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{Ritual overview}: This is a death/destruction ritual.

After invoking the Four Crowned Princes of Hell, you should read a prayer that you have written by yourself in your own words asking for the destruction of your enemy. Work on only one enemy at a time, unless you have a specific agreement with a Demon/ess in exchange for services you both agree upon. Attempting to punish more than one enemy at a time will only weaken your energies, as they will be dispersed. Energy should be directed like a laser to do its job. Included in the prayer should be the name of the offending one, the severity of the punishment you wish to see inflicted, and how they offended you and your feelings about being victimized. It also helps to have either a small personal possession of the offender's or a photo of them, but is not necessary. Either read the prayer aloud or silently to yourself, then push the tip of your sword/athame through the paper and light it with the flame of the white candle and place it in the burning bowl. This ritual is best done while the offender is sleeping around 3am. Visualize the offender clearly and inflict all of the mutilation, injury, and pain you can imagine upon them. Beat them, stab them, torture them, rip them appart, and torment them. You can repeatedly recite their name over and over again in your mind. Release all of your hatred and anger in any way you wish. Just do it in your mind. Some people hate someone so hard they cry~this is fine, this is a cathartic and a very intensely emotional release. You must continue on and on until you are literally exhausted, and by the end of this ritual you Will feel drained I assure you. The most important thing here is to stay focused. You should also feel very justified. Any lapse in concentration or feelings that creep in where you feel you are not 100% in the right and completely may not only destroy a destruction ritual, but can be dangerous. {The Seeding Ritual} Items: * Bathe in a sea salt bath before ritual this gets rid of any residual energy and starts you off with a clean slate it also shows respect for Satan but for the demon{s} you will be invoking as well, now put on your clean black cloak and your inverted pentagram necklace. *Facing west, light all black candles and one white candle on the right. *Have your ritual area prepared in advance to start. *Silver Chalice, and red wine preferably~but you may choose any elixir of your choosing. *Sword/athame. *{Incense}: 3 tblsp dragons blood powder, 1 tblsp powdered human bone,1 tblsp mandrake root. *Now use a mortar and pestal and grind and incorporate all of the ingredients up until it has becomes a powder form, now you will be using *{charcoal tablets in an incense burner}; then after its all incorporated add 3 drops of your blood to it, then lite it and allow the chamber room to saturate with the now mixed incense, allow to fill the room for 10 minutes before conducting the ritual you may want to prepaid this in advance.

*Now you will start off with Invoking the four crown princes of Hell. *Begin now by ringing the bell 9 times, turning counter clockwise and starting off with the {West} *Leviathan from the west. *Satan from the south. *Belial from the North. *Lucifer from the East. {And repeat till you've come face to {west} on the 9th time remembering to hover the vibration of the bell gently resonating over the alter on the 9th ring, this is done to clense the ritual area, and to open the ritual}

