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Setting up Tivoli Storage Manager with Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

A Dell Technical White Paper

2012 Dell Inc. All Rights Reserved. Dell and the Dell logo, and other Dell names and marks are trademarks of Dell Inc. in the US and worldwide. TSM, Tivoli and Storage Manager are trademarks of IBM\

1 2 3 4 Install and Configure the DR4X00 .......................................................................................................................................... 4 Configure Tivoli Storage Manager ......................................................................................................................................... 11 Set up the DR4X00 Cleaner ................................................................................................................................................... 22 Monitoring Dedupe, Compression & Performance........................................................................................................... 23

Appendix A ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 24 Appendix B ....................................................................................................................................................................................... 26

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Executive Summary
This paper provides information needed to set up the Dell DR4X00 as a backup to disk target for Tivoli Storage Manager. This paper is a quick reference guide and does not include all DR4X00 deployment best practices. See the DR4X00 documentation and other data management application best practices whitepapers for additional information. NOTE: The DR4X00/ Tivoli Storage Manger screen shots used for this paper may vary slightly, depending on the versions of the DR4X00/ Tivoli Storage Manager software installed. This paper was generated using versions DR 2.0 and TSM 6.3.

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Install and Configure the DR4X00

Rack and cable the DR4X00 appliance, and power it on. Log into iDRAC using the default address, user name root, and the password calvin.

Launch the virtual console.

Once the virtual console is open, log in to the system as user administrator and the password St0r@ge! (The 0 in the password is the numeral zero.).

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Set the user- defined networking preferences.

View the summary of preferences and confirm it is correct.

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Log in to the DR4X00 administrator console, using the IP address you just provided for the DR4X00, user administrator and the password St0r@ge! (The 0 in the password is the numeral zero.).

Join the DR4X00 to Active Directory. NOTE: if you do not want to add DR4X00 to Active Directory, see the Owners Manual for guest login instructions. a. Select Active Directory in the tree on the left hand side of the dashboard.

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

b. Enter your Active Directory credentials.

Create and mount the container. c. Select Containers in the tree on the left side of the dashboard, and then click the Create link at the top of the page.

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

d. Enter a Container Name and select the Enable CIFS check box.


Select the client access credentials preferred.

For improved security, Dell recommends adding IP addresses / FQDN for the following - All TSM Media Servers f. Click Create a New Container. g. Confirm that the container was added.

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

h. Click Edit, and write down the container path, which you will use later to target the DR4X00.


Click Cancel to exit.


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Configure Tivoli Storage Manager

This section will go through a basic configuration for connecting a DR4X00 appliance with Windows version of TSM 6.3. 1. 2. 3. Open the IMB Tivoli Storage Manger Administration Center. Click on Storage Devices Click View Storage Classes

4. Click Create Device Class


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance


Choose the FILE Device Type and click Next

Device Type: For DR4X00 choose FILE. This device type is optimized for writing to disk based storage. 6. Populate all the required fields in General Information and click Next

Name: Descriptive name for the device class Path: UNC path to the DR 4X00 container


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Mount Limit: DR4X00 supports up to 32 concurrent CIFS connections. Optimal number of connections is five. Maximum File Size: DR4X00 supports very large files such as 1TB. Recommended file sizes for TSM are between 1GB and 50GB to allow for fast space reclamation and replication of files to remote sites. NOTES: The service account for TSM needs to have the correct permission to the DR4X00 CIFS Share for this step to complete successfully. See Appendix A for setting up the TSM service account correctly. This should be done before trying steps above.


Click Next, Click Finish.

8. Click Storage Devices - > View Storage Pools


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

9. Click on Create Storage Pools

10. Click on Next


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

11. Populate all the required fields then click Next.

Storage Pool Name: Enter a descriptive name for the DR4X00 Pool Storage Pool Description: Enter a description for the DR4X00 Pool Storage Pool Type: Choose Sequential Access as DR is integrated as a FILE Type device 12. Populate the Required Values and Choose Next


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Device Class Name: This is the name of the DR4X00 Device Class Created in Step 6. Maximum Number of Scratch Volumes: This is the number of scratch volumes in the system. Note: DR4X00 recommends setting the value between 100 to 200 scratch volumes. 13. Accept the defaults and click Next

Identify the duplicate data in the storage pool: Leave this box as unchecked as DR4X00 uses inline deduplication and already identifies and removes duplicate data. 14. Review and Click Finish


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

15. Click Policy Domain Chose View Policy Domain from drop down

16. Click Create a Policy Domain


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

17. Click Next

18. Populate the required fields then click Next


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Name: Enter a descriptive name for the DR4X00 Policy Domain Description: Enter a description for the DR4X00 Policy Domain 19. Populate the required fields then click Next.

