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22nd October 2013


Bahrain court jails six Shiite protesters for 10 years
A Bahraini court jailed six Shiite Muslim protesters for 10 years on Tuesday after convicting them of attempted murder of police in the Sunni-ruled kingdom, a judicial source said. A Shiite-led uprising demanding a constitutional monarchy erupted in Bahrain in February 2011, and sporadic protests have continued since. The six were convicted of trying to kill police ofcers by throwing Molotov cocktails, of burning a police vehicle and taking part in an unauthorised protest, the judicial source said. Read More tear-gas projectiles, 90,000 tear-gas grenades and other equipment.

Rights Group Warns Against Bahrains Use of Tear Gas Against Protesters
A human rights group said Tuesday that Bahrain, which has been criticized for cracking down on opposition protesters, might misuse more than a million canisters of tear gas that the government is reportedly trying to buy.

The group, Human Rights Watch, said that Bahraini security forces had repeatedly used tear gas disproportionately and sometimes unlawfully in suppressing antigovernment demonstrations since 2011, when protests against Bahrains monarchy erupted as part of the wave of uprisings sweeping the Middle East. Read More

Concern over Bahrain 'tear-gas tender'

Human rights groups have expressed concern over an apparent request by the Bahraini government for large quantities of tear gas. They say a leaked document shows a Ministry of Interior tender for 1.6m

Campaigners have accused the Bahraini authorities of using tear gas as a weapon against opposition protesters. The Gulf kingdom has been rocked by unrest since February 2011. Read More

#StopTheShipment: Bahrain's Leaked Teargas Tender Triggers Global Campaign

A document leaked to UKbased advocacy group Bahrain Watch has revealed that the Gulf kingdom is seeking large quantities of teargas as it continues to ght the prodemocracy uprising that started in 2011.

The tender document shows that Bahrain's Ministry of the Interior requested a shipment for the provision of 1.6m teargas projectiles, 90,000 teargas grenades and 145,000 stun grenades, As John Lubbock remarked on a Vice article, that would leave the tiny island state with more of the weapons than its 1.3 million citizens. Read More

East's most autocratic nations.

After a year or so of beating everyone at the internet, South Korea has decided to impart a different kind of cultural impact on the rest of the world: supplying instruments of repression to Bahrain, one of the Middle

The country's Arab Spring uprising has continued since February 2011, and the main players seem to have all but given up on trying to nd a solution. Instead of dealing with the protesters' demands for reform and improved social justice, the government live ammunition and rubber bullets at them during previously peaceful protests. Read More

Bahrain sentences six protesters to 10year jail terms

A Bahraini court jailed six protest activists for 10 years on Tuesday after convicting them of attempted murder of police in the US and Saudibacked Gulf kingdom, a judicial source said.

A popular anti-government uprising demanding a democratic reforms erupted in Bahrain in February 2011, and sporadic protests have continued since. The six were convicted of trying to kill police ofcers by throwing Molotov cocktails, of burning a police vehicle and taking part in an unauthorized protest, the judicial source said. Read More

witnesses said it was caused by a bomb.

One killed in Bahrain explosion - Interior Ministry

An explosion shook a village in Bahrain late on Tuesday and one person was killed, police and witnesses said. The cause of the explosion in the village of Bani Jamra, west of the capital Manama, was not immediately clear. Some

The Interior Ministry said police received a call from a person reporting the blast and were told one person was dead at the scene. "Police deployed to the area and dealt with a suspicious object," the ministry said on its Twitter account without elaborating. Read More

U.S. Should Monitor, Publicly Assess Bahrain Prosecution of Khalil Al Marzooq

Human Rights First today called on the United States Embassy in Bahrain to send ofcial observers to the trial of detained prominent Bahraini opposition leader Khalil Al Marzooq, whose trial is due to open on Thursday,

October 24. The organization also urged the U.S. State Department to assess whether the trial meets international fair trial standards and to make its ndings public. Al Marzooq is a senior member of the Al Wefaq political group. He was arrested last month on charges of inciting and advocating terrorism after a public speech he gave in Manama on September 6, 2013. Read More

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