*{Now recite the Invocation to Satan~or if you have written your own Invocation recite now} {In Nomine Dei Nostri Satanas Luciferi Excelsi} *In the name of Satan, Ruler of the earth, King of Hell, True God Almighty and Ineffable, Satan God of this world, God who invites Us to become as Gods. Satan mighty liberator, Lord of Darkness. Satan who hast created us to reflect in thine own image and likeness. I invite the forces of darkness to bestow their infernal power upon me. Open the gates of Hell to come fourth and greet me as your Sister/Brother. Hail Satan and the Infernal legions of Hell deliver me O mighty Satan from all past error and delusion, fill me with the truth, wisdom and understanding, keep me strong in my faith and service, that I may abide always in thee Satan with praise, honor and glory be given thee forever and ever. It is time Lord Satan. In your hands thy will and that I call upon you to permit my will to be done. From the black earth I open the Gates of Hell, herein infernally bless me in kind and extinguish my doubts while freeing my human bond. Thank you, Satan, for the bounty I'm about to receive and those things soon to witness in your name. Allow your servant Azazel to manifest in this Inner Sanctum. Possess my body and my will be done. *Now drink from your silver chalice and now recite the following verse to Satan: {With pride in my heart as a true Satanist and dignity in my infernal soul, I humbly and respectfully have this drink, In your name Satan and in the honor of your demons. {Hail Satan} *{This is the height of your ritual now, and where you'll read your parchment that you have written out. When you are finished reading your parchment thrust it upon your sword/athame and set it a flame over the white candle and place it after in your burn bowl} *Now, recite: Behold! The mighty voices of my vengeance smash the stillness of the air and stand as monoliths of wrath upon a plain of writhing serpents. It repenteth me not that my summons doth ride upon the blasting winds which multiply the string of my bitterness; And great black slimy shapes shall rise from brackish pits and vomit forth their pustulence into his {her} puny brain. I call upon the messengers of doom to slash with grim delight this victim I hath chosen. Oh come forth in the name of Abaddon and destroy him {her} whose name I giveth as a sign. Oh great brothers of the night, thou who makest my place of comfort, who rideth out upon the hot winds of Hell, who dwelleth within Satan infernal flame; Move and appear! Present yourselves to him {her} who sustaineth the rottenness of the mind that moves the gibbering mouth that mocks the just and strong! *{Note}: As the ceremony is opened, you should pay close attention to vibrations, sounds, temperature changes, etc. Some demons manifest as slight changes in ambient lighting produced by candlelight. Others will bring an uneasy {Chill} to the otherwise temperate conditions of the sanctum. I have personally experienced the movement of small objects caused by a quick puff of air from an undetermined direction as well as feeling Ice cold when merging energies with a demon; It has been my experience that shortly after the abnormality mentioned above, the being appears; void of form. The center of the energy mass usually vivid and discernible from others if multiple demons appear simultaneously. This is often the precursor of a full visual manifestation} *{I ask you to open your mind and reach a new awareness but you must always be respectful and ask first before continuing, if not the consequences could be dangerous one must always feel empowered and Strong} *{Invocation to Azazel}: Mighty One, Azaz-El, I evoke thee now, by name, sigil and deed, and by the ancient words known to I invoke thee O Lord of the Seirim, The majestic goat legged demons of the desert. Let your essence manifest in this temple I have prepared. Lend me your divine wisdom that I may gain power over mine enemy on this night, Come forth! Azazil.

Welcome and Hail, O Mighty Lord of Hell from the smoke of the pit of the Abyss, to this temple I now dedicate unto you. A vessel for your power, terror and glory! It is you, who first sought to teach man, To guide man, To set man upon the path of your Infernal wisdom. It is you who risked the wrath of the fearsome Jehovah To be with us, to run with us, To rise with us into the eternal glory. I ask that the powers of the Infernal Kingdom be bestowed upon me!" It is you who are exalted as his Master Satan, Adversary of the lies of the Heavens. To you we give praise, O mighty Azazel, For the gifts you have bestowed upon us, Your children, your followers. Your name shall be spoken with fear By the enemies, And with love by us your children, Always. Pierce his {her} lungs with the stings of scorpions. Oh Azazel! Plunge his {her} substance into the dismal void, Oh mighty Azezel! I thrust aloft the black barb of Hell and on its tines resplendently impaled my sacrifice through vengeance rests! * Now recite: ZAZAS ZAZAS NASTANADA ZAZAS LORD OF THE GRIGORI PROGENETOR OF THE INFERNALLY BLESSED AND THE WISE I CALL THEE BY THY NAME AND SIGN OF THY NAME SAMJAZA-AZAZEL! I gladly give to your will, Within this body, this temple, this Inner Sanctum which I have prepared for you and the Crown Princes of Hell. Come forth, Azazel, and manifest thyself. An offering of flesh I gladly give, An implement of servitude I deliver, My Infernal order to you dedicate! *{make the sigil of Samjaza Azezel~Sigil below} On the west part of the altar place your guardian Demons sigil and on the right the sigil of Lord Azazel. I CALL THEE BY THY WORD AND SIGN OF THY WORD AUM-KUZRA. I CALL THEE BY THE COVENANT THAT THOU HAST FORMED WITH MAN PNEUMA TOU OURANOU THUMETHERE!PNEUMA TES CTHONOS THUMETHATE! THEE, WHO TEACHES THE ARTS OF SORCERY AND CUNNING, THEE, THEE I INVOKE THEE, WHO HAS POWER OVER THE SEVEN RAYS AND SEVEN SPHERES, THEE, THEE I EVOKE THEE, WHO LED THE GRIGORI TO EARTH AND SHARED THE WISDOM OF THE WATCHERS, COME, AND BRING YOUR WRATH AND HEAR ME, AVENGE ME AND BRING THE FATAL DEMISE TO MINE ENEMY. {Recite The Twelfth Enochian Key is used to vent one's displeasure towards man's need for misery, and bring forth torment and conflict to the harbingers of woe} * Nonci ds sonf madriax od chis d, hvbaio tibibp Allar atraah od trian Ta lolcis abai Fafen de iad! Ar Satan ovof; soba dooain Aai i vonph! Zacare ca od zamran! Odo cicle qaa! Zorge! Zir noco! Hoath Satan Bvfd lonsh londoh babage. {The Fourteenth Enocian Key is a call for vengeance and the manifestation of justice} *Nonuci dasonuf Babaje od cahisa ob hubaio tibibipe? alalare ataraahe od ef! Darix fafenu mianu ar Enayo ovof! Soba dooainu aai i VONUPEHE. Zodacare, gohusa, od Zodameranu. Odo cicale Qaa! Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe Saitan. {The Eighteenth Enochian Key opens the gates of Hell and casts up Satan and his infernal blessing} *Ilasa micalazoda olapireta ialpereji beliore: das odo Busadire Oiad ouoaresa caosago: casaremeji Laiada eranu berinutasa cafafame das ivemeda aqoso adoho Moz, od maoffasa. Bolape como belioreta pamebeta. Zodacare od Zodameranu! Odo cicale Qaa. Zodoreje, lape zodiredo Noco Mada, hoathahe Saitan.

