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Unit 3: People

(Weeks 6 and 7)

1) Four people were asked about a famous performer. For each speaker circle the adjective which best describes how they feel, and choose the sentence A-E which best describes their attitude towards the famous person. There is one extra sentence you do not need to use: Speaker 1 a impressed ___ b shocked c bored Speaker 2 a amused ____ b annoyed c disappointed Speaker 3 a jealous ____ b upset c excited Speaker 4 a surprised ____ b grateful c worried A I dont think people give her a chance. B I think anybody could have done the same. C I understand now why people like her. D I think shes helped other people. E I dont like the way shes changed.

2) You will hear five speakers talking about meeting people. Match the speakers (1-5) to the topic headings (A-G). There are two topic headings which do not fit. Speaker 1 A testing friendships Speaker 2 B exchanging cultures Speaker 3 C no way to get to know a lady Speaker 4 D sharing experiences strengthens friendships Speaker 5 E business and pleasure F strangers are not so strange G sharing delights of the environment 3) Listen to explanations of three wedding rituals and establish if the following sentences are true or false: 1 a Las arras means the golden rings in a Spanish wedding. T / F b The tradition symbolizes the brides intention to take money from the groom. T / F 2 a In a Tai wedding, evil spirits are after a bride. T / F b The speaker uses Simple Future tense in the last sentence. T / F 3 a The speaker is well adapted to her new familys traditions. T / F b The speaker illustrates a contemporary tradition. T / F 4) Read these sentences and then use the words in bold to complete the sentences below: *I relied on John and really let me down; I was so disappointed. *You feel relieved when you stop worrying about something.

*You should show how grateful you are and say Thank you when you receive a gift. *We just obeyed, as our grandmothers imperious presence simply dominated us. *The hair stylist could not help comparing Joes mane to that of a horse, but that didnt persuade him to have his hair cut. *She was impressed by the swathe of white tulips on the lawn; there were just yards of them, and all in bloom. *This school has a bias in favour of arts and music, sciences are considered only secondary and are allotted fewer hours. *She finally found her place in a smart group of chatty friends, as she was talkative herself. *A euphemism is a much nicer synonym for a word that may be considered rude sometimes. *They indulge Doras every wish, shell end up spoiled rotten. 1 Underprivileged is a _________ for poor in politically correct conversation. 2 Make time to _________ in a relaxing evening every now and then. 3 I cant tell you how ________ I am for all the wonderful Christmas presents. 4 If you get rid of that _______, youll be able to wear that tiara. 5 We yielded to her _________ of arguments and just let her have the car. 6 Nancys parents were very ____________ when the police found her safe. 7 In a __________ group, he will just keep quiet, he enjoys listening to other peoples stories. 8 There is a general _________ against non-organic food in this neighbourhood. 9 Im sorry to ________, but I cant help you this weekend after all. 10 The portrait reminded me of his _________ gait, always standing out in a crowd. 5) EXAM PRACTICE Part 1 Listen to a song and decide whether the following statements are True or False: 1. In the first verse they refers to people. T/F 2. The speaker uses Passive Voice in the first verse. T/F 3. In the chorus, the speaker mentions practising water sports. T/F 4. In the chorus, the speaker refers to life as she. T/F 5. In the second verse the pain is personified. T/F 6. In the second verse, the rhyme for grows is bows. T/F 7. The chorus has three lines of identical rhyme. T/F 8. In this song the speakers romantic interest is an angel. T/F 9. This song has a pessimistic message about a sense of despair. T/F Part 2 You are going to listen to an interview with James Warton, a successful Formula One driver. For questions 10-16, complete the blanks with a word or a phrase which best summarises what the speaker says.

10. Jamess mother does not like facing a _____________ whenever she goes out. 11. Jamess father believes that because James has a _________________ character, he will be a winner. 12. In Australia, James was in ____________ place when his car developed mechanical problems. 13. James remembers the time when his father did not have enough money for _______________ . 14. According to the interviewer, there are many _______________ who would love to get James to sign a contract with them. 15. The next thing James would like to buy is a _______________ even though he knows he may be criticized for it. 16. Most of Jamess former school friends are now ________________. 6) You are going to hear six messages on an answering machine. Complete the notes below. 1 For: From Name: Number: Message: _______________________________________________________________________ _ 2 For: From Name: Number: Message: _______________________________________________________________________ _ 3 For: From Name: Number: Message: _______________________________________________________________________ _ 4 For: From Name: Number: Message: _______________________________________________________________________ _ 5 For:

Name: Number: Message: _______________________________________________________________________ _ 6 For: From Name: Number: Message: _______________________________________________________________________ _ 7) Listen to a scene from The Importance of Being Earnest by Oscar Wilde. Lady Bracknell is interviewing a young man, Jack Worthing. Find words in the scene to replace the words in italics: 1 There are far too many lazy men. ______ 2 I do not approve of anything that interferes with natural ignorance. _______ 3 As far as I can see, illegal hunters are the only people who earn money from it. _________, ____________ 4 A girl with a simple, innocent nature, like Gwendolen could hardly be expected to live in the country. ____________, _____________ 5 The deceased Mr Thomas Cardew, an old gentleman with a very kind and generous personality. ___________, ___________ 6 Where did this Mr James, or Thomas, Cardew find this ordinary handbag? _________________, ________________ 7 The line is not important. ___________ 8 I admit I feel somewhat confused by what you have just told me._________, ________ 9 To be born, or at any rate, reared in a handbag, seems to me to show no respect for the ordinary decencies of family life. _________, _________ 10 Our only daughter a girl raised with the utmost care ___________ 8) Answer the questions based on the previous recording: 1 How does Jack earn his living? ___________________________ 2 Why is he interviewed? ___________________________ 3 Why is he unsuitable? ___________________________


4 How do high-class English people view marriage, work and property in the 19th century? __________________________

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