Bahrain Media Roundup: Read More

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23rd October 2013


Funeral for Bahrain teenager who dies after setting off explosives sparks violent protest
The funeral for a 17-yearold boy in Bahrain who authorities said died while carrying explosives descended into chaos Wednesday as mourners clashed with police in the troubled Gulf kingdom. Plumes of tear gas rose over the cemetery where mourners buried Ali alSabagh, who authorities said died Tuesday night after an explosion about 10 kilometers (six miles) west of the capital, Manama. Hundreds of antigovernment protesters and mourners faced off with police, as an Associated Press reporter saw some set re to tires in the street and others throw gasoline bombs. Police responded with tear gas and stun grenades, as ofcers closed the main highway into the city because of the ghting. Read More The head of Northern Governorate Police said "a bomb, a gun and ammunition were found near the body" of the boy, who was "wanted on criminal charges". Initial investigations revealed that the bomb had exploded while he was "carrying it to plant in another location", a statement added. Read More stability in his September address to the UN General Assembly, but the US ambassador promptly walked the statement back, extolling Bahrains position as a progressive outpost in the Middle East. More recently, a document has leaked in which Bahrain is seeking over a million and a half canisters of tear gas. Thats more than one canister per citizen of the country. Read More

Bahrain teen 'killed by own bomb'

Police in Bahrain say this was the spot where a 17year-old died when a bomb he was planting went off in his hands. The intended target of the attack wasn't clear. Witnesses said a

worker at a nearby warehouse was wounded by the blast. Holes were visible in the walls of the pre-fabricated home used by the workers as a sleeping area. Bahrain's state news agency said a gun and ammunition were found near the body of the bomber said to have been wanted by security forces for criminal offences. Read More discovery of a body in a deserted area, a police spokesman said in a government statement. "Initial investigations revealed that the bomb had exploded while the person was carrying it to plant it at another location," he said, adding that the youth was "wanted on criminal charges." Read More

Bahrain Youth killed while transporting bomb

A 17-year-old youth was killed allegedly transporting a bomb that exploded in the Shiite village of Bani Jamra, Bahraini police said Wednesday. A caller had reported Tuesday's explosion and

Bahrain teenager killed by blast in Shia village

A 17-year-old boy has been killed by an explosion in Bahrain, police say. The incident happened late on Tuesday night in the predominantly Shia village of Bani Jamra, west of Manama.

Bahrain teen killed by his own bomb

A teenager was killed in Bahrain when a bomb he was carrying exploded, the police said. The operation room received a call reporting an explosion in a deserted area in Bani Jamra, the police said late on Tuesday, quoting the General

Shot By Government Forces or Victim of His Own Bomb: How Did Bahrain Teen Die?
The situation in Bahrain continues to spiral out of control. As Human Rights Watch noted, Barack Obama even included a reference to sectarian tensions there threatening democracy and regional

Director of Northern Governorate Police and referring to a village west of the capital Manama. The caller said that there was a dead body at the scene. Security forces were immediately deployed to the area and the crime scene was examined. The police said that they found a bomb, a gun and ammunition near the dead body. Read More

points out, this is more tear gas canisters than [Bahrains] entire population of 1.3 million.

Bahrain Wants to Buy More Tear Gas Canisters Than It Has People
The watchdog group Bahrain Watch has leaked a document from the countrys Interior Ministry that it says is a public tender for more than 1.6 million tear gas canisters, 90,000 tear gas grenades and 145,000 stun grenades. As the group

According to the group Physicians for Human Rights, more than 39 people have been killed since protests rst erupted in the Gulf monarchy in 2011. The group called the kingdoms use of the substance unprecedented in the 100-year history of tear gas use against civilians. Read More

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