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QCF Learner Achievement Portfolio (LAP)

Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF) Accreditation Number: 601/0143/X

Version AIQ002836

Active IQ Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF) Assessment Plan. ......................................................3 Learner Achievement Portfolio Declaration Form...........4 Assessor / Internal Verifier Portfolio Declaration Form . ..5 Unit 1 Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training H/505/0053 Worksheet................................................................6 Unit 2 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training D/505/0052 Worksheet............................................................... 8 Lesson planning and delivery ..................................11 Observation Checklist ............................................ 12 Session and self - evaluation .................................. 13 Micro teaching log . ............................................... 14 Unit 3 Facilitate learning and development for individuals J/502/9549 Worksheet ............................................................ 15 Lesson planning and delivery ..................................17 Observation Checklist ............................................ 18 Session and learner self evaluation . ........................ 19 Teaching log ......................................................... 20 Unit 4 Facilitate learning and development in groups F/502/9548 Worksheet............................................................. 21 Lesson planning and delivery ................................. 23 Observation Checklist ............................................ 24 Session and learner self evaluation . ........................ 25 Teaching log ......................................................... 26

Unit 5 Understanding assessment in education and training R/505/0050 Worksheet............................................................. 27

Unit 6 Understanding the principles and practices of assessment D/601/5313 Worksheet............................................................. 30 Professional discussion........................................... 37 Record of achievement........................................... 40

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Active IQ Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)

Assessment Plan
Unit Stage of assessment Evidence Assessment Date method Written Assessors signature

Mandatory Unit Group A

Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training Facilitate learning and development for individuals


Optional Units Group B

Facilitate learning and development in groups

Worksheet Lesson Plan Direct Observation Session and self -evaluation Micro teaching log Worksheet Lesson Plan Work based Direct Observation Session and self -evaluation Teaching log Worksheet Lesson Plan Work based Direct Observation Session and self -evaluation Teaching log Worksheet Worksheet or professional discussion

Written Written Observation Written Written Written Written Observation Written Written Written Written Observation Written Written Written Written or oral

Optional Units Group C

5 6

Understanding assessment in education and training Understanding the principles and practices of assessment

Learners agreement: I agree to be assessed according to the plan above and am happy that any additional support I require has been discussed and a separate plan put in place for this.
Learners signature: Date:

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Active IQ Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)

Learner Achievement Portfolio Declaration Form
Unit 1 Worksheet

Unit 2, 3 or 4 Worksheet (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Lesson Plan (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Direct Observation/ Work based Direct observation (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Session and self evaluation (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Micro teaching log/ Teaching log (delete as required) Unit 5 or 6 (delete Worksheet or professional discussion as required) I declare that all of the evidence (listed in the checklist above) that has been produced for this portfolio is my own unaided work. Learners name Learners signature Date

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Active IQ Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)

Assessor / Internal Verifier Portfolio Declaration Form
Learner Evidence Unit 1 Worksheet Unit 2, 3 or 4 Worksheet (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Lesson Plan (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Direct observation/ Work based Direct observation (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Session and selfevaluation (delete as required) Unit 2, 3 or 4 Micro teaching log/ Teaching log (delete as required) Unit 5 Worksheet or Unit 6 Worksheet/ professional discussion (delete as required) Assessor initials against evidence assessed IV Initials against sampled evidence

Assessor Declaration
I declare that all learner evidence (listed in the checklist above) has been assessed and meets the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and evidence requirements for the qualification. Assessors name Assessors name Assessors name Assessors signature Assessors signature Assessors signature Date Date Date

Internal Verifier Declaration

I declare that that all learner evidence (initialled in the checklist above) has been internally verified and meets the learning outcomes, assessment criteria and evidence requirements for the qualification. Internal Verifiers Name Internal Verifiers Signature Date

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Unit 1 Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training H/505/0053
1. Explain the teaching role and responsibilities in education and training.

