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Fivefold ministry

Today the church has grown weak and I believe that it is because the people have
grown weak either by doing nothing or by being over loaded and breaking down.
Now we can have all the church meetings we want but unless the fivefold ministry is
operating nothing or very little will happen. I say this because I do not see the things
happening today as they did in the early church.

Now there are many in the church today with titles either given by others or by the
person themselves. We see people go to college and get appointed as a minister in a
church but nobody knows them, they are appointed and they do not know the people.
But how they want to do things will be accepted without question, this is dangerous
for all.

I believe if the church or fellowship is to function properly then appointments need to

come from within where we all know each other and know who can be trusted. We
need to work from the inside out so that the church flows out to others; if the church is
operating right on the inside it will affect those on the outside and draw them in.

So let us look at the five fold ministry and read Ephesians 4:11
Eph 4:11-12

11 And He Himself gave some to be apostles, some prophets, some evangelists, and
some pastors and teachers,

Firstly the Apostle

Now these go out and start fellowships or churches and help to get them established.
They are the groundbreakers and builders. If any here call themselves Apostles ask
yourself “how many churches have I established and grown”? If the answer is none
then I would suggest you question if you are an Apostle, for your first role is to do
this. Apostles are pioneers going forth to establish the church and encourage it in its
growth, not to travel from church to church preaching, it is not a glory role but hard
work causing the church to be steadfast in the word and practices of the word of God
and not of organisations.

These are people with a clear vision of what God wants to do; they will encourage and
lift, but also bring warnings and how to be corrected. They are not chosen or
appointed by men but God. They are those who have a heart to see what God says
carried out and to see the church living right. They are open to be corrected by God
so that their lives reflect what they speak out. They do not speak out what they want
but what God wants. But I warn here to be on your guard for the devil will use his
own people in this area and bring false prophets and lead the church astray. Be on
your guard, this is why I say that all should come from inside the body those who are
known to be called. Always check out a prophesy. Never just accept what is said by a
so called prophet, it needs to line up with God’s word and can usually be confirmed
from within the body of the church. A prophet will seek to bring the church back to
where it should be, so will often speak out what does not want to be heard because the
fellowship has become a comfort zone.

These are brave and fearless people who will step out and speak out God’s word of
salvation to the lost. There one aim is to see the lost saved and do not worry about the
troubles that can arise because they have their eyes firmly fixed on Jesus. They know
what they say is the truth and do not worry about what to say in any circumstance, for
they are sold out to get the lost saved and will rely on the Holy Spirit to speak
through them. They have a passion for the lost souls; they express God’s desire for all
to return to God, they are the ones who even go before the Apostles to call the people
to repentance and forgiveness. Now we are all called to do the work of an evangelist
this is to share the gospel of Jesus Christ when and where we can but that does not
mean we are evangelists, they are gifted through the Holy Spirit like all those in the
fivefold ministry. They have a special purpose of soul winning that others do not

Today pastors have been raised up to a high position and are given a special place in
the church, but this should not be so. A pastor is a shepherd and their role is to see to
the spiritual welfare of the body, but many have been left to fulfil all the roles. Some
churches around the world will tell you that is what they have been appointed to do
but this is not in line with the word of God. Many pastors will disagree with me
because they like the position they have and having authority over the fellowship.
The fellowship has only one head and that is Jesus Christ and none other. The pastor
should be appointed from inside the fellowship and if there is not one then I believe
God will raise one up. They will be those who have a compassion for the people and
their needs, are able to get close to those around them, trusted not to gossip so that
others will share with them. Spend time with God seeking answers to help the flock.
They are the shepherds of the church and guide the flock to safe pastures and water.
They are no more important than anyone else in God’s eyes and should not be treated

