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// Generic Tooltip file for Unity 2.

5 // All controls have a name, and are followed by one or two text strings // format is: // ControlName: Text On Control | Tooltip to display when we act ually display tooltips :-) // SceneViewLighting: Lighting | Toggles the Scene Views lighting on a nd off. // All the built-in Windows UnityEditor.InspectorWindow: UnityEditor.DebugInspectorWindow: UnityEditor.HierarchyWindow: UnityEditor.ProjectWindow: UnityEditor.SceneView: UnityEditor.GameView: UnityEditor.ConsoleWindow: UnityEditor.ASMainWindow: UnityEditor.AnimationWindow: UnityEditor.ProfilerWindow: UnityEditor.AssetStoreWindow: UnityEditor.ObjectBrowser: UnityEditor.VersionControl:

Inspector Debug Hierarchy Project Scene Game Console Server Animation Profiler Asset Store Project Versioning Animator

// Graphs Windows UnityEditor.Graphs.AnimatorControllerTool: // Helper windows for window layouts UnityEditor.SaveWindowLayout: Save Layout UnityEditor.DeleteWindowLayout: Delete Layout // Other windows UnityEditor.AnimationEventPopup: UnityEditor.AnimationCleanupPopup: // Asset Save dialog SaveAssetDialog.Title: SaveAssetDialog.SaveSelected: SaveAssetDialog.SaveAll: SaveAssetDialog.DontSave: SaveAssetDialog.Close:

Edit Animation Event Clean Up Leftover Curves Save Assets Save Selected Save All Don't Save Close

// Scene view // ------------------------------------------------------------------SceneviewLighting: Lighting | Toggles the built-in lighting on and off. SceneviewFx: Fx | Toggles skybox, fog and lens flare effects. SceneviewAudio: AudioPlay | Toggles audio on or off. // Popup menu for TextFields TextEditorPopup.Cut: Cut TextEditorPopup.Copy: Copy TextEditorPopup.Paste: Paste TextEditorPopup.Delete: Delete

// Hierarchy Window //--------------------------------------------------------------------------HierarchyPopupCopy: Copy HierarchyPopupPaste: Paste

HierarchyPopupDuplicate: HierarchyPopupRename: HierarchyPopupDelete: HierarchyPopupSelectPrefab:

Duplicate Rename Delete Select Prefab

// Main application toolbar: // ------------------------------------------------------------------ViewToolOrbit: | Orbit the Scene view. ViewtoolMove: | Move the Scene view ViewtoolZoom: | Zoom the Scene View MoveTool: | Move the selected obje cts. RotateTool: | Rotate the selected ob jects. ScaleTool: | Scale the selected obj ects. ToolHandleCenter: Center | The tool handle is placed at the cente r of the selection. ToolHandlePivot: Pivot | The tool handle is placed at t he active object's pivot point. ToolHandleGlobal: Global | Tool handles are in global rotation. ToolHandleLocal: Local | Tool handles are in active object's ro tation. ToolbarLayers: Layers | Which layers are visible in the Scene views. ToolbarLayout: Layout | Select the application's window layout. // PaneMenu DockAreaMaximize: DockAreaAddTab: DockAreaCloseTab:

Maximize Add Tab Close Tab

// Color Picker // ------------------------------------------------------------------EyeDropper.Large: | Pick a color from the screen. ColorPicker.ColorFoldout: Colors ColorPicker.ColorCycle: Cycle | Cycle the list of avai lable color spaces. ColorPicker.SliderFoldout: Sliders | The RGB or HSV color s liders. ColorPicker.SliderCycle: Cycle | Cycle the list of avai lable slider types. // Profiler Window // ------------------------------------------------------------------Profiler.AddArea: Add Profiler | Add a profiler area Profiler.CurrentProfiler: Active Profiler | Select connected player to profile Profiler.Record: Record | Record profiling informati on Profiler.PrevFrame: | Go back one frame Profiler.NextFrame: | Go one frame forwards Profiler.CurrentFrame: Current | Go to current frame Profiler.FrameTime: Frame Time | Total time per frame Profiler.CPU: CPU Usage | Graph out the various CPU areas Profiler.GPU: GPU Usage | Graph out the various GPU areas

Profiler.Memory: ry usage areas Profiler.CPU.Scripts: Profiler.CPU.Physics: Profiler.CPU.Rendering: Profiler.Rendering: Profiler.Physics: Profiler.CPU.Other: Profiler.NoLicense: Profiler.Audio: Profiler.NoFrameDataAvailable: Profiler.FrameOverview: Profiler.DeepProfile: to investigate scripts Profiler.SyncTimeProfiling: onizing FPS Profiler.ProfileEditor: ditor ProfilerColumn.FunctionName: ProfilerColumn.TotalPercent: ProfilerColumn.SelfPercent: ProfilerColumn.Calls: ProfilerColumn.GCMemory: ProfilerColumn.TotalTime: ProfilerColumn.SelfTime: ProfilerColumn.DrawCalls: ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUTime: ProfilerColumn.SelfGPUTime: ProfilerColumn.TotalGPUPercent: ProfilerColumn.SelfGPUPercent: ProfilerColumn.ObjectName: ProfilerColumn.DetailViewObject:


| Graph out the various memo

Scripts | Time spent in scripts Physics | Time spent in physics Rendering | Time spent rendering Rendering Physics Other | Other stuff Profiler requires Unity Pro Audio No frame data available Frame Overview Deep Profile | Instrument all mono calls

Profile SyncTime | View time spent in synchr Profile Editor Overview Total Self Calls GC Alloc Time ms Self ms DrawCalls GPU ms Self ms Total Self Name Object Scene object (Unload Builtin Resource (Ne Object is marked Don Asset is dirty and m | Enable profiling of the e

MemoryInfoGCReason.SceneObject: ed by loading a new scene or destroying it) MemoryInfoGCReason.BuiltinResource: ver unloaded) MemoryInfoGCReason.MarkedDontSave: 't Save. (Must be explicitly destroyed or it will leak) MemoryInfoGCReason.AssetMarkedDirtyInEditor: ust be saved first (Editor only)

MemoryInfoGCReason.SceneAssetReferencedByManagedCodeOnly: Asset type created f rom code or stored in the scene, referenced from a script. MemoryInfoGCReason.SceneAssetReferencedByNativeCodeOnly: Asset type created f rom code or stored in the scene, referenced from native code. MemoryInfoGCReason.SceneAssetReferenced: Asset type created f rom code or stored in the scene, referenced from scripts and native code. MemoryInfoGCReason.AssetReferencedByManagedCodeOnly: m a script. MemoryInfoGCReason.AssetReferencedByNativeCodeOnly: m native code. MemoryInfoGCReason.AssetReferenced: m scripts and native code. MemoryInfoGCReason.NotApplicable: Asset referenced fro Asset referenced fro Asset referenced fro Not Applicable

// Snap Setting Popup // ------------------------------------------------------------------Snap.SnapAllAxes: Snap All Axes | Snaps selected objects to the gr id Snap.SnapX: X | Snaps selected objects to the grid o n the x axis Snap.SnapY: Y | Snaps selected objects to the grid o n the y axis Snap.SnapZ: Z | Snaps selected objects to the grid o n the z axis Snap.MoveX: Move X | Grid spacing X Snap.MoveY: Move Y | Grid spacing Y Snap.MoveZ: Move Z | Grid spacing Z Snap.Scale: Scale | Grid spacing for scaling Snap.Rotation: Rotation | Grid spacing for rotation in degrees // Welcome Screen // ------------------------------------------------------------------// "Welcome to Unity" is an image WelcomeScreen.MainText: As you dive into Unity, may we suggest a few hints to ge t you off to a good start? WelcomeScreen.ShowAtStartup: Show at Startup // WelcomeScreen.VideoTutLogo is an image WelcomeScreen.VideoTutHeader: Video Tutorials WelcomeScreen.VideoTutText: We have collected some videos to make you productive immediately. // WelcomeScreen.UnityBasicsLogo is an image WelcomeScreen.UnityBasicsHeader: Unity Basics WelcomeScreen.UnityBasicsText: Take a look at our manual for a quick startup gui de. // WelcomeScreen.UnityAnswersLogo is an image WelcomeScreen.UnityAnswersHeader: Unity Answers WelcomeScreen.UnityAnswersText: Have a question about how to use Unity? Check ou r answers site for precise how-to knowledge. // WelcomeScreen.UnityForumLogo is an image WelcomeScreen.UnityForumHeader: Unity Forum WelcomeScreen.UnityForumText: Meet the other Unity users here - the friendliest people in the industry. // WelcomeScreen.AssetStoreLogo is an image WelcomeScreen.AssetStoreHeader: Unity Asset Store WelcomeScreen.AssetStoreText: The Asset Store is the place to find art assets, g ame code and extensions directly inside the Unity editor. It's like having a com plete supermarket under your desk. // Editor Update Check Window // ------------------------------------------------------------------EditorUpdateWindow.Title: Unity Editor Update Check EditorUpdateWindow.TextHasUpdate: There is a new version of the Unity Editor ava ilable for download.\n\nCurrently installed version is {0}\nNew version is {1} EditorUpdateWindow.TextUpToDate: The Unity Editor is up to date. Currently insta lled version is {0} EditorUpdateWindow.CheckForNewUpdatesText: Check for Updates

