World Island, A Global Commons

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The World Development Endowment Foundation


Visions for


Where the world comes to experience the world


A vision for present and future generations

A New Dawn
View this vision through the eyes of your childrens children.


The Power of the Purpose The Clarity of the Cause The Signicance of the People Creates Opportunity.


The World Development Endowment Foundation is a philanthropic organization created to develop, implement, and manage humanitarian projects that enhance the quality of life in communities around the world.

A Permanent Worlds Fair

Creating a World Thats Permanently Fair

Celebrate and Appreciate Life A 2020 Vision

An invitation to a higher reality Deepak Chopra

The Global Commons

World Island will be a place where the worlds peoples meet face-to-face to exchange ideas and ideals and to live and work creatively together for their mutual growth.

$7 Trillion Annually
Annual Visitors 40 M 35 M 41 M 30 M 29 M 14.0 M 12.7 M Destination World Island (projected) Mall of America New York City Las Vegas Disneyworld Golden Gate Park Disneyland

World Island: The Global Commons

Common Ground: Villages of the World

Neil Tetkowski

Living the World Calendar

Every Day is a Celebration

Center for Global Governance

Four Pillars of a Community: Commerce Culture Education Spirituality

Com mer ce

World Island

One World Center

World Island

One World Center

World Island

One World Center

One World Center

A True World Trade Center

A revolutionary one-stop shop for the worlds resources An equal opportunity opportunity for everyone Decision-makers from every country create region-wide business opportunities

One World Conference Center

Unparalleled capacity to host world-scale events: Provides an enormous base revenue. The 1,500,000 square feet of conference space accommodates over 30,000 occupants. Built to the highest level of security throughout.

Anchor Tenants
by Invitation
Associations Chambers of commerce Corporate foundations EDCs Education Global consulting rms Global foundations Government trade ofces Green investors Import/export companies Intl nance & banks International law rms NGOs Non-prot organizations Port authorities Public relations rms Research organizations Technology companies Tourism & hospitality orgs Trade associations Transportation companies Unions United Nations afliation

Targeted Tenant Mix

Philanthropic organizations, International associations, NGOs, etc. Cities & Municipalities

Professional and Support Services

Blue Chip Corporate (Philanthropic Arm)

Anchor Tenant Benets

A Global Cooperative: Brings Emerging Countries to the Trading Table A Global Monitoring Cooperative Knowledge Management Systems Networking Environment Global Employment Facilitators & Expertise Education and Mentoring Unique Barter Opportunities

The Worlds Department Store Creating Philanthropic Brand Names

Retail is interactive theatre An extraordinary educational opportunity World Island prots will be used for humanitarian purposes

World of Hospitality
@Home Hotel Diplomat Youth Hostel Universe City Hotel Conference Center Hotel Entertainment Hotel The Well (World Spa)

Welcome Home

the worlds home 24/7

One of many @Home Amenities

First Place Award 6th International Green Design Resource Awards Charcoal Hanger
is molded from waste piece of wood, is carbonized in a furnace, and has anti-odor effect.

World Food Festival

Sun Restaurant Country Fare The Orchid Room World Grocery Store Sea the World World Soup Kettle Cabaret Diner Night: the club

Country Fare
An International Language

Visit other countries and their cultures for the evening Exquisite cuisine, cultural performances and distinctive interior design

Sea the World

Honors the waterways of the world Magnicent atrium rotunda Sensation of dining in the middle of the ocean Fresh seafood delicacies Leading specialty chefs Sponsored by the Dolphins Club Percentage of proceeds to clean, safe water projects

The Sun
Always Open
A highlight of the food festival extravaganza Three-level Sun Restaurant Sun-sphere atop the rotating observation deck Observe the entire skyline

Second Level: The Sky Restaurant

The Well

A spa for mind body and spirit

Be Well
Wellness is our Birthright

a sanctuary and oasis from suits to sweats a relaxing transition bath house traditions from around the world

Cu lture



sing create





dance edit design








the Sensorium



hear think touch




mystery taste breath








the sensory components of the brain and nervous system that deal with the receiving and interpreting of external stimuli

Open the Doors to Culture

Open Doors of the World

Culture, Art & Entertainment

Harmony Hall Around the World Theaters Dance Around the World Really Off Broadway Wonderment Park The World Pond Imax Tower

Harmony Hall
A World Music Center
Interactive multimedia archive of world music & dance Experience the worlds history in music Workshops and classes Institute for music, mind, & body Jam Central


A Spiritual Journey

Entering the Glass Garden

The Moment Glass

A moment in time: 31,526,000 seconds in a year

The Glass Goblet

To Celebrate Life


The Lighthouse: Light is the Absence of Darkness


Cascades at the Compass

The Educational Campus

Life-long learning
Global University System (GUS) Sustainable Living Institute World Wellness & Life Science Center International Institute of Peace through Tourism Educational Retreats

Pax Pavilion

Caravan Communication Center

Operation Center at World Cultural Institute

distance learning will bring us closer together

Pax Planetarium
Eco Center One
Earth systems management center:
Real-time view of the earth on a 100 foot globe Learn where and how your world neighbors live View the earth as a whole living system


by Lorenzo Quinn

The World Cultural Institute

experience discovery

World Cultural Exchange Program:

A world-wide network of campus communities where the many peoples of the world can learn together and exchange ideas and ideals.

Wonderment Park

Acres of Inspiration A new playground for young minds and bodies to wander through.

The Peak: Health and Sports Facilities

Sportsmanship in all elds

The Worlds Finest

Architects Engineers Urban Planners Interior Designers Environmental Engineers Landscape Architects

Architectural Icons
Buildings are not discrete objects. They are building blocks of a democratic society. Without the spirit of service, architecture can be a highly destructive force. Herbert Muschamp

Green Design
Solar, wind & wave energy Model of sustainable design A LEED Platinum rating Environmental education Technology showcase Horticultural exhibits

Wisdom Keepers, Wisdom Seekers

A new international city

within the host country
Inspirall: A city to build the city, 150,000 employees from around the world.


Inspirall: Vision Builders

World Island Design Criteria
International design and construction collaboratory Respect for the worlds cultures Ageless architecture that defies time Always ready to reinvent itself A place that is one with nature Project development that creates a holistic environment A messenger, with structures that speak

Wood Glass Stone Metal Water Earth Air Light Color

Core Residents Benets

A Community for Global Citizens: a stimulating quality of life like-minded playmates a healthy and invigorating environment an environment of sharing and involvement

Core Residents Mix

Culture Commerce



Core Residential Communities

by Invitation
Educators Business Public Servants Culture and the Arts Recreation/Sports Wellness Professional Services Hospitality Tourism Spiritual Wisdom Keepers Wisdom Seekers Ageless living and learning, a place to recycle our most precious resources: wisdom, knowledge, and experience.

The Pax Pavilion

The Global Commons

The Pax Pavilion

The Global Commons

The Pax Pavilion

The Global Commons

World Island

A World Resource Center and Residential Resort Community

World Island, a New Dawn

A World Resource Center and Residential Resort Community

Representing all the people of the World

Designs by Jacque Fresco. Models, Rendering, and Photos by Jacque Fresco & Roxanne Meadows

The Global Commons

A World Renaissance
Never doubt that a small group of thoughtful committed citizens can change the world; indeed it is the only thing that ever has.
Margaret Mead

WDEF Philosophy
Genuine peace must be the product of many nations, the sum of many acts. It must be dynamic, not static, changing to meet the challenge of each new generation. For peace is a process a way of solving problems.
-- John F. Kennedy

Global Governance
W orld Develop ment Endowment Foundation Board of Trustees

W orld Island Inc.

Board of 7 C ontinents with 42 memb ers 7 Memb ers each North America South America Africa Europ e Asia Australia & Oceania Antarctica

Glob al Guidance Boards with 224 memb ers 32 Boards 7 memb ers each

Glob al Youth Parliament 448 memb ers

The Banner of Peace Through Culture

Dating from antiquity, the sign of the triad is found all over the world as a heroic symbol of past, present and future or as religion, science and art enclosed in the ring of eternity.

Continuing the Legacy of Cultural Leadership

What is the meaning of culture?
The word culture is derived from cult and ur. Cult means cultivation. Ur is an ancient Chaldean term meaning light the creative aspect of the universe. Hence, culture is literally the cultivation of creativity. There is nothing higher than creativeness, and there is no greater joy. Therefore create and rejoice! Be daring in creative ight. Create courageously! Let thought undistorted and unrestricted be impressed in your being. Let it be free from the shadow of the censors scalpel. Be true to yourself because there is nothing higher than creativeness.

Experience Discovery


All we are is what we are to each other.

The future is not a result of choices among alternative paths offered by the present, but a place that is created, created in mind and will, created next in activity. The future is not some place we are going to, but one we are creating. The paths to it are not found but made, and the activity of making them change both the makers and the destination.
John Scharr

Thank you, With Appreciation

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