Guidelines For The Content of The Summer/Winter Internship Project

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Guidelines for the content of the Summer/Winter Internship Project Report

1. The report should be such that it gives a comprehensive and clear idea of what you have observed and done, to a third person who has not been through the same situation. Remember that there are two primary audiences for your report: the Institute and the organisation where you did your internship. 2. From this point of view, the preliminary requirement is to include an executive summary, acknowledgements and other details. Do not include data downloaded from the Internet if it is not directly relevant to the report. 3. The report should set the organisational context, the business, its volume and the trends in the business and other details as you think necessary. 4. It should give a clear idea of where you worked and what organisational processes you observed and what insights or understanding you developed as a result of your observation. 5. If you encountered problems on the way, please do not hesitate to state them clearly along with your response to them. 6. If you have done a project, state its context, objectives, methodology followed, field work done, findings and recommendations. 7. The report should also contain a synthesis of all the experience that you have gone through, your reflections on it and your conceptualisation and learning. 8. Your work will be evaluated on the basis of the depth and breadth of your application to the internship and the care and precision with which you have learnt from the experience. The guidelines for the format of the report are given below.

Guidelines for the format of the Summer/Winter Internship Project Report

As a part of the summer/winter internship students are required to submit a Project Report along with a separate Executive Summary. The report and the executive summary should be submitted in print (hard copy) format as well as electronic (soft copy on CD-ROM) format. Print copies 1. One hard copy of the report and the executive summary should be submitted for the viva-voce examination. 2. The typographic requirements for the report and summary are as follows: a. Page size: A/4 b. Margins: i. Top, bottom, right: 1 inch ii. Left: 1.5 inch c. Typeface: Arial Narrow, 12 pts. d. Line spacing: 1.5 lines 3. The Executive Summary should not exceed 800 words. Soft Copies 1. Soft copies should be made in MS Word document format only. 2. Report files should be named using the following convention: SPDM2011004.doc SP ------------>Stands for Summer Project DM2012004 / ---------->Stands for the Registration Number 3. Two copies of the report should be submitted. One copy should be stored in the folder as mentioned below: I:\student\PGDM1214 ..PGDM Students 4. Two copies should be submitted on CD-ROM to the examination section in the IMDR office 5. Before submitting the CD-ROM copy, check to see that it is free of viruses and make sure that it is readable in the computer by copying it onto and opening it from the hard disk.

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