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IMMEDIATE RELEASE: Contact: Logan Spence Tuesday, October 29, 2013 512-461-3448 Todd Staples Gave Socialized Healthcare to Illegal Immigrants Dan Patrick is the only Lt. Gov. candidate with a strong record on border security. HOUSTON Illegal immigration and border security are chief concerns to the Texas Republican electorate. As a result, Republican candidates are fluffing their resumes to appear strong on this issue. Even worse, some candidates are trying to cover up their terrible legislative record. In the Lt. Governors election, there are a lot of politicians talking tough on border security but I am the only candidate with a strong record including opposing in-state tuition and fighting sanctuary cities, said Dan Patrick. Records matter. In 2001, Todd Staples supported in-state tuition for illegal immigrants in House Bill 1403 (77-R). That same year, he supported giving drivers licenses to illegal immigrants when he voted for House Bill 396 (77-R). Now, new information shows that Todd Staples also supported providing illegal immigrants with taxpayer funded non-emergency healthcare. Sen. Mario Gallegos authored SB 309 to allow hospitals to provide free or discounted non- emergency care (Clay Robison, Senate approves care for illegal immigrants, Houston Chronicle, 5/6/2003). Todd Staples helped Gallegos pass Senate Bill 309 (78-R) authorizing hospitals to provide non-emergency care for illegal immigrants using local taxpayer funds (78th Legislature, Senate Journal, p. 1331). Conservative members and groups did try to fight the bill as it passed the Senate with 2 votes against: Senators Nelson and Shapiro (78th Legislature, Senate Journal, p. 1331). Texas Eagle Forum and Young Conservatives of Texas also opposed the bill. Opponents argued: This bill would drive up the cost of care for undocumented immigrants and increase local tax burdens. (House Research Organization, SB 309 Bill Analysis). Texans want our southern border secured and the social enticements to illegal immigrants to end, said Patrick. That is what I pledge to do as the next Lt. Governor. Attachments: White Paper: Todd Staples Position on Healthcare for Illegal Aliens ###

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