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Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

Arbortext IsoDraw Foundation 7.2 F000 Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess 7.2 F000 April 2011

Copyright 2011 Parametric Technology Corporation and/or and/or Its Subsidiary Companies. All Rights Reserved. User and training guides and related documentation from Parametric Technology Corporation and its subsidiary companies (collectively "PTC") are subject to the copyright laws of the United States and other countries and are provided under a license agreement that restricts copying, disclosure, and use of such documentation. PTC hereby grants to the licensed software user the right to make copies in printed form of this documentation if provided on software media, but only for internal/personal use and in accordance with the license agreement under which the applicable software is licensed. Any copy made shall include the PTC copyright notice and any other proprietary notice provided by PTC. Training materials may not be copied without the express written consent of PTC. This documentation may not be disclosed, transferred, modified, or reduced to any form, including electronic media, or transmitted or made publicly available by any means without the prior written consent of PTC and no authorization is granted to make copies for such purposes. Information described herein is furnished for general information only, is subject to change without notice, and should not be construed as a warranty or commitment by PTC. PTC assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or inaccuracies that may appear in this document. The software described in this document is provided under written license agreement, contains valuable trade secrets and proprietary information, and is protected by the copyright laws of the United States and other countries. It may not be copied or distributed in any form or medium, disclosed to third parties, or used in any manner not provided for in the software licenses agreement except with written prior approval from PTC. UNAUTHORIZED USE OF SOFTWARE OR ITS DOCUMENTATION CAN RESULT IN CIVIL DAMAGES AND CRIMINAL PROSECUTION. PTC regards software piracy as the crime it is, and we view offenders accordingly. We do not tolerate the piracy of PTC software products, and we pursue (both civilly and criminally) those who do so using all legal means available, including public and private surveillance resources. As part of these efforts, PTC uses data monitoring and scouring technologies to obtain and transmit data on users of illegal copies of our software. This data collection is not performed on users of legally licensed software from PTC and its authorized distributors. If you are using an illegal copy of our software and do not consent to the collection and transmission of such data (including to the United States), cease using the illegal version, and contact PTC to obtain a legally licensed copy. Important Copyright, Trademark, Patent, and Licensing Information: See the About Box, or copyright notice, of your PTC software. UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT RESTRICTED RIGHTS LEGEND This document and the software described herein are Commercial Computer Documentation and Software, pursuant to FAR 12.212(a)-(b) (OCT95) or DFARS 227.7202-1(a) and 227.7202-3(a) (JUN95), and are provided to the US Government under a limited commercial license only. For procurements predating the above clauses, use, duplication, or disclosure by the Government is subject to the restrictions set forth in subparagraph (c)(1)(ii) of the Rights in Technical Data and Computer Software Clause at DFARS 252.2277013 (OCT88) or Commercial Computer Software-Restricted Rights at FAR 52.227-19(c)(1)-(2) (JUN87), as applicable. 01012011 Parametric Technology Corporation, 140 Kendrick Street, Needham, MA 02494 USA


About This Guide.........................................................................................................5 Platform Support ....................................................................................................... 11 Supported Operating Systems and Web Browser ..................................................12 System Requirements .........................................................................................12 Whats New ..............................................................................................................15 New Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 File Format.................................................................16 3D Enhancements ..............................................................................................16 New Conditions in the Select Elements Dialog Box ................................................19 Improved Animation Editing .................................................................................19 Callout Enhancements ........................................................................................21 Improved AutoCAD DWG/DXF Import Interface.....................................................23 SPRs .......................................................................................................................27

About This Guide

These Release Notes contain information about the 7.2 F000 release of these two Arbortext IsoDraw software products: Arbortext IsoDraw Foundation Arbortext IsoDraw CADprocess

All information in this document applies to both products unless noted otherwise. Release 7.2 F000 has several new features and many upgraded functions relative to previous releases, such as enhanced 3D object alignment, more powerful and flexible animation editing, and the ability to create and edit links between callouts and objects. These new features are supported in the new Arbortext IsoDraw version 7.2 ISO file format which is backward-compatible with older Arbortext IsoDraw formats. (See Whats New on page 15 for details.) This release also includes separate, optional software for integrating Arbortext IsoDraw with other PTC applications, such as Creo Elements/Pro 3D product design software, Creo Elements/View 3D CAD visualization software, and WindChill Product Data Management (PDM) software. Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 installs as a complete package that is separate from older versions of Arbortext IsoDraw you might have on your system.

