L, for
Leachers of AlC1L approved degree level Lnglneerlng lnsLlLuLlons are exempLed from h.u LnLrance LesL.
8eglsLraLlon wlll be granLed Lo Lhe ellglble candldaLes only lf Lhe concerned Supervlslng 1eacher
has vacanL seaLs aL Lhe concerned research CenLres.

art-1|me keg|strat|on

arL-1lme h.u reglsLraLlon shall be resLrlcLed Lo regular/permanenL Leachers of Lhe ueparLmenL
and afflllaLed colleges of Lhe unlverslLy of kerala ln Lhe concerned sub[ecLs.
arL-1lme reglsLraLlon ls also exLended Lo Leachers who are worklng ln subsLanLlve vacancles ln
CovernmenL and Alded Colleges ln Lhe SLaLe of kerala.
Powever, Lhe faclllLy of parL-Llme h.u reglsLraLlon (1) ln llbrary and lnformaLlon Sclence ls also
exLended Lo Lhose who are worklng as Llbrary SLaff ln Lhe unlverslLy of kerala on regular basls wlLh a
mlnlmum of 3years experlence lf all oLher condlLlons are saLlsfled and (2) ln ManagemenL SLudles ls
exLended Lo Lhose persons worklng ln managerlal poslLlon wlLh a mlnlmum of 3 years experlence ln
CovernmenL and ubllc SecLor underLaklngs provlded all oLher condlLlons are saLlsfled.

1he LllglblllLy 1esL shall be conducLed on 12-10-2013 (CcLober 1welfLh 2013) from 10am Lo 1pm.

Scheme of the 1est
1he general apLlLude LesL wlll be of Lhree hours duraLlon and wlll carry a maxlmum of 200 marks.
1he LesL comprlses of Ceneral knowledge (40 marks) ShorL answers (120 marks) and an Lssay (40
marks ). osL graduaLe level knowledge of Lhe sub[ecL and apLlLude for research are expecLed of Lhe
CandldaLes can apply only ln Lhe sub[ecLs offered by Lhe unlverslLy and go ln for speclallzaLlon aL a
laLer sLage, whlle chooslng Lhe Loplc of research for reglsLraLlon for h.u.
Whlle applylng for Lhe LllglblllLy 1esL Lhe candldaLes should carefully choose Lhe sub[ecL mosL
sulLable accordlng Lo Lhelr quallfylng .C. uegree/cholce or area of lnLeresL for docLoral research.

1he sub[ecLs offered are:
1. AquaLlc 8lology and flsherles
2. Arablc
3. Archaeology
4. 8lo-chemlsLry(lncludlng Medlcal 8lo-chemlsLry)
3. 8loLechnology( lncludlng Mlcroblology and Medlcal Mlcroblology)
6. 8oLany
7. ChemlsLry
8. Commerce
9. CommunlcaLlon and !ournallsm
10. CompuLer Sclence
11. uemography
12. Lconomlcs
13. LducaLlon
14. LnvlronmenLal Sclences
13. luLures SLudles
16. Ceology
17. Cerman
18. Plndl
19. PlsLory
20. Lngllsh
21. ManagemenL SLudles
22. lslamlc SLudles
23. Law
24. Llbrary and lnformaLlon Sclence
23. LlngulsLlcs
26. Malayalam
27. MaLhemaLlcs
28. Muslc
29. CpLoelecLronlcs
30. hllosophy
31. hyslcs
32. ollLlcs( lncludlng quesLlon from ubllc AdmlnlsLraLlon)
33. sychology
34. 8usslan
33. SanskrlL
36. Soclology
37. SLaLlsLlcs
38. 1amll
39. 1ourlsm
40. Zoology
41. Pome Sclence - lncludlng quesLlon from :
a. lood and nuLrlLlon
b. lamlly 8esource ManagemenL
c. LxLenslon LducaLlon
42. Ceography
43. hyslcal LducaLlon
44. Soclal Work
43. CompuLaLlonal 8lology and 8lolnformaLlcs

46. Chemlcal Lnglneerlng
47. Clvll Lnglneerlng
48. CompuLer Sclence and Lnglneerlng.
49. LlecLrlcal and LlecLronlcs Lnglneerlng
30. LlecLronlcs and CommunlcaLlon Lnglneerlng
31. Mechanlcal Lnglneerlng
(Above Sub[ecLs appllcable Lo MSc. Lnglneerlng by research also).
32. ArchlLecLure ( lncluslve of 1own lannlng)
33. 8aslc Medlcal Sclences( AnaLomy, hyslology, harmacology, aLhology, 8lo-chemlsLry,
34. Medlclne and Allled SpeclalLles( Cynaecology, aedlaLrlcs, 8adlology, ubllc PealLh, sychlaLry
and Ceneral Medlclne)
33. Surgery and Allled SpeclalLles( CpLhalmology, CrLhopaedlcs and Ceneral aspecLs of Surgery).
36. nurslng
37. harmaceuLlcals Sclences
38. uenLlsLry lncludlng quesLlons from :
a. Cral aLhology lncludlng Cral AnaLomy and Cral 8lology
b. CrLhodonLlcs
c. edodonLlcs
d. Cral Medlclne & 8adlology
e. erlodonLlcs
f. ConservaLlve uenLlsLry & LndodonLlcs
g. Cral and Maxlllofaclal Surgery
h. rosLhodonLlcs
l. CommunlLy uenLlsLry
39. Ayurveda
60. PomeopaLhy