2 marks 2. Summarise three key aspects of legislation, regulatory requirements and codes of practice relating to your own roles and responsibilities.

3 marks 3. Explain three ways to promote equality and diversity in your role.

3 marks 4. Explain why it is important to identify and meet individual learner needs

2 marks 5. Explain three ways to maintain a safe and supportive learning environment

3 marks

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Explain why it is important to promote appropriate behaviour and respect for others

1 mark 7. Explain how the teaching role involves working with two other professionals, explaining the boundaries between each role and describing the points of referral to meet the individual needs of learners. How the teaching role involves working with this professional Boundaries Points of referral

Other professionals

6 marks RESULT /20 (17 marks required for a pass) Pass/Refer

Assessors Feedback

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Unit 2 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training D/505/0052
1. Describe two features of inclusive teaching and learning.

2 marks 2. Compare the strengths and limitations of two teaching and learning approaches used in your own area of specialism in relation to meeting individual learner needs.

Area of specialism Learning approaches used Strengths Limitations

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6 marks

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Explain why it is important to provide opportunities for learners to develop their English, mathematics, ICT and wider skills.


Explain why it is important to create an inclusive teaching and learning environment.

1 mark


1 mark Explain why it is important to select teaching and learning approaches, resources and assessment methods to meet individual learner needs.

3 marks 6. Explain two ways to engage and motivate learners

2 marks

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Summarise two ways to establish ground rules with learners

2 marks RESULT /17 (15 marks required for a pass) Pass/Refer

Assessors Feedback:

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Unit 2 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training D/505/0052
Lesson planning and delivery
1. Create a lesson plan for learning and teaching in your own area of expertise that meets the needs of learners. You must include: Justification of the learning and teaching approaches selected Assessment methods chosen You must plan for a teaching and learning session which lasts a minimum of 60 minutes. Please include a copy of your lesson plan in your portfolio 2. You must deliver one 15 minute micro teaching session which must be observed by your assessor. 3. After your micro teaching session you must reflect on your own approaches to delivering inclusive learning and teaching and complete the session evaluation form. 4. You must either take part in three more 15 minute (45 minutes in total) micro teaching sessions or observe three other learners micro teaching sessions. The micro teaching log must be completed.

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Unit 2 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training D/505/0052
Observation Checklist
The learner has: 1. Applied learning and teaching approaches to meet the needs of learners 2. Used resources to meet the needs of learners 3. Used assessment methods to meet the needs of learners 4. Communicated with learners to meet their needs and aid their understanding 5. Provided constructive feedback to learners 6. Evaluated their own performance in the delivering of inclusive learning and teaching Assessor Feedback and Overview of Session Observed Pass / Refer

Learners Name Assessors Name IVs Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Unit 2 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training D/505/0052
Session and self - evaluation
Lesson: Projected learning outcomes for this lessons were: Date:

Teachers comments Attendance / punctuality:

Aspects of the lessons that show equality and diversity: Aspects of the lessons that incorporate information and learning technology: Personalised/customised learning and teaching strategies: New skills learnt above and beyond planned lesson: Development of individuals:

Behaviour of class / individuals:

Attitude towards learning:

Understanding of themselves as the learner: Aspects of this or next lessons to be noted and/or aspects of student group to be noted: Evaluation of the lesson, including own approaches to delivering learning and teaching: Areas for improvement in own practice

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Unit 2 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training D/505/0052
Micro teaching log
Observation or teaching Name of tutor Overview of session observed or taught Date & Time Assessor or Supervising Teacher/ Mentor Signature

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Unit 3 Facilitate learning and development for individuals J/502/9549

1. Explain two purposes of one to one learning and development

2 marks 2. Explain three factors which should be considered when facilitating learning and development to meet individual needs

3 marks 3. Evaluate two methods for facilitating learning and development to meet the needs of individuals Evaluation


4 marks
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Explain how you would manage risks and safeguard indiviuals when facilitating one to one learning and development giving an example of how you would do this

