November 2013 - The Chalice From St. Francis' Episcopal Church - Eureka, MO

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Holy Eucharist

Sunday service is at 10 a.m. at 616 Stockell Drive, Eureka, MO. Office: 210 S. Central Avenue, Eureka, MO 63025 Phone: 636-938-3733 Website:

The Chalice
St. Francis Episcopal Church Eureka MO November 2013

The Rev. Sally S. Weaver Phone Numbers: Cell: 314-651-3836 Home: 636-938-7773

Pastors Corner
[J]oyfully [give] thanks to the Father, who has enabled you to share in the inheritance of the saints in light. Colossians 1:12 November is busy. Its busy for our personal life as we prepare for holidays, feasts, and guests. Its busy for our corporate St. Francis Church life as we engage in special celebrations and prepare for a new year, both liturgically and administratively. On Nov 3 we celebrate All Saints Sunday. We remember those who, by their example, have shown us what it means to be a Christian. On Nov 10, after hearing from our guest preacher the Rev. Susie Skinner, we may prayerfully place our 2014 financial commitment card in a basket upon the altar. Then well eat a catered brunch, delighting in good food and fellowship. On Nov 17 our Eden seminary student will preach the sermon for us. Also on that date well ask everyone to bring in food for the Eureka Food Pantry. We will bless the scarves, hats, and other items that have been knitted throughout the year by the people of St. Francis. We will adorn the altar with the knitted items and the collected food, displaying the good gifts that God has enabled us to pass along to those in need. On Thanksgiving Eve, Nov 27, well have a service of worship at the Lodge at 7 p.m. These descriptions only cover the worship thats taking place at St. Francis throughout the month of November. In addition, as youll read in this issue, we have other gatherings of men, women, and youth, for fellowship and ministry.
Continued on next page

Bishops Committee: Sue Schmidt,

Sr. Warden, Judy Cody, Jr. Warden; Bob Champlin; Paddy Wrob; Michael Booker; Richard Mayfield; Jack Lauless; Jim Bowlin, Jackie Selle, Dan Card Suzanne Jones, Treasurer Convention Delegates: Michael Weaver, Annette Carr Alternate: Kyra Jordan

Annual Meeting
An Annual Meeting is held each year at the end of January at which new Bishops Committee and Convention Delegates are elected. St. Francis Episcopal Church is a mission of the Episcopal Diocese of Missouri.

The Chalice is the newsletter of St. Francis Episcopal Church, Eureka, and is published at least 10 times per year. Submissions for The Chalice are
due approximately the 20th of each month and may be e-mailed to the Office at

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Table of Contents
Adopt a Family pg. 5 Adult Forum Calendar pg. 3 Birthdays and Anniversaries pg. 15 Bishops Column pg. 6 Bishops Comm. Minutes pg. 11 Book Club pg. 4 Budget Requests pg. 6 Caroling in Eureka pg. 5 Change pg. 8 Community Service Ministries pg. 8 Consider This pg. 13 Contacting Pastor Sally pg. 2 Diocesan Convention pg. 5 Eureka Food Pantry pg. 10 Financials pg. 21 InGathering of Thanks pg. 4 Kids korner pg. 9 Ladies Nite Out pg. 4 Mens Group pg. 4 Nominating Committee pg. 14 November calendar pg. 22 Pastors Corner pg. 1 Photo Gallery pg. 18 & 19 Prayer for St. Francis pg. 21 Prayer List pg. 7 Preparing for Sunday pg. 7 Recipes pg. 16 St. Francis Spiritual Offerings pg. 7 Standing Committee pg. 15 Upcoming Events pg. 5 Veterans Day Prayer pg. 14 Vicars Calendar on line pg. 2 Worship Attendance pg. 20 Worship Participant pg. 20 Youth Group pg. 5

Pastors Corner continued from page 1

I look forward to this month of celebration and thankfulness for the myriad of ways in which God blesses us with the gifts of life and of one another. Thanks be to God!

Pastor Sally

The Vicars Calendar is On-line

Pastor Sallys calendar is on our website, Select Calendar, then Vicars Calendar. Its the only calendar Pastor Sally uses, so it is complete and up-todate.

