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HIRSCHSPRUNG'S DISEASE (aganglionic megacolon) 1.

Due to failure in the cephalo-caudal migration of the neuro

Definition crest cells into the distal bowel. during weeks 4 through 12 of
Presence of large, non-functional distal intestine usually the gestation
rectum with variable involvement of the colon and small gut -Therefore, the absence of ganglion cells always begins at the
 Hirschsprung disease results from an absence of ganglion anus and extends a varying distance proximally.
cells in the mucosal and muscular layers of the colon. -The aganglionic bowel produces a functional obstruction,
because the bowel does not have normal propulsive waves and
 Hirschsprung disease is caused by a failure of neuronal contracts en masse in response to distention.
migration to the myenteric plexus of the distal bowel so that 2.Hostile microenviroment in the colon that damages already
the distal bowel lacks ganglion cells, causing a lack of present neuroblasts.It is thought that the abnormality in
peristalsis in that region with a functional obstruction chromosome causes the hostile enviroment
 Neural crest cells fail to migrate to the mesodermal layers,
possibly mediated by abnormalities in end-organ cell surface Other associations
receptors or local deficiency of nitric oxide synthesis. -Trisomy 21 (Down's syndrome);
-Genitourinary abnormalities.
Sites -Neural crest abnormalities, such as congenital central
-Only the terminal rectum occurs in about 10% of cases hypoventilation syndrome (Ondine's curse)
-Extension to the sigmoid colon in 65% - Waardenburg's syndrome
-More proximal colon in 10% -Anorectal malformations
-Entire colon with small bowel involvement in 10-15% -The histological hallmark of Hirschsprung's disease is
- Aganglionosis is limited to the rectum and sigmoid in Aganglinosis in the submucosal plexus of Meissner and in the
approximately 75% of cases; it includes the total colon in intermyenteric plexus of Auerbach.
approximately 8% and occasionally may affect the whole of the -The nerves affected are the non-cholinergic non adrenergic ie
intestine NO ,VIP and NADPH transmitters
 Segmental aganglionosis is very rare and may be an -This leads to unopposed autonomic nervous system
acquired lesion. functioning which causes;
 The aganglionic segment is narrowed, with dilation of the 1-Reduced or absent peristaltic(propulsive) activity
proximal normal colon. 2-Increased intestinal sphincter tone
 The mucosa of the dilated colonic segment may become thin
and inflamed (enterocolitis), resulting in diarrhea, bleeding, NB:
and protein loss.  These are receptors on the migrating NCCs and
neurotrophic factors secreted by mesenchymal cells, which
Race are required by the neural crest cells for survival,
More common in Caucasians, then blacks. Least common proliferation, and differentiation.
among the Asians Whites >Blacks  Expression of these molecules is probably controlled by the
Hox and Sox homeobox genes.
Sex  Two signaling systems have been clearly defined ret/glial-
-Males are affected X5 more frequently than females in cases in derived neurotrophic factor and endothelin receptor
which the diseased segment is of the usual length. B/endothelin 3.
-Up to 70-80 % of the involved patients are male.  Because of the loss of intrinsic innervation of the rectum,
-Females tend to have longer aganglionic segments. there is an overexpression of extrinsic parasympathetic and
A familial association occurs in 5-10% of cases--more frequently sympathetic nerves that is particularly noticeable in the
when females are affected. lamina propria and muscularis mucosae.
 The contractile action of neuropeptide Y and other agents in
Incidence these nerves on the rectal smooth muscle is unopposed
KNH-12 cases per year 0 r 1: 4 500 because of the loss of vasoactive intestinal polypeptide and
nitric oxide-synthesizing enteric nerves that cause relaxation.
Etiology  The aganglionic segment, internal sphincter, and anal canal
Can be broadly classified as Sporadic-up to 80-90% of cases or remain constantly contracted, thus causing obstructive
Familial 15-17%. symptoms with proximal dilatation and hypertrophy of the
Familial cases:
-Maternal transmission more common than paternal The pathological hallmark is
transmission. If both parents are involved risk of 12.5% of the 1.There is marked distension & hypertrophy of gut proximal to the
offspring getting affected. In familial cases 20% have associated aganglionic segment
congenital anomaly compared to 10% in sporadic case. 2.There is funnelling (coning) of the gut between the two -
-Autosomal dominant inheritance with incomplete transition zone
penetrance is responsible for the long segment familial 3.Constricted or collapsed gut at & distal to the aganglionic
disease. portion
- Autosomal recessive in short segment disease.
3 genes have been identified Spectrum of the disease
i) RET gene in chromosome 10-Autosomal dominant inheritance 1. Complete absence.
ii) Endothelial Receptor B gene in chromosome 13-autosomal 2. Hypoganglionosis.
Recessive 3. Abnormal ganglion cells ( hirshprung like disease).
iii) Endothelial 3 gene chromosome 20-Autosomal recessive 4.Also Intestinal neuronal dysplasia
Pathophysiology Acquired hirshsprungs disease
Exact cause unknown -2 theories -Vascular causes e.g. Post-op 2° to Pull-through operation, with
damage to the mesenteric vessels


