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Dcur QirIricrd,
\e got in the car and droe on down to Columbus. \e walked into the
John B. Amos Cancer Center and were directed to the inusion center. I
was completely calm. I know \alker must hae thought aliens rom space
had come in the night and taken oer my body, or something, because I
was calm and smiling and cheerul. 1he power o prayer, you just can't beat
I didn't really know what to expect, but going into the inusion center
was not scary. 1he room was ull o cozy recliner chairs. Leryone in there
was laid back reading books, eating snacks, or working on laptops. A ew
people had their eyes closed so I guess they were asleep. Most o the
patients had one riend or one relatie sitting beside them. Some o these
people were talking to their chemo buddies and some were watching 1V
together and not talking.
\alker and I were escorted oer to a recliner by a riendly young emale
nurse. Mrs. Riers, did you remember to put some numbing cream on
your port` she asked. \es, I did,` I replied. \ell then, just make
yoursel comortable in this chair while I go get you some nice warmed up
blankets. \e hae a blanket warmer and eerybody loes those warmed up
blankets.` She walked away and I sat in the recliner. \alker sat down in
the buddy` chair right next to me. In a minute the nurse came back with
some toasty warm blankies and tucked me into the chair.
Are you alright Are you nerous` she asked. I might be getting a
little nerous,` I said. \ell, I put something in your bag that will take
away that nerous eeling.` 1hen she cleaned the area oer my port, dried
o the area and inserted a needle into the port right through my skin. Since
I had numbed up the area with Lidocaine, I didn't eel any pain at all. \hat
a relie! 1hen she attached the needle to a tube that was attached to my bag
o chemo drugs and my happy` drug.
Are you comortable Can I get you a sot drink or crackers, juice,
yogurt, pudding Anything` she asked. 1hat happy medicine was already
starting to take eect, so I just settled back and said, I'm ine. Just ine.`
She smiled and said, Okay, you just stay put and our dietician is going to
come talk to you in a minute.` I was starting to eel pleasantly woozy when
a ery riendly lady approached my chair. lello. I'm Beth. I'm the
dietician. \ould it be alright i I isit with you a little while` \e
introduced ourseles and she pulled up a chair to talk to \alker and me.
She said that usually on the day that a patient receies a chemotherapy
inusion, they eel just ine, but on the next day or the third day I might eel
nauseated and lose my appetite. She told me that Dr. Pippas had prescribed
a wonderul anti-nausea drug or me. 1his drug is called Zoran and it is so
eectie that some people call it Saint Zoran.
I was listening to eerything she said, but Saint lappy Drug was making
me a little sleepy. \alker was, as always, listening to eery word she said
and taking notes. She was all about preenting my breast cancer rom
coming back, by getting me into an anti- cancer liestyle. \e talked about
what causes breast cancer. lrom all the research that has been done there
are quite a ew things that doctors beliee contribute to getting breast
Using hormone replacement therapy, lR1, can increase the risk o
breast cancer in some women. It had already been determined that my
body's reaction to estrogen was not a good one. Being oerweight and lack
o exercise can increase your risk o deelopment o breast cancer. laing
more than one sering o alcohol a day signiicantly raises the risk o breast
cancer. laing close relaties who hae had breast cancer can increase
your risk.
But, since I already had breast cancer, Beth turned the conersation
towards preenting another recurrence. \ou really can decrease your
chances o breast cancer with your diet. \ou need to eat lots o dark leay
green egetables like cabbage and Brussels sprouts. I want you to eat
blueberries, dark purple grapes and stone ruits.`
\hat are stone ruits I asked.
Stone ruits are ruits that hae large pits in them like peaches, plums
and mangoes.`
Is there anything else I can do to keep rom getting cancer again`
\es. 1ake calcium citrate with Vitamin D. 1his is really important.
Don't take calcium carbonate because it's made rom ground up oyster
shells and can cause kidney stones. Make sure it is calcium citrate with
Vitamin D or the best absorption. I also want you to take ish oil. It
comes in a gel cap so you don't hae to taste it, and i you get enteric coated
ish oil capsules you won't hae ish burps or indigestion,`she said.
Is there anything else` I asked. 1ake a good multiple itamin daily,
aoid white reined sugar as much as possible. Lat garlic. Garlic is a real
anti-cancer ood. Just lie a good healthy liestyle. Lat your ruits and
eggies, keep your weight down, exercise.