Contacting Pastor Sally

If you call or e-mail Pastor Sally and she doesnt respond, please let her know. The best number to call is her cell phone: 314-651-3836. Remember that theres a middle initial, S, in her e-mail address:
She wants to respond quickly, so please let her know if thats not occurring.

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Here is the schedule of offerings at the Adult Forum on Sundays from 11:40 a.m. to 12:15 p.m. for the next several months. The complete Adult Forum calendar is on our website at select Christian Education/Formation, Adults.
Nov 3 Nov 10 Nov 17 Nov 24 Dec 1 Dec 8 Dec 15 Dec 22 The Twelve Steps Consecration Sunday Paul, Part 2 Diocesan Convention Vicar's Forum Engaging in a Holy Advent How to be a Welcoming Church Something Silly

Adult Forum Calendar

Jan 5 Jan 12 Jan 19 Jan 26 Comparing Denominations, Part 1 Comparing Denominations, Part 2 Annual meeting Project Peanut Butter with the Youth Group's Souper Bowl Feb 2 Feb 9 Feb 16 Feb 23 Mar 2 Mar 9 Mar 16 Mar 23 Mar 30 Israel Since 1948, Part 1 Israel Since 1948, Part 2 Wisdom Literature in the Bible, Part 1 Wisdom Literature in the Bible, Part 2 Vicar's Forum The Book of Common Prayer Catechism, Part 1 The Book of Common Prayer Catechism, Part 2 The Book of Common Prayer Catechism, Part 3 The Book of Common Prayer Catechism, Part 4

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Upcoming Events
November Book Group The Beautiful Mystery by Louise Penny Giving Thanks at St. Francis
The Lord is Good to Me From "Melody Time" The lord is good to me And so I thank the lord For giving me the things I need The sun and rain and an appleseed Yes, he's been good to me Please put these Thanksgiving dates on your calendar along with the official American holiday on Thursday, November 28th. Sunday, November 17th 10:00 a.m. during our regular worship service, St. Francis gifts to those in need will be blessed before being shared with our neighbors. Please bring something to the altar: handmade or store-bought scarves, hats, mittens for children, men and women who arent warm enough; non-perishable food items for the Eureka Food Pantry. Wednesday, November 27th, 7:00 p.m. Thanksgiving Eucharist with two nowtraditional components added: the spirit-filled interactive Thanksgiving sermon; a trip afterwards to Steak and Shake.

Readers: For a really great time with your friends from church, just do two things: Read The Beautiful Mystery by Louise Penny; mark your calendar for 6:30 p.m., Thursday, November 14th at the Parish House. Youre set! This will be the first book in the mystery genre that St. Francis book lovers have read together. The mystery in the title refers not to the unfortunate murder of a monk that could only have been committed by another monk. It refers to the beautiful mystery of nearperfect Gregorian Chant, performed as worship by the monks of an isolated monastery in rural Quebec. Yes, one of the holy men, devoted to worship of God, is a murderer. But which one? How will we know? If this story seems familiar, it might be because it was used in a sermon at St. Francis, preached by the Rev. Dr. Warren Crews this past summer. The book is fascinating, fast paced, and full of intrigue, even set in this quiet, isolated, peaceful abbey. The book is full of wonderful characters, moral issues, and looks at good and evil. Well have a great conversation. Easy copies at, (hardback, paperback, audio and Kindle) as well as at St. Louis County Library. All are welcome. Give yourself a treat: read, enjoy, talk.

All and Only are Invited

Every St. Francis household can confidently mark the family calendar for Saturday, November 2nd. Someone is going to want to gather that day with other St. Francis members of their own kind. (N.B. This is not a phrase we use often at our church!) Men The long-delayed mens group will meet on Saturday, November 2nd, at the Eureka Pizza Hut starting at 11:30. If youre male, youre invited and welcome. Women Ladies Night Out will meet on Saturday, November 2nd, at Judy Codys house starting at 6:30 p.m. to watch chick flicks on Judys excellent T.V. Please bring soup, bread, or dessert. Call Sally Hader (636-587-9294) to let her know what youre bringing. All and only women are invited.