If you have Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 (or older) installed on your system, installing Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 will not remove, replace, or otherwise affect it. After you install Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000, you can still run the 7.1 (or older) software. You can also run it concurrently with this new 7.2 F000 release.

Note If you wish to remove older versions of Arbortext IsoDraw from your system, uninstall them manually. (For more information, see the installation and licensing instructions in the Installing Arbortext IsoDraw guide for Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2.)
Changes to documentation and the software itself may occur after the publication of these release notes. For documentation updates and descriptions of software functionality changes, alternative techniques, and common software issues, review the available solutions using the Update Advisor available in the Support area at

Organization of This Guide

This document is intended for both administrators and users of Arbortext IsoDraw. It contains: Platform support information for Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000. (See Platform Support on page 11.) Updates in this 7.2 F000 release. (See Whats New on page 15.) Fixes and enhancements implemented in this 7.2 F000 release, and in prior Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 and 7.0 releases. (See SPRs on page 27.)

Related Documentation
For more information on Arbortext IsoDraw and Arbortext IsoView products, refer to the following documentation found in the Arbortext IsoDraw Help Center. Help Center includes both HTML and PDF versions of the documentation. Choose Help Help Center to access it. For Arbortext IsoDraw information: Documentation Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes Description (This guide.) Information about new, changed, and deleted features in this Arbortext IsoDraw release. Installation and licensing information for Arbortext IsoDraw. Hands-on examples for learning Arbortext IsoDraw basic functions. Hands-on examples for learning 3D CAD data editing functions using Arbortext IsoDraw.
Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

Installing Arbortext IsoDraw Drawing Basics Tutorial 3D Mode Tutorial

Documentation Arbortext IsoDraw User's Reference

Arbortext IsoDraw Macro Language Reference Arbortext IsoDraw Data Exchange Reference
For Arbortext IsoView information: Documentation Arbortext IsoView Release Notes

Description Comprehensive guide to using the tools and functions in Arbortext IsoDraw products. Reference for writing macros that you can run in Arbortext IsoDraw. Instructions for importing and exporting graphics data in various formats to and from Arbortext IsoDraw.

Description Information about new, changed, and deleted features in this Arbortext IsoView release. Installation and licensing information Arbortext IsoView Installation Guide for Arbortext IsoView. Arbortext IsoView User's Reference Instructions for using the tools and functions in Arbortext IsoView, and for setting preferences. Arbortext IsoView Programmer's Refer- Reference for writing API scripts that ence customize and extend the Arbortext IsoView ActiveX control.

Technical Support
Contact PTC Technical Support via the PTC Web site, phone, fax, or e-mail if you encounter problems using your product or the product documentation. For complete details, refer to Contacting Technical Support in the PTC Customer Service Guide. This guide can be found under the Related Resources section of the PTC Web site at: The PTC Web site also provides a search facility for technical documentation of particular interest. To access this search facility, use the URL above and select Search the Knowledge Base. You must have a Service Contract Number (SCN) before you can receive technical support. If you do not have an SCN, contact PTC Maintenance Department using the instructions found in your PTC Customer Service Guide under Contacting Your Maintenance Support Representative.

Technical Support

Global Services
PTC Global Services delivers the highest quality, most efficient and most comprehensive deployments of the PTC Product Development System including Pro/ENGINEER, Windchill, Arbortext and Mathcad. PTCs Implementation and Expansion solutions integrate the process consulting, technology implementation, education and value management activities customers need to be successful. Customers are led through Solution Design, Solution Development and Solution Deployment phases with the continuous driving objective of maximizing value from their investment. Contact your PTC sales representative for more information on Global Services.

