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Trade: Insulin (regular) Generic:

Insulin (Regular)
Classification: Antidiabetic

Safe Dose (adult): I.V.: 0.1 u/kg/hr Subcut: 0.5 1 unit/kg 1 day Possible Routes: I.V. or Subcutaneous

Reason to give this medication: Control blood glucose levels (patients w/o the appearance of hyperglycemic or hypoglycemic episodes)

3 Priority Adverse Effects: Toxicity and overdose, hypoglycemia, hyperglycemia What lab values should I know: Monitor blood glucose every 6 hours during therapy, move frequently in keacidosis and times of stress What to teach the patient about this medication Proper technique of administration Demonstrate mixing technique Explain it controls hyperglycemia but does not control diabetes

Contraindications: Hypoglycemia, allergy or hypersensitivity to any insulin preservatives or additives

Implementation for PO and/or IV: Subcut: administer regular insulin w/in 15-30 min. before meal Specific assessment needed prior to med: Blood sugar and last meal Symptoms of hypoglycemia and hyperglycemia


Generic: Fortament; Glumetza Classification: Antidiabetics, biguanides

Safe Dose (adult): 500 mg twice daily; PO Possible Routes: PO Implementation for PO and/or IV: Administer with meals to minimize GI effects Specific assessment needed prior to med: Assess for ketoacidosis or lactic acidosis, Last/Next meal, Blood sugar below 90

Reason to give this medication: Manage type 2 diabetes mellitus

3 Priority Adverse Effects: Lactic acidosis, abdominal bloating, diahrrea What lab values should I know:

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, metabolic acidosis, renal dysfunction

What to teach the patient about this medication Explain to patient the risk of lactic acidosis, slow heartbeat or rapid diarrhea should be reported to a physician a.s.a.p.


Generic: Docusate Sodium Classification: Laxatives Contraindications: Hyper sensitivity, abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting

Safe Dose (adult): PO: 240 mg once daily Possible Routes: PO Implementation for PO and/or IV: Administer w/a full glass of water or juice Specific assessment needed prior to med: Assess for abdominal distention, present bowel sounds, color and consistency and amount of stool, constipation, last bm

Reason to give this medication: Softer fecal mass Softening and passage of stool

3 Priority Adverse Effects: Throat irritation, mild cramps, diarrhea, rashes What lab values should I know:

What to teach the patient about this medication Only used for short term therapy Encourage other forms of bowel regulation Do not take w/in 2 hours of other laxatives


Generic: Warfarin Classification: anticoagulants

Safe Dose (adult): 2-3mg/day for 2-4 days Possible Routes: PO, IV Implementation for PO and/or IV: PO: requires 3-5 days to reach effective levels, usually began with pt on heparin Specific assessment needed prior to med: Assess for signs of bleeding &hemorrhage

Reason to give this medication: Treatment of venous thrombosis

3 Priority Adverse Effects: Bleeding, dermal necrosis, fever What lab values should I know: PTT, INR What to teach the patient about this medication Take as directed Do not double dose Avoid IM injections and activities leading to injury

Contraindications: Uncontrolled bleeding, open wounds, severe liver or kidney disease, uncontrolled hypertension


Generic: heparin Classification: Anticoagulants, anti thrombotics Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, uncontrolled bleeding

Safe Dose (adult): IV: 10,000 units followed by 5000-10000 u q 4-6 hour

Reason to give this medication: Prophylaxis & treatment of various thromboembolic disorders

Possible Routes: IV Implementation for PO and/or IV: 10,000 units followed by 5000-10000 u q 4-6 hour Specific assessment needed prior to med: assess for signs of bleeding and hemorrhage

3 Priority Adverse Effects: Bleeding Heparin- induced thrombocytopenia fever What lab values should I know: PTT-lab What to teach the patient about this medication Do not rub site Advise patient to report any symptoms of unusual bleeding or bruising to health care professional immediately


Generic: Heparin S (low molecular weight) Classification: Anticoagulants, antithrombotics Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to specific agents or pork products

Safe Dose (adult): 2500 IU 1-2 hr before surgery; then once daily for 5-10 days Possible Routes: Subcut Implementation for PO and/or IV: Administer deep into subcut tissue Specific assessment needed prior to med: Assess for signs of bleeding & hemorrhage

Reason to give this medication: Prevention of venous thromboembolism

3 Priority Adverse Effects: Bleeding, anemia, raised liver enzymes What lab values should I know: CBC platelet, weight in kg What to teach the patient about this medication Advise pt to report any symptoms or unusual bleeding or bruising, dizziness, rash or fever

Trade: Generic: Classification: Contraindications:

Safe Dose (adult): Possible Routes: Implementation for PO and/or IV: Specific assessment needed prior to med:

Reason to give this medication:

3 Priority Adverse Effects: What lab values should I know: What to teach the patient about this medication

Trade: Generic: Classification: Contraindications:

Safe Dose (adult): Possible Routes: Implementation for PO and/or IV: Specific assessment needed prior to med:

Reason to give this medication:

3 Priority Adverse Effects: What lab values should I know: What to teach the patient about this medication

Trade: Generic: Classification: Contraindications:

Safe Dose (adult): Possible Routes: Implementation for PO and/or IV: Specific assessment needed prior to med:

Reason to give this medication:

3 Priority Adverse Effects: What lab values should I know: What to teach the patient about this medication

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