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Fall Back Reminder

Daylight Savings Time ends on Sunday, November 3. Remember to set your clocks back an hour before going to bed.

Youth Group Happenings

Our next meeting is: Wednesday, November 20th 7:15 p.m. Pastor Sallys2575 Sunrise Drive, Eureka, MO

All teens and their friends are welcome. Well hang out, maybe watch a movie, eat popcorn, drink soda, and chat.

Diocesan ConventionNov 2223

Representatives from each congregation in the Diocese of Missouri will meet on Friday, Nov 22 and Saturday, Nov 23 at the Doubletree Inn in Chesterfield for Diocesan Convention. In past years the Convention has primarily consisted of businessadopting the budget for the Diocese and passing resolutions. This year Convention is adopting a different model that allows more time for chat, prayer, and worship. Visit to find out more. All are welcome to come to this new form of Diocesan Convention. St. Francis delegates to Convention the people who will vote on the business mattersare Annette Carr, Michael Weaver, and Pastor Sally. The only cost to attend is meals. You can stay for an hour or for the whole day. Come check it out.

Adopt-a-Family Begins Nov 10

We are providing a toy for Christmas to 24 children this year. A poster with tags indicating the childs name, gender, and toy wishes will be at the Lodge beginning Sunday, Nov 10. The toys are due (you can bring them to the Lodge) by Dec 1. In many cases yours will be the only toy these children receive this year. Thank you for your generosity.

Caroling in EurekaNov 23
Join us at 5 p.m. on Saturday, Nov 23 on Central Ave. in front of City of Eureka Christmas tree for caroling. St. Francis has been asked by Eureka Parks & Recreation Dept. to carol at the tree as it is lit. Following the tree lighting, Santa comes. After we carol at the tree well go from restaurant and restaurant caroling for the patrons. Everyone is welcome to come. Bring your voice and sing in the season.

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The Bishops Column for November 2013

I often tell people in the process toward ordination that they will never really get the Anglican way of being Christian apart from praying the daily office. The word office here means duty, as is the clerics or ordinary Christians duty to pray. Daily encounter with the Psalter and scripture, together with the prayer of the Church, slowly changes people. The Prayer Book reformers in the sixteenth century worked to adapt and simplify these basic elements of monastic life so ordinary clergy and laypeople could benefit from them. It has shaped Anglican spirituality ever since. Slowly changing Church customs eventually relegated Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer to the Sunday services especially, or solely. Many Episcopalians remember Morning Prayer as a principle Sunday liturgy, two or three times per month at the main service, with the Communion service on the remaining Sundays. Our current Prayer Book names the Eucharist as the primary service on Sundays and holy days, and the office as ordinary daily prayer. The Holy Eucharist, the prin cipal act of Christian worship on the Lords Day and other major Feasts, and Daily Morning and Evening Prayer, as set forth in this Book, are the regular services appointed for public worship in this Church. (BCP, 13) Making the Eucharist primary on Sunday has the benefit of allowing the office its rightful place in everyday prayer. Ideally the prayer happens in community, but persons for whom a gathered community is not possible can still join the Churchs prayer. Morning Prayer and Evening Prayer directly from the Prayer Book is a little daunting for a first-timer, but doable. A user-friendly website for the Prayer Book office makes daily prayer accessible for many of us. Check out http:// There are also iPhone and Android apps to ease the way into this discipline of praying. I commend the office to you. There is nothing flashy about itjust the ordinary flow of Psalms, the Bible, and prayers. It is often soothing, sometimes tedious, and occasionally boring. Commitment to the Churchs daily prayer is worth every bit of it. And it helps us understand the truth of what Urban T. Holmes III wrote in describing Anglicanism, that it is more of a marinade than a glaze.

Budget Requests for 2014

St. Francis budget for 2014 is being developed this month. If you are a member of a committee or ministry team, please talk with your group about what money youll need to do Gods work in 2014. Please let Treasurer Suzanne Jones of your 2014 budget needed by November 11.