Documentation for PTC Products

You can access PTC product documentation using the following resources: Online Help Click Help from the user interface for online help available for the product. Reference Documents Individual product manuals are available from the Reference Documents link of the PTC Web site at the following URL: Help Center A searchable product documentation knowledge base is available from the Help Center link of the PTC Web site at the following URL: You must have a Service Contract Number (SCN) before you can access the Reference Documents or Help Center Web site. If you do not have an SCN, contact PTC Maintenance Department using the instructions found in your PTC Customer Service Guide under Contacting Your Maintenance Support Representative.

Documentation Conventions
This guide uses the following notational conventions:
Bold text represents exact text that appears in the program's user interface. This

includes items such as button text, menu selections, and dialog box elements. For example, Click OK to begin the operation. A right arrow represents successive menu selections. For example, Choose File Print to print the document.

Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

Monospaced text represents code, command names, file paths, or other text that you would type exactly as described. For example, At the command line, type version to display version information.

Italicized monospaced text represents variable text that you would type. For example, installation-dir\custom\scripts\
Italicized text represents a reference to other published material. For example, If you are new to the product, refer to the Getting Started Guide for basic interface information.

PTC welcomes your suggestions and comments on our documentation. You can submit your feedback to the following email address: Please include the following information in your email: Name Company Product Product Version Document or Online Help Topic Title Level of Expertise in the Product (Beginning, Intermediate, Advanced) Comments (including page numbers where applicable)


Platform Support

Supported Operating Systems and Web Browser .........................................................12 System Requirements................................................................................................12

This section identifies the platforms and system requirements for Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000.


Supported Operating Systems and Web Browser

Windows XP (32-bit) with Service Pack 3 or above Windows Vista (32-bit) with Service Pack 2 or above Windows 7 (32-bit) Windows 7 (64-bit) Microsoft Internet Explorer 7.0 or later (32-bit only) with ActiveX enabled

System Requirements
Requirement PC processor RAM PC processor RAM Platform 32 bit 64 bit l l Minimum 1 GHz x86 1 GB 1 GHz x64 1 GB OpenGL support; 16-bit color palette; 800 600 screen resolution 650 MB Includes application program files, Java runtime environment, 650 MB documentation, library files, tutorial files, example files, and all optional features. 400 MB 650 MB Minimum Custom installation includes application
Custom installation

Graphics card

Recommended 2 GHz x86 1 GB 3 GHz x64 4 GB OpenGL support; 32-bit color palette; 1280 1024 screen resolution

Free space on hard disk for Complete installation

Free space on hard disk for Custom installation

with all optional features installed; requires same


Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes


Platform 32 bit 64 bit

Keyboard Mouse

l l

l l


Minimum program files and Java runtime environment only. With function keys 2-button When using a PostScript printer, the printer driver should support PostScript for faster printing.

Recommended amount of disk space as Complete installation. Same Same


Platform Support


What s New

New Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 File Format .......................................................................16 3D Enhancements .....................................................................................................16 New Conditions in the Select Elements Dialog Box.......................................................19 Improved Animation Editing........................................................................................19 Callout Enhancements...............................................................................................21 Improved AutoCAD DWG/DXF Import Interface ...........................................................23

This chapter summarizes major the additions and changes to Arbortext IsoDraw in this 7.2 F000 release.


New Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 File Format

The ISO file format was updated to support the following enhancements in Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000: Multiple saved free 3D axes New Numeric, ATA callout scheme Callout starting number Object/Callout connection Animation groups

These new features (and others) are detailed in this section. Older versions of Arbortext IsoDraw will not be able to read files saved in ISO 7.2 format. However, you can save illustrations in the earlier ISO version 7.1, 7.0, or 6 file formats in Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000.

Note If you save a version 7.2 ISO file in an earlier ISO format, or in CGM or SVG format, you will lose any information that is not supported in that format, such as the 7.2 enhancements listed above.