Lat ground golden laxseed. Ground laxseed blocks the eects o
natural estrogen on cells. Since your cancer was estrogen drien, ground
laxseed might just be good protection against a recurrence o your cancer.
It's great in smoothies. \ou can put blueberries, peaches, ground golden
laxseed and lowat organic milk and blend them up together. It really
tastes good and just might decrease your chances o a recurrence. \ou can
actually buy a little smoothie maker that mixes up your smoothie right in
the glass you'll drink it rom. I like mine a lot because it's so easy to wash.
I hate the hassle o haing to wash a big blender or one little smoothie.`
\ell, what do you mean by organic milk` I asked.
I mean milk that comes rom cows that were not shot ull o
hormones. \ou really should stick to meats and eggs that come rom
animals that were not shot up with hormones. \ou need to stay away rom
estrogen. Lstrogen can act like ertilizer to breast cancer cells.`
\hat can she eat while she's on chemotherapy \alker asked.
She can eat anything she eels like eating, but most people do well with
ice cream and pudding, cold oods, light oods. It just depends on how she
Can you think o some more things I can do to preent another
recurrence` I asked.
\ell, use deodorant that doesn't hae aluminum in it. Don't een cook
in aluminum pots. Don't use cookware that has the nonstick surace worn
o. Cook in glass, stainless steel or cast iron. And don't heat up your ood
in the microwae in plastic. leat up your ood in glass. I you hae any
questions just call me. lere's my phone number....`
Ater Beth let, I stayed in the recliner about another hour. \alker was
working on his laptop while I just sort o loated away with my Saint lappy
Drug that was going into my body along with an anti- nausea drug and the
chemo medicine. I was trying to isualize the chemo pouring into my eins
like little PacMan creatures inding the cancer cells and gobbling them up.
1he time passed quickly and the sweet nurse who had hooked me up to the
chemo bag came back to unhook me. So how do you eel Are you
okay` I elt pleasantly drugged, just a little bit sleepy.... I'm ine,` I said
as she took the needle out o my port and helped me out o the recliner.
Now, don't orget that you hae to come back in the morning to get
your Neulasta shot. \e hae to keep those white blood cells pumped up so
you won't get any inections. 1ry to aoid going out in crowds where
people will be coughing and sneezing around you and don't be hugging a lot
o people through the holidays. \our immune system is going to be
compromised and you hae to think about staying well. Len a cold can
make you eel really sick when you're on chemo,` she said. \ell, I got a
lu shot about a month ago,` I told her. 1hat was a good idea. 1he lu
can knock you down pretty hard when you're doing chemo.`
Ater I was all unhooked we let the center, got in the car and droe
back to lairy Ring Cottage. I was waiting to see what was going to happen.
I was waiting to see i I got deathly sick. I elt just ine in the car. \hen we
got to the cottage, \alker built a cozy ire in the ireplace and turned on the
lights on our little bitty baby Christmas tree. I must admit it had been a
good day. All that crying and carrying on or nothing.... low do you
eel` \alker asked as we snuggled up together under a blanket by the
ireplace. I eel just ine,` I said as I lay my head on his shoulder....
In awhile he got up to ix himsel a snack and I stretched out on the
couch. I was just looking up at the ceiling and I noticed a little bug crawling
around up there. le was obiously lost. le was just wandering around
this way and that way trying to ind a way to get back outside. lrom my
perspectie I could see that all he needed to do was crawl oer to the crack
in the door and go right on out. But, Mr. Bug could not see the whole
picture. le could only see what was right in ront o him. lis ision o
the situation was so limited that he had no idea o the reality o the total
situation in which he ound himsel.
1hen it hit me. I was like the bug. \ou are like the bug. Lery human
being on this planet is just like the bug. A couple o nights beore I had
cried and railed against God, I you are a loing God, why are you
allowing me to suer so much \hy don't you just make this suering
stop right now I you loe me why don't you heal me instantly!` I cried
out to God. I got no answer, just silence. Now I could see the answer.
\e, as humans, just like the bug, can't see the entire picture. God can see
the entire picture. le sees me suer and he doesn't heal me instantly. le
sees some people suer and does not heal them at all. And we think why
\hy does he allow sickness and suering 1he only thing I came up with
is that God can see the total picture and we can't.