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Preparing for Sunday

The homepage of our website,, now contains the icon shown here. Clicking on this icon brings up the Bible readings for the upcoming Sunday. Not only can you read the Scriptures appointed, theres a brief explanation of each passage. This is a good and easy way to prepare for what youll hear at Sunday morning worship.

Prayer List
Tom & John John Jennifer Dora Rita Aunt of Michael Weaver Mother of Michael Weaver Sons of Paddy Wrob Father of Kathleen McDonald

Paula, Judy, Parishioners Steve and Cassie Margie Bob Nathan Lisa Heather Xavier Stephanie Tina, Kyle and Kenny Julie Holly Ron Valerie April Mike Karen Tim Dianne Kurt Kathleen Sylvia Ahmads neighbor Brother of Barb Sacco Grandson of George Vits Daughter of George Vits Judy Codys daughter Friend of Michael Weaver Sister-in-law of Bob and Jerry Smith Friends of Paula & David Sewell Friend of Cassie Eckhardt Friend of Michael Booker Friend of Nick Sacco Friend of Barb Sacco Debbie Pizzellas sisters friend Friend of Michael Booker Friend of Sue Schmidt Brother of Kathleen OReilly Sister of Patti Moreland Stepson of Bob Champlin Mother of Annette Carr

St. Francis Spiritual Offerings during the Week

Mondays from 5:30-6:15 p.m. at the parish house (210 S. Central) we gather for prayer. We pray for the people of St. Francis, those who havent joined us yet, those on our prayer list, the needs of our community, and the world. We close each session at 6:05-6:15 p.m. with New Zealand Night Prayer. Thursdays at 7 p.m. and Fridays at 10 a.m. at the Parish House (210 S. Central) we study the Bible readings appointed for the upcoming Sunday.

December Calendar & Worship Schedule

The deadline for the December newsletter, calendar & worship schedule is December 20th. Items not received by that date may not make the publication. If you have items for any of these publications, please send or e-mail to Beth Koch in the parish office (

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Community Service Ministries

The Community Service Ministries form the largest, most complex ministry group at St. Francis Episcopal Church. And thats how it should be. In both the old and the new testaments, God asks us to care for those in need. (See Isaiah 58:6-7 and Matthew 25:34-36 as examples.) St. Francis takes seriously the Bibles call to serve the world. Locally, we feed the hungry through our Trinity hot lunch program, and weekly in-gatherings for the Eureka Food Pantry. We also share more than half of the bounty of our community garden with Eureka Food Pantry. We knit and distribute scarves and hats for the homeless. We adopt needy families during the holidays, helping to ensure that local families have the clothes they need and the toys they want for Christmas. We work with local agencies to get backpacks, school shoes, and school supplies ready for local needy children. St. Francis provides free tutoring for K-12 students who need an immediate boost or long-term assistance with their studies. We also honor Gods request that we serve and guard the Earth by growing seasonal vegetables in a community garden, sharing them among ourselves and our neighbors. We recycle paper, cans, cardboard boxes and plastic bottles in our offices and at the Lodge. Through the Adopt-aHighway program, we practice good stewardship of Gods gift of creation. We keep ourselves aware of Gods call to action through weekly and monthly bulletins. We participate in Gods justice by using fair trade coffee, ensuring that the workers receive a living wage for their labors. Twice each year we join with Oxfam America in programs that keep us aware of the world hunger situation and keep ourselves active in seeking justice for the hungry people outside of our community. We also participate in The Shoeman drives to re-use and recycle old shoes to countries that need these as income. Income from the drive also goes to build wells to bring clean water to people in need. Sounds like a lot, doesnt it! Theres a lot of work to do in this world. If you are interested in joining any of these ministries or would just like to know more, take a look at the little black box on the card table at the Lodge in the lobby/entrance area. Inside the box, theres a card for each ministry to explain it a bit better. If youd like to know more, please see Steve Strathearn or Kathleen McDonald who will connect you to the person in charge.

