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The legend of lagdao

By: Lance Gabriel B. Bautista

A long time ago, humans lived freely, no hatred, no hunger for cannibalism, and most of all no intentions for death. But one day, while the Chieftain was having a stroll in the woods, a bear spoke to him. It told him about a river, a refreshing river. Once you drink from it you will turn invincible and powerful. But, what he doesnt know is that the bear was actually Siyeng (the king of the monsters) luring him to be a royal demon, and the river is a contagious river that makes you hungry for power and turns you into a demon after 3 hours. But fate wasn t able to change itself. He lost consciousness and bled in the middle of the darkest forest in the land of Kaney (Earth). In the underworld, Amawan (the prince of the monsters) smelled blood, so he sent his trusty Shadow Vulture. Shadow Vulture has a strong sense of smell when it comes to blood. Its eyesight turns blood red when it approaches its target. Then, a big shadow covers the trees. The Chieftains body was now infected with demon souls and monster blood. Thus, he now became the God of Darkness. Very powerful, hungry for blood and revenge, he now hunts at night and turns unlucky humans into monsters. The horde of MONSTERS has just increased by a few hundreds. But, a hero arises, his name is Lagdao, he is the guardian of the Metal Cross, a weapon passed down by generations of heroes who dedicated their life to protecting the Metal Cross. But, he has yet to be proven worthy of the Metal Cross. While doing it, he sees a beautiful young lady named Duway. Now, Duway is actually the princess of the fairy guardian kingdom, and her main mission as royalty is to help the guardian find all of the holy weapons. Our hero Lagdao is now being taught by Duway on how to use swords in melee combat and he turned out to be a natural in sword fighting. He decided to go on a quest to find the first holy weapon, The Twin Blades, so he went to the cave of courage and climbed it. He went to a part in the cave seemingly impossible to be visited by man, and at the top he had found the Twin Blades! Now, he only has to find 3 more weapons. When he was about to descend the cave, he spotted a group of monsters searching for someone. He knew it was him, so he immediately hid behind some bushes. He waited for the right time until he lounged at one of the monsters and snapped its neck. Then, he wielded the Twin Blades and stabbed the monsters in their weak spot, the back of the neck, and burned their bodies so their fellowmen wont find out. On his way home, he saw his wife Nuk-ay and copulated with her repopulate his race of Guardians. At that same night, it was a full moon and he found out that he can see at night very clearly if its a full moon, he also remembered that only royal monsters can do that. So he killed himself to prevent trouble among his loved ones. His son, Cirilo is now in his twenties and found out about his fate. He now takes over his fathers responsibilities as a Guardian.


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