Specify default management class: Choose the DR4X00- Pool setup in Step 11 Number of file versions to Keep: Specify how many versions of a file to keep. Number of days to keep inactive versions: Specify how many days to retain data after it falls out of policy. Note: File Versions and inactive versions are set based on company policies.


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

20. Choose to assign policy domain to clients, click next

21. Chose to display the set of clients to move to the DR4X00, click Next

Note: Choose to limit if you have a lot of client computers. 22. Check the box next to the clients you want to backup to the DR4X00, Click Next


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

23. Click Finish

Once you have successfully completed step 23 you have configured DR4X00 into TSM. The next time the client is scheduled to backup it will backup to the DR4X00 devices. See Appendix B for some additional best practices


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Set up the DR4X00 Cleaner

Once all the backup jobs are setup the DR4X00 cleaner must be scheduled. The DR4X00 cleaner should run at least 6 hours per week when backups are not taking place, generally after a backup job has completed. Performing scheduled disk space reclamation operations are recommended as a method for recovering disk space from system containers in which files were deleted as a result of deduplication.


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Monitoring Dedupe, Compression & Performance

After backup jobs have run the DR4X00 will track Capacity, Storage Savings and Throughput on the DR4X00 dashboard. This information is valuable in understanding the benefits the DR4X00. NOTE: Deduplication ratios increase over time, it is not uncommon to see a 2- 4x reduction (25- 50% total savings) on the initial backup. As additional full backup jobs complete the ratios will increase. As mentioned before backup jobs with 12 week retention will average a 15x ratio in most cases.


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Appendix A
Sync CIFS authentication between TSM service account and the DR4X00. There are two choices that are available for allowing TSM service account to authenticate to DR4X00. Integrate TSM Media Server and DR4X00 with Active Directory a. Ensure the AD user has appropriate ACLs to the DR4X00 Container b. Set the TSM Server service to run with <Domain\User> Sync local usernames and passwords between the DR4X00 Appliance and the TSM media server. c. To set the password for local CIFS administrator on the DR4X00 logon to the DR using SSH. i. Logon with Administrator/St0r@ge! ii. Run the following command iii. Authenticate - - set - - user administrator

Note: CIFS administrator it a separate account than administrator used to administer the appliance. Once an authentication method is chosen set the TSM Server service account to use that account. d. Launch Microsoft Services Snap- in. Start- > Run - > Services.msc - > Enter. e. Locate TSM Server Service Right Click - > Properties - > Click Logon Tab


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Note: If using local synced accounts vs. AD account. Make sure that there is a .\in front of the user name. f. Click OK. g. Right click TSM Service Process and choose Stop/Start to restart the process.


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

Appendix B
DR4X00 and TSM Best Practices / Considerations
Deduplication DR4X00 has inline deduplication built in and does not require any additional deduplicaiton to be done ahead of data being written to the DR4X00 device. The DR4X00 device will remove any redundancies in the data before the data is stored on disk. Enabling Deduplication before the data stream is sent to the DR4X00 device will cause the data to be obfuscated not allowing the DR4X00 devices to achieve optimal dedupe savings. It is highly recommended that deduplication is not done before the data stream is sent to the DR4X00.

Compression DR4X00 has compression built in and does not require any additional compression to be done ahead of data being written to the DR4X00 device. The DR4X00 device will remove any redundancies in the data before being stored on disk. Enabling Compression before the data stream is sent to the DR4X00 device will cause the data to be obfuscated not allowing the DR4X00 devices to achieve optimal dedupe savings. It is highly recommended that compression is not done before the data stream is sent to the DR4X00..

Encryption Enabling Encryption before the data stream is sent to the DR4X00 device will cause the data to be obfuscated not allowing the DR4X00 devices to achieve optimal dedupe savings. It is highly recommended that encryption is not done before the data stream is sent to the DR4X00.. DR4X00 supports encryption on the wire for transferring data to remote sites using replication. In future versions of the software it will support encryption on disk as well.

Space Reclamation For optimal performance, DRX00 and TSM backup and space reclamations jobs should be scheduled to happen at different times.


Setting up IBM TSM on the Dell DR4X00 Disk Backup Appliance

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