3D Enhancements
Display 3D Set Bounding Boxes in 2D Mode Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 optionally displays a bounding box around each 3D set in 2D mode if Preview is off. This makes it easier to see which 3D object is in which 3D set in 2D mode. To see the bounding box for a 3D set in 2D mode, select Keep 3D data in the 3D Projection - Set dialog box when you convert the 3D set to 2D. To show or hide all 3D set bounding boxes in 2D (non-Preview) mode, use the
Show bounding box check box under 3D sets on the 3D Options preferences

page. Fill 3D Set Contour with Color in HLR Illustrations In release 7.2 F000, if you project a 3D set into 2D with remove hidden lines selected, you can fill the contour of that 3D set with a color in the 2D HLR (hidden lines removed) illustration. This contour fill effect makes it easy to highlight parts and assemblies in HLR illustrations.


Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

To add a color-filled contour to the 3D set you are projecting: In the 3D Projection Set dialog box, select remove hidden lines and the fill contour check box. If you want to change the contour fill color, click Options and pick a new color under Fill contour with color . The contour is a closed, color-filled Bzier path around the outer contour of the 3D set. To see the filled contour path in 2D mode, turn on Preview . The 3D set contour path is filled with a single color (white by default) and its outline is invisible. (The outline Pen attribute is set to No pen .) In 2D mode, the contour path is grouped with the 3D set.

Note Ungrouping a placed 3D set breaks the link to its source 3D data.
For more information, see the Fill Contour section in 3D Projection. Set a Default Contour Fill Color for Each 3D Set Before release 7.2 F000, preference setting defaults could only be applied at the Application or Document level. In release 7.2 F000, the 3D set contour fill color default preference can be set at the new, individual (3D) Set level (or the Application or Document level). Application-level default preferences apply to all documents you open after they are set. Document-level default preferences only apply to one document (illustration file). A Set-level default contour fill color preference only applies to one 3D set. This means you can have several different 3D sets with different default contour fill colors in one illustration file. You do not have to specify the contour fill color each time you project a 3D set.

Note The ability to save Set-level contour fill color preferences is only available in ISO files saved in the 7.2 (or later) file format. It is not supported in ISO 7.1 or earlier, CGM, or SVG file format.
A default Set-level contour fill color can only be set in 3D mode when the 3D set is active. To make this setting (in 3D mode with the 3D set active) access the 3D Projection - Set dialog box in one of the following ways: Select the Edit Preferences command and open the 3D Options preferences panel. Under 3D Options , click the 3D Options button. Click the Convert to 2D illustration button on the 3D Tools toolbar.

Whats New


Next, in the 3D Projection - Set dialog box, select remove hidden lines and the fill contour check box, and then click Options . In the Options - Set dialog box, pick a new default color under Fill contour with color . Click OK to exit each dialog box and apply the new default color setting for the active 3D set. Select Preference for Transforming Invisible 3D Parts In the 3D Options preferences panel, select the new Transformations include invisible parts check box under 3D Edit Window to enable invisible parts inside of transformed 3D objects to be transformed as well. This 3D Options preference setting is Application-level only; after you change it, the change applies to all illustration files you open in the current Arbortext IsoDraw session.

Note The ability to transform hidden parts includes Scale transformations of placed 3D objects that were projected into 2D with keep 3D data selected in the 3D Projection dialog box.
The 3D Options preferences panel setting, Transformations include invisible parts , corresponds to the CADprocess_TransformInvisible3DSubObjects setting in the Arbortext IsoDraw preferences file, IsoDraw 7.2 Preferences.prf which was implemented in release 7.1 M030. To change this preference setting in an Arbortext IsoDraw macro, set the property app.options3D.transformInvisibleObjects true or false. The Arbortext IsoDraw macro recorder records an interactive change to the state of the Transformations include invisible parts check box in this propertys boolean state. Save Free Axes in 3D Mode If you create one or more free axes in 3D mode you can save them in a version 7.2 ISO file. 1. In 3D mode, create one or more free axes. 2. While still in 3D mode, save the ISO 7.2 file and close it. All free axes you created are saved and will be available the next time you open the file.


Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

Align 3D Objects to a Coordinate or Free Axis You can use the new 3D mode Edit menu Align commands or the corresponding 3D align to axis to: tools on the 3D Tools toolbar to align a 3D object

A coordinate (X, Y, or Z) axis; for example, to align the edge of an object with the X, Y, or Z axis. (See 3D Align to X, Y, or Z Axis.) A free axis; for example, to align a bolt shaft with the hole in a nut. (See 3D Align to Free Axis.)

New Conditions in the Select Elements Dialog Box

The Select elements dialog box (click Edit Select ) provides the new selection conditions below for elements, groups, and layers in Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000. (See Select for details.) Item to Select
Element or Group

Condition (is outside | is inside ) with completely selected or cleared

Description Selects elements or groups that are completely or partially inside or outside of the drawing sheet (page) border. In 3D mode, Element selects 3D surfaces.

Bounding box


Group selects the outermost, or top, group. is smaller than | Selects elements, objects, and groups if their is equal to | is bounding box edge length is smaller than, larger than equal to, or larger than, the length entered. is equal to | is Selects all elements and objects in a layer in 2D not equal to mode (only) if the layer name is equal to, or is not equal to, the specified layer name; for example, (Standard layer | Background | Layer 1 | Layer n ).

Improved Animation Editing

New and enhanced functions in the Edit Animation mode in Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 give you more control over animation sequences and enable you build and manage more complex animations.

Whats New


Concurrently Edit Multiple Animation Items In the Edit Animation and Timeline dialog boxes, you can now: Assign or change animation attributes and values for several selected items (sequences, steps, or actions) at once. Delete multiple sequences, steps, and actions.

For example, selecting 20 objects in Edit Animation mode and moving them all at once creates 20 sequences; one for each object. If you want to repeat this sequence 5 times for 10 of the 20 objects, you can: 1. Select the 10 sequences to want to repeat. 2. In the Edit Animation dialog box, change the repeat value to 5. 3. Click Apply . The repeat value 5 is applied to all 10 selected sequences.

Note Some attributes and values cannot be concurrently applied to multiple animation items. These settings are unavailable when you make a multiple selection.
Group Animation Sequences Use the new Create collection and Release collection commands on the Timeline dialog box context menu to group and ungroup currently selected sequences. Sequence groups are named Collection 1 , Collection 2 , etc., and are listed in the Timeline dialog box. Collections in Edit Animation mode work like groups in drawing mode: Selecting a collection selects all the sequences it contains. When a collection is selected, changing a setting for one sequence in the collection changes that setting for all sequences in the collection. (Deselect the collection if you do not want apply a change to all sequences it contains. You can then directly select only the sequences you want to change.) Collections are saved in ISO 7.2 files. (They are not saved in older ISO, or non-ISO, file formats.)

Copy and Paste Animation Items Use the Cut , Copy , Paste , and Duplicate commands on the Edit Animations dialog box menu to apply sequences, steps, or actions for one object to another, or to quickly create a duplicate sequence, step, or action for the current object. If you are only editing sequences, you can use the Cut sequences , Copy sequences , Paste to current time , and Duplicate sequences commands on the Timeline dialog box context menu.


Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

Search and Replace Animation Items While (exactly) one animation item is selected, you can click the Find equal or Find similar command on the Edit Animation dialog box menu to extend the selection to all equal or similar animation items of the same type (sequence, step, or action).

Note The Find equal and Find similar commands are not available while multiple animation items are selected.

Find equal selects all animation items that have exactly the same settings as the

animation item you selected.

Find similar opens a dialog box that lets you specify which settings to match for

the animation item you selected. After you specify the settings to match and click OK , Find similar selects all animation items that have the specified matching settings. See Find Equal Animation Items for the conditions Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 uses to determine if two animation item types are equal.