God looks at the whole picture and sees that our human suering, in
some way, somehow, is or good. Just like when a mother is in labor. She
suers through a great deal o pain, but in the end she has the joy o a
haing a new baby. Suering is part o this lie on earth. Cancer causes us
to suer, but God in some mysterious way uses our suering or good. I
hae to beliee that is true in order to stay happy in this lie. I am like the
bug on the ceiling. I can't see where I am going. I hae no idea where I
am, out here in the cosmos on a rock that is spinning around a great ball o
ire. I am surrounded by billions and billions o other spinning rocks and
balls o ire that go on and on ininitely.... \hy am I here in this strange
place, in this strange situation All I can do is hae aith that there is a
loing God that knows why I am here, and le is using my suering or the
greater good that is his plan or this unierse. I hope that when I go to
heaen God will let me see the total picture. I hope that le will say,
Look, I created this unierse and allowed it to become what it has become.
In order or it to become what it has become there was great suering all
along the way, but see my creation is good. \our suering contributed to
that good.` 1hat would be heaen to me, just knowing that human
suering, in the end, contributed to a good creation.
1he next morning we were up and out on the road to the inusion
center again to get the Neulasta shot. I had a male nurse this time and it
was no big deal. No pain. Use Lidocaine! Ater receiing the shot we
droe on back to Macon. 1hat day passed and the next day too, but I really
elt ine. On the third day I noticed that anything and eerything I tried to
eat tasted peculiar. It tasted like metal. I had been taking my Zoran three
times a day, een though I had not experienced any nausea. Dr. Pippas had
told me to stay one step ahead o the nausea. Girlriend, I think that was
some ery important adice. I took Zoran eery single day or the next
three weeks and I neer experienced any nausea. Good ole Dr. Pippas or
prescribing Zoran the "wonder drug". I did hae some ery bad
indigestion that made me start to cough. I remember coughing so hard that
I did actually throw up, but I was not nauseated one time during the whole
three week period.
Girlfriend advice: 1ake your prescribed nausea medication before you
ever get nauseated the first time. 1here may be some other brands
out there that work, but I'm telling you, Zofran worked very very well
for me. You might want to ask your doctor about it! If you keep tak-
ing your nausea medication you might get lucky like I did and never
get nauseated the first time.
Dcur QirIricrd,
I went on with lie as usual because Christmas time had rolled around
again. I had to do all my shopping and wrapping presents, decorating,
cooking, etc., while I was doing chemo. Like I told you in the beginning,
cancer does not gie you any time out. Lerybody still expects you to do
what you always hae done beore, een i you are doing chemo, and you
will not want to disappoint them.
Right beore Christmas, 2008, I was diagnosed with cancer. 1he next
Christmas, 2009, I had already had the lumpectomy, radiation and was
taking 1amoxien. I thought I was cured so we had a ery good Christmas
that year. Unortunately, my cancer came back. 1he year 2010 was illed
with that heart wrenching news, the bilateral mastectomy, the staph
inection, the implant ripping out and being remoed , the hole in my chest
that took ie months to heal and now chemotherapy. \hat next 1hank
God the we can't see too ar down the road....
A ew days passed and I woke up with my entire scalp slightly aching. I
didn't know that that was a sign that my hair was about to all out. As the
day wore on, I realized that i I pulled on my hair eer so slightly, a ew
strands o hair would just come right out. But, it was two weeks until
Christmas and I had major shopping that I still had to get done.
Lerybody wanted to keep up with my treatment on lacebook so I
posted this:
1oday my hair started to all out. I'm araid I'm going to look like one
o those Sea Monkeys that you could order out o the back o comic books
when I was a kid. \ou were supposed to just drop the magic tablets in
water and the sea monkeys would grow. 1he picture in the comic books
was o this creature with huge eyes and a big bald head. I'm araid that's
going to be the new me.`
So een though I knew my hair was about to all all out, I just absolutely
had to get my Christmas shopping done. Mama makes the magic. \ou
know exactly what I'm talking about. I didn't hae the luxury o sitting
around eeling sorry or mysel, I had to pull o Christmas. So I went to
Barnes and Noble and ran into a riend o mine. My hair, at that point,
didn't really look much dierent because I was so careul not to touch it. I
I tried to brush it or tug on it eer so slightly, out it came. But, it didn't
hurt at all. \ou would think that it would hurt to pull it out, but it didn't
hurt one little bit.
So, when I ran into my riend, Cindy, at Barnes and Noble she said,
Now, I don't beliee what you put on lacebook, your hair looks just ine!`
At that I just reached up and pulled a glob o hair right out o my head.