// Previews and Asset Labels InspectorPreviewTitle: Preview InspectorLabelTitle: Asset Labels // Model importer Inspector // ------------------------------------------------------------------ModelImporter.Meshes: Meshes | These options control how geometry is imported. ModelImporter.ScaleFactor: Scale Factor | How much to sc ale the models compared to what is in the source file. ModelImporter.UseFileUnits: Use File Units | Detect file un its and import as 1FileUnit=1UnityUnit, otherwise it will import as 1cm=1UnityUn it. See ModelImporter.useFileUnits for more details. ModelImporter.ImportBlendShapes: Import BlendShapes | Should Unity i mport BlendShapes. ModelImporter.GenerateColliders: Generate Colliders | Should Unity g enerate mesh colliders for all meshes. ModelImporter.SwapUVChannels: Swap UVs | Swaps the 2 UV channel s in meshes. Use if your diffuse texture uses UVs from the lightmap. ModelImporterGenerateSecondaryUV: Generate Lightmap UVs | Generate lightmap UVs into UV2. ModelImporterGenerateSecondaryUVAdvanced: Advanced ModelImporterSecondaryUVAngleDistortion: Angle Error | Measured in percents. Angle error measures deviation of UV angles from geometry angles. Area error mea sures deviation of UV triangles area from geometry triangles if they were unifor mly scaled. ModelImporterSecondaryUVAreaDistortion: Area Error ModelImporterSecondaryUVHardAngle: Hard Angle | Angle between neighbor triangles that will generate seam. ModelImporterSecondaryUVPackMargin: Pack Margin | Measured in pixels, as suming mesh will cover an entire 1024x1024 lightmap. ModelImporterSecondaryUVDefaults: Set Defaults ModelImporterMaterials: Materials ModelImporterMatImportMaterials: Import Materials ModelImporterMatMaterialName: Material Naming ModelImporterMatMaterialNameTex: By Base Texture Name ModelImporterMatMaterialNameMat: From Model's Mat erial ModelImporterMatMaterialNameModelMat: Model Name + Model's Mat erial ModelImporterMatMaterialNameTex_ModelMat: Texture Name or Model Na me + Model's Material (Obsolete) ModelImporterMatMaterialSearch: Material Search ModelImporterMatMaterialSearchLocal: Local Materials Folder ModelImporterMatMaterialSearchRecursiveUp: Recursive-Up ModelImporterMatMaterialSearchEverywhere: Project-Wide ModelImporterMatDefaultHelp: No new materials are generated. Unity's Default-Diffuse material is used instead. ModelImporterMatHelpStart: For each imported material, Unity first looks for an existing material named %MAT%. ModelImporterMatHelpEnd: If it do esn't exist, a new one is created in the local Materials folder. ModelImporterMatMaterialNameTexHelp: [BaseTextureName] ModelImporterMatMaterialNameMatHelp: [MaterialName] ModelImporterMatMaterialNameModelMatHelp: [ModelFileName]-[Materia

lName] ModelImporterMatMaterialNameTex_ModelMatHelp: [BaseTextureName] or [ModelFileN ame]-[MaterialName] if no base texture can be found ModelImporterMatMaterialSearchLocalHelp: Unity will look for it i n the local Materials folder. ModelImporterMatMaterialSearchRecursiveUpHelp: Unity will do a recursive-up sea rch for it in all Materials folders up to the Assets folder. ModelImporterMatMaterialSearchEverywhereHelp: Unity will search for it anywher e inside the Assets folder. ModelImporterOptimizeMesh: Optimize Mesh | The vertices and indices will be reordered for better GPU performance. ModelImporterIsReadable: Read/Write Enabled | Allow vertices and indices to be accessed from script. ModelImporterAnimations: Animations ModelImporterAnimCompression: Animation Compression ModelImporterAnimComprSetting: Anim. Compression ModelImporterAnimComprSettingOff: Off ModelImporterAnimComprSettingReduction: Keyframe Reduction ModelImporterAnimComprSettingReductionAndCompression: Keyframe Reduction and C ompression ModelImporterAnimComprRotationError: Rotation Error ModelImporterAnimComprPositionError: Position Error ModelImporterAnimComprScaleError: Scale Error ModelImporterAnimComprHelp: Rotation error is defined as maximum angle deviation allowed in degrees, for oth ers it is defined as maximum distance/delta deviation allowed in percents ModelImporterAnimLabel: Generation ModelImporterAnimNone: Don't Import ModelImporterAnimOrigRoot: Store in Original Roots (Deprecated) ModelImporterAnimNode: Store in Nodes (Deprecated) ModelImporterAnimRoot: Store in Root (Deprecated) ModelImporterAnimRootNew: Store in Root (New) ModelImporterAnimNoneHelp: No animation or skinning is imported. ModelImporterAnimOrigRootHelp: Animations are stored in root objects of your an imation package (these might be different from root objects in Unity). ModelImporterAnimNodeHelp: Animations are stored together with the objects they animate. Use this when you have a complex setup and need full scrip t control. ModelImporterAnimRootHelp: Animations are stored in the scene's tra nsform root objects. Use this when animating anything that has a hierarchy. ModelImporterAnimBakeIK: Bake Animations ModelImporterAnimSplitAnimation: Split Animations ModelImporter.TangentSpace.Title: Normals & Tangents ModelImporter.TangentSpace.Normals: Normals ModelImporter.TangentSpace.Tangents: Tangents ModelImporter.TangentSpace.Options.Import: Import ModelImporter.TangentSpace.Options.Calculate: Calculate ModelImporter.TangentSpace.Options.None: None ModelImporter.TangentSpace.NormalSmoothingAngle: Smoothing Angle | Normal Smoothing Angle ModelImporter.TangentSpace.SplitTangents: Split Tangents ModelImporterRigAdditionalBone: Keep Add

itional Bones | Uncheck to remove all the transfrom that doesn't have any human child transform. If you know that you won't have animation on those transform un check this option to reduce the size of your avatar. ModelImporterRigUpdateMuscleDefinitionFromSource: Update | Update the copy of the muscle definition from the source. ModelImporterRigRootNode: Root node | Specify the root node used to extract the animation translation. ModelImporterRigAvatarDefinition: Avatar D efinition | Choose between Create From This Model or Copy From Other Avatar. The first one create an Avatar for this file and the second one use an Avatar from another file to import animation. ModelImporterRigCreateFromThisModel: Create From This Model | Create an Avatar based on the model from this file. ModelImporterRigCopyFromOtherAvatar: CopyFromOtherAva tar | Copy an Avatar from another file to import muscle clip. No avatar will be created. ModelImporterRigUpdateReferenceClips: Update reference clips | Click on this button to update all the @convention file referencing thi s file. Should set all these files to Copy From Other Avatar, set the source Ava tar to this one and reimport all these files. // GameObject Inspector // ------------------------------------------------------------------GameObjectTypePrefab: Prefab GameObjectTypeModel: Model GameObjectTypeMissing: Missing | The source Pre fab or Model has been deleted. GameObjectTypeDisconnectedPrefab: Prefab | You have broken the pr efab connection. Changes to the prefab will not be applied to this object before you Apply or Revert. GameObjectTypeDisconnectedModel: Model | You have broken the pre fab connection. Changes to the model will not be applied to this object before y ou Revert. // Animation Window // ------------------------------------------------------------------CurveKeyPopupAuto: Auto CurveKeyPopupFreeSmooth: Free Smooth CurveKeyPopupFlat: Flat CurveKeyPopupBroken: Broken CurveKeyPopupLeftTangent/Free: Left Tangent/Fre e CurveKeyPopupLeftTangent/Linear: Left Tangent/Lin ear CurveKeyPopupLeftTangent/Constant: Left Tangent/Constant CurveKeyPopupRightTangent/Free: Right Tangent/Free CurveKeyPopupRightTangent/Linear: Right Tangent/Linear CurveKeyPopupRightTangent/Constant: Right Tangent/Constant CurveKeyPopupBothTangents/Free: Both Tangents/Free CurveKeyPopupBothTangents/Linear: Both Tangents/Linear CurveKeyPopupBothTangents/Constant: Both Tangents/Constant Animation.Play: | Play the animation clip, looping in the shown range. Animation.PrevKey:

| Go to previous key frame. Animation.NextKey: | Go to next key frame. Animation.Record: | Are scene and inspector changes recorded into the animation curves? Animation.AddKeyframe: | Add Keyframe. Animation.AddEvent: | Add Event. Animation.ShowEvents: Events | Show animated object events. Animation.ShowAllPropertiesOn: All Properties | All properties are sho wn. Animation.ShowAllPropertiesOff: Animated Only | Only animated properti es are visible. // Terrain Inspector // ------------------------------------------------------------------// Main toolbar TerrainInspector.TerrainToolRaise: | Raise and lower the terrain height. TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSetHeight: | Set th e terrain height. TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSmoothHeight: | Smooth the ter rain height. TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSplat: | Paint the terrain texture. TerrainInspector.TerrainToolTrees: | Place trees TerrainInspector.TerrainToolPlants: | Place plants, stones and other small foilage TerrainInspector.TerrainToolSettings: | Settings for the terrain // Help strings (appears below the main toolbar TerrainInspector.RaiseHeightTip: Raise / Lower Terrain | Click to raise. Hold d own shift to lower. TerrainInspector.PaintHeightTip: Paint height | Hold shift to sample target height. TerrainInspector.SmoothHeightTip:Smooth Height | Paint to smooth the terrain. TerrainInspector.PaintTextureTip: Paint Texture | Select a texture below, then click to paint TerrainInspector.PlaceTreesTip: Place Trees | Hold down shift to erase trees.\nHold down ctrl to erase the selected tree typ e. TerrainInspector.PaintDetailsTip: Paint Details | Hold down shift to erase.\nHold down ctrl to erase the selected detail type. TerrainInspector.TerrainSettingsTip: Terrain Settings // Generic thingies used in various places in terrain editor TerrainInspector.Settings: Settings TerrainInspector.BrushSize: Brush Size | Size of the brush used to paint TerrainInspector.BrushOpacity: Opacity | Strength of the applied effect TerrainInspector.Brushes: Brushes // Textures