Callout Enhancements
Callout functionality in Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 has been expanded to include: Callout/object linking for single and multiple callouts/objects ATA (Air Transport Association)-style callout numbering

About Callout/Object Callout/Object Links Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 introduces the ability to create and maintain callouts that are linked to objects and vice-versa. Connected callouts can be created manually, or, generated from an external list, such as a parts list or BOM (bill of material). (See Callouts Connected to Objects.) Create Callouts Linked to Objects The Palette Window Toolbox includes a new Connected callout tool for creating callouts that are linked to objects. To create connected callouts with this tool, select the object or objects you want to link callouts to and then: Draw the new connected callouts directly on or near the objects. (See Drawing Connected Callouts.) Click an existing callouts text frame to connect it to the selected objects. (See Connecting Existing Callouts to Objects.)

Whats New


View Callout/Object Callout/Object Link Information To see which callouts are linked to which objects and vice-versa in 7.2 F000: Right click a connected callout and then click Element info . The element info Callout dialog box shows object information for objects connected to the selected callout under Connected Objects . Arrow buttons enable you to scroll through the object information for multiple connected objects. Right click an object with callouts connected to it and then click Object info . The Object info dialog box shows a new Callout attribute. The values of the Callout attribute (separated by semicolons) correspond to the callout text for all callouts that are connected to the object.

Moving, Transforming, and Editing Objects with Linked Callouts When you connect a callout to an object, the anchor point of the callouts leader line attaches to that object. If you move that object by dragging it or using the Move command (CTRL-M), the callouts leader line anchor point also moves, maintaining its position relative to the object.

Note In a multi-object selection, the callout leader only attaches to one object; the first object selected. This first-selected object is called the reference object for that connected callout.
If multiple callouts are connected to the same reference object, and you move that reference object, the leader line anchor points for all the connected callouts also move. (See Moving Objects with Connected Callouts.) If you transform (e.g., rotate or scale) an object with linked callouts, the callout leader line anchor points remain fixed. If you cut or copy linked objects or callouts, then paste them, their object/callout links will be broken. To link them, reapply the object/callout connection procedure: 1. Click the Connected callout 2. Click the object(s). 3. Click the callout text. Changing Layers for Objects with Linked Callouts Objects and their linked callouts can be on different layers. This enables you to, for example, create a layer for callouts that you can make visible or invisible. tool.


Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

To move connected objects or callouts to a different layer without breaking their object/callout links, use the Selection to active layer command on the Layer menu in the Attributes window. Generate Linked Callouts for Objects and Object Lists Select the new Link callouts to objects check box in the Create callouts dialog box to generate linked callouts automatically for any of the following: Graphic objects in the illustration An object list in a file A BOM (bill of material) XML file

To access this new option, open the Objects window and click Generate callouts for objects on the Objects window menu. (See Generating Connected Callouts Automatically.)

Note You can only generate linked callouts for objects. Assign object information to graphical elements before you attempt to generate linked callouts for them.
Apply ATA-style ATA-style Callout Numbering Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 provides a new ATA callout numbering scheme that enables you to number (or renumber) callouts following ATA callout style standards. To apply this numbering scheme for callouts, open the Edit callout style dialog box and select Numeric, ATA in the Scheme box.

Improved AutoCAD DWG/DXF DWG/DXF Import Interface

The AutoCAD DWG/DXF file import dialog boxes and preferences have been updated and reorganized for Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000. The enhancements (summarized below) make it easier to reuse AutoCAD files in Arbortext IsoDraw illustrations. They also give you more flexibility during the DWG/DXF import process. (For details, see DWG or DXF in the Arbortext IsoDraw Data Exchange Reference.) Select AutoCAD Layout to Import If the DWG/DXF file you are importing into Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 was saved with layout preview images in AutoCAD, the previews are shown in the DWG or DXF import dialog box along with the AutoCAD layout name.

Whats New


Furthermore, if the DWG/DXF file has multiple layouts, you can graphically select the layout to import under Select Layout in the DWG or DXF import dialog box using the new preview image navigation buttons. Apply AutoCAD Units to Arbortext IsoDraw File In Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000, you can use the new Use same units as in the original file (if exists) check box in the DWG or DXF import dialog box to force the measurement units in the target ISO file to match the units in the source DWG/ DXF file you are importing. This units-matching option: Helps ensure that imported DWG/DXF files do not appear too small or too large to after they are imported into Arbortext IsoDraw. Reduces the need to experiment with different scale factors when importing DWF/DXF files.