When we tell ourselves I will never change or That will never happen, we presume too much and believe too little. In Jesus Christ, God renders all of our final conclusions premature and all of our talk of determinism as simply bad faith. In Christ, God opens closed doors, brings resurrections, and reveals possibilities, reclaims the lost, liberates the cursed and possessed, and changes the unchangeable. - Don Shelby

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Kids korner
Our Childrens Reflections on God and the Gospel
On rice cakes for communion I like rice cakes with peanut butter and raisins on it for communion. About Jesus sharing meals Jesus makes food. How does Jesus make food? God. Discussing homework Im allergic to homework. It gives you hives. What gives you hope? Happy holidays Love God The world Happiness Food Homes Water World peace Good grades Winning the lottery What is hope? Hope is people having a job. At Wal-Mart. Whats the difference between a wish and a hope? A wish is something you want. Hope is more powerful than a wish. What would Jesus want you to do this week? Jesus says To play next week. To study for all the tests and multiplication. To get an A on my math test. To grow a beard.

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In looking at the Hebrew letters that our Christian formation teacher put on the board Hebwew. Holy and awesome. Hallelujah. Its diddles and jots. Heres an alphabet full of what we are grateful for: All praise God Brownies and bananas. I dont have any bananas in my mouth. Cookies Donation Elephants Food God Homes for hippos Iguana Jillian Kindness Love (its easy peasy) Music Nicholas Ocean Prayers Quilts Rabbits Sea lions Tigers and yummy tater tots Underwear Veins Water, wine X-rays Yule logs Zoo Concerning the parable of the persistent widow and the unjust judge: What would have happened if the judge had said, No justice! Oh man! If theres justice for one widow, there should be justice for all widows. Eureka Food Pantry Needs The Food Pantry is serving more and more families each week and is in desperate need of toiletries (tooth paste, tooth brushes, tissue, toilet paper, etc.) as well as personal hygiene products for women. Food stamps do not cover anything that is not edible, thus the need for these items.

As far as actual food, Cheerios and their generic equivalent along with all types of dry cereal are very popular and always needed. The Food Pantry also reported a great need for canned fruit.

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Highlights of the Bishops Committee Meeting Sunday, October 20th

Members Present: Pastor Sally Weaver; Senior Warden Sue Schmidt; Treasurer Suzanne Jones; Michael Booker; Bob Champlin; Jim Bowlin; Jack Lauless; Dan Card; Paddy Wrob; Jackie Selle, Clerk. Opening business Temperature check and opening prayer

Michael Booker moved to accept the minutes from the September meeting, and Jack Lauless seconded. The motion passed.

Vicars Report At the November meeting all committee budget requests should be finalized and sent to Suzanne. Diocesan convention is open to all. More time will be available for informal meeting and socializing. Tutoring is going well and growing. We are actively seeking additional tutors to accommodate new students joining the program. Pet Blessing went well. We had two blessings for a total of 17 pets.

Strategic Plan Update: Kevin Broom has met twice with the Strategic Plan Committee and have finalized the plan. One goal will be that 80% of pledging units in the congregation formally pledge. We will go over the plan in November. BC members finishing their terms are Michael Booker, Paddy Wrob, and Rich Mayfield. Those three plus Sally will serve as the nominating committee for electing new BC members. Sally and Tony will be out of town at the end of the month but will be available by phone.

On Nov. 10 The Reverend Susie Skinner will be our guest speaker for Consecration Sunday. Cards will be handed out the next two Sundays to get a count for the meal. On Sunday, Nov. 3 we will meet here to meet with Susie and discuss Consecration Sunday. On Nov. 10 the youth group members will have a poster with tags for Adopt-A-Family. This year we will be providing toys for 24 children. On Nov. 17 we will have an ingathering of the scarves and hats the crafters have been knitting and will be asking people to bring in groceries for the Eureka Food Pantry.

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Caroling for the Eureka Christmas tree lighting is on Saturday, November 23. Howl-o-ween has been cancelled by Eureka Parks and Recreation due to a lack of interest.

We will have a Thanksgiving Eve service on November 27, 2013.

Treasurers report A formal report is not available because Nancy Bergman is out of town. Beth is still learning and will work with Nancy to finalize a report within the next two weeks. Consecration Sunday will allow us to get an idea of what funds will be coming in. It would be helpful if liaisons (BC members) will account for all donated items and contributions to get a clear idea of what is needed in the budget.

