5 2 Notes - Powers of The President and His Cabinet

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2 Notes The Powers of the Presidency 1) What are the expressed powers of the Presidency (Hippocampus Video on the Expressed Roles of the President) Commander-in-Chief Chief Executive Administrator and Crisis Manager Legislator Head of State 2) The implied powers of the Presidency have changed over time and change each time a new President is elected. Research the Limits of Presidential (also pay attention to the part in the video above where the President has to share power) Power and write a response with bullet points which state your opinions on how limited a Presidents power should be.

3) The President uses his cabinet members to enforce the laws Congress sends him. Fill in the Chart Below. Use this link: The Cabinet | White House Cabinet Position Secretary of State Name John Kerry Picture Very Short Job Description Foreign affairs adviser. Responsible for promoting economic prosperity and ensuring financial security. to advise the President in the carrying out of defense policy, to run the Defense Department, and to advise the President in the formation of defense policy Represent the United States in legal matters

Secretary of Treasury Jack Lew

Secretary of Defense

Chuck Hagel

Attorney General Secretary of Interior

Eric H. Holder, Jr. Sally Jewell

Secretary of Agriculture Secretary of Commerce

Thomas J. Vilsack

Penny Pritzker

Secretary of Labor

Thomas E. Perez

Secretary Health and Human Services

Kathleen Seblius

Secretary of Housing and Urban Development

Shaun L.S. Donovan

Secretary of Transportation

Anthony Foxx

Manage and protect public lands and natural resources. Promote job creation, economic growth, sustainable development and improved standards of living for all Americans Formulating policy concerning foreign and domestic industry and business affairs To enhance the health and wellbeing of Americans by providing for effective health and human services and by fostering sound, sustained advances in the sciences underlying medicine, public health, and social services. Supports home ownership, access to affordable housing free from discrimination, and community development Oversees a variety of offices within his department,

including ones for public affairs, civil rights and financial management. Secretary of Energy Ernest Moniz To advance energy technology and promote related innovation in the United States. Accountable for discussing strategic matters relating to education. Oversees the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs in its mission to provide health, education, disability, funerary, and financial benefits earned by veterans of the United States Armed Forces. Ensure a homeland that is safe, secure, and resilient against terrorism and other hazards.

Secretary of Education

Arne Duncan

Secretary of Veteran Affairs

Eric K. Shinseki

Secretary of Homeland Security

Rand Beers

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