2 marks 5. Explain how to overcome individual barriers to learning giving an example of how you would do this

2 marks 6. Explain how to monitor individual learner progress giving an example of how you would do this

2 marks 7. Explain how to adapt delivery to meet individual learner needs

1 mark




(14 marks and a minimum of 1 mark per question required for a pass)
Assessors Feedback:

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Unit 3 Facilitate learning and development for individuals J/502/9549

Lesson planning and delivery
1. Create a lesson plan for learning and teaching in your own area of expertise that meets the needs of your chosen individual learner. You must include: Justification of the learning and teaching approaches selected Assessment methods chosen You must plan for a teaching and learning session which lasts a minimum of 60 minutes. Please include a copy of your lesson plan in your portfolio 2. This unit assesses occupational competence and requires you to undertake practice in a work environment. You must deliver at least one teaching session to an individual learner which must be observed by your assessor. 3. At the end of the teaching session you must assist your learner in reflecting on their own learning and development and complete the session evaluation form together. 4. If you take part in additional teaching sessions or observe other learners teaching sessions, the teaching log must be completed

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Unit 3 Facilitate learning and development for individuals J/502/9549

Observation Checklist
The learner has: 1. Clarified the facilitation methods to be used with the individual that meets their learning and/or development objectives 2. Implemented activities to meet learning and/or development objectives 3. Managed risks and safeguarded individuals participating in one-to-one learning and/or development 4. Developed opportunities for the individual to apply their new knowledge and learning in practical contexts 5. Explained to the individual the benefits of applying new knowledge and skills 6. Explained to the individual the benefits of self-evaluation 7. Reviewed the individuals responses to one-to-one learning and/or development 8. Assisted the individual to identify their future learning and/or development needs Assessor Feedback Pass / Refer

Learners Name Assessors Name IVs Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Unit 3 Facilitate learning and development for individuals J/502/9549

Session and learner self-evaluation
This form is to be completed by the tutor with their individual learner How well did the planned activities meet the individual learners needs?

How well did the planned activities meet the learning and development objectives?

How would you adapt learning and development activities for future sessions?

Identify with the individual their future learning and/or development needs

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Unit 3 Facilitate learning and development for individuals J/502/9549

Teaching log
Observation or teaching Name of tutor Overview of session observed or taught Date & Time Assessor or Supervising Teacher/ Mentor Signature

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Unit 4 Facilitate learning and development in groups F/502/9548

1. Explain two purposes of group learning and development

2 marks 2. Explain why delivery of learning and development must reflect group dynamics

1 mark 3. Evaluate two methods for facilitating learning and development to meet the needs of groups Evaluation


4 marks

4. Explain how you would manage risks and safeguard individuals when facilitating learning and development in groups giving an example of how you would do this.

2 marks

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Explain how to overcome barriers to learning in groups giving an example of how you would do this.

2 marks 6. Explain how to monitor individual learner progress within group learning and development activities giving an example of how you would do this.

2 marks 7. Explain how to adapt delivery based on feedback from learners in groups

1 mark RESULT /14 (12 marks and a minimum of 1 mark per question required for a pass) Pass/Refer Assessors Feedback:

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Copyright 2013 Active IQ Ltd. Not for resale

Unit 4 Facilitate learning and development in groups F/502/9548

Lesson planning and delivery
1. Create a lesson plan for learning and teaching in your own area of expertise that meets the needs of your chosen group. You must include: Justification of the learning and teaching approaches selected Assessment methods chosen You must plan for a teaching and learning session which lasts a minimum of 60 minutes. Please include a copy of your lesson plan in your portfolio 2. This unit assesses occupational competence and requires you to undertake practice in a work environment. You must deliver at least one teaching session to a group of learners which must be observed by your assessor. 3. At the end of the micro teaching session you must assist your learners in reflecting on their own learning and development and complete the session evaluation form together. 4. If you take part in additional teaching sessions or observe other learners teaching sessions, the teaching log must be completed