Additional Business Kevin Broom has suggested that we turn in receipts for reimbursement, get reimbursed, and then re-donate the check. This will allow us to keep track of what the actual costs of various ministries are. Sue reported that the crafters will be doing their cookie sale the two Sundays before Christmas. They will also organize a Thanksgiving potluck. They are working on stoles for the choir and a quilt for Vernell Rasmussen. Sally stated that all seems to going well with our new music director. Sue and John Schmidt will be hosting a newcomers dinner soon.

Jim Bowlin moved that due to the success of our first Test Drive Sunday that we hold the event twice a year with dates to be determined by the marketing committee. Jack Lauless seconded the motion. After discussion, the motion passed unanimously. We will review the number of pledging units who are not formally giving to encourage people to do so, which will allow for more accurate budgeting.

Closing business Temperature check.

Closing prayer offered by Michael Booker.

Next meeting: November 17, 2013 with food provided by Judy Cody and Sue Schmidt.

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Consider This
All Gods critters got a place in the choir Some sing low, some sing higher Some sing out loud on the telephone wire And some just clap their hands, or paws, or anything they got now.1 I love this song, the one that we sing or clap along to each year at the St. Francis Pet Blessing. I love it because I love St. Francis and because I remember the kids at Captain School singing it joyfully, raucously, year after year. I can hear our voices. And I love it because it makes me stop; to listen thankfully to the voices of all Gods creation, whether theyre mournful, joyful, or just plain raucous. God gave us each a place in the choir. God gave us ways of speaking and ways of being heard. God intends, I absolutely believe, for us to speak and listen to one another. Its that simple. Not always easy. We usually do a good job speaking to and listening to our family, friends and pets: Daddy, can you help me with this? Youll never believe what happened to me today! Im so glad youre home Im licking your face! Sometimes the voices of non-human creation are almost as easy to hear, out of necessity as with tornadoes and tsunamis or just because they are so beautiful like bird song or wolf howls. Sometimes its hard to hear those voices because were moving too fast, on the phone, or bombarded with advertising. What can you hear now? I hear crickets and frogs and squirrels on my roof. The songbirds are quiet now and the owls wont be out until later. Sometimes its hard to hear creations voices just when they most need to be heard: Someones taken over my homeland; I have nowhere to live, nothing to eat. Its illegal everywhere, but Im still in danger of being captured and sold. When there is war there is famine, there is rampant disease.

Continued on page 14

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What these laments have in common is that the voices speaking them could be plants, animals, landforms or they could be men, women, and children. These creatures lamenting voices need to be heard, but are not being heard. On their own, they cant be heard. When the voices of the suffering are not heard, should we not add our voices to theirs? I believe yes! I believe that God wants us has always wanted us. To care for one another. When our voices speak together, they can be heard by the decision makers, by the abusers and mis-users who need to know that all Gods critters have a place in the choir. Use your voice, use your vote, use your time, your treasure, your talent to praise God and love Gods creation.

Submitted by Kathleen McDonald

All Gods Critters Got a Place in the Choir, by Bill Staines

Veterans Day Prayer

God of all nations, you are our strength and shield. We give you thanks today for the devotion and courage of all those who have offered military service for this country. We ask today that you would lift up by your Spirit those who are now at war; encourage and heal those in hospitals or mending their wounds at home; guard those in any need or trouble; hold safely in your hands all military families and bring the returning troops to joyful reunion and tranquil life at home. Give to us, your people, grateful hears and a united will to honor these men and women and hold them always in our love and our prayers until your world is perfected in peace and all wars cease. Through Jesus Christ, our Savior. Amen. - the Rev. Dr. Jennifer Phillips

Nominating Committee Formed

The outgoing Bishops Committee members comprise the nominating committee for the slate of people who will be voted on to the Bishops Committee at St. Francis annual meeting on Sunday, January 19, 2014. Our nominating committee is: Michael Booker Rich Mayfield Paddy Wrob

If you are interested in serving as a member of the Bishops Committee or as a Diocesan delegate, talk to Pastor Sally. And if youre asked to serve, please say yes. Its a great way to see the breadth and depth of Gods work at St. Francis and to form deeper relationships with members.

