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Topic 1 (agree):

My dog is bigger than yours because I feed it better food

Keep the dogs not easy. To keep his body still health, you can do it with give better foods to a dog, because a foods have many nutrients and with give a foods, he can grew up with quickly. A foods not only a kind of meat or tin food but also a milk, because a milk give many nutrients to body dogs. But to reach a good result, you must keep a dogs not only give a foods, but also you must to keep him with well, like as with invite him to walk in many place. So, his body can be good function. And then he must to take bath once a week. So, he can avoid from disease. And the last he must to bring to go to animal hospital to control his health. But a dogs that we say in this topic not only a dogs which I give a foods, he will has a big body but different for a dogs that just have small body like as poodle dogs. In conclusion, the dogs have a big body because you feed it better foods. But a foods not only a kind of meat or tin food but also a milk, because a milk give many nutrients and energy to body dogs. So, he still live and he still health. But for poodle dogs, he can grew up but for definite limits. And to reach a good result for your dogs, you must to keep him with well, like as with invite him to walk in many place, he must to take bath once a week and he must to bring to go to animal hospital to control his health.

Question and Opinion from another group

From Desys group: In your topic you said that dog foods not only a kind of meat or tin food but also a milk. But you know that now, a milk is very expensive. And my question : Why you choose give a milk for your dogs not for poor children whereas they need a milk? Answer : Because if you really carry with your dog, you will do anything. Although, a milk is very expensive, you will give that milk to your dog because youre very carry with him. And for a poor children, you musnt give them a milk. But you can give a children with another things like as money, foods, clothes, etc. From Evas group : We just give our opinion that I agree with your topics because my group have same topic with your group

Topic 2 (disagree)
SMA students are allowed to wear casual clothes to school, instead of uniform

We dont agree with this statement, because some reason : 1. Their neatness in wear casual clothes will be decrease. 2. They can at will in wear casual clothes until they dont care about the ethics in wear to school. 3. Its strange if SMA students wear casual clothes to school because they look like university students instead SMA students. 4. Can make a student will be jealous with another student because what she wears not better with another students who wears good clothes. Its happen because difference economy statue. 5. Can make the students will be lazy to go to school actually for sma students. Its happen because they think with wear casual clothes, nobody know their origin school and they can go wherever they want without go to school. In conclusion, if SMA students are allowed to wear casual clothes to school, instead of uniform, it just will give many bad impact like as make a student will be jealous with another student because what she wears not better with another students who wears good clothes. Its happen because difference economy statue and can make the students will be lazy to go to school. So, solution in this problem, SMA students must to wear uniform school. So, It can avoid many bad impact between student and another people.

Question and Opinion from another group

From Frendys group :
In your opinion, how about SMA students who live in hinterland, they have not much money to buy their uniform. So, they just wear a casual clothes. Give your answer?? Answer : In this topic our group just discuss SMA students in city not in hinterland. So. For SMA students in city, they must wear their uniform school because its very important. And for SMA student in hinterland, we know that in there their knowledge is worse than in city. And in there they will not to buy uniform because they have not much money to buy. So you must to understand with their condition.

Members 1. Meiske 2. Puja Indah Anggraeni 3. Siti Khadijah 4. Tri Khairunnisa Kelas : XI-ipa2

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