-Non-vascular e.g. TB, Diabetes
-Abnormal connective tissue and smooth muscle INVESTIGATIONS
DDX 1.Plain abdominal x-rays
1. Anatomic Anorectal malformation -In infants show dilated loops of bowel, but it is difficult to
2. Metabolic distinguish small and large bowel in infancy.
DM mothers-electrolyte imbalances -Air fluid levels
Hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism -Absence of air in the rectum
3. Drugs-Heavy sedation eg in eclampsia of mother
4. Meconium plug/ileus 2.Barium enema
5. Sepsis -Should be done at least 48 hrs after birth.
6. Immaturity -The aganglionic segment appears relatively narrow compared to
7. hypoganglionosis, and hollow visceral myopathy. the dilated proximal bowel.
-The proximal intestine can be dilated by impacted stool or
Clinical presentation enema, giving a false impression of the level of the normal colon.
Symptoms -The contrast is left and another x-ray taken after 24hours and
 Hirschsprung disease presents in one of three ways: failure to evacuate the contrast is very suggestive of the disease.
1. Complete intestinal obstruction, with bilious vomiting,
obstipation, and massive abdominal distension 3. Manometric studies
2. Delayed passage of meconium (The first intestinal -Normal resting pressure of the rectum taken before inflation of
discharges of the newborn infant, greenish in color the balloon and its shown to be elevated.
and consisting of epithelial cells, mucus, and bile) -It also reveals abnormal irregularly, irregular contractions.
3. Enterocolitis - Rectal distention by a balloon inflation, a failure of relaxation of
the internal sphincter.
-Vary widely in severity but almost always occur shortly after
birth. Biopsy
-The time of presentation depends on amount of intestine Definitive diagnosis is made by rectal biopsy 2 methods
involved as long segment –present early.
1-Delayed passage of meconium 1. Mucosal biopsies may be taken from the posterior rectal wall
2-Chronic or intermittent constipation with diarrhea with a suction biopsy capsule without anesthesia.
3-.Passage of flatus and stool requires great effort, and the stools Features:
are small in caliber. -Aganglionic segment
4-Progressive abdominal distention -Nerve trunk hyperplasia
5-Vomiting and Reluctance to feed/anorexia -Increased acetyl cholinesterase level
6-Listlessness, irritability, -Immunohistochemistry
7-Poor growth and development These children are sluggish,  In short-segment Hirschsprung disease, the submucosal and
with wasted extremities and flared costal margins myenteric plexuses contain hypertrophic nerve trunks.
NB. Some pts present with acute enterocolitis or toxic megacolon  Acetylcholinesterase staining shows their presence in the
with gross abdominal distension,vomiting, shock,septic and muscularis mucosae, a pattern that is pathognomonic for the
febrile disease
 Enterocolitis most often occurs during the second to fourth  In total colonic aganglionosis, however, the
weeks, and it results as a consequence of delayed acetylcholinesterase activity is not always increased, and the
diagnosis. thickened nerve trunks, which are found in short-segment
 It is characterized by fever; explosive, foul-smelling, and Hirschsprung disease, are not always present.
often bloody diarrheal stools; and abdominal distension.  Therefore, a normal acetylcholinesterase pattern is
 Enterocolitis carries with it a poor prognosis, with an overall insufficient to exclude total colonic aganglionosis, and if the
mortality rate of 4 to 33%. condition is clinically suspected, the biopsy must contain
 Enterocolitis also occurs in the postoperative period in 13% sufficient submucosa to reliably diagnose the absence of
of cases. enteric neurons
 Less common presentations include only constipation in
approximately 5% of patients, perforation occurring during 2.Full thickness biopsy
the neonatal period in 3%, fecal soiling similar to that in If equivocal, it is necessary to remove a 1- x 2-cm full-thickness
functional megacolon in 3%, rectal bleeding from an anal strip of mucosa and muscularis from the posterior rectum
fissure in 5%, and hydroureter from urethral compression. proximal to the dentate line under general anesthesia or at
-Small for age infant, irritable ,dehydrated, MANAGEMENT
P/A 1.Manage fluid and Electrolyte imbalances
Impacted stools in the greatly dilated and distended sigmoid 2. Insert a soft rectal tube & give patient soft enemas - 5ml/kg
colon can be palpated across the lower abdomen warm Normal Saline (NOT SOAP) & irrigate GIT until patient
Abdominal distension-increased bowel movts settles
3..Antibiotics- if fever and peritonism
-Normal anal tone. Definitive management
-Rectum collapsed, tight and empty (no feccal matter). Principles
-Rectal examination in the infant may be followed by expulsion of a)Decompression and improve nutrition
stool and flatus, with remarkable decompression of abdominal b)Establish extent of disease
distention passage of foul-smelling diarrhea c)Definitive surgery


