Tekken - Setup

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"Tekken II"

by Sarig Levin

Email: sariglevin@yahoo.com

This screenplay is heavily based on an extremely popular video & PlayStation game series, copyright of Namco Ltd. (Japan)

Text in italics represents elements taken directly from the visual of the original video game.

Text in bold stands for fighting & action sequences, which are left to be developed by the director and choreographer, according to the original game techniques.

1. 1 EXT, PLANET URSA MINORIS, LITTLE TOKYO - MORNING, 2190 The light morning sun barely touches the purple sand dunes covering the planet's surface, above which two moons softly shine. A wealthy oriental colony can be seen in the distance. SUPER: "By the early 23rd Century, humankind has made the great leap forward into space, while humanity was thrown back into utter chaos. The rich and dominant few enjoyed a life of luxury in new worlds, built especially for them by powerful corporations, and turned exhausted, over-populated Earth into a labor-force market of a dog-eat-dog existence." Moving through the main street we see oriental people strolling calmly, LAUGHTER of children is heard. On some of the buildings we see a the trade mark of MITSUBISHI and MITSUI. A little GIRL crosses the street, leading her pet lizard, a rather large, funny looking creature, bouncing back and forth in excitement, followed by her maid and two servants. HEIHACHI, a chipper 12 year old Japanese boy, crosses the street and follows his well-dressed, self-controlled, elderly father. CUT TO 2 EXT, LITTLE TOKYO, PARK - LATER They reach a park of smooth purple sand. A few children are playing, watched over by their maids. Heihachi's father looks up into the sky with interest. Four small spacecrafts appear in the sky, moving quickly toward the town. The children run back to their maids, when suddenly a full-size spacecraft appears above them, coming into landing in the center of the park. Once landed, its door opens and armed men, dressed in black uniforms, come running out. Heihachi's father is very much alarmed, but Heