The Cost of Discipleship

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Cost of Discipleship

Jesus told prospective disciples that they needed "count the cost" if they wanted to follow Him. I. Discipleship demands sacrifice deny yourself A. Peter had just rebuked the Lord for speaking of His death. "Far be it from you, Lord" (Matt. 16:22). He misunderstood the purposes of God in the cross. In His attitude toward it, He was our example. B. Denying self is the opposite of self-fulfillment. 1. The disciples had given up some things in order to follow Jesus, but they hadnt yet learned the lesson of giving up self. 2. To deny yourself is sacrifice with a purpose: to gain something else of greater value. Out sacrifices are not really sacrifices at all! II. Discipleship demands suffering take up your cross A. The cross stands for the means of achieving God's purposes for ones life, the difficulties one encounters in pursuing God's will. Willingly face the difficult circumstances of your life as the means to prove your love for God. Death is considered to be the ultimate sacrifice. B. Your calling in life is to live as a Christian no matter what circumstances God gives you. Your current situation with current responsibilities is the cross you are called to carry. To "take it up" means knowing what it will mean for you. C. Luke 9:23 adds the phrase daily. It is more than an initial decision to walk that way. III. Discipleship demands submission follow Me A. Christ's path determines ours (like Master, like servant) (Matt. 10:25). Christ's path determines ours - follow His example. God is fulfilling a larger plan. B. Jesus demands that we follow His teachings. We must give heed to His teachings because it is on the basis of His words that we will be judged. C. Submission is at the heart of Christian living. You must be a disciple before you can live up to the requirements of discipleship.

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