Temporary colostomy and serial biopsy
-Laparatomy and serial biopsy on the rectum and colon with aim
of determining extent of disease.
-A colostomy is fashioned at the transitional zone to continue the
decompression and allow the patient to gain weight before
definitive surgery.
-The points of biopsy are marked with non-absorbable sutures.
Function of the colostomy
-To decompress normal gut to allow normal growth &
development until when definitive management can be instituted.
-Reduce - NOT eliminate risk of enterocolitis

Definitive Surgery
1.Resection of aganglionic segment
2.Anastomosis of proximal to the distal segment
Modes of surgery
1 .Swenson Operation:
In the Swenson procedure, the overly dilated and aganglionic
colon and rectum are excised to within 2cm above the dentate
-The transected end of the normally ganglionated bowel is
sutured end-to- end with the distal anorectal segment.

2. Duhamel:
Operation the rectum is oversewn, and the proximal bowel is
brought between the sacrum and the rectum and sutured end-to-
side to the rectum above the dentate line. The intervening spur
of rectum and bowel is divided, and a side-to-side anastomosis
is made with a stapler
There is risk of faecaloma forming in the aganglionated rectal cuff
- Lester-Martin modification takes care of this complication

3. Soave Operation:
The Soave operation consists of dissecting between the mucosa
and the muscularis layer, pulling the proximal bowel through out
of the residual rectal stump and suturing it to the rectum just 2
cm above the dentate line.

4.Lynn Operation:
Rectal myectomy is used for distal rectal (short-segment)

5. Total colonic aganglionosis - Martin's procedure;

Some colon is left for absorption of water & storage of faeces.
Ileum is anastomosed at the dentate line & a side to side
anastomosis of ileum to remaining colon. The ileum will provide

1.Open Laparatomy

Age at Surgery
Depends on the age at which the diagnosis is confirmed –tissue)
and the availability of care.


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