Now some say pastors and teachers are the same they are not. A teacher will explain
the word of God a pastor should look after the welfare of the people. There is also a
difference between a preacher and a teacher, a preacher will proclaim the word of God
and a teacher as I said will explain the word of God. They are there to open up God’s
word so that all grow in knowledge of what God wants of us. So we can get closer to
God and all will be the people He wants us to be, all working as one body for His
glory. Teachers are able to bring the gospel to life as they explain it they reveal the
truths in it so that we all are able to understand. They show us how to put it into
practice so that it is revealed in our lives and one day may be called by God into the
fivefold ministry to fulfil our place in His kingdom.
So I say do not think yourself more important than another but equal not to high to do
a lowly task or too low to be raised up. If you lead a fellowship seek out those who
have the gifts of the fivefold ministry and encourage them in what God has called
them to do. There is no other way but God’s way it is His church not ours we are not
the heads but the body and one part is no more important than another. Encourage
each other so that unity is formed between those in a fellowship and other
fellowships. Just as one fellowship can be called a body so can a group of
fellowships, so the more we join together the more we learn and grow as one, working
as one for one purpose.

Remember a hand cannot do what a leg can do nor can a toe do what a mouth can do,
or an eye what an ear can do but all are equally important, Just like God has made us
of many equal parts so has He made his church but just like we have made some parts
of our bodies more important than others so we have made some parts of the church
more important than others. If we want to see changes then we have to change first,
when you pray ask God what He wants and stop asking for what you want. Jesus said
seek first the kingdom of God and all these things will be added unto you”. So seek
what God wants and how He wants it done and let Him raise you up and not yourself
for what you raise can fall but what God raises will never fall.

Now let us see why we need the fivefold ministry.

Eph 4:12-16
12 for the equipping of the saints for the work of ministry, for the edifying of the body
of Christ, 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the knowledge of the Son
of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the fullness of Christ; 14 that
we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with every wind
of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful plotting, 15
but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head —
Christ — 16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint
supplies, according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes
growth of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

Look at verse twelve, for the equipping of the saints, we are told that we are all saints,
Paul when he writes he writes to the saints that is the church all the church not just
some. First we need to know what a saint is and that is pure, blameless, consecrated,
holy, my friends this is what God says we are, it may not what we think of ourselves
or others think of us but it is what God say’s we are and that is what counts. So we
are to be equipped for the ministry the fivefold ministry and that is all the church.

For the edifying of the body of Christ, notice the body of Christ that is all the church
this means to build and we have to see the body built up, strengthened, in unity
working together as one. 13 till we all come to the unity of the faith and of the
knowledge of the Son of God, to a perfect man, to the measure of the stature of the
fullness of Christ.
When we are in unity of faith we are all believing the same, we are all doing the same
so that those who do not believe will see us and be convicted and turn to the Lord.
That we all have the fullness of the knowledge of Jesus Christ, that is knowing Jesus,
not just about Him being close to Him. Now to know someone we need to be with
them a lot so we get to know all about them a close friend. Being perfected made
whole as Christ is perfect that we become just like Him. None of us are there yet but
we are His bride and He is perfecting us for that wedding day in Heaven so we need
to learn what we are here so we can not be prepared for the future.

14 that we should no longer be children, tossed to and fro and carried about with
every wind of doctrine, by the trickery of men, in the cunning craftiness of deceitful
This is important that we all understand who and what we are and know what the
word means this is where the teachers are needed. So we can determine whether what
we are told is truth or a lie and a half truth is a lie, we need to understand and watch
out for each other guarding each other from false doctrine and tricked into believing
false teaching and pulled away from the flock and separated and devoured by those
who deceive.

15 but, speaking the truth in love, may grow up in all things into Him who is the head
— Christ —
We all need to speak the truth that is written not what we want to make it be, many
have used the word for their own advantage by taking verses out of context and
joining them together and this is making a new gospel. But notice speak the truth in
love, if we do this we will want others to know the truth and want them to grow closer
to Jesus.

16 from whom the whole body, joined and knit together by what every joint supplies,
according to the effective working by which every part does its share, causes growth
of the body for the edifying of itself in love.

Notice this, the whole body not just a part or a select few, joined, connected working
together. Notice every part does it’s share, no one left out but all equal and doing it’s
share, playing their part. All this so we can grow and build up the whole of the church
in love, so that the whole church is prepared for that great day when we all meet
together with Christ Jesus as His pure bride.

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