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Millions of years ago people lived in very simple societies.

They hunted for food and they used very simple tools to survive. They lived in simple houses made of straw and wood or in caves. They made tools from animal bones and they made weapons such as spears and knives. They also made clothes from these animals and they aate them. They spoke in a very basic language. They cut stones to make special tools, they made fires to keep warm and they made clothes from animals skins to keep warm. They were creative and painted animals on stone.

As a pagan traveler ive had many people confide in me their secrets that everyday people would shun from. This has, now I see, made me more open minded. For examle ,Ive sat at the side of the cariageman softly relasing his woes that his wyffe had sadly taken from him baby girl. He would dip his brow in the yule quarter moon then like the breezy upland therms warmly smile at me and offer safe passge to my place of resting. Greatly exasperated by rooted head fiends and desert dust from the north and timesand from the east, the arboreal goddess would offload her weriness and jitteres over a meadbrew and splice up time with unharmonies and fingerclicks. I would summon the artful spirit of lugh to prise out her woes for , ever near is the raven- morrighans spirit.? She would rebound oaths and deep secrets, yet I knew like lugh my crafting would calm her senses, our minds , my ear, would soothe temporarily the cruel calamaties and restore a calmness of true nature. Are these people looking for hope, for acceptance or just someone unseen in the background who by their shifting but reliable naure will take the secrets with them, to off load and never to return. Ive been sent here to please my senses and to breathe easier. Thought woes have given me a temper me. Quick hearts and slow minds and sharp tongues surround me, I hope they temper with lugh as my guide and carve away my pains. Im going to leave. This will be my last and best time sent here. Tomorrow its the concert. Its disorganized but it will be fun. I will give all that I can without exhausting myself too much. When do I tell the head. Its good to see the children involved, talking, articiating its wholesome. Agel whos 3 has just asked or said it doesnt really matter if I go outside the line does it? I said of course not, she can do it the way she way she wants to shes only three. Torrita keeps on bringin me drawings to the workshops. I think she has a crush on me. Star has jus proclaimed we all have to be friends OK! Then Fox said no we all have to be girlfriends and boyfriends They all laughed out loud with the others around the table. Its natural and feels free, I forget for a while things.

Lughs sword is ever rotective of the learners. It is a show of his strength. I want the birsda of Rhiannon to soothe me for at times my head is rooted into calamties that are not of my doing. The agans of this land are in clonflict with mine and we clash There is an end of summer feel in the air. There are some brushed clouds above its not cold or warm, golilocks would be happy. Considering its Christmas in 3-5 days this is good weather. Its Fresh and clean. Thursdays-today are different. The cattle market is here. Also if the wind blows in the wrong direction the local plastic factory can give off quite a stench. The rehesal today was frustrated by awkward coordination with many bassing the buck, short nagging session. Kids out of hi sinc were blasted over by the beautifully executed recordings downloaded off the internet

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