TerrainInspector.Textures.Textures: TerrainInspector.Textures.Edit:

Textures Edit Textures... Trees No Trees defined Edit Trees... Tree Density Color Variation Tree Height Variation Tree Width Variation

// Tree Tool: TerrainInspector.Trees.Trees: TerrainInspector.Trees.NoTrees: | Use edit button below to add new tree types. TerrainInspector.Trees.EditTrees: | Add/remove tree types. TerrainInspector.Trees.TreeDensity: | How dense trees are you painting TerrainInspector.Trees.ColorVar: | Amount of random shading applied to trees TerrainInspector.Trees.TreeHeight: | Height of the planted trees TerrainInspector.Trees.TreeHeightVar: | Random variation in tree height TerrainInspector.Trees.TreeWidth: | Width of the planted trees TerrainInspector.Trees.TreeWidthVar: | Random variation in tree width // Details TerrainInspector.Details.Details: TerrainInspector.Details.Edit: ails... move detail meshes TerrainInspector.Details.TargetStrength: | Target amount // Import/Export heightmaps TerrainInspector.Heightmaps.Heightmap: TerrainInspector.Heightmaps.ImportRaw: TerrainInspector.Heightmaps.ExportRaw: TerrainInspector.Heightmaps.Flatten:

Details Edit Det | Add/re Target Strength

Heightmap Import Raw... Export Raw... Flatten

TerrainInspector.Refresh: Refresh TerrainInspector.Resolution: Resolution TerrainInspector.MassPlaceTrees: Mass Place Trees // Material Inspector // ------------------------------------------------------------------MaterialInspector.BumpMapFixingWarning: This texture is not marked as a normal m ap MaterialInspector.BumpMapFixingButton: Fix Now PerformanceChecks.ShaderUsesWhiteColor: Shader is using white color whic h does nothing; Consider using {0} shader for performance. PerformanceChecks.ShaderHasMobileVariant: Consider using {0} shader on thi s platform for performance. PerformanceChecks.ShaderMobileSkybox: Skybox shader is using gray colo r which does nothing; Consider using {0} shader for performance. PerformanceChecks.ShaderExpensive: Shader might be expensiv e on this platform. Consider switching to a simpler shader; look under Mobile sh aders. PerformanceChecks.ShaderUseUnlit: Looks like you're using VertexLit shader to simulate an unlit object (white emissive). Use one of Unlit shaders instead for performance. PerformanceChecks.ShaderNoNormalMap: Normal mapped shader without a n ormal map. Consider using a non-normal mapped shader for performance.

// Camera Editor // ------------------------------------------------------------------CameraEditor.DeferredProOnly: Deferred lighting requires Unity Pro. // Light Editor // ------------------------------------------------------------------LightEditor.ForwardRenderingShadowsWarning: Only directional lights have sha dows in forward rendering. | You can enable full shadow support by writing custo m surface shaders with 'fullforwardshadows' directive. LightEditor.NoShadowsWarning: Realtime shadows for point and spot lights require Unity Pro. LightEditor.AreaLightsProOnly: Area lights require Unity Pro. LightEditor.WrongColorSpaceWarning: Lightmaps are baked in the wrong color space . // Light Probe Group Inspector // ------------------------------------------------------------------LightProbeGroup.ProOnly: Light probes require Unity Pro. // Quality Settings editor // ------------------------------------------------------------------QualitySettings.SoftParticlesHint: Soft Particles require using Deferred Li ghting or making camera render the depth texture. // TEXTURE IMPORTER // ------------------------------------------------------------------TextureImporter.TextureType: Texture Type | What will this texture be used for? TextureImporter.TextureType.Image: Texture | Texture is a normal image such as a diffuse texture or other. TextureImporter.TextureType.Normalmap: Normal map | e is a bump or normal map. TextureImporter.TextureType.GUI: GUI | Texture is used for a GUI element. TextureImporter.TextureType.Cursor: Cursor | Texture is used for a cursor. TextureImporter.TextureType.Reflection: Reflection | e is a reflection cubemap. TextureImporter.TextureType.Cookie: Cookie | Texture is a cookie you put on a light. TextureImporter.TextureType.Lightmap: Lightmap | e is a lightmap. TextureImporter.TextureType.Advanced: Advanced | ttings displayed. TextureImporter.Alpha: Alpha Channel is TextureImporter.Alpha.Specular: Specular TextureImporter.Alpha.Transparent: Transparency TextureImporter.Cookie: TextureImporter.Cookie.Spot: TextureImporter.Cookie.Directional: TextureImporter.Cookie.Point: TextureImporter.GenerateFromBump: | The grayscale of the image is used as a heightmap for p. TextureImporter.Bumpiness:



Textur All se

Light Type Spotlight Directional Point Create from Grayscale generating the normal ma Bumpiness

TextureImporter.BumpFiltering: TextureImporter.BumpFiltering.Smooth: TextureImporter.BumpFiltering.Sharp: TextureImporter.MipmapFadeToggle: TextureImporter.MipmapFade: TextureImporter.MipMapsInLinearSpace: m mip map generation in linear space.

Filtering Smooth Sharp Fadeout Mip Maps Fade Range In Linear Space | Perfor

TextureImporter.RefMap: Mapping TextureImporter.GenerateCubemap: Generate Cubemap TextureImporter.RefMap.Sphere: Sphere mapped TextureImporter.RefMap.Cylindrical: Cylindrical TextureImporter.RefMap.SimpleSphere: Simple Sphere TextureImporter.RefMap.NiceSphere: Nice Sphere TextureImporter.RefMap.FullCubemap: 6 Frames Layout | Texture contains 6 images arranged in one of the standard cubemap layouts - cr oss or sequence (+x,-x, +y, -y, -z, +z). Texture can be in vertical or horizonta l orientation. TextureImporter.SeamlessCubemap: Fixup Edge Seams | Enable if this texture is used for glossy reflections. TextureImporter.Platforms.Default: Default TextureImporter.MaxSize: Max Size | Textures larger than this will be scaled down. TextureImporter.TextureFormat: Format TextureImporter.CompressionQuality: Quality TextureImporter.TextureFormat.Compressed: Compressed TextureImporter.TextureFormat.16 bit: 16 bits TextureImporter.TextureFormat.Truecolor: Truecolor TextureImporter.TextureFormat.2bit: 2 Bits TextureImporter.TextureFormat.4bit: 4 bits TextureImporter.Npot: Non Power of 2 | How non-power-of-two textures are scaled on import. TextureImporter.ReadWrite: Read/Write Enabl ed | Enable to be able to access the raw pixel data from code. TextureImporter.GenerateAlphaFromGrayscale: Alpha from Grayscale | Generate texture's alpha channel from grayscale. TextureImporter.LinearTexture: Bypass sRGB Sampling | Texture will not be converted from gamma space to linear when sampled. Enable for GUI textures, look up textures and similar. TextureImporter.GenerateMipMaps: Generate Mip Maps TextureImporter.BorderMipMaps: Border Mip Maps TextureImporter.NormalMap: Normal Map | Enable if this texture is a normal map baked out of a 3D package. TextureImporter.Lightmap: Lightmap | Enable if this is a lightmap (best if stored in EXR format). TextureImporter.MipMapFilter: Mip Map Filtering TextureImporter.MipMapFilterOptions.Box: Box TextureImporter.MipMapFilterOptions.Kaiser: Kaiser TextureImporter.CompressionQuality: Compression Quality TextureImporter.CompressionQualityOptions.Fast: Fast TextureImporter.CompressionQualityOptions.Normal: Normal TextureImporter.CompressionQualityOptions.Best: Best TextureImporter.SpriteMode: Sprite Mode TextureImporter.SpriteModeOptions.None: None TextureImporter.SpriteModeOptions.SingleSprite: Single Sprite

TextureImporter.SpriteModeOptions.Automatic: TextureImporter.SpriteModeOptions.Grid: TextureImporter.SpriteModeOptions.Manual: TextureImporter.SpriteExtrude: TextureImporter.AutoDetectMinSpriteSize: TextureImporter.GridPadding: TextureImporter.GridOffsetX: TextureImporter.GridOffsetY: TextureImporter.GridSizeX: TextureImporter.GridSizeY: TextureImporter.AlphaIsTransparency:

