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Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 1 Personal Reflection: Why I Chose This Figured World

The figured world I chose is running. Why you ask, because I have been in many different roles as an actor in this world. The role I played at first was a person with goals. I first began running my ninth grade year. The reason was strictly to get in shape and become a better overall athlete in high school. However, my tenth grade year I changed my role as an actor and became an alpha male when I took part in competitive running for the cross country team. Now I would have to say I am back to the role as a person with goals. However, I have different goals which include becoming less stressed, which is why I run now. Being able to take different roles as an actor made it possible to have an open mind of all the actors I observed in this community. This helped me better understand each person I saw. My observations did open my mind a little on the figured world of running. I realized that other figured worlds that were not my personal world still interacted with the running world. While observing I realized that there are so many types of actors that are a part of the running community that I didnt notice before. I thought I had a good idea of what the running figured world was like but, after observing I noticed I still had a lot to learn about this particular community. I learned that everyone has a reason for running so there is no reason to judge someone that doesnt look like they would belong. The Figured World of Running:

Figured World: Figured worlds are social and cultural groups around the world. Each group explains how the world works for that certain community. The world has its own rules and restrictions .For example, it would not be socially acceptable to just go a gym to talk and hang out with your friends in the running figured world.

Note: motivational pictures came from . These pictures give the readers a different perspective of how running can mean more to a certain group of actors than just strictly exercise The figured world I chose is running. There are many different places a person can choose to run. For my running community I chose three different places. The three atmospheres I chose are, a college gym (UNCC), a 24 hour gym (about a mile away from campus) , and the outdoors (mallard creek greenway). The rules and conventions might differ a little between the gym atmospheres and the outdoor atmosphere.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 2 For the gym atmospheres, I would expect running shorts, tennis shoes, and a tee-shirt for the clothing of the actors in the figured world. I would expect no individual music being played out loud in the gym. Either the actors are listening to the gyms music, or listening to music on head phones. No horse play between actors should be acceptable in the gyms. However, I expect there to be small group of conversations all around the gym, when actors are taking breaks. There should be a receptionist and gym workers all though out the gym to help and monitor whats going on. Lastly, I except there to be many actors at one time in the gyms running on the indoor track or treadmills. For the outdoor atmosphere, I would consider the rules and conventions to be a little different. First of all, less clothing would be acceptable in this atmosphere. By saying this I mean, men running shirtless and women running in sport-bras and tank tops. The reason this type of clothing would be acceptable is because there is not a dress code for the outdoors. Also, it is much hotter outdoors than it is in a gym. Runners will be running with headphones or just listening to whats going on around them. The outdoors atmosphere will also have a lot of different activities going on. The reason is because runners are not the only types of figured worlds that use this atmosphere. However, I do not think loud music that everyone can hear is acceptable because some actors like to run outdoors because it is supposed to be peaceful. Actors from the running figured world and other figured worlds need to be respectful to each other. Lastly, there will not be anyone to monitor whats going on outdoors. Therefore, I except there to be less rules and more horse play going on outdoors between runners. Description of the Location of Observation One: (Greenway) The Mallard Creek Greenway is located in the University area. The greenway runs along the side and though the campus. The trail spreads over seven miles. The atmosphere is for runners, bikers, walkers, and so much more. There is a recreation field at one end of the trail (around 1.5 miles away from UNC Charlotte). The trail on the greenway is not total pavement. Past the recreation fields there is a bridged path that is a third of a mile long. The bridge goes over a marsh type area. This location for running is calm, peaceful and not very crowded. Also, there is beautiful scenery that makes you forget you live in a big city. You can tell that this atmosphere is not just for runners. As I was observing I saw that two different communities interacted with each other. The two figured worlds that interacted with each other were the bikers and the runners. Several times you would hear an actor on a bike called out coming up to your left/right. This made the runners aware. I thought it was interesting to see the two figured worlds interact.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 3 Description of the Location of Observation Two: (UNCC Gym) Right when you walk in to the location they check and scan your student ID. After the gym workers check you in you walk down a set of stairs to the student gym. This location has many different purposes mainly for student athletics. However, there is a small gym which has free weights, treadmills, workout machines, and more for all students use. Right when you walk in the door you have to show your ID to another gym worker. The gym for the students would be considered crowed, not a lot of room for movement compared to most gyms. The machines are located in the front of the gym. The treadmills which is the main focus of the running figured world is located in the back of the gym. There are probably 15-20 treadmills located in the UNCCs gym along with stair stepping machines beside them. Mirrors and TVs are located on the wall for students convenience. Also, there is a wall of lockers available for students personal items.

