Government 3 1 Notes - The Constitution

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Unit 3 Section 1 Notes The US Constitution

1) What is a Preamble? Introduction to the constitution. Preamble to the US Constitution We the People of the United States, in Order to form a more perfect Union, establish Justice, insure domestic tranquility, provide for the common defense, promote the general Welfare, and secure the Blessings of Liberty to ourselves and our Posterity , do ordain and establish this Constitution for the United States of America.

2) Fill in the Chart Below Directions: For each phrase of the preamble give an example of how our government tries to reach that goal on the right side of the column . An example is given for Establish justice Phrase Establish justice Insure domestic tranquility Provide for the common defense Promote the general welfare Secure the Blessings of Liberty Example Create courts Keeping peace in our nation through laws. Military force used to protect the states. The Constitution safeguards the liberty of citizens

3) Go to the following webpage The US Constitution is made up of 7 Articles. Each articles describes how a different part of government is suppose to function. Fill in the chart below that sums up what each Article means. Use the website above to help you identify those important parts. US Constitution Article I Article II Article III Article IV Article V Article VI Article VII Summation Gives power to congress // Gives power to the president Gives powers to the supreme court Relations between States // States -> Government Amending the Constitution National Debts, Supremacy Highest Law Ratifying the Constitution

Extradite - Hand over (a person accused or convicted of a crime) to the jurisdiction of the foreign state in which the crime was committed. (Commits crime in Texas, but was from Missouri, sent back to Missouri for punishment.) Enumerated - Listed 4) Key Terms: Explain what each term below means with thorough detail Key Terms Elastic Clause Supremacy Clause Writ of Habeas Corpus Ex Post Facto Explanation Congress can create any law that is Necessary and Proper The US Constitution is the Supreme Law of the country. When youre charged with a crime, the government must tell you why they are charging you with that crime From after the action You cannot be charged with a crime, after-the-fact or after a law is written

Expressed Powers (aka Enumerated Powers) Privileges and Immunities (aka Comity Clause) Implied Powers Extradition Republic

Bill of Attainder

Assumed Powers that President, Congress, or the Supreme Court has, but are not explicitly stated in the Constitution. Prevents states from discriminating against people from other states. Powers authorized by the constitution which, while not stated, seem to be implied by powers expressly stated. The turning over of a criminal from one country to another. Also known as Representative Democracy The US is not a True Democracy or a Direct Democracy Instead of all citizens make all choices, we elect Representatives to make choices for us. Not allowed in the US Constitution Congress declaring you guilty of a crime without a trial.

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