Auto Atlasing Grid Atlasing Manual Extrude Edges Min Sprite Size Padding Offset Left Offset Top Sprite Width Sprite Height Alpha Is Transparency

// SPRITES SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment: Alignment | How sprite i s aligned in its localspace. Used in syncing animation frames of different sizes . SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.Center: Center SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.TopLeft: Top Left SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.Top: Top SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.TopRight: Top Right SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.Left: Left SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.Right: Right SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.BottomLeft: Bottom Left SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.Bottom: Bottom SpriteFrameInspector.Alignment.BottomRight: Bottom Right AtlasEditor.Toolbar.Default: AtlasEditor.Toolbar.Create: AtlasEditor.Toolbar.Trim: AtlasEditor.Toolbar.Merge: Default Create Trim Merge

// 2D physics Rigidbody2DEditor.Mass: Mass | Changing mass adjusts density of the colliders. Rigidbody2DEditor.MassNote: Can't change mass of multiple objects. Adjust collid er density instead. // PLAYER SETTINGS PlayerSettings.CrossPlatformHeader: Cross-Platform Settings PlayerSettings.PerPlatformHeader: Per-Platform Settings PlayerSettings.DefaultIcon: Default Icon PlayerSettings.DefaultCursor: Default Cursor PlayerSettings.CursorHotspot: Cursor Hotspot PlayerSettings.NotApplicableForPlatform: Not applicable for this platform . PlayerSettings.SharedSettingsFootnote: * Shared setting between multiple platfo rms. PlayerSettings.ResolutionHeader: Resolution and Presentation PlayerSettings.IconHeader: Icon PlayerSettings.SplashHeader: Splash Image PlayerSettings.OtherHeader: Other Settings PlayerSettings.ResolutionSubHeader: Resolution PlayerSettings.StandalonePlayerSubHeader: Standalone Player Options PlayerSettings.DashboardWidgetSubHeader: Dashboard Widget Options PlayerSettings.WebPlayerTemplateSubHeader: WebPlayer Template PlayerSettings.StatusBarSubHeader: Status Bar PlayerSettings.WatermarkSubHeader: Watermark

PlayerSettings.RenderingSubHeader: PlayerSettings.StreamingSubHeader: PlayerSettings.IdentificationSubHeader: PlayerSettings.ConfigurationSubHeader: PlayerSettings.OptimizationSubHeader: PlayerSettings.SubmissionSubHeader:

Rendering Streaming Identification Configuration Optimization Submission

PlayerSettings.NoTemplatesFound: No templates found. PlayerSettings.UIPrerenderedIcon: Prerendered Icon PlayerSettings.ResolutionDialogBanner: Config Dialog Banner PlayerSettings.IPhoneSplashScreen: Mobile Splash Screen* PlayerSettings.IPhoneHighResSplashScreen: iPhone 3.5''/Retina PlayerSettings.IPhoneTallHighResSplashScreen: iPhone 4''/Retina PlayerSettings.IPadPortraitSplashScreen: iPad Portrait PlayerSettings.IPadHighResPortraitSplashScreen: High Res. iPad Portrait PlayerSettings.IPadLandscapeSplashScreen: iPad Landscape PlayerSettings.IPadHighResLandscapeSplashScreen: High Res. iPad Landscape PlayerSettings.DefaultScreenWidth: Default Screen Width PlayerSettings.DefaultScreenHeight: Default Screen Height PlayerSettings.DefaultScreenWidthWeb: Default Screen Width* PlayerSettings.DefaultScreenHeightWeb: Default Screen Height* PlayerSettings.RunInBackground: Run In Background* PlayerSettings.DefaultScreenOrientation: Default Orientation* PlayerSettings.AutoRotationAllowedOrientation: Allowed Orientations for Auto Ro tation PlayerSettings.PortraitOrientation: Portrait PlayerSettings.PortraitUpsideDownOrientation: Portrait Upside Down PlayerSettings.LandscapeRightOrientation: Landscape Right PlayerSettings.LandscapeLeftOrientation: Landscape Left PlayerSettings.UseOSAutorotation: Use Animated Autorotation | If set OS native animated autorotation method will be used. Otherwise orientat ion will be changed immediately. PlayerSettings.Use32BitDisplayBuffer: Use 32-bit Display Buffer* | If set Display Buffer will be created to hold 32-bit color values. Use it only if you see banding, as it has performance implications. PlayerSettings.Use24BitDepthBuffer: Use 24-bit Depth Buffer* | If set Depth Buffer will be created to hold (at least) 24-bit depth values. Us e it only if you see 'z-fighting' or other artifacts, as it may have performance implications. PlayerSettings.iosShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading: Show Loading Indicator PlayerSettings.androidShowActivityIndicatorOnLoading: Show Loading Indicator PlayerSettings.SupportedAspectRatios: Supported Aspect Ratios PlayerSettings.UIStatusBarHidden: Status Bar Hidden PlayerSettings.UIStatusBarStyle: Status Bar Style PlayerSettings.UIExitOnSuspend: Exit on Suspend PlayerSettings.enableHWStatistics: Submit HW Statistics PlayerSettings.AlwaysDisplayWatermark: Always Display Watermark* PlayerSettings.RenderingPath: Rendering Path* PlayerSettings.ActiveColorSpace: Color Space* PlayerSettings.MultithreadedRendering: Multithreaded Rendering* PlayerSettings.UseDX11: Use Direct3D 11* | Use Direct3D 11 when supported by OS & GPU PlayerSettings.DX11Warning: Using D3D11 requires running Unity on Windows. PlayerSettings.DX11NotSupported: Your OS or GPU might not support DX11. PlayerSettings.ActiveColorSpaceWarning: Selected color space is not supported on this hardware. PlayerSettings.StaticBatching: Static Batching PlayerSettings.DynamicBatching: Dynamic Batching

PlayerSettings.GPUSkinning: GPU Skinning* | Use DX11/ES3 GPU Skinning PlayerSettings.FirstStreamedLevelWithResources: First Streamed Level PlayerSettings.StripUnusedMeshComponents: Optimize Mesh Data* | Remove unused me sh components PlayerSettings.IPhoneBundleIdentifier: Bundle Identifier* PlayerSettings.IPhoneBundleVersion: Bundle Version* PlayerSettings.AndroidBundleVersionCode: Bundle Version Code PlayerSettings.AndroidMinSdkVersion: Minimum API Level PlayerSettings.AndroidPreferredInstallLocation: Install Location PlayerSettings.IPhoneApplicationDisplayName: Application Display Name PlayerSettings.TargetPlatform: Target Platform* PlayerSettings.AndroidTargetDevice: Device Filter PlayerSettings.TargetGlesGraphics: Graphics Level* PlayerSettings.TargetResolution: Target Resolution PlayerSettings.AccelerometerFrequency: Accelerometer Frequency PlayerSettings.UIRequiresPersistentWiFi: Requires Persistent WiFi PlayerSettings.IPhoneSdkVersion: SDK Version PlayerSettings.IPhoneTargetOSVersion: Target iOS Version PlayerSettings.IPhoneStrippingLevel: Stripping Level* PlayerSettings.IPhoneScriptCallOptimization: Script Call Optimization PlayerSettings.AndroidProfiler: Enable Internal Profiler PlayerSettings.ForceInternetPermission: Internet Access PlayerSettings.ForceSDCardPermission: Write Access PlayerSettings.CreateWallpaper: Create Live Wallpaper PlayerSettings.AndroidSplashScreenScale: Splash scaling PlayerSettings.PublishingHeader: Publishing Settings PlayerSettings.MetroPublishingHeader: Publishing Settings (Metro) PlayerSettings.KeystoreSubHeader: Keystore PlayerSettings.UseExistingKeystore: Use Existing Keystore PlayerSettings.CreateNewKeystore: Create New Keystore PlayerSettings.BrowseToSelectKeystoreName: Browse to select keystore name PlayerSettings.BrowseKeystore: Browse Keystore PlayerSettings.CreateKeystoreDialog: Create a new keystore... PlayerSettings.OpenKeystoreDialog: Open existing keystore... PlayerSettings.StorePass: Keystore password PlayerSettings.StoreConfirm: Confirm password PlayerSettings.EnterPassword: Enter password. PlayerSettings.PasswordTooShort: Password must be at least 6 characters. PlayerSettings.ConfirmPassword: Confirm keystore password. PlayerSettings.PasswordsDoNotMatch: Passwords do not match. PlayerSettings.KeyaliasSubHeader: Key PlayerSettings.KeyaliasUnsigned: Unsigned (debug) PlayerSettings.CreateNewKey: Create a new key PlayerSettings.Keyalias: Alias PlayerSettings.KeyPass: Password PlayerSettings.LicenseSubHeader: Android Market Licensing (LVL) PlayerSettings.AndroidLicensePublicKey: Public Key PlayerSettings.APKExpansionFiles: Split Application Binary | Split applica tion binary into expansion files\n(use only with Google Play Store if larger tha n 50 MB) PlayerSettings.aotOptions: AOT Compilation Options PlayerSettings.StripPhysics: Strip Physics Code PlayerSettings.scriptingDefineSymbols: Scripting Define Symbols PlayerSettings.XboxTitleId: Title Id PlayerSettings.XboxImageConversion: Image Conversion PlayerSettings.XboxImageXEXFile: ImageXEX config override PlayerSettings.XboxLive: Xbox Live PlayerSettings.XboxSpaFile: SPA config PlayerSettings.XboxServices: Services

