Bahrain Media Roundup: Read More

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21st October 2013


from seven to three years, a judicial source said.

Bahrain cuts jail term for policeman who killed protester

A Bahraini court Monday cut a jail term handed to a policeman for killing a protester during a Shiite Muslim-led uprising in 2011

The policeman, who appeared in court, had been convicted of shooting dead protester Ali Musheime in February 2011 with birdshot, but the court said Monday that the killing was not premeditated murder. Read More in May, but he was found dead Friday morning. His death and the mysterious circumstances surrounding it has angered many here. Authorities say Habib was dead when he arrived at the hospital, but others speculate that he may have been killed in crossre with police. Read More

Bahrain boosts supplies of tear gas as instability continues

Bahrain is seeking large quantities of tear gas as it attempts to subdue daily confrontations between riot police and youths that have endangered stability since 2011.

The interior ministry in June sought bids for the provision of 1.6m tear gas projectiles, 90,000 tear gas grenades and 145,000 stun grenades, according to a tender document leaked to advocacy group Bahrain Watch. The US barred exports of tear gas to Bahrain in 2012 because of human rights concerns and rights groups have urged Washington to speak out against the tender. Read More democracy uprisingin the Gulf kingdom. He escaped from prison on May 19.

Clashes in Bahrain following burial of young fugitive

Dozens of protesters take to the streets in Bahrain, following the burial of a twenty-year-old fugitive. Hussain Mehdi Habib escaped a detention center

Death of Bahraini pro-democracy fugitive sparks grief, anger

A politically-charged funeral was held Sunday for a Bahraini man who was found shot dead while he was on the run from prison. Hussain Mahdi Habib, 20, received a 15-year sentence in absentia for his participation in the pro-

and a human rights group said.

Leading activist: Bahraini lives "cheaper than car tires"

An appellate court on Monday reduced to three years the prison sentence of a police ofcer convicted of killing the rst martyr of Bahrain's 2011 antigovernment uprising, as three activists were handed ve-year jail terms for burning tires at an "illegal gathering," judicial sources

A Bahraini court originally sentenced the unnamed police ofcer in January to seven years in jail for fatally shooting 21-year-old Ali Musheime in the back on February 14, 2011 in the village of al-Daih during a "day of rage" rally which ignited a massive, prodemocracy rebellion against the Gulf island's western-backed ruling family. Read More

Mahdi's body was found on al-Malikiyah beach, west of Manama, early Saturday, according to a Ministry of Interior statement. The statement said that ve suspects had been arrested in connection with the death. Witnesses said that he had been shot by a bullet and stabbed several times, according to local media. Read More Hussain Mehdi Habib from Sitra had escaped from a detention center in May, but was found dead on Friday morning at Al Malkiya beach, south west of Manama. Authorities say the victim was already dead when he arrived at hospital, and investigations identied him as an escaped prisoner who had previously been convicted in criminal cases. Read More

Anti-Government Protestors Clash with Police in Sitra, After Burial of Fugitive

Dozens of anti-government protesters took to the streets of Bahrain's Sitra on Sunday, following the burial of a 20-year-old fugitive.

Anti-Government Protestors Clash with Police in Sitra, After Burial of Fugitive

The International Committee of the Red Cross said Monday it was organizing a seminar in Bahrain to address the challenges of healthcare in places of detention. The ICRC said it was organizing the three-day seminar in Bahrain. The

organization said there were more than 40 healthcare professionals and prisoner managers on hand Monday for the event. "The seminar will provide a forum for participants to share their experiences of the challenges surrounding health care in places of detention, and some of the programs developed in response," Gerard Peytrignet, head of the ICRC's regional delegation in Kuwait, said in a statement. Read More

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