Mode of App||cat|on
Cnllne reglsLraLlon can be done aL Lhe unlverslLy webslLe of
CandldaLes should apply onllne and download Lhe appllcaLlon and send lL along wlLh Lhe necessary
documenLs and fees Lo Lhe 8eglsLrar by 31
AugusL 2013(3 pm). All relevanL documenLs provlng
quallflcaLlon and ellglblllLy should be send along wlLh Lhe appllcaLlon duly slgned and aLLesLed by a
CazeLLed Cfflcer. lncompleLe appllcaLlon wlll be summarlly re[ecLed.
1. 1he cosL of appllcaLlon form ls 8s. 10/- and Lhe fee for Lhe LesL ls 8s.730/-. lor candldaLes
belonglng Lo scheduled casLes and scheduled Lrlbes Lhe fee for Lhe 1esL ls 373/- (8s. 10/- servlce
charge ln case of uu). AppllcaLlons can be downloaded afLer onllne reglsLraLlon from Lhe webslLe
of kerala unlverslLy( 8s. 10/- for downloadlng charges).
2. All remlLLances should be elLher Lhrough unlverslLy Cash CounLer or uemand urafL lssued by Lhe
SLaLe 8ank of 1ravancore, SLaLe 8ank of lndla or Lhe ulsLrlcL Co-CperaLlve 8ank drawn ln favour
of Lhe llnance Cfflcer, unlverslLy of kerala, payable aL 1hlruvananLhapuram.
3. 1he downloaded appllcaLlon furnlshed for Lhe examlnaLlon should be accompanled by self
addressed sLamped and easlly deLachable envelope for sendlng Lhe pass memo. ln Lhe absence
of envelope, a flne of 8s 30/- wlll be charged.
4. Coples of MasLer's uegree CerLlflcaLe and Mark LlsL aLLesLed by a CazeLLed Cfflcer should be senL
along wlLh Lhe downloaded appllcaLlon.A comprehenslve markllsL showlng Lhe exacL percenLage
of marks secured or an equlvalenL cerLlflcaLe should be furnlshed.ln case of grades awarded
cerLlflcaLe showlng percenLage equlvalency should be furnlshed.
3. CandldaLes who have quallfled from unlverslLles ouLslde kerala unlverslLy should produce copy
of LllglblllLy CerLlflcaLe.
6. ass Memo wlll be lssued only on clearance of all Lhe defecLs such as submlsslon of ellglblllLy
cerLlflcaLe, uu fee, aLLesLaLlon eLc. even lf quallfled ln Lhe enLrance LesL. CandldaLes may exerclse
cauLlon whlle fllllng Lhe form onllne and may send all Lhe requlred enclosures along wlLh Lhe
appllcaLlon form.
7. 1he phoLographs afflxed ln Lhe appllcaLlon and hall LlckeL should be aLLesLed by a CazeLLed
Cfflcer and Lhe name and deslgnaLlon of Lhe Cfflcer should be clearly shown.
8. Copy of relevanL cerLlflcaLe ln Lhe case of SC/S1 candldaLes aLLesLed by a CazeLLed Cfflcer should
be senL along wlLh Lhe downloaded appllcaLlon. 8ecenL communlLy cerLlflcaLe(wlLhln 6 monLhs)
should be furnlshed.
9. CandldaLes who have appeared for MasLer's uegree LxamlnaLlon and whose resulLs are sLlll
awalLed should send a copy of Lhe Pall 1lckeL aLLesLed by CazeLLed Cfflcer along wlLh Lhe
appllcaLlon. ( LasL semesLer/ ?ear only wlll be consldered.)
10. lee once pald wlll noL be refunded
11. hyslcally handlcapped candldaLes should conLacL Lhe secLlon ( AC LlA ) wlLh Lhe relevanL
documenL Lo prove Lhe dlsablllLy on or before 31
Aug 2013.

1he |ast date of rece|pt of app||cat|on |s August 31
,2013 at S:00pm.
AppllcaLlon recelved afLer Lhe lasL daLe of recelpL of appllcaLlon wlll be summarlly re[ecLed.
CandldaLes should noLe LhaL quallfylng ln Lhe Ceneral ApLlLude 1esL does noL auLomaLlcally lmply
LhaL Lhey have been granLed reglsLraLlon for research leadlng Lo h.u/M.Sc. (Lnglneerlng) uegree by
8esearch. SeparaLe appllcaLlon should be made for reglsLraLlon. 1he verlflcaLlon of Lhe ellglblllLy
condlLlons wlLh reference Lo Lhe recognlLlon of Lhelr quallfylng degree and compllance of oLher
formallLles wlll be Laken up only when Lhe candldaLe applles for reglsLraLlon.

1he unlverslLy reserves Lhe rlghL Lo re[ecL any appllcaLlon for proper reasons adduced LherewlLh.


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