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Standing Committee
Are you among the many of us who know that this is an important committee within the diocese, but you dont know much else? On the dioceses newer, more user-friendly webpage, its easy to learn more about the Standing Committee. The committee acts as a council of advice to the bishop. The committee also advises the bishop of its own accord, as described in our diocesan Constitution and Canons. It is made up of six lay and six clerical representatives elected in staggered terms of four years. Committee members are elected at the Diocesan Convention. Standing Committee acts as ecclesiastical authority in the event that the office of bishop is vacant or the bishop is incapacitated. Standing Committee also has some continuing ecclesiastical functions: certifying candidates for Ordination of Priests and Deacons and representing our diocese in consenting to the election, ordination, and consecration of other bishops. Finally, the group approves property transactions, bylaws, and loans from the White Memorial Fund for parishes within the diocese. Fun Facts About the Standing Committee Our churchs constitutions and canons have an interesting past in American history. [Ask me! Kathleen McDonald] Our pastor, Sally Weaver serves on the Standing Committee currently and will serve through 2014. She is president of the committee until November 23 of this year. - Submitted by Kathleen McDonald

November Birthdays Skip Moreland 11/3 Elaine Booker 11/4 Kevin Selle 11/10 Jon Lawson 11/16 Debbie Pizzella 11/23 No November Anniversaries according to parish records

Have we missed an important date for you or your family? Make sure the Parish Administrator has all the important dates for you in the church records.

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Jackie Selle served this soup at the BC Meeting on October 20th to rave reviews and requests for the recipe. Sounds like a great recipe for a cool Fall evening.

Nicolas Favorite Taco Soup

Ingredients: 1 onion, chopped 1 (16 ounce) can chili beans 1 (15 ounce) can black beans 1 (15 ounce) can whole kernel corn, drained 1 (8 ounce) can tomato sauce 1 box chicken OR tortilla-flavored broth 2 (10 ounce) cans diced tomatoes with green chilies, drained 1 (1.25 ounce) package taco seasoning 1 rotisserie chicken, shredded shredded Cheddar cheese (optional) sour cream (optional) crushed tortilla chips (optional) fresh avocado, cubed (optional) Directions: Place the onion, chili beans, black beans, corn, tomato sauce, broth, and diced tomatoes in a slow cooker. Add taco seasoning, and stir to blend. Lay chicken on top of the mixture, pressing down slightly until just covered by the other ingredients. Set slow cooker for low heat, cover, and cook for 7-8 hours. Serve topped with shredded Cheddar cheese, a dollop of sour cream, and crushed tortilla chips, if desired.

Pumpkin Pie Cake

1-18 oz can pumpkin (or fresh equivalent) 1 box yellow cake mix (2 layer size) 1 cup sugar 1/2 melted margarine or butter 113 oz can evaporated milk (not sweetened condensed) 3/4 cup chopped pecans or walnuts 3 eggs 3 tsp. cinnamon Beat eggs and milk together; add pumpkin, sugar and cinnamon. Mix until well blended. Pour into a 9x13 greased pan. Sprinkle dry cake mix over mixture. Drizzle with melted margarine. Sprinkle with chopped nuts. Bake at 350 degrees for 50-50 minutes. Serve (warm or cold) with topping or whipped cream. Enjoy.
Submitted by Sylvia Ahmed

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2013 Pet Blessing

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Karaoke Party and Weiner Roast

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Worship Participant Schedule November, 2013

Sacristan Lectors

Rich Mayfied Michael & Timothy Booker Sue Schmidt & Michael Booker Michael Booker Rich Mayfield Sue Schmidt Rich Mayfield Bob Champlin & Bob Smith

Jim Eckhardt Kevin Selle & Susan Meyer Susan Meyer & Kevin Selle Kathleen McDonald Kathleen McDonald Brigitte Jung Jerry Smith Michael Booker Arlene Underwood & Jim Eckhardt Consecration Sunday