Note To take advantage of this new option, the measurement units used to create the AutoCAD drawing must be saved in the DWG/DXF file.
Clip AutoCAD Viewport Masks in the Arbortext IsoDraw File When you select the new Support viewports clipping check box in the DWG Options or DXF Options dialog box, Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 will do the following in the target ISO file: Import AutoCAD layout viewports as viewport-shaped Arbortext IsoDraw masks. Clip elements outside the viewport-shaped masks.

After clipping, only elements and portions of elements inside of masks are visible. Convert AutoCAD MLEADER and TABLE Entities to Arbortext IsoDraw Elements Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 adds the MLEADER and TABLE entities to the list of AutoCAD entities that you can select to convert on import in the DWG Options and DXF Options dialog boxes. MLEADER entities convert to line elements and MTEXT. (MTEXT is converted according to MTEXT import definitions.) TABLE entities convert to a group of basic elements such as text and lines.


Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

Break AutoCAD MTEXT, LEADER, and HATCH Entities into Elements To enable better rendering of some types of imported AutoCAD MTEXT, LEADER, and HATCH entities, Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 F000 provides options to break these entities into elements during import. Use the new check box options below, found in the DWG Options and DXF Options dialog boxes, to enable these options:
Break Mtext into elements can improve the appearance of imported multi-line

text in the target ISO file.

Break Leader into elements can improve the proportions of AutoCAD

LEADER arrowheads after they are converted to line element arrowheads. This option can also improve the appearance of a variety of LEADER line ends after conversion, including square, triangular, and diamond-shaped ends.
Break Hatch into elements can improve the appearance of hatch patterns in the

target ISO file when they are derived from complex AutoCAD HATCH entities.

Whats New



Fixes and enhancements implemented in Arbortext IsoDraw 7.2 are listed by Software Performance Report (SPR) number in the table below. 7.2 F000 SPR 2040665 Description The maximum number Arbortext IsoDraw templates that can be shown in the submenu of the File New command has been increased to 32. Generating callouts for objects from a text file that has only one line after the header no longer produces the warning message, "Invalid value expression '3' does not present a value between 1 and 2". A macro can now read a text file that contains a single straight quote (") character (an unclosed quote) without producing the error, Macro ERRor: Wrong Parameter xx Double "". The File Save command is now available if the only change you made to an ISO file since the last save was a change made to a pixel graphic in that ISO file using the Element Edit image command. The Arbortext IsoDraw Macro Language (IML) PRINT command now supports page selection parameters. This enhancement enabled a macro to save changes to print page selection defaults as desired. For more information, see the File menu command syntax for






7.2 F000 (continued) SPR Description PRINT in the Arbortext IsoDraw Macro Language Reference.



1948047 1945711

1938706 1919951





Note If the PRINT command includes a page selection parameter, the macro does not open the Print dialog box when executing PRINT. All 3D assemblies are now shown as expected when converting a particular imported 3D ProductView *.ed file to 2D in Arbortext IsoDraw running on 64-bit Windows XP. When a Windchill PVZ object with non-standard content in its cadID field is placed in an ISO file, 3D mode operations in Arbortext IsoDraw, such as exploding parts, can now be successfully applied to the placed PVZ objects 3D data. Text in an ISO file exported to PDF now appears at the correct size and position in the output PDF file. Zooming the Arbortext IsoDraw window in or out while viewing a particular ISO file no longer causes some lines in that ISO file to appear rotated. Arbortext IsoDraw no longer erroneously assigns the color blue to a 3D model imported from a particular IGES file. Performing one of the following Arbortext IsoDraw operations on an ISO file containing a particular placed IGES 3D CAD file no longer causes a premature exit: saving the ISO file; showing or hiding objects; converting the 3D model to a 2D illustration. Lines with the Phantom line linestyle and Bezier curves with many closely-spaced control points now export from ISO to TIFF file format with the line quality expected. A new set of IML macros were created for changing the height and width of a specified CGM file. Running these macros in the Arbortext IsoDraw Batch process wizard dialog box enabled a set of 250 CGM files to be resized to fit A2 paper in one batch process. When exporting a color or grayscale CGM file to a 2-color (black and white) PNG raster file, all 2% black and 3% black color elements and fills in the CGM file now correctly appear as white color elements and fills in the exported 2-color PNG. Continuous border lines in a Pro/ENGINEER Wildfire 4.0 (Pro/E WF4) file now appear continuous (as expected) in an exported ISO file after performing the following operations:


Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

7.2 F000 (continued) SPR Description Export the Pro/E WF4 file to Arbortext IsoDraw using the Arbortext ProE2Iso Pro/TOOLKIT application with Tesselation Accuracy set to 1 (fine) in the IsoDraw 3D Options dialog box.





In Arbortext IsoDraw, convert the exported Pro/E WF4 3D CAD data to a 2D illustration with remove hidden lines and create surface borders selected in the 3D Projection - Set dialog box. Adding 3D cuts to a 3D model before converting it to a 2D illustration no longer reduces the size of the selection rectangle that contains the 2D object after conversion. The selection rectangle after 2D conversion is the same size regardless of whether 3D cuts were made or not. To improve performance in ISO files that contain a large number of objects, Arbortext IsoDraw no longer rebuilds the contents of the open Objects window, Attributes window, or Layers window in the currently active Arbortext IsoDraw window after the user switches back to Arbortext IsoDraw from a different application. After importing a particular STEP file in Arbortext IsoDraw, the 3D mode window now displays the imported 3D CAD data as expected. For Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 F000 and above: A CGM file which is exported from Arbortext IsoDraw using the WebCGM 1.0 or 2.0 profile, and then re-imported, will have the correct drawing extents if:
Bounding box of visible elements was selected under VDC Extent in the CGM dialog box when the CGM file was exported. (The CGM dialog box is available from the CGM Export preferences page by clicking the Advanced button).




The Clip to VDC Extent check box is selected on the CGM Import preferences page when the CGM file is re-imported. Text in an AutoCAD 2004 DWG file now appears in the correct position in the ISO file when the DWG file is imported into Arbortext IsoDraw. All selected subassemblies in two particular Pro/ENGINEER assembly (*.asm) files are now imported into Arbortext IsoDraw as expected. For Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 F000 and above: The show/hide object eye icon is now available in the Objects window on all visible



7.2 F000 (continued) SPR Description layers in a placed 3D CAD file (including a particular placed IGES file). When a particular ProductView EDZ file which was exported from Pro/E WF4 is placed in Arbortext IsoDraw, all expected surface features now appear in Arbortext IsoDraw. Some Chinese characters in an AutoCAD 2000 file that were not shown correctly in the Simplified Chinese-language version of Arbortext IsoDraw after the file was imported now appear correctly after import. A particular set of ProductView (*.ol and *.ed) format files can now be successfully imported into the Japanese-language version of Arbortext IsoDraw 7.0 M060 and above. For Arbortext IsoDraw 7.0 M050 and above: An Arbortext IsoDraw drawing that contains raster image elements now prints the raster image elements correctly on an HP LaserJet 9040n printer (and other HP printer and plotter models). For Arbortext IsoDraw 7.1 F000 and above: The ability to select a single component in a placed 3D CAD file (including the particular placed IGES file referenced in this SPR) has been improved. After updating a particular placed IGES file with a newer version using the Edit menu command in the Placed Files window (in the Attributes window), all included components in the new version of the placed IGES file are present in the Objects window as expected. For Arbortext IsoDraw 7.0 M061 and above: When a particular ISO file is printed on an HP LaserJet 5100 plotter (or other printers), parallel lines in the file no longer intersect.









Arbortext IsoDraw Release Notes

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