PlayerSettings.XboxAvatarEnable: Enable Avatar rendering PlayerSettings.XboxKinect: Kinect PlayerSettings.XboxKinectDeployResources: Deploy Kinect resources PlayerSettings.XboxKinectDeployBase: Base resources PlayerSettings.XboxGenerateSPAConfig: Generate _SPAConfig.cs PlayerSettings.XboxSplashScreen: Xbox 360 splash screen PlayerSettings.XboxEnableKinect: Enable Kinect PlayerSettings.XboxKinectSpeech: Speech PlayerSettings.XboxKinectAutoTracking: AutoTracking PlayerSettings.XboxKinectFitness: Fitness PlayerSettings.XboxKinectHeadOrientation: Head Orientation PlayerSettings.XboxKinectHeadPosition: Head Position PlayerSettings.XboxAdditionalTitleMemorySize: Extra title memory (1GB) PlayerSettings.XboxAdditionalTitleMemoryWarning: If the target is a retai l console, or a standard 512MB XDK, the executable produced may fail to run. PlayerSettings.BrowseGeneric: Browse PlayerSettings.ps3TitleConfigPath: Title Config PlayerSettings.ps3DLCConfigPath: DLC Config PlayerSettings.ps3ThumbnailPath: Thumbnail (PNG 320x176) PlayerSettings.ps3BackgroundPath: Background (PNG 1980x1080) PlayerSettings.ps3SoundPath: Sound (ATRAC) PlayerSettings.ps3TrophyCommId: NP Communication ID PlayerSettings.ps3NpCommunicationPassphrase: NP Communication Passphrase PlayerSettings.ps3TrophyCommSig: NP Communication Signature PlayerSettings.ps3TrophyPackagePath: Trophy Package PlayerSettings.ps3TitleSettings: Title settings PlayerSettings.ps3BootCheckMaxSaveGameSizeKB: Max Save Game size (KB) PlayerSettings.ps3TrialMode: Trial Mode PlayerSettings.ps3SaveGameSlots: Save Game Slots PlayerSettings.wiiRegion: Region PlayerSettings.wiiGameCode: Game Code PlayerSettings.wiiGameVersion: Game Version PlayerSettings.wiiCompanyCode: Company Code PlayerSettings.wiiKeyboardEnabled: Keyboard Enabled PlayerSettings.wiiSupportsNunchuk: Nunchuk PlayerSettings.wiiSupportsClassicController: Classic Controller PlayerSettings.wiiSupportsBalanceBoard: Balance Board PlayerSettings.wiiSupportsMotionPlus: Motion Plus PlayerSettings.wiiControllerCount: Controller Count PlayerSettings.wiiControllers: Controllers PlayerSettings.wiiMisc: Miscellaneous PlayerSettings.wiiFloatingPointExceptions: FPE Exceptions PlayerSettings.wiiScreenCrashDumps: Screen Crash Dumps PlayerSettings.wiiMemory: Memory PlayerSettings.wiiMemoryReset: Reset PlayerSettings.wiiHio2Usage: Hio2 Usage PlayerSettings.wiiLoadingScreen: Loading Screen PlayerSettings.wiiLoadingScreenFileName: TPL File Name PlayerSettings.wiiLoadingScreenPeriod: Period (in ms) PlayerSettings.wiiLoadingScreenRectPlacement: Placement PlayerSettings.wiiLoadingScreenRect: Coordinates PlayerSettings.wiiLoadingScreenBackground: Background Color PlayerSettings.wiiWBCWarning: (Controller Count should be 4) PlayerSettings.MetroImageSelect: Select... | Browse for image. PlayerSettings.MetroPackaging: Packaging PlayerSettings.MetroPackageName: Package name | Specifies the unique name that i dentifies the package on the system.

PlayerSettings.MetroPackageDisplayName: Package display name | Specifies the app name that appears in the Store. Same as Product Name. PlayerSettings.MetroPackageLogo: Logo (50x50 pixels) | Specifies the image that appears on the Store description page for the product. PlayerSettings.MetroPackageVersion: Version | The version number of the package. A version string in quad notation "Major.Minor.Build.Revision". PlayerSettings.MetroPackagePublisherDisplayName: Publisher display name | A frie ndly name for the publisher that can be displayed to users. Same as Company Name . PlayerSettings.MetroCertificate: Certificate PlayerSettings.MetroCertificatePublisher: Publisher PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateIssuer: Issued by PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateNotAfter: Expiration date PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateSelect: Select... | Browse for certificate. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreate: Create... | Create test certificate. PlayerSettings.MetroApplication: Application UI PlayerSettings.MetroApplicationDisplayName: Display name | Specifies the full na me of the app. PlayerSettings.MetroApplicationDescription: Description| Specifies the text that describes the app on its tile in Windows. PlayerSettings.MetroTile: Tile PlayerSettings.MetroTileLogo: Logo (150x150 pixels) | Specifies the image to dis play on the app's tile in Windows. PlayerSettings.MetroTileWideLogo: Wide logo (310x150 pixels) | Specifies the ima ge to display on the app's wide tile in Windows if supported. PlayerSettings.MetroTileSmallLogo: Small logo (30x30 pixels) | Specifies the sma ll image to display for the app. PlayerSettings.MetroTileShortName: Short name | Specifies an abbreviated name fo r the app. PlayerSettings.MetroTileShowName: Show name | Specifies which logos the app name appears on. PlayerSettings.MetroTileForegroundText: Foreground text | Sets the value of the text color relative to the background color on the app's tile in Windows. PlayerSettings.MetroTileBackgroundColor: Background color | Sets the background color for the app's tile in Windows. PlayerSettings.MetroSplashScreen: Splash screen PlayerSettings.MetroSplashScreenImage: Splash screen (620x300 pixels) | Sets the foreground image for the app's splash screen. PlayerSettings.MetroSplashScreenOverwriteBackgroundColor: Overwrite background c olor | Uses default background color otherwise. PlayerSettings.MetroSplashScreenBackgroundColor: Background color | Sets the bac kground color for the app's splash screen. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificatePasswordTitle: Enter Metro Certificate Password PlayerSettings.MetroCertificatePasswordPassword: Password | Certificate password . PlayerSettings.MetroCertificatePasswordPasswordInvalid: Invalid password. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificatePasswordButton: Ok PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreateTitle: Create Test Certificate for Metro PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreatePublisher: Publisher | Publisher of the pac kage. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreatePublisherMissing: Publisher must be specifi ed. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreatePublisherInvalid: Invalid publisher. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreatePassword: Password | Certificate password. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreatePasswordMismatch: Passwords do not match. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreatePasswordInvalid: Invalid password. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreateConfirmPassword: Confirm password | Re-ente r certificate password.

PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreateConfirmPasswordConfirm: Confirm the passwor d. PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreateOverwrite: Current file will be overwritten . PlayerSettings.MetroCertificateCreateButton: Create PlayerSettings.MetroCompilationOverrides: Compilation Overrides PlayerSettings.flashStrippingLevel: Stripping Level

PlayerSettings.BlackBerryLandscapeSplash: Landscape Splash PlayerSettings.BlackBerryPortraitSplash: Portrait Splash PlayerSettings.BlackBerrySquareSplash: Square Splash PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDeviceSubheader: Device Configuration PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDeviceAddress: Device Address PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDevicePassword: Device Password PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDebuggingSubheader: Device Debugging PlayerSettings.BlackBerryGetLog: Get Log PlayerSettings.BlackBerryBuildId: Build Id (Auto-Incremented) | Automatica lly increments to ensure signed blackberry builds are unique PlayerSettings.BlackBerrySharedPermissions: Shared Files | Enable access to shar ed files. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCameraPermissions: Camera | Enable access to camera. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryGPSPermissions: GPS Location | Enable access to GPS dat a. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDeviceIDPermissions: Device Identification | Enable acc ess to device identifying information. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryMicrophonePermissions: Microphone | Enable access to m icrophone. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryAuthoritySubHeader: RIM Signing Authority PlayerSettings.BlackBerrySigningWindowTitle: Register With RIM Signing Authority PlayerSettings.BlackBerrySigningWindowMessage: You must register with RIM in ord er to sign applications and\ncreate debug tokens for your device. For additiona l information \nsee PlayerSettings.BlackBerryIsRegistered: Registered PlayerSettings.BlackBerryRegister: Register PlayerSettings.BlackBerryUnRegister: Unregister PlayerSettings.BlackBerryUnRegisterWindowTitle: Unregister With RIM Signing Auth ority PlayerSettings.BlackBerryUnRegisterWarning: Warning, this action will unregi ster this computer, making it unable to sign applications.\nIf you have not back ed up your signing keys you will no longer be able to sign applications\nwith th ese signing keys. To continue signing and creating debug tokens, you will need to\nregister again at After Registering, ne w versions of\nyour apps will appear as new applications, not upgrades, and will not have access to shared\ndata from previous versions. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryBackup: Backup PlayerSettings.BlackBerryRestore: Restore PlayerSettings.BlackBerryRDKCSJPath: RDK CSJ Path PlayerSettings.BlackBerryPBDTCSJPath: PBDT CSJ Path PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCSJPin: CSJ Pin PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCSKPassword: CSK Password PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCSKConfirmPassword: Confirm CSK Password PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCertificateSubHeader: Developer Certificate PlayerSettings.BlackBerryPath: Path PlayerSettings.BlackBerryAuthor: Author PlayerSettings.BlackBerryAuthorId: Author Id PlayerSettings.BlackBerryInheritAuthorId: Manually Set Author Id PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDestination: Destination PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCertificateSelect: Select... | Browse for certificate.. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokensSubheader: Debug Token

PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenExpires: Expiration Date PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenCreate: Create PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenImport: Import... PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenEdit: Edit PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenRenew: Renew PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenUpload: Upload PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenWindowTitle: Manage Debug Tokens PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenWindowMessage: Specify debug token destination, or select an existing token to modify. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryGenerateToken: Generate Token PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenInvalidError: Invalid Debug Token. Ensure a debug token is used and not an application bar file. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryTokenUploadInvalidArgsError: Device Address, Device Pas sword and a valid debug token are all required before uploading a debug Token. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCSKPasswordError: No CSK password set. You must specif y a csk password for debug creation and application signing. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDebugCreateSuccess: Successfully created debug token PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDebugUploadSuccess: Successfully uploaded debug token PlayerSettings.BlackBerryNullArgumentError: Passed in argument is null or empty - cannot process. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryRegistrationSuccess: Sucessfully registered system. Re gistration files are located at PlayerSettings.BlackBerryManifestCreateError: Unable to create manifest PlayerSettings.BlackBerrySelectBackupFile: Select Backup File PlayerSettings.BlackBerrySelectBackupDestination: Select Backup Destination PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCannotUploadLocalhostError: Cannot upload application t o localhost ( Please enter the device's IP address. It can be found o n the device under Settings->About->Network PlayerSettings.BlackBerryInvalidIPAddressError: Please enter a valid device IP a ddress. It can be found on the device under Settings->About->Network PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDevicePWError: The device password cannot be blank. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCreateStagingArea: Setting up target contents directory ... PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCreateApplicationPackage: Creating BlackBerry applicati on package... PlayerSettings.BlackBerrySigningApplication: Signing application with BlackBerry ... PlayerSettings.BlackBerryInstallingApplication: Installing application on device ... PlayerSettings.BlackBerryLaunchingApplication: Launching application on device.. . PlayerSettings.BlackBerryPopulateFieldsError: All fields must be populated. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryRDKDoesNotExistError: The specified CSK RDK file does n ot exist. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryPBDTDoesNotExistError: The specified CSK PBDT file does not exist. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCSKPasswordsDoNotMatchError: Csk passwords do not match . PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCSKFileInvalidError: Provided CSK file is not valid - c ontains no author entry. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryCheckConsoleError: An error has occured, check console for additional details. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDevicePins: Device PIN's PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDevicePinsError: Parse Error: Invalid Device PIN entere d. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryNeedMoreDevicesError: At least one device must be speci fied to generate a debug token PlayerSettings.BlackBerryDebugTokenPathError: Debug Token path must be spefified to generate a debug token PlayerSettings.BlackBerryNeeds32bitJavaError: It has been detected that 32bit Ja

va is not installed. In order to utilize Unity's BlackBerry feature-set, please install a 32 bit version of Java. PlayerSettings.BlackBerryNeedsJavaError: It has been detected that Java is not i nstalled on your system. In order to utilize Unity's BlackBerry feature-set, ple ase install Java. // ANDROID KEYSTORE AndroidKeystore.CreateNewKey: Create a new key AndroidKeystore.KeyCreation: Key Creation AndroidKeystore.Alias: Alias AndroidKeystore.Password: Password AndroidKeystore.PassConfirm: Confirm AndroidKeystore.Validity: Validity (years) AndroidKeystore.Name: First and Last Name AndroidKeystore.OrgUnit: Organizational Unit AndroidKeystore.Organization: Organization AndroidKeystore.City: City or Locality AndroidKeystore.State: State or Province AndroidKeystore.Country: Country Code (XX) AndroidKeystore.EnterKeyalias: Enter alias for your new key. AndroidKeystore.KeyliasExists: The alias entered already exists in keystore. AndroidKeystore.EnterPassword: Enter key password. AndroidKeystore.PasswordTooShort: Password must be at least 6 characters. AndroidKeystore.PasswordsDontMatch: Passwords don't match. AndroidKeystore.EnterValidityTime: Enter key validity time. AndroidKeystore.MaxValidityTime: Maximum validity time is 1000 years. AndroidKeystore.NoCertData: At least one Certificate issuer field is require d. AndroidKeystore.RecommendedValidityTime: A 25 years validity time is reco mmended. AndroidKeystore.CreateKey: Create Key // BUILD SETTINGS BuildSettings.ScenesInBuild: Scenes In Build | Which scenes to includ e in the build BuildSettings.AddScene: Add | Add a scene to the build BuildSettings.AddCurrent: Add Current | Add a scene to the build BuildSettings.PlatformTitle: Platform | Which platform to build for BuildSettings.Web: Web Player BuildSettings.Standalone: PC, Mac & Linux Standalone BuildSettings.iPhone: iOS BuildSettings.Wii: Wii BuildSettings.PS3: PS3 BuildSettings.XBox360: Xbox 360 BuildSettings.StandaloneGLESEmu: GLES Emulator BuildSettings.StandaloneGLES20Emu: GLES 2.0 Emulator BuildSettings.Android: Android BuildSettings.FlashPlayer: Flash Player BuildSettings.WP8: Windows Phone 8 BuildSettings.Metro: Windows Store Apps BuildSettings.BlackBerry: BlackBerry BuildSettings.NoWeb: Unity Web Player building is dis abled during the public preview beta. It will be enabled when Unity ships. BuildSettings.NoWebButton: BuildSettings.NoStandalone: Your license does not cover Stan

dalone Publishing. BuildSettings.NoStandaloneButton: BuildSettings.NoiPhone: Publishing. BuildSettings.NoiPhoneButton: BuildSettings.NoWii: Publishing. BuildSettings.NoWiiButton: BuildSettings.NoPS3: Publishing. BuildSettings.NoPS3Button: BuildSettings.NoXBox360: 360 Publishing. BuildSettings.NoXBox360Button: BuildSettings.NoAndroid: oid Publishing. BuildSettings.NoAndroidButton: BuildSettings.NoNaClButton: BuildSettings.NoFlash: h Publishing. BuildSettings.NoFlashButton: BuildSettings.NoWP8: ows Phone 8 Publishing. BuildSettings.NoWP8Button: BuildSettings.NoMetro: ows Store Publishing. BuildSettings.NoMetroButton: BuildSettings.NoBB10: kBerry Publishing. BuildSettings.NoBB10Button: BuildSettings.NoWindows8: ater for this build. BuildSettings.NoStandaloneURL: ne BuildSettings.NoiPhoneURL: iPhone BuildSettings.NoWiiURL: Wii BuildSettings.NoPS3URL: standalone BuildSettings.NoXBox360URL: BuildSettings.NoAndroidURL: BuildSettings.NoBB10URL:

Go to Our Online Store Your license does not cover iOS Go to Our Online Store Your license does not cover Wii Contact sales Your license does not cover PS3 Contact sales Your license does not cover Xbox Contact sales Your license does not cover Andr Go to Our Online Store Contact sales Your license does not cover Flas Go to Our Online Store Your license does not cover Wind Go to Our Online Store Your license does not cover Wind Go to Our Online Store Your license does not cover Blac Go to Our Online Store You have to use Windows 8 or gre Xbox 360 Android BlackBerry

BuildSettings.WebNotInstalled: Web Player is not supported in t his build.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.StandaloneNotInstalled: Standalone Player is not supported in th is build.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.iPhoneNotInstalled: iOS Player is not supported in t his build.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.AndroidNotInstalled: Android Player is not supported in this build.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.XBOX360NotInstalled: Xbox 360 Player is not supported in this build.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.PS3NotInstalled: PS3 Player is not supported in t his build.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.WiiNotInstalled: Wii is not supported in this bui ld.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.FlashNotInstalled: Flash Player is not supported in

this build.\n\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.MetroNotInstalled: Windows Store Player is not supp orted in\nthis build.\n\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.WP8NotInstalled: Windows Phone 8 Player is not su pported\nin this build.\n\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.BlackBerryNotInstalled: BlackBerry is not suppor ted in this build.\nDownload a build that supports it. BuildSettings.DownloadButton: Download BuildSettings.iPhoneNotAllowedWindows: ed on Windows. BuildSettings.StandaloneTarget: | Destination platform for standalone build BuildSettings.Architecture: | Build architecture for standalone BuildSettings.StandaloneWindows: BuildSettings.StandaloneWindows64: BuildSettings.MetroPlayerX86: BuildSettings.MetroPlayerX64: BuildSettings.MetroPlayerARM: BuildSettings.StandaloneOSXIntel: BuildSettings.DashboardWidget: BuildSettings.StandaloneLinux: BuildSettings.StandaloneLinux64: BuildSettings.PS3BuildSubtarget: BuildSettings.PS3BuildSubtargetPCHosted: BuildSettings.PS3BuildSubtargetHddTitle: BuildSettings.PS3BuildSubtargetBluRayTitle: Building iOS apps is not support Target Platform Architecture Windows Windows 64-bit Windows Metro x86 Windows Metro x64 Windows Metro ARM Mac OS X Mac OS X Dashboard Widget Linux Linux 64-bit Build Type PC Hosted PSN Submission Disc Submission