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Unit 4 Facilitate learning and development in groups F/502/9548

Observation Checklist
The learner has : 1. Clarified the facilitation methods to be used with group members to meet group and individual learning objectives 2. Implemented learning and development activities to meet learning objectives 3. Managed risks to group and individual learning and development 4. Developed opportunities for the individuals to apply their new knowledge and learning in practical contexts 5. Provided group feedback to improve the application of learning 6. Supported self-evaluation by learners 7. Reviewed individual responses to learning and development in groups 8. Assisted learners to identify their future learning and/or development needs Assessor Feedback Pass / Refer

Learners Name Assessors Name IVs Name

Signature Signature Signature

Date Date Date

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Unit 4 Facilitate learning and development in groups F/502/9548

Session and learner self-evaluation
This form is to be completed by the tutor with their learners How well did the planned activities meet the group and individuals needs?

How well did the planned activities meet the learning and development objectives?

How would you adapt learning and development activities for future sessions?

Identify with the individuals their future learning and/or development needs

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Unit 4 Facilitate learning and development in groups F/502/9548

Teaching log
Observation or teaching Name of tutor Overview of session observed or taught Date & Time Assessor or Supervising Teacher/ Mentor Signature

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Unit 5 Understanding assessment in education and training R/505/0050

1. Select 3 types of assessments used in education and training, explaining the purpose, characteristics, strengths, limitations and how you can adapt these assessment methods to meet individual learner needs. Method 1 Assessment method Purpose Method 2 Method 3




Adaptations to meet individual learner needs

27 marks (a minimum of 2 marks per horizontal row required)

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Explain why it is important to involve learners and others in the assessment process.

1 mark 3. Explain the role and use of peer- and self-assessment in the assessment process.

2 marks 4. Identify two different sources of information that should be made available to learners and others involved in the assessment process.

2 marks 5. Describe two key features of constructive feedback.

2 marks 6. Explain how constructive feedback contributes to the assessment process.

1 mark 7. Explain two ways to give constructive feedback to learners.

2 marks

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Why is it important to keep records of assessment of learning?

1 mark 9. What are the requirements for keeping records of assessment in an organisation?

2 marks RESULT /40 Pass/Refer

34 marks are required for a pass however a minimum of 1 mark must be achieved for each question unless otherwise stated below; a minimum of 2 marks per horizontal row must be achieved for question 1

Assessors Feedback:

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Unit 6 Understanding the principles and practices of assessment D/601/5313

Please complete either the worksheet or professional discussion.

1. Explain the functions of assessment in learning and development

2. Validity

Define the following four key concepts and principles of assessment

2 marks




4 marks (a minimum of 4 marks required) 3. Explain three responsibilities of an assessor

3 marks

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Outline three regulatory requirements that are relevant to assessment

3 marks 5. Complete the following table comparing the strengths and limitations of a selection of assessment methods Strength Limitation

Assessment method Observation

Professional discussion

Examination of product

Case study

Witness testimony

Personal statement

12 marks (a minimum of 10 marks required)

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Briefly summarise four key factors to consider when planning an assessment

4 marks 7. Outline three advantages of using a holistic approach to assessment


Explain how to plan a holistic assessment

3 marks

3 marks 9. Outline two risks that an assessor needs to consider when planning an assessment

2 marks

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Considering the risks at Question 9, how can an assessor reduce these through the planning process?

2 marks 11. Why is it important to involve the learners in the planning process?

1 mark 12. Why is it important to involve others in the planning process? Give two examples of who you could include

Importance Example Example

3 marks 13. What types of information should be available to learners and others involved in the assessment process?

2 marks 14 Explain the importance of self-evaluation and peer evaluation in the assessment process

2 marks 15. Give two examples of how assessment arrangements could be adapted to meet the needs of individual learners

2 marks
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How would you judge evidence to ensure it was sufficient, authentic and current?




