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Activity 1

1. Plastics dont usually conduct electricity. Think of as many different

ways in which this property is used in the home or at work. The important things at home and at work are: Switches Plugs Gloves Cables Appliances Mobile phones

Some components of automobiles and communications

2. A lot of the plastics used to package foods are transparent. How might
this increase food safety? Because as it hasnt dyes, arent contaminate food. You can see inside.

3. Plastics are widely used in hospitals. Look at this picture. What are the
particular advantages of using plastics in this way? Think of the advantages that cheapness of production brings. You can see their status Not pass bacteria Abundant Reusable

4. Plastics are likely to be safer than glass because they dont rust and are
less likely to have jagged edges. Can you think of objects made from plastics which might pose hazard to people or animals of not disposed of sensibility? Small objects (Toys) Biding plastics cans

5. Some plastics can withstand very high temperatures, why might this be
useful? Handless kitchen tools (pans) Fire suits (fireman suits)

6. Some plastics are waterproof and resistant to attack by chemicals.

Think of ways in which these properties are useful to us.
Not allowing of moisture, water or other liquids.

Activity 2
1. Around 30-50%of food produced in developing countries is wasted
before it reaches the consumer, whereas in Western Europe this figure is only 2-3%.Modern plastics packaging plays a part in this. What other factors might be responsible for this wide difference? Cooling Vacuum wrapping Heat treatment Dehydration Additives

2. Look around at home in the kitchen or bathroom-or in a supermarket.

Find as many different ways as you can in which plastics add to the safe use of other things. *Kitchen:

Tupperware Transparent film Pans handless

*Bathroom: Brush container Pacifying toothpaste or shampoo packaging Slip mats

*Supermarket: Containers Bags Baskets

3. By weight, plastics account for about 50% of the packaging of food sold
in supermarkets, yet only 17% of packaging wastes by weight is plastics. Look at these pictures and think of the food you buy yourselves. Make a list of different types of packaging for food. Think in particular of examples of how shape is used as a means of protection. Transparent film. Pickets and deli containers. Bottles.

4. Expanded polystyrene is an alternative to corrugated cardboard as a

protective packaging material. Design an investigation to compare the effectiveness of the protection offered by the two materials against penetration by a sharp object such as a screwdriver. You will need to think of the quantity of each material used to provide a fair comparison. Discuss your ideas before you begin the investigation. Is stronger than the cardboard. Absorbs impacts.

5. Bubble-wrap is widely used to protect delicate objects such as crockery.

Just how effective is it? How much protection can it give to an egg? Design an investigation which compares the amount of protection given to the shell of a hard-boiled egg as the amount of bubble-wrap used changes. Begin by thinking of ways in which you can carry out the investigation. Reduces impact. Prevents strokes and/or shacks.

The egg would resist the impact but not stop it to break thought to their fragility.

1. Suggest why using bottles made from plastics on jet aircraft can save up
to &6000 per year on the cost of running an aircraft. Because plastic is cheaper than fuel.

2. What else might you need to know about the plastics bottles before you
could say whether the real saving was &6000? Explain how it might be more or less than this figure. Can be reused to make fuel No, because a given number of bottles and an amount of fuel cant be changed.

3. When faced with a choice of using plastics or paper bags which do you
choose? Why? What does it depends on? Make a list of the advantages of bath paper and plastics bags for holding fruit and vegetables Paper bags Because is more resistant, stiffer, takes less time to degrade so much as it doesnt contaminate than the plastic. Depends on what it takes Plastics: Most moisture resistant Lighter Comfortable Paper: Stiffer Easy to carry Ecological

4. Compare the mosses of plastic and paper bags which are used to carry
fruit and vegetables. First of all decide how you will ensure that your test is a fair one. The plastic bag is more resistant than paper bag. Is more comfortable than plastic bag. The plastic bag is used more than paper bag. The paper bag is more ecological. The plastic bag are more reused.

5. Looking at your results, discuss what the impact would be on the mass of
packaging used if we had to use papers bags all the time. Paper be stiffer than the plastic weighs so make a large difference

6. Compare a soft drink carried in a plastic, glass, metal, and card

container. Measure the masses of the liquids they contain . Make a chart showing the percentage of the mass which is taken up by the packaging material. Plastic container > 150 g Glass container >540 g Metal container >95g Card container >200 g

7. Compare a one-little drink packed in glass and one packed in plastics

.Make a list of the differences in the use energy as it moves. *From the factory to warehouse to storage in the shop: Glass drink:

-Better maintains the temperature than the plastics. *From the storage in the shop to the shelves: Plastic drink:

-Plastic is lighter and can be transported more easily than glass and doesnt change its temperature. *From shelves to checkout to home and storage:

Plastic drink:

-Is lighter than glass

8. Now do the same but compare metal and card drinks packaging with
plastics. Are these likely to be similar to glass or plastics? Why? *From the factory to warehouse to storage in the shop: Plastic drink: - Is lighter than card and metal Metal drink: - Temperature better preserves

*From the storage in the shop to the shelves: Metal drink;: - More annoying than card and plastics Card drink - Comfortable than metal and plastic

*From the shelves to checkout to home and storage: Card drink: - Easier to move than metal and plastic

No, because each is made of a material and different qualities.

9. Compares the four materials again. Think of other advantages and

disadvantages of each one. *Plastics: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 1. 2. Advantages: Inside products more easily maintained Resistant Economic Multiple applications Versatile Disadvantages: Take long to disintegrate When burned produces harmful gases

*Glass: Advantages: 1. Resists acids 2. Transparent Disadvantages: 1. Fragile 2. Not support thermal breaks

*Metal: Advantages: 1. Rigid 2. Lightweight 3. Watertight 4. Food keeps well 5. Ease of handling and transportation 6. Solid 7. Waterproof Disadvantages: 1. Many substances can contaminate 2. Not transparent 3. Is oxidized at high temperatures

*Cardboard: Advantages: 1. Can have many uses Disadvantages: 2. Greatly affects the environment 3. Decreases the amount of oxygen

10. Now summarise the advantages and disadvantages of using plastics

containers. Think of energy savings, the amount of raw materials needed, other environmental issues such as pollution and the impact on our lives. Advantages: 1. Resistant 2. Economic 3. Versatile 4. Malleable 5. Durable

Disadvantages: 1. Take long to disintegrate 2. Affect water and land and animals of each

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