BuildSettings.WebPlayerStreamed: Streamed | Is the web player streamed in? BuildSettings.WebPlayerOfflineDeployment: Offline Deployment | Web Player will not reference online resources BuildSettings.NaCl: ient BuildSettings.DebugBuild: BuildSettings.ConnectProfiler: BuildSettings.AllowDebugging: BuildSettings.ExplicitNullChecks: BuildSettings.EnableHeadlessMode: BuildSettings.ExportAndroidProject: BuildSettings.SymlinkiOSLibraries: BuildSettings.Build: BuildSettings.Export: BuildSettings.BuildAndRun: BuildSettings.SwitchPlatform: Google Native Cl Development Build Autoconnect Profiler Script Debugging Explicit Null Checks Headless Mode Google Android Project Symlink Unity libraries

Build Export Build And Run Switch Platform

BuildSettings.WiiBuildSubtarget: Build Type BuildSettings.WiiBuildSubtargetDVD: Disk BuildSettings.WiiBuildSubtargetWiiWare: WiiWare BuildSettings.WiiBuildSubtargetDVDLibrary: Disk with a link step BuildSettings.WiiBuildSubtargetWiiWareLibrary: WiiWare with a link step BuildSettings.WiiBuildDebugLevel: Debug Level

BuildSettings.WiiBuildDebugLevelFull: Full BuildSettings.WiiBuildDebugLevelMinimal: Minimal BuildSettings.WiiBuildDebugLevelNone: None BuildSettings.WiiBuildDebugLevelFullDesc: Asserts enabled\nMemory profiling enabled\nNintendo Wii profiler linked\nHio2 library linked\nNo optimiz ations BuildSettings.WiiBuildDebugLevelMinimalDesc: Memory profiling enabled\nNinten do Wii profiler linked\nHio2 library linked\nOptimizations enabled BuildSettings.WiiBuildDebugLevelNoneDesc: Optimizations enabled\nN o debugging information BuildSettings.XboxBuildSubtarget: BuildSettings.XboxBuildSubtargetDevelopment: BuildSettings.XboxBuildSubtargetMaster: BuildSettings.XboxBuildSubtargetDebug: BuildSettings.XboxRunMethod: BuildSettings.XboxRunMethodHDD: BuildSettings.XboxRunMethodDiscEmuFast: BuildSettings.XboxRunMethodDiscEmuAccurate: Build Type Development player Master player Debug player Run method Copy to HDD DVD emulation (No timing) DVD emulation (Accurate)

BuildSettings.AndroidBuildSubtarget: Texture Compression BuildSettings.AndroidBuildSubtargetGeneric: Don't override BuildSettings.AndroidBuildSubtargetDXT: DXT (Tegra) BuildSettings.AndroidBuildSubtargetPVRTC: PVRTC (PowerVR) BuildSettings.AndroidBuildSubtargetATC: ATC (Adreno) BuildSettings.AndroidBuildSubtargetETC: ETC1 or RGBA16 (GLES 2.0) BuildSettings.AndroidBuildSubtargetETC2: ETC2 (GLES 3.0) BuildSettings.FlashBuildSubtarget: Target Player BuildSettings.FlashSubtarget11dot2: FlashPlayer 11.2, SWF 15 BuildSettings.FlashSubtarget11dot3: FlashPlayer 11.3, SWF 16 BuildSettings.FlashSubtarget11dot4: FlashPlayer 11.4, SWF 17 BuildSettings.MetroBuildType: Type BuildSettings.MetroBuildTypeAppX: AppX BuildSettings.MetroBuildTypeVisualStudioCpp: XAML C++ Solution BuildSettings.MetroBuildTypeVisualStudioCSharp: XAML C# Solution BuildSettings.MetroBuildTypeVisualStudioCppDX: D3D11 C++ Solution BuildSettings.MetroBuildTypeVisualStudioCSharpDX: D3D11 C# Solution BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildSubtarget: Texture Compression BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildType: Build Type BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildSubtargetGeneric: Don't override BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildSubtargetPVRTC: PVRTC (PowerVR) BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildSubtargetATC: ATC (Adreno) BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildSubtargetETC: ETC1 or RGBA16 (GLES 2.0) BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildTypeDebug: Local (Token Required) BuildSettings.BlackBerryBuildTypeSubmission: Signed (Submission) BuildSettings.BlackBerryValidationFailed: Author Id, Device Address a nd Device Password must all be set in order to use Build and Run // BuildUploadCompletedWindow // ------------------------------------------------------------------BuildUploadCompletedWindow.WindowTitleSuccess: Publishi ng completed BuildUploadCompletedWindow.TextHeaderSuccess: Success! BuildUploadCompletedWindow.MainTextSuccess: Your project has now been built and uploaded to the Unity Developer Network.

BuildUploadCompletedWindow.WindowTitleFailure: Publishi ng failed BuildUploadCompletedWindow.TextHeaderFailure: Unable t o publish BuildUploadCompletedWindow.MainTextFailureRecoverable: We could not pub lish your build at this time. The Unity Developer Network responded BuildUploadCompletedWindow.MainTextFailureCritical: While at tempting to publish your build, Unity had the following critical issue BuildUploadCompletedWindow.FailurePreLinkAssistText: If this issue pe rsists, please consult the BuildUploadCompletedWindow.UDNStatusLinkText: UDN webs ite BuildUploadCompletedWindow.FailurePostLinkAssistText: for assistance a nd service status information. BuildUploadCompletedWindow.CopyToClipboardMessage: clipboard BuildUploadCompletedWindow.DidCopyToClipboardMessage: ipboard BuildUploadCompletedWindow.CancelButton: Cancel BuildUploadCompletedWindow.FixButton: Fix the issue BuildUploadCompletedWindow.CloseButton: Close BuildUploadCompletedWindow.ShareMessage: Check out my new webplayer! // UploadingBuildsMonitor // ------------------------------------------------------------------UploadingBuildsMonitor.ProgressBarText: Pushing live... UploadingBuildsMonitor.NoSessionDialogHeader: Login re quired UploadingBuildsMonitor.NoSessionDialogText: In order to publish your build to UD N, you need to sign in via the AssetStore and tick the 'Stay signed in' checkbox . UploadingBuildsMonitor.NoSessionDialogButtonOK: OK UploadingBuildsMonitor.OverwriteDialogHeader: Overwrit e existing build? UploadingBuildsMonitor.OverwriteDialogText: The build you are uploading already exists on the server. Do you wish to replace the online build with this one or c reate a newer version of it? UploadingBuildsMonitor.OverwriteDialogButtonOK: Replace UploadingBuildsMonitor.OverwriteDialogButtonCancel: Cancel UploadingBuildsMonitor.OverwriteDialogButtonVersion: Version // BumpMapSettingsFixingWindow // ------------------------------------------------------------------BumpMapSettingsFixingWindow.overviewText: A Materi al is using the texture as a normal map.\nThe texture must be marked as a normal map in the import settings. // Atlas Editor //------------------AtlasEditorWindow.WindowTitle: Atlas Editor Copy to Copied URL to cl

