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UNICEF's mission statement

UNICEF is mandated by the United Nations General Assembly to advocate for the protection of children's rights, to help meet their basic needs and to expand their opportunities to reach their full potential. UNICEF is guided by the Convention on the Rights of the Child and strives to establish children's rights as enduring ethical principles and international standards of behaviour towards children. UNICEF insists that the survival, protection and development of children are universal development imperatives that are integral to human progress. UNICEF mobilizes political will and material resources to help countries, particularly developing countries, ensure a "first call for children" and to build their capacity to form appropriate policies and deliver services for children and their families. UNICEF is committed to ensuring special protection for the most disadvantaged children - victims of war, disasters, extreme poverty, all forms of violence and exploitation and those with disabilities. UNICEF responds in emergencies to protect the rights of children. In coordination with United Nations partners and humanitarian agencies, UNICEF makes its unique facilities for rapid response available to its partners to relieve the suffering of children and those who provide their care. UNICEF is non-partisan and its cooperation is free of discrimination. In everything it does, the most disadvantaged children and the countries in greatest need have priority. UNICEF aims, through its country programmes, to promote the equal rights of women and girls and to support their full participation in the political, social, and economic development of their communities. UNICEF works with all its partners towards the attainment of the sustainable human development goals adopted by the world community and the realization of the vision of peace and social progress enshrined in the Charter of the United Nations.

Our history UNICEF past, present and future 1946 Food to Europe After World War II, European children face famine and disease. UNICEF is created in December 1946 by the United Nations to provide food, clothing and health care to them.

UNICEF/ICEF-0318 1953 UNICEF becomes permanent part of the UN The UN General Assembly extends UNICEFs mandate indefinitely. UNICEF begins a successful global campaign against yaws, a disfiguring disease affecting millions of children, and one that can be cured with penicillin.

UNICEF/ICEF-3895/Jack Ling 1954 Danny Kaye The movie star Danny Kaye becomes UNICEFs Ambassador at Large. His film Assignment Children, about UNICEFs work in Asia, is seen by more than 100 million people.

UNICEF/HQ54-001 1959 Declaration of the Rights of the Child The UN General Assembly adopts the Declaration of the Rights of the Child, which defines childrens rights to protection, education, health care, shelter and good nutrition.

UNICEF/ICEF-1887 1961 Education Following more than a decade of focus on child health issues, UNICEF expands its interests to address the needs of the whole child. Thus begins an abiding concern with education, starting with support to teacher training and classroom equipment in newly

UNICEF/ICEF-4771/M & E Bernheim

independent countries. 1965 Nobel Peace Prize UNICEF is awarded the 1965 Nobel Peace Prize for the promotion of brotherhood among nations. UNICEF/HQ65-0002 1979 International Year of the Child Marked by celebrations around the world, people and organizations reaffirm their commitment to childrens rights. UNICEF/HQ93-1868/Charton 1981 Breastfeeding Code approved The World Health Assembly adopts the International Code of Marketing of Breastmilk Substitutes in order to encourage breastfeeding, and in so doing diminish the threats to infant health.

UNICEF/HQ93-1616/Lemoyne 1982 Child Survival and Development Revolution UNICEF launches a drive to save the lives of millions of children each year. The revolution is based on four simple, low-cost techniques: growth monitoring, oral rehydration therapy, breastfeeding and immunization.

UNICEF/C43-12/McCloskey 1987 Landmark UNICEF study UNICEFs study Adjustment with a Human Face prompts a global debate on how to protect children and women from the malign effects of the economic adjustments and reforms taken to reduce national debt in poor countries.


1989 Convention on the Rights of the Child The Convention is adopted by the UN General Assembly. It enters into force in September 1990. It becomes the most widely- and rapidlyaccepted human rights treaty in history.

UNICEF/HQ94-1385/Little 1990 World Summit for Children An unprecedented summit of Heads of State and Government at the United Nations in New York City sets 10-year goals for childrens health, nutrition and education.

UNICEF/HQ90-0117/Mera 1996 Children and conflict Wars effect on children receives serious attention in the Machel Report: The Impact of Armed Conflict on Children, a study supported by UNICEF.

UNICEF/HQ95-0986/Chalasani 1998 United Nations Security Council debates children and conflict The Councils first open debate on the subject reflects the strength of international concern over the effects of war on children.

UNICEF/HQ95-0492/Lemoyne 2001 Say Yes for Children campaign launched The Global Movement for Children begins mobilizing every citizen of every nation to change the world with children. The Say Yes for Children campaign builds on this momentum, with millions of children and adults around the world pledging their support for critical actions to improve childrens lives.

2002 Special Session on Children A landmark Special Session of the UN General Assembly was convened to review progress since the World Summit for Children in 1990 and re-energize global commitment to


children's rights. It was the first such Session devoted exclusively to children and the first to include them as official delegates.

Introduction The United Nations Children's Fund (UNICEF; /junsf/ EW-ni-sef)[1] is a United Nations Programme headquartered in New York City, that provides long-term humanitarian and developmental assistance to children and mothers in developing countries. It is one of the members of the United Nations Development Group and its Executive Committee.[2]

UNICEF was created by the United Nations General Assembly on December 11, 1946, to provide emergency food and healthcare to children in countries that had been devastated by World War II. In 1953, UNICEF became a permanent part of the United Nations System and its name was shortened from the original United Nations International Children's Emergency Fund but it has continued to be known by the popular acronymbased on this previous title. UNICEF relies on contributions from governments and private donors and UNICEF's total income for 2008 was $3,372,540,239.[3] Governments contribute two thirds of the organization's resources; private groups and some 6 million individuals contribute the rest through the National Committees. It is estimated that 91.8% of their revenue is distributed to Program Services.[4] UNICEF's programs emphasize developing community-level services to promote the health and well-being of children. UNICEF was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1965 and the Prince of Asturias Award of Concord in 2006. Most of UNICEF's work is in the field, with staff in over 190 countries and territories. More than 200 country offices carry out UNICEF's mission through a program developed with host governments. Seventeen regional offices provide technical assistance to country offices as needed. Overall management and administration of the organization takes place at its headquarters in New York. UNICEF's Supply Division is based in Copenhagen and serves as the primary point of distribution for such essential items as vaccines, antiretroviral medicines for children and mothers with HIV, nutritional supplements, emergency shelters, educational supplies, among others. A 36-member Executive Board establishes policies, approves programs and oversees administrative and financial plans. The Executive Board is made up of government representatives who are elected by the United Nations Economic and Social Council, usually for three-year terms. Following the reaching of term limits by Executive Director of UNICEF Carol Bellamy, former United States Secretary of Agriculture Ann Veneman became executive director of the organization in May 2005, with an agenda to increase the organization's focus on theMillennium Development Goals. She was succeeded in May 2010, by Anthony Lake. UNICEF is an intergovernmental organization (IGO) and thus is accountable to those governments. UNICEFs salary and benefits package[5] is based on the United Nations Common System.

Conclusion UNICEF was establish for humanitarian and developemental assistance to children and mothers. Recommendation Enchance partnership with research and policy in regional level.

Strenghen the staff implementation Look around all criticism Create fund raising activities

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