Bible Study On Hell - Odt

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Bullet-point Bible Study on Hell From what I understand, the popular concept of hell is largely inaccurate and finds

its roots in ancient mythology. One reason for the inaccuracy is due to the belief that man has an eternal soul that leaves his body after death. Another reason for this inaccuracy is due to the distorted figure of God that people have. Above all, the main reason why many have a misconception of what hell is really like is because the Bible is not studied as it should be. 2 Peter 2:9 God has reserved a particular day to punish the unjust. This day is known as the day of judgment.

Matthew 13:38-40 Jesus equates tares to wicked people and labels them as children of the devil. He states that these children of the devil will be burned in fire at the end of the world. He also mentions that those who offend and do iniquity will also be burned in the fire. Thus, those who offend and do iniquity must be the children of the devil, else they would not be burned. They can also be categorized as the unjust.

Matthew 13:42 People will weep in the lake of fire People will gnash their teeth in the lake of fire. John 12:48 Those who reject Jesus and what He taught are judged by Jesus' words in the last day. John 5:28-29 We should not be surprised about the following information. There are both good and evil people in the graves. Both of the good and evil people will come out of the graves in response to Jesus' voice. A time will come for the good people to come forth from the grave. That time is called the resurrection of life. A time will come for the evil people to come forth from the grave. This time is called the resurrection of damnation. The timing of these resurrections are not concurrent, but different. Job 21:30-32 The wicked is reserved to the day of destruction. A day is coming for him to be destroyed. He is not being destroyed right now. So where is he? He is in the grave as verse 32 indicates. Romans 6:23 Those who sin are worthy of death, but there is a way to obtain eternal life. James 1:15

When sin has wrought its course in a person's life, the result is death.

John 3:16 Any person can obtain the privilege to live forever. This includes people who have sinned. This can be done if they believe in Jesus Christ. Who will go to the lake of fire? Revelation 21:8 Here is a description of those in the lake that burns with fire and brimstone. There is also a description of the lake itself. Jesus said that the children of the devil, or people who offend or do iniquity, will be thrown into the furnace of fire. Remember that this has to take place at a particular day. Since this is so, the furnace of fire and the lake of fire are synonymous and occur at one specified date in the future. Based on John 3:16, doesn't it make sense that unbelievers will be in this lake of fire? The punishment that takes place in the lake of fire at the specified time is called the second death. Is man immortal? 1 Timothy 6:14-16 Jesus is known as the only Potentate He is known as the King of kings He is known as the Lord of Lords He is the only one who currently has immortality. Therefore, man's soul is not immortal. Who came up with the idea that man can still live for eternity even though he sins? Genesis 3:3-5 Satan is the one who tempted the woman to sin. He promoted the lie that the woman can sin and avoid death. Thus, he is the one who is responsible for the idea that man can sin and still live for eternity. So what will happen to the wicked in the day of judgment? Will he burn forever? Psalm 37:10 It will seem like a little while before the wicked are destroyed People will wonder where the wicked will be. The wicked will perish. They will be gone. They will no longer be visible to inquiring ones. Psalm 37:20 Both the wicked and the enemies of the Lord will perish. They will both cease to exist. The way that they are destroyed is comparable to the way the fat of the sacrificial animal was consumed on the altar. The fat did not remain. The fat was not eternal.

Psalm 37:38 The transgressors shall be destroyed. If something is destroyed by fire, it no longer exists. Psalm 21:9 The enemies of the Lord will be devoured by fire. When you devour your food, it does not remain in your system forever. Proverbs 11:31 The righteous will be recompensed. The wicked will be recompensed. The earth will be the location where the wicked are recompensed. The earth will be the location where the righteous are recompensed. Revelation 20:5, 9-10 There rest of the dead will live after the 1000 year reign. That time must be the resurrection of damnation of which Jesus spoke. There is a time after the 1000 year reign in heaven where Satan will be active. Satan's angels will be with him. They will be on earth. During this time on earth, the enemies of God will surround the beloved city. Then, the fire will come down and consume the enemies of God. God is the One responsible for the fire, not Satan. The fire comes down from the sky. Does not the words for ever and ever indicate that the wicked will burn for eternity? Jonah 1:17 says that Jonah was in the belly of the fish for three days and three nights. Jonah 2:6 says that Jonah was in the belly of this sea creature for ever. 1 Samuel 1:22 says that Samuel would abide at the temple for ever. 1 Samuel 1:28 says that Samuel would be lent to the Lord as long as he lives. 1 Samuel 25:1 says that Samuel died. Therefore, the term for ever is an expression that is used in the Bible to indicate a length of time that is unspecified. This time does have a beginning and an ending. So it is with all the enemies of the Lord that will burn for ever and ever. They will burn for some specified amount of time, but that time will come to an end. 2 Peter 3:10 The fire from God will be hot enough to melt the elements. The fire will be hot enough to burn up the earth and the things in the earth. This day will come as a thief, that is, unexpectedly for many people. The event in which the burning takes place is also known as the day of the Lord. This event will be noisy, not quiet or in secret.

XII. Determining the Punishment Revelation 22:12 Jesus is coming quickly. Jesus will give rewards on the basis of a man's work. Matthew 16:27 The rewards will be given after Jesus comes in the glory of His Father Jesus' angels will accompany Him. Luke 12:47 There will be servants who knew God's will. Servants who know God's will but do not prepare themselves will be greatly punished. Servants who know God's will but do not carry out God's will shall be greatly punished. Luke 12:48 There will be those who did not know God's will. They will be punished less severely than the ones who knew God's will but remained inactive. God is expecting much of those who have been given much. Therefore, God expects much of His people. Conclusion: God will reward people based upon their works. He will punish His professed servants based upon what they failed to do with the truth they had. The punishment will take place after Jesus returns the second time. XIX. Isaiah 47:14 Astrologers will be as stubble. They will be burned by the fire. Man cannot save himself from this fire. The fire will eventually go out since there will be no fire to sit before. Revelation 21:1 The first earth and heaven pass away A new heaven and a new earth take its place. Revelation 21:4 In this new earth, there will be no more pain. Therefore, the fire cannot be eternal. The new earth will have no more crying. This means that there will be no more individuals who wail in the fire.

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