Oh my God! I beliee you!` she said as she grabbed the hair out o my
hand and crammed it down into her empty paper coee cup that she was
about to throw away. \e didn't know what else to say so we just busted
out laughing. 1he whole scene was just crazy. I spent the rest o the day
doing as much shopping as I could because I knew that the big eent was
about to happen, and I wasn't sure i I was going to be in the Christmas
spirit ater going completely bald.
1he next day I woke up with my scalp really aching badly. On the day
your hair alls out, your whole scalp really aches. Beore I had a chance to
let that little reality set in, I also discoered what eery woman knows is the
worst thing eer... I had a bladder inection. I barely made it out o bed
and into the bathroom beore the urine, which elt like burning liquid ire,
started to come out o me, as you well know, three drops at a time.... So,
there I was, sitting on the potty, in complete misery when I unthinkingly
ran my hand up through my hair and a huge wad just came out in my hand.
I thought I would die. I managed to get to the medicine cabinet and thank
God I had a bottle o Pyridium to stop the burning sensation when I
urinated. \hat a mess!!! I was unable to get ie eet away rom the toilet
without haing to go again, and my hair was just coming out in big wads i I
just touched it at all.
I called Lori, my nurse naigator, and told her what was going on.
\hen you're doing chemo, it's common to come down with all kinds o
inections. I'll call some antibiotics in to your pharmacy. I know you're
upset about your hair....` At that point I was just about in tears. Lori added,
1his is just going to be a hard day. I'll phone you in some Xanax to calm
you down. Oh,and don't shae your head, I don't want to risk your cutting
yoursel and getting another inection. \ou can just brush your hair out
with a clean hairbrush.`
So wasn't I just in a pretty ix Sitting on the potty while liquid ire
dripped and my hair doing the grand inale act o all alling out. Girlriend,
I neer in my lie dreamed that I would hae to go through something this
awul. But, whateer happens to you, hold onto the thought that it is only
temporary. \ou can make it! I wish someone had kept on telling me that. I
just remember waiting and praying that the Pyridium would take eect and
stop the burning,at least long enough or me to get to my grocery store
pharmacy to get the Xanax beore I had a complete nerous breakdown.
And let me add right here that mothers at Christmas are not allowed to
hae nerous breakdowns!!!
So, I just sat there until the burning sensation stopped and then I
headed or the grocery store to get my prescription or Xanax illed. \hen
I got inside the grocery store, I ran into another riend, like I had run into
Cindy at Barnes and Noble. \hat was so unny to me was the exact same
scene was played out all oer again. 1his time it was Julie who said, Suzan,
your hair looks ine!` At that I just ran my hand through my hair and
another big glob came out. Julie reacted the exact same way that Cindy had
reacted. She said, Oh my God!` as she grabbed the hair out o my hand
and quickly stued it down in her pocketbook. 1hen we both just cracked
up. \hat else could we do
I don't know why both Cindy and Julie elt compelled to grab my hair
and hide it, but that must be the proper etiquette or the situation because
that's what both o them did. So I went on oer and got in line to pick up
my prescription that Lori had called in rom Dr. Pippas's oice in
Columbus. 1he line was long. Very long. As I stood there, I realized that
eerybody in line was coughing and sneezing all oer me. I kept thinking,
\ikes! I'e got to get out o here beore I catch the bubonic plague!` I
stood in that line oer a hal hour. \hen I inally got up to the counter, I
told the girl that I needed to pick up my prescription or Xanax, which had
been called in rom Columbus. 1hen she said ,I'm sorry, but I can't ill
anymore prescriptions today because our serer just went down.`
At that point I had just about had enough. I said, Look, I'm on chemo
and my hair is alling out today. By this eening I'll be completely bald and
this has gotten me ery upset!!!` At that I reached up and yanked a huge
glob o my hair out right o the top o my head. I just stood there holding
that big glob o hair in my hand and said, I really NLLD that Xanax!!!`
\ell, girlriend, I hae good news to share, prescriptions can still be illed
een when the serer has gone down.` \ou hae neer seen anybody put
pills in a bottle aster than that poor girl did. I guess she thought I was
going to blow up the grocery store, or at the ery least take out a gun and
shoot her.