// Lightmap Editor // ------------------------------------------------------------------LightmapEditor.WindowTitle: Lightmapping LightmapEditor.ShadowDistance: Shadow Distance | How far should realtime lightin g with bounce from lightmaps transition to fully lightmapped. LightmapEditor.UseLightmaps: Use Lightmaps | Use or ignore the lightmaps during rendering. LightmapEditor.UseDualInForward: Use in forward rend. | Enable dual lightmaps in forward rendering (requires custom shaders!) LightmapEditor.MaxTextureSize: Max Atlas Size | Upper limit for the size of each atlas. LightmapEditor.SkyLightColor: Sky Light Color | Sky light simulates the light em itted from the sky from all the directions - great for outdoor scenes. LightmapEditor.SkyLightIntensity: Sky Light Intensity | Sky light simulates the light emitted from the sky from all the directions - great for outdoor scenes. LightmapEditor.Bounces: Bounces | How many times should the light bounce. 0 disa bles final gather and causes only direct light to be baked. LightmapEditor.BounceBoost: Bounce Boost | Boosts indirect light, can be used to increase the amount of bounced light within the scene. LightmapEditor.BounceIntensity: Bounce Intensity | Just a multiplier to the indi rect light. LightmapEditor.Quality: Quality | Presets for many final gather and anti-aliasin g settings for a faster or a nicer bake. LightmapEditor.FinalGather.Rays: Final Gather Rays | More final gather rays give better quality LightmapEditor.FinalGather.ContrastThreshold: Contrast Threshold | Higher value will make the lightmap be more smooth but also loose detail. LightmapEditor.FinalGather.GradientThreshold: Interpolation | Blend between simp le(0) and advanced(1). Advanced generally gives better results, but might introd uce artifacts. LightmapEditor.FinalGather.InterpolationPoints: Interpolation Points | The numbe r of final gather points to interpolate between. Higher values give more smooth results, but can also smooth out details in the lighting. LightmapEditor.FinalGather.InterpolationPoints: Interpolation Points | The numbe r of final gather points to interpolate between. Higher values give more smooth results, but can also smooth out details in the lighting. LightmapEditor.LODSurfaceDistance: LOD Surface Distance | The maximum world spac e distance that is used to cast lightmap from the high-poly surface to the lower LOD. Works similar to how high-poly / low-poly normal map baking is performed. LightmapEditor.Resolution: Resolution | Lightmap resolution in texels per world unit. LightmapEditor.ObjectSettings: Object | Bake settings for the currently selected object. LightmapEditor.BakeSettings: Bake | Global bake settings. LightmapEditor.DisplayControls: Display | Editor lightmapping-related display co ntrols. LightmapEditor.DisplayControls.VisualiseResolution: Show Resolution | Switches s cene view to Lightmap Resolution mode, which shows how lightmap texels are curre ntly spent. LightmapEditor.DisplayControls.EditProbes: Edit Probes LightmapEditor.DisplayControls.ShowProbes: Show Probes LightmapEditor.DisplayControls.ShowCells: Show Cells LightmapEditor.DisplayControls.DynamicUpdateProbes: Realtime Tetrahedralization LightmapEditor.EmptySelection: Select a Light, Mesh Renderer or a Terrain from t he scene. LightmapEditor.ScaleInLightmap: Scale In Lightmap | Object's surface multiplied by this value determines it's size in the lightmap. 0 - don't lightmap this obje ct. LightmapEditor.Static: Static | Only static Mesh Renderers and static Terrains w ill be lightmapped.

LightmapEditor.Light.IndirectIntensity: Bounce Intensity | Indirect light intens ity multiplier. LightmapEditor.Light.Shadows: Baked Shadows LightmapEditor.Light.ShadowSamples: Shadow Samples | Number of samples for direc t shadows. LightmapEditor.Light.ShadowRadius: Shadow Radius | The size of the light taken i nto account when calculating direct shadows. LightmapEditor.Light.ShadowAngle: Shadow Angle | The size of the light taken int o account when calculating direct shadows. LightmapEditor.Terrain.LightmapSize: Lightmap Size | Defines the size of the lig htmap that will be used only by this terrain. LightmapEditor.AO: Ambient Occlusion | Ambient Occlusion amount, set to 0 to dis able. LightmapEditor.AOMaxDistance: Max Distance | Beyond this distance a ray is consi dered to be unoccluded. 0 for infinitely long rays. LightmapEditor.AOContrast: Contrast | Controls the transition between fully occl uded to not occluded. LightmapEditor.Maps: Maps | The editable list of lightmaps. LightmapEditor.Probes: Probes | Shows and allows to edit a cloud of light probes . LightmapEditor.MapsArraySize: Array Size | The length of the array of lightmaps. LightmapEditor.Mode: Mode | Single or dual lightmaps mode. LightmapEditor.LockAtlas: Lock Atlas | If Lock Atlas is enabled, automatic atlas ing won't be performed and lightmap index, tiling and offset on objects won't be modified. LightmapEditor.Atlas: Atlas LightmapEditor.AtlasIndex: Lightmap Index LightmapEditor.AtlasTilingX: Tiling X LightmapEditor.AtlasTilingY: Tiling Y LightmapEditor.AtlasOffsetX: Offset X LightmapEditor.AtlasOffsetY: Offset Y LightmapEditor.ClampedSize: Object's size in lightmap has reached the max atlas size. | If you need higher resolution for this object, divide it into smaller me shes or set higher max atlas size via the LightmapEditorSettings class. LightmapEditor.NoNormalsNoLightmapping: Mesh used by the renderer doesn't have n ormals. Normals are needed for lightmapping. LightmapEditor.DirectionalLightmapsProOnly: Directional Lightmaps require a Pro license. LightmapEditor.IncorrectLightProbePositions: Light probes need to form a volume, otherwise they will not be baked. LightmapEditor.Padding: Padding | Texel separation between shapes. LightmapEditor.TextureCompression: Compressed | Improves performance and lowers space requirements but might introduce artifacts. LightmapEditor.LightProbes: Light Probes | A different LightProbes.asset can be assigned here. These assets are generated by baking a scene containing light pro bes. // NavMesh Settings // -------------------NavMeshEditorWindow.ShowNavMesh: Show NavMesh NavMeshEditorWindow.ShowHeightMesh: Show HeightMesh NavMeshEditorWindow.Radius: Radius | How close to walls navigation mesh exist. R epresents the agent radius. NavMeshEditorWindow.Height: Height | How much vertical clearance space must exis t. Represents the agent height. NavMeshEditorWindow.MaxSlope: Max Slope | Maximum agent slope NavMeshEditorWindow.DropHeight: Drop Height | Maximum agent drop height NavMeshEditorWindow.StepHeight: Step Height | Maximum agent step-up height NavMeshEditorWindow.JumpDistance: Jump Distance | Maximum agent jump distance NavMeshEditorWindow.HeightMesh: Height Mesh | Generate an accurate height mesh f

or precise agent placement (slower) NavMeshEditorWindow.MinRegionArea: Min Region Area | Minimum area that a navmesh region can be NavMeshEditorWindow.WidthInaccuracy: Width Inaccuracy % | Mesh approximation all ows horizontal inaccuracy with this percentage of the Radius NavMeshEditorWindow.HeightInaccuracy: Height Inaccuracy % | Mesh approximation a llows vertical inaccuracy with this percentage of Height // Occlusion Culling Editor // -------------------OcclusionCullingWindow.WindowTitle: Occlusion | OcclusionCullingWindow.NearClipPlane: Near Clip Plane | Near Clip Plane used dur ing baking. This should match the smallest near clip plane used by any camera in the scene. OcclusionCullingWindow.FarClipPlane: Far Clip Plane | Far Clip Plane used during baking. This should match the largest far clip plane used by any camera in the scene. OcclusionCullingWindow.ViewCellSize: View Cell Size | Size of each View area cel l. A smaller value produces more accurate occlusion culling. This value is a tra deoff between occlusion accuracy and storage size. OcclusionCullingWindow.BakeQuality: Bake Quality | Preview mode can be used to g et quick results, objects might be culled too early. Use Production mode when ma king a build. OcclusionCullingWindow.PVSMemoryLimit: Memory Limit | Hint to limit PVS memory u sage OcclusionCullingWindow.OcclusionCullingMode: Technique | StaticOcclusionCullingMode.PVSOnly: PVS Only | Only static objects will be occlu sion culled. Dynamic objects will be culled based on the view frustum only. This technique has the smallest overhead on the CPU but since dynamic objects are no t culled it is only recommended for games with few moving objects & characters. Since all visibility is precomputed you can not open or close a portals at runti me. StaticOcclusionCullingMode.PVSAndDynamicObjects: PVS and dynamic objects| Static objects are culled using precomputed visibility. Dynamic objects are culled usi ng portal culling. This technique is a good balance between runtime overhead and culling efficiency. Since all visibility is precomputed you can not open or clo se a portal at runtime. StaticOcclusionCullingMode.AutomaticPortals: Automatic Portal Generation | Porta ls are generated automatically. Static and dynamic objects are culled through po rtals. This allows you to open and close portals at runtime. This technique will cull objects most accurately but also has the most performance overhead on the CPU. StaticOcclusionCullingMode.ManuallyPlacedPortalsOnly: Manually Placed Portals On ly | Only manually placed Portals (OcclusionCullingPortal component) will be use d for occlusion purposes. This gives you full control over the portals and thus complete control over culling efficiency & runtime overhead. // Script Execution Order Inspector // ------------------------------------------------------------------ScriptExecutionOrderInspector.HelpText: Add scripts to the custom order and drag them to reorder.\n\nScripts in the custom order can execute before or after the default time and are executed from top to bottom. All other scripts execute at the default time in the order they are loaded.\n\n(Changing the order of a scrip t may modify the meta data for more than one script.) ScriptExecutionOrderInspector.DefaultTime: Default Time | All scripts not i n the custom order are executed at the default time. // Navigation Mesh

// -------------------NavmeshEditor.ObjectSettings: Object | Bake settings for the currently selected object. NavmeshEditor.BakeSettings: Bake | Navmesh bake settings. NavmeshEditor.LayerSettings: Layers | Navmesh layer settings. NavmeshEditor.WindowTitle: Navigation // Generic Inspector // -------------------GenericInspector.ScriptIsMissing: The script is missing.\nPlease assign a valid script. GenericInspector.ScriptIsInvalid: The associated script can not be loaded.\nPlea se fix any compile errors\nand assign a valid script.

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