Rich Mayfield Barb Sacco & Paddy Wrob Paddy Wrob & Michael Booker Barb Sacco Jerry Smith Jerry Smith Bob Smith Suzanne Jones & Rich Mayfield The Conleys

Jim Eckhardt Bob Smith & Timothy Booker Sue Schmidt & Bob Smith Kevin Selle Kyra Jordan Linda Doolittle Jim Eckhardt Bob Champlin & Arlene Underwood Thanksgiving Potluck

Thanksgiving Eve Rich Mayfield Kathleen McDonald & Judy Cody Kathleen McDonald & Michael Booker Kathleen McDonald Rich Mayfield


Chalice Acolyte Altar Guild Ushers Tellers

Rich Mayfield & Jim Eckhardt Steak n Shake


Worship Attendance 2012 19 Pentecost 20 Pentecost 21 Pentecost 22 Pentecost 55 44 56 49 2013 59 63 61 64

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Financial Update September 2013

Sept 2013 Total Income Total Expenses Difference $ 17,869 8,356 $ 9,513 $ Budgeted for Sept $ 10,061 9,560 501 $ YTD 2013 Actual $ 99,700 94,010 5,689 YTD 2013 Budget $ 90,549 90,942 ($ 393)

Checking AccountRockwood Bank $ 27,882 Balance in Diocesan Investment Trust 9,933 Custodial account held by the Diocese 26,973 Vicars Discretionary Account 48 Total $ 64,836 If you have further questions, talk to the Vicar. Pastor Sally values input and is happy to have a conversation at any time about St. Francis.

St. Francis In-Depth

If you would like more details about St. Francis finances, the Bishops Committee meetings, and the Vicars activities, please see the bulletin board in the lower level of the Lodge. There you will find two months worth of:

Bishops Committee meeting minutes Monthly financial reports Treasurers commentary Vicars activity reports

Prayer for St. Francis

We pray for the witness, renewal, and growth of our parish family. Living God, infuse us with your love. Enable us to proclaim the good news of Jesus Christ to all whom we meet through our actions, our thoughts, our words. Make St. Francis' Church a place of invitation and welcome, a safe

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November 2013
Sun Mon Tue Wed




Unless otherwise indicated, all Sunday worship services will be at the Masonic Lodge and all other events will be at the parish house.

10 am Bible Study

7 am AA 11:30 am Mens Group, Pizza Hut in Eureka 6:30 pm Ladies Nite Out @

Rev. Sally away

10 am Holy Eucharist-Rite II 11:40 am Adult Forum

5:30 pm Prayer Group 6:30 pm Worship & Music Committee

10 am Al Anon

Ofc Closed 12:30 pm Crafternooners 6:30 pm Tutoring @ Masonic

6:45 pm AA

10 am Bible Study

7 am AA Parish house 9am Adopt-AHighway 9:30 am Invitational Ministry 16 7 am AA

7 pm Bible Study

10 am Holy Eucharist-Rite II Consecration Sunday 6 pm-Al Anon


10 am Al Anon

Ofc Closed 12:30 pm Crafternooners 6:30 pm Tutoring @ Masonic

6:30 pm Book Club 6:45 pm AA

15 10 am Bible Study

10:30 am Exec. Comm. 5:30 pm

6 pm Newcomers Dinner at

10 am Holy Eucharist-Rite II Ingathering of scarves & gloves 11:40 am Adult Forum 12:30 pm Bishops Com-


10 am Al Anon

Ofc Closed 12:30 pm Crafternooners 6:30 pm Tutoring @ Masonic Lodge


10 am Bible Study

7 am AA

6 pm Marketing & Communications Committee 5:30 pm Prayer Group

Diocesan Convention Doubletree Hotel

6:45 pm AA 7:15 pm Youth Group @ Pastor 7 pm Bible

5 pm Caroling for Eureka Tree Lighting

10 am Holy Eucharist-Rite II 11:40 am Adult Forum 6 pm-Al Anon


10 am Al Anon

Ofc Closed 12:30 pm Crafternooners 7 pm Thanksgiving Eve services @ Lodge


10 am Bible Study

7 am AA

5:30 pm Prayer Group

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