I looked at the people who were standing in line behind me and all o
their mouths were just hanging wide open. One lady understood what had
just transpired and she said, Don't you worry, honey, I'e been through it
mysel. \ou're going to be just ine. \ou're just haing a bad hair day!`
I think that was an understatement. Losing my hair was making me wig
out! I got my Xanax and antibiotics and droe on back to the house. I
took a Xanax and tried to calm down. I went and got the wig that I had
bought ahead o time, at the breast cancer boutique, or this special
occasion. Ater awhile I elt alright. Better liing through chemicals....
I decided that I needed to get rid o all the rest o my hair beore I
scared somebody else. I called two o my college-aged daughters into the
bathroom to help me. Okay girls, we're just going to take these two new
hairbrushes and brush all o the hair out,` I said.
My daughter Laurel immediately sat on the loor in the lotus position
and started to meditate, Oooooommmmm.`
I said, \hat in the world are you doing`
Oh Mama, I'm going to hae to go to therapy ater this!` she replied.
My other daughter, Blythe, just sat quietly on the side o the bathtub. I
starting brushing and singing the theme to lair. Blythe took up the other
brush and together we just kept on brushing and brushing while the hair
ell out all oer me and all oer the bathroom loor. At irst I looked like a
moth eaten sweater. 1hen in a little while Laurel just started laughing.
Blythe had not said word one through this whole drama, but I could tell she
was trying hard not to laugh. Laurel was laughing hysterically. So I said,
\hat's the matter with you Laughing at your poor little Mama losing all
her hair`
Laurel said, Mama, look in the mirror. \ou look just like Benjamin
It was so true. All the hair on the top o my head and about hal way
down was gone, but the rest o my hair was straggling down to my
shoulders. \ou know what \ou're right. I do look like Benjamin
lranklin. All I need is a pair o those natty little spectacles....` 1hen all
three o us just howled. Blythe and I continued to brush until Benjamin
was gone. \ow... what a shock.... linally I said to Laurel, \hy are we
laughing I look like hell!!!` Laurel said, I think this is like when people
laugh at uneral receptions. 1hey laugh to keep rom crying.` \hat she
said was true, and I realized how grown up both o my college girls were by
the way they helped me that day.
1hen Blythe just took the wig and placed it on my head. Laurel said,
Let's call her loxy.` So I had a ake breast named Marilyn` and a wig
named loxy.` I looked in the mirror to see i there was any Suzan` let.
Blythe brushed loxy` out all nice and pretty and Laurel handed me some
long, dangly, sparkly earrings. I put on the earrings, stared at the new me in
the mirror and said, Cancer, go jump! \e're haing un with this....`
1hank the Lord or daughters....
Girlfriend advice: Before you start chemo, have your doctor prescribe
Pyridium just in case you get a bladder infection. 1hink ahead and
talk to your doctor about meds you should have on hand to make
chemotherapy a lot easier. Buy your synthetic wig before your hair
falls out. Practice wearing it before the blessed event happens so you
will feel more comfortable with your new hot look!
Dcur QirIricrd,
My last chemo was lebruary 3, 2011.\hen I had my irst MRI ater I
was diagnosed with cancer, the test detected masses in both my bladder and
my kidneys. I then went to a urologist that did an ultrasound and
determined that I had polyps in my bladder and cysts in my kidneys. le
said they were quite common and nothing to worry about. I mentioned this
to my oncologist ater I had chemo and he said, Ater age ity, cysts in the
kidneys are ery common. 1he only way to ind out i those polyps in your
bladder are benign is to hae them taken out.`
So or my peace o mind, I had those polyps in my bladder remoed in
April, 2011. 1hey were benign. 1hat was surgery number ten. My
urologist told me that to hae a healthy urinary tract, I should drink
cranberry juice or take cranberry capsules daily. Since I started taking
cranberry capsules eery day, I hae had no more urinary tract inections. I
highly recommend cranberry capsules to eerybody I know. I made sure
that the capsules contained no soy protein. All the itamins and
supplements I take hae no soy protein because soy protein contains
estrogen. Soy oil, which is in just about eerything you buy, is supposedly
okay, but it's the soy protein that you might want to aoid. 1alk to your
dietician about soy. I aoid estrogen like the plague.
1he next month, May 2011, I went back to my oncologist, Dr. Pippas,
\our cancer is estrogen drien. I really think you need to hae your oaries
remoed and change oer to Arimidex to block any estrogen in your body.`
My irst thought was that I might just go ahead and hae a complete
hysterectomy. I went back to my gynecologist, 1eri, and told her my idea.