3 marks (a minimum of 3 marks required) 17. How would you ensure that assessment decisions are: made against specified criteria, valid, reliable and fair?

Made against specific criteria




4 marks (a minimum of 4 marks required) 18. Explain the importance of quality assurance of the assessment process

2 marks

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Outline the quality assurance procedures that are in place in your own area of practice

3 marks 20. Outline the procedure if there are disputes concerning the assessment process

3 marks 21. Why is it important to follow procedures for the management of information relating to assessment?

1 mark 22. How does feedback and questioning contribute to the assessment process?

4 marks 23. Explain how you would address the following legal requirements regarding information collected during the assessment process (use knowledge of your workplace policies and procedures in your answer)


Health and safety

Welfare of the learner

3 marks (a minimum of 3 marks required)

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24. Give two examples of how technology contribute to the assessment process

2 marks 25. What are the requirements for equality and diversity and, where appropriate, bilingualism, during the assessment process?

2 marks 26. Why is continual professional development (CPD) and reflective practice important for an assessor?

2 marks RESULT /77 PASS / REFER

66 marks are required for a pass however a minimum of 1 mark must be achieved for each question unless otherwise stated below; a minimum of 4 marks must be achieved for question 2 a minimum of 10 marks must be achieved for question 5 a minimum of 3 marks must be achieved for question 16 a minimum of 4 marks must be achieved for question 17 a minimum of 3 marks must be achieved for question 23

Assessors Feedback:

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Unit 6 Understanding the principles and practices of assessment D/601/5313

Please complete either the worksheet or professional discussion.

Professional discussion
Agenda 1. Understand the principles and requirements of assessment (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4) Learning outcome / assessment criteria Learning outcome 1 Tape / digital counter

2. Understand different types of assessment methods (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 2.1)

Learning outcome 2

Tape / digital counter

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3. Understand how to plan assessment (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)

Learning outcome 3

Tape / digital counter

4. Understand how to involve learners and others in assessment (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 4.1, 4.2, 4.3, 4.4)

Learning outcome 4

Tape / digital counter

5. Understand how to make assessment decisions (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 5.1, 5.2)

Learning outcome 5

Tape / digital counter

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6. Understand quality assurance of the assessment process (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 6.1, 6.2, 6.3)

Learning outcome 6

Tape / digital counter

7. Understand how to manage information relating to assessment (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 7.1, 7.2)

Learning outcome 7

Tape / digital counter

8. Understand the legal and good practice requirements in relation to assessment (the following assessment criteria must be discussed 8.1, 8.2, 8.3, 8.4)

Learning outcome 8

Tape / digital counter

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Active IQ Level 3 Award in Education and Training (QCF)

Learner Signature:

Record of achievement

Learner Name:

Centre Name:


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Stage of assessment

First assessment (if claiming APA detail evidence seen)

Assessor signature and date

Second assessment Pass/Refer/APA

Assessor signature Third assessment and date Pass/Refer/APA

Assessor signature and date

Mandatory unit Group A Unit 1 Understanding roles, responsibilities and relationships in education and training Worksheet Optional Unit Group B Unit 2 Understanding and using inclusive teaching and learning approaches in education and training Worksheet Lesson Plan Direct Observation Session and self-evaluation Micro teaching log Unit 3 Facilitate learning and development for individuals Worksheet Lesson Plan Work based direct observation Session and self-evaluation Teaching log

Unit 4 Facilitate learning and development in groups Worksheet Lesson Plan Work based direct observation Session and self-evaluation Teaching log Optional Units Group C Unit 5 Understanding assessment in education and training Worksheet Unit 6 Understanding the principles and practices of assessment Worksheet or professional discussion

I declare that all the work produced to meet the assessment criteria above has been my own unaided work. Date:

Learners signature:

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Westminster House, The Anderson Centre, Ermine Business Park, Huntingdon, PE29 6XY T: 01480 467950 F: 01480 456283 E:

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