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To introduce course instructor(s) and participants To introduce the course goals, concept, contents and structure.

Module N 1 SMS Course Introduction

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Course Instructors
Mr. Faisal Safdar Khan (Safety Manager) Mrs. Saiqa Khalid Course Coordinator (SQMS Inspector)

SMS course introduction

Part I Presentation of course instructors and participants

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course Module N 1 SMS course introduction

Introduction of participants
The 5 Ws Who are you ? What is your preferred name in class? Where do you work? What is your job title, and What are your main responsibilities? Why are you attending this course? Please define your expectations
Module N 1 Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

SMS course introduction

Part II Course goals, concept, contents and structure

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Course goals
The goals of the Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course are to: provide participants knowledge of safety management concepts and ICAO Standards and Recommended Practices (SARPs) on safety management in Annexes1, 6, 8, 11, 13 and 14, and related guidance material; and

Course contents
Module 1 Module 2 Module 3 Module 4 Module 5 Module 6 Module 7 SMS course introduction Basic safety concepts Introduction to safety management Hazards Risks SMS regulation Introduction to SMS

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course Module N 1 SMS course introduction

Course structure

Safety Management System

Module 10 Phased approach to SSP and SMS Implementation Module 9 SMS operation

Module 8 SMS planning

Module 5 Risks Module 1 SMS course introduction

Module N 1

Module 6 SMS regulation Module 2 Basic safety concepts

Module 7 Introduction to SMS

SMS course introduction

Part III Administrative information

Module 3 Introduction to safety management

Module 4 Hazards
Module N 1 Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course





No smoking

SMS course introduction

Part IV Evaluation procedures

Data forms
Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Module N 1 Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course Module N 1 SMS course introduction

Evaluation procedures
1. Overall course evaluation 2. Evaluation of participants performance

1. Overall course evaluation

A form for course evaluation will be provided the last day of the course. You will be asked to complete this form to provide PCAA feedback on: The course activities The instructors Ways and means to improve the training.

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

2. Evaluation of participants performance

Daily progress evaluation A final evaluation test of one hour duration will be administered on the last day of the course. The evaluation test includes twenty (20) questions of multiple choice answers. Minimum pass mark: 70%

2. Evaluation of participants performance

Objectives of the final evaluation: verify that participants have understood the basic concepts of Safety Management System

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

Module N 1

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course Module N 1 SMS course introduction

Module N 1 SMS course introduction

Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course

ICAO Safety Management Systems (SMS) Course Module N 1 SMS course introduction

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