*Now feel the presence of their infernal energy that has now risen within the chamber room now, and the presence of Azazel and his energy {for all emotions are the echo of a desire}, the thing which sets the energy in motion...now is the time to communicate with Azazel and ask respectfully for his assistance to merge with his infernal energy and allow it to merge with yours in turn to go into a trance state, once he accepts...then lay down in front of your alter and focus on connecting his infernal energy with yours feel empowered by his presence and as you do this you will feel Azazel fuzing within you as you will now experience an ice cold feeling as he enters into you close your eyes and you will then begin to see with your eyes closed you will now enter into a trance like state it will appear as vortex, a porthole...now is when you may focus on your enemy and your intentions for them as you are transcended to the location of your enemy, when you arrive over them reach your hand out and grasp their very heart and implant a black seed, a seed of death and place it within infusing it with infernal energy and demonic intention. Now visualize what you want to take place, give it an intention whether it be tearing open there very soul and devouring their life's essence, rendering them weaker and weaker draining their vital files energy from their body mind and soul. Taking their very core and leaving them with nothing but a void of their former selves...and the seed that you have now planted within their heart and infernally infused with the empowerment of Azazel...left to blossom into there destruction, now visualize there energy now as you inhale and take their life force within yourself and transferring it to Azazel by giving him this as an offering....do not stop until it has all completely been taken from them, until you see there body surrounded by a thick black swirling infernal energy, this energy will reside with them until the seed has tindrilled out and taken complete hold of their entire self. Every day it will now drain and rott them from the inside out like a festering cancer. Once this step has been completed, most likely when I conducted this ritual I was slammed back in to my chamber room floor to me it was a startling experience, when I broke my trance I came to. Now you will find yourself still lying on the chamber room floor, slowly arise and gain momentum. Once you get up, you want to thank Azazel for allowing you to merge with him and accomplishing your will, upon your enemy. *Facing your alter now kneel and recite {Gratias ago vos Azazel O validus quod coniecto res , gratias ago vos pro largior, Esto nobiscum, Azazel, Ave Azazel! Satanistos arma, Azazel! Ave Azazel, Infantes suos complege, Satanas! Ave Satanas} *{Now closing the ritual} *{Ringing the bell again as in the beginning so shall it be at the end, at every cardinal point} Hail to the mighty Demon that I summoned. Hold forth your sword/athame. Turn to the West. Say: Thank you Leviathan, I now release you with Water. Turn to the West. Say: Thank you Belial, I now release you with Earth. Turn to the East. Say: Thank you Lucifer, I now release you with Air. Turn to the South. Say: Thank you your majesty Satan, I now release you with Fire. Praise and thanks to Azazel, Lord of Hell, in His name I now close this ritual here tonight. *{Note}~Allow the candles to burn out by themselves and all incense to remain until they too are completely spent. {Hail Diabolus verus deus illae terra quod hail suus coniecto everto of vorago} By my infernal will and the power of Satan and Azazel, so mote it be! *{Hail Satan} *{Hail Azazel}

{End of Ritual}

{Hail Satan} {Hail The Great Dragon} {Hail The Order of The Dragon} {De Ortu Populi Satanae} {Concordia Cum Veritate Capax Infiniti}

By: {Selene Flavius Nazgul}

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