Description of the Location of Observation Three (Planet Fitness) - The location of this gym is about a mile or so off of campus. The gym has an open floor plan with room for all members to get from each machine. Right when you walk in the door you will see the check-in desk to your left. All the crew members are very friendly and ready to help you. Behind the desk, is all kinds of items you can buy that have the Planet Fitness logo. If you look to the right you will see the free weights section. This section has benches, medicine balls, exercise balls, and AB machines for the members. If you walk directly straight when you walk in the door you will see where the treadmills and stair steppers are. This part of the gym is the main location the running figured world. There are three rows of treadmills with ten in each row. This gym has a very comfortable environment for their members.

Actors: Are the people inside the figured world that has a meaningful purpose in the world. There are many actors in the figured world of running. Also, the actors may differ from one atmosphere to another. I have chosen the main characters that have the most meaning from each location.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 4 Lisa-(greenway) Is a heavy set middle aged woman. In the figured world she plays the role of a person trying to get into shape. She does everything a normal actor would do when trying to lose weight in the running community. She mostly always runs with a friend (most likely to give her motivation). Ben-(greenway) The actor from a different figured world (bicycle) but interacts with the running community. He is slim and in shape. He interacts with the running figured world by making them aware that he is coming up to a certain side to pass the running actors. Sandy-(greenway) She is young (18 or so) and out of place. Sandy is the actor in this figured world that is considered a misfit. The reason is because she wears dress clothes (dresses) along with her three friends (which wearing running clothes). This is considered inappropriate behavior. Also, she is very loud and not aware of her surroundings. Toby- (greenway) Toby is young and athletic. Tobys role as an actor in the running figured world is the alpha male. Ron-(UNCC Gym) Ron is a college student and athletic. Ron had a bad knee. He tore his ACL when he was a senior in high school. Ron also is a very determined man when it comes to bettering his body. His role as an actor is the alpha male just like Toby. Elizabeth- (UNCC Gym) Elizabeth is short and has an athletic body type. Her personality seems like she is very determined. She would be the playing the actor of an alpha male in female form. Joe-(Planet Fitness) Joe is a college student that is striving to become more in shape. He has the right attitude to meet his goals. The actor he would be portraying is a person with goals. I would say Joe is using this gym instead of the one on campus because it is less crowed and open 24 hours. Tammy-(Planet Fitness) Tammy is the actor of an alpha male (in girl form). She wears leggings and a fitted work out shirt and is constantly doing some kind of physical activity. Her body is very fit. Curt- (planet Fitness) Curt is the nice gym worker. Curt is a person that you would go to if you every needed help with anything in the gym. He would be considered the alpha male of the gym. The reason is because he is fit and is also the man in charge of the gym. Larry-(Planet Fitness) Larry is fit and has determination. Larry portrays the actor of two different categories. He would be the alpha male and a person with goals. I say this because you can tell he is more fit than most guys in the gym however, has a sense of bettering himself. Note: observation includes more actors than listed.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 5 Artifacts: An artifact can vary between and material or theoretical things. In another words, an artifact and be an object, word or even thought. Artifacts are objects that can be put to meaningful use in the figured worlds.