\ou don't want to hae your uterus remoed. I I take out your uterus,
you could hae problems with bladder control. Don't worry. Breast cancer
doesn't go to your uterus.`
So surgery number eleen was scheduled to remoe my oaries. 1his
surgery was a piece o cake. I your doctors want you to hae your oaries
remoed, don't be araid. My surgery was done laproscopically and I had
no pain at all. I was up and around the ery next day. 1he problem with
haing my oaries remoed was the aginal dryness that ollowed. 1his was
no small problem. I was araid that i I had my oaries remoed, I would
hae no more sex drie. I was araid that I would eel like a spayed cat laid
out in the sunshine... and actually that might hae been easier. I I could
manage to get past only haing one breast and haing puppy belly hair, then
my next obstacle to haing sex was to oercome that awul aginal dryness.
\hen I say dry I mean the Sahara Desert had nothing on me. Any attempt
to hae sex was so excruciating that we just gae up.
Sex is absolutely impossible, we hae tried eery lubricating product in
the drugstore,` I lamented to one o my girlriends. lae you tried olie
oil` she asked. Olie oil low in the world am I supposed to get olie
oil up there` \ith a turkey baster` I just looked at her and we both
laughed. I'll hae to think o something else.`
\alker said, \hat about \D-40 1hat always works on rusty hinges.`
Now, you see why you should go to your girlriend or adice. I know
you're getting desperate, \alker, but I better not try the \D-40.` Oh,
well, it was just a thought...` he said. Ater trying eery single product at
the pharmacy that did not contain estrogen I was out o ideas.
\alker and I mentioned the problem to Dr. Pippas. I was totally
embarrassed and humiliated, but was desperate enough to ask him i we
could use Ora-jel internally to numb the pain. Ora-jel would be sae to
use or pain. Vitamin L oil or olie oil would be sae to use or
lubrication. Don't gie up. Keep on trying,` 1hat was easy to say but
diicult to do. Lery try` ended in tears. It was absolutely horrible. I
think painul intercourse was probably one o the worst parts o the whole
breast cancer battle. I you are haing this problem, all I know to say is
slow and steady wins the race. Don't gie up that special part o your lie.
Just keep on trying until you can manage haing sex. Don't let cancer strip
that away rom you too. 1aking little out-o-town trips, just the two o you,
really will gie you a chance to relax and enjoy being alone together.
\ou can ask your doctor about Vitamin L aginal suppositories. 1hey
work better than anything else I could ind or aginal dryness. \ou can
order them through your pharmacist or online. Vitamin L oil is also ery
helpul. It's one hundred per cent all natural and contains no extra
ingredients that could irritate your skin.
Another problem I experienced ater haing my oaries remoed was
my skin tone. 1o be ity-our, I was still pretty irm. Ater my oaries
were remoed, I noticed that I started to eel sot. My muscle tone just
started to go and I elt like a delated balloon. I couldn't exercise as
strenuously as I needed to until all o my surgeries were ar behind me.
Girlfriend advice: If you have your ovaries removed and you can't
have sex due to the pain and your body feels like Jell-o, don't jump off
a bridge. Keep saying those magic words, 1his is only temporary.
1alk to your doctor about painful intercourse. Start exercising as
soon as you possibly can after surgery to firm up your muscles.
1hey don't call haing cancer a battle` or nothing! Breast cancer will
try to take eerything rom you. \our inner peace. \our beauty. \our
sexuality. \our personality. \our lie. Don't let cancer win! \ou hae to
keep on ighting. Don't gie up! 1ry praying to the loly Spirit. 1he loly
Spirit will gie you strength and peace o mind so that you won't just throw
in the towel . Ask or peace and it will be gien to you. \hen you irst
wake up in the morning, pray this simple prayer or yoursel, No pain. No
ear. No death.` Pray this simple prayer all day eery day wheneer you are
eeling down. Also, try praying this simple prayer daily: loly Spirit dwell
in me.` One day you will wake up, and much to your surprise you will eel
Copyright 2012 Suzan Riers
All rights resered.
No portion o this book may be reproduced, stored or transmitted in any orm or
by any means without written permission rom Suzan Riers. An exception is
granted or brie excerpts taken or reiew purposes.
ISBN-13: 98-148251251
ISBN-10: 148251252
CreateSpace Press, 2013
1O CON1AC1 SUZAN RIVLRS:,suzan.riers.1,author,suzanriers,proile,iew,suzanriers

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