Note: motivational pictures came from . These pictures give the readers a different perspective of how running can mean more to a certain group of actors than just strictly exercise Lisas partner- Without Lisa having a partner she would not be able to stay motivated. Her partner is someone to lean on when she feels like giving up and wanting to quit. Even though Lisas partner is an actor in the figured world she is also an important artifact in Lisas since of the world. Tobys watch- While observing Toby run I couldnt help but notice he was wearing a watch. The watch is considered Tobys artifact. The reason is because he kept looking down at the time. The watch was helping Toby better himself as a running. Elizabeth Music (headphones)- While observing Elizabeth I could tell she was blocking out everything outside of her head phones. You could tell she didnt care about anything that was going on around her. I personally do not think she would have been able to do this if she did not have her music and her headphones. The reason is because the gym was so crowed it would have been very easy to become distracted Larrys long sleeve shirt- I considered his shirt to be an artifact because it shows Larry is trying to better himself in some way. Or he would not be wearing this type of clothing or running how he is running. Discourse Communities: Groups that share common words, values, beliefs, attitudes, and etc. in the figured world of the running community.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 6 Note: motivational pictures came from . These pictures give the readers a different perspective of how running can mean more to a certain group of actors than just strictly exercise People with Goals- People like Lisa and her partner are running for one reason, which is to become in better shape for their selves. Not everyone in the figured world is running for the same reasons. Misfits- These are the people that are the same as Sandy. When you observe the community you dont understand why they are there. They dont really seem to have a purpose. The misfits are just there with their friends to have something to do. In another words, people that dont want to feel left out even though they dont belong in the figured world. Alpha Males- People like Toby are considered alpha males These are the people that show determination and will always strive to be better than anyone that comes in their way. Literacy Practices: when actors gain more knowledge about their community though certain values, beliefs and feelings that is associated with different discourse communities within their figured world. Note: motivational pictures came from . These pictures give the readers a different perspective of how running can mean more to a certain group of actors than just strictly exercise Self-determination- is considered a literacy practice in the running figured world. The reason is because it helps all the people that are goal setters in this community. Without self-determination setting goals would be completely pointless. Respect- is considered a literacy practice because it is the feeling alpha males feel. The reason is because they feel as if they are better than most people. In the community because they try to achieve more than anyone else in this figured world. Being ones self- this literacy practice is for all of the misfits in the running figured world. The reason is because they dont care what anyone else thinks about them in the community. The misfits just like being their selves and being happy. Observation One Tuesday September 3, 2013 Time: 4:55PM-5:35PM Location: Greenway The Observation:

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 7 4:55- Lisa and her partner carrying on a conversation while doing a fast pace walk. They start a slow jog for about twenty yards later off into the distance. 4:58- A girl between 18 and 19 skates by on a skateboard while listening to music minding her own business. 4:59- Three girls stroll by slowly. The girls are wearing sandals which are inappropriate foot wear for this figured world. 5:00- Lisa and her partner come by again at a slow pace jog and about 100 yards after they go back to a fast pace walk. You can hear Lisas partner say keep it up. 5:03- No one it site at this certain part of the greenway. It is peaceful and clam just how the atmosphere should be. You can hear the football coaches horns and whistles in the distance. 5:07-A man on a bike (Ben) rides by wearing jeans a long sleeve tee-shirt. Even though he isnt running you would not think that was the appropriate clothes to where in this community. At the same time a fit 18 year old male sprints by wearing a fitted tank top and basketball shorts. 5:10-Sandy and her three friends come strolling by, all being loud and walking in a horizontal line. This is inconvenient for Toby running by at the same time. Toby has to go off the trail and into the grass to get around Sandy and her friends. As, Toby runs by them he looks down at his watch and starts running at a faster pace. 5:15- Lisa and her partner come by once again walking at a fast pace then start back to their slow pace jog. This time however, neither one of them are talking and sweat dripping down their faces. 5:21- a girl and her dog walk by at a fast pace. She is listening to music and her dog is walking beside her in the grass not the pavement. 5:26- Three male runners run by shirtless at a decent pace holding a conversation as they run by. 5:35- Toby runs by once again but this time his pace is slower than before. Seems as if he is running to stretch out his muscles before he quits. Observation Two Monday September 9, 2013 Time: 4:50PM-5:32PM Location: SAC Gym Located on UNCC Campus The Observation: 4:50- The gym is packed. Ron running at a slow paced jog, he is wearing all the right running clothes and seems focused on what he is doing.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 8 5:03- Two girls on the end treadmills are walking a slow paced walk, chatting and laughing. 5:05-Elizabeth is on the back row of the treadmills. She just started running a fast paced jog for about two minutes. She has her head phones in as she is running. She is focusing on nothing besides running and her thoughts inside her head. 5:08- Ron picked up his pace; however, is not at a full out sprint. 5:10- The two girls got off the treadmill and went to another part of the gym. At the same time Elizabeth starts her fast pace job once again. 5:14- Ron is still running at the same speed. 5:17-A bigger young man just got on the treadmill and starts walking at a medium pace. At the same time Elizabeth slows down her pace. She is still not socializing with anyone. She is still running. 5:20- Ron slows down and begins walking. Put his hands on top of his head and begins to take deep breaths. 5:23- The bigger young man is still walking at a medium pace. Someone came up to him and started talking. It looks as if they are friends because they are laughing and smiling. 5:27-Ron just got off the treadmill. He walks over to the corner of the gym and begins stretching. The first stretch he does is calf stretches. 5:32-Elizabeth begins walking. The Interview with Ron (UNCC gym) Tell me the reason why you run? I run because my senior year in high school, I had a knee surgery and I try to keep the strength built up in my knee. I also run because I enjoy working out and pushing myself to stay in shape. Tell me when you run? What time do you usually run? How often? Do your times differ depending on the day? I run about five oclock Monday through Friday because that is when it works into my schedule. Tell me about the location you run? Do you run in the same atmosphere or do you change it up?

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 9 I only run on treadmills because it is easier on my knee rather than running on pavement. I run in the on campus gym because it is easy access for me. It is always a different atmosphere because you dont know who will be in the gym at that time. What are the reasons you began running? How long have you been running because of this reason? I began running eight months after my surgery because thats when I got cleared to run. I have been running since my senior year of high school because that is when I had my knee surgery. Tell me if you usually run alone, with a friend, or a group of friends? Why or Why not? I like to run alone because it gives me time to myself and time to clear my mind. It is also a personal thing for me to keep my knee strong and not let it hold me back. Observation Three Tuesday September 10, 2013 Time: 5:00PM-5:31PM Location: Planet Fitness Located off Campus The Observation: 5:00- Almost every single treadmill is taken in the gym. People of all different shapes and sizes are using them. 5:02-Joe on the back row running holding his hands on the sides of the treadmills. He is running at a medium pace. He is also watching TV and listening to his head phones. 5:07- Joe begins walking at a very slow pace. He is still listening to his music and watching TV. The TV is on sports center. 5:08- Tammy is also on the back row just on the opposite side of Joe. She is walking at a fast pace looking determined and listening to her music. 5:10- A group of four girls and two boys (all college age) come in through the main doors. They are all laughing and talking. The girls make their way to the second row treadmills. The guys go to the right side of the gym where the free weights are. 5:12- Curt comes up to me and asks if I was interested in a membership to the fitness center and gives me papers about the different memberships they offer. 5:15- Joe gets off treadmill and walks over to the drink machine and buys a water. At the same time Tammy is still walking at a fast pace listening to her music. 5:17-Larry is sprinting on the first row of the treadmills.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 10

5:22- Joe gets back on the same treadmill he was previously was on and begins a fast pace walk as he watches TV. 5:27- Tammy starts a fast pace jog. She is still blocking out everything around her and listening to her music. 5:28- Gym workers are walking around making sure everything is running smoothly. They are asking members off to the sides of the gym if everything is alright. 5:31-Larry just now stopped sprinting and is now doing a slow pace jog. He looks tired, sweat is pouring through his shirt. He is now watching TV as he does his slow pace jog. Also, Tammy is walking once again and is talking to one of the girls that came in with the group from earlier. Note: Pictures on the prezi are found on Google except for the ones of the three locations. The ones of the three locations were pictures I took.

Assignment One Figured World: Running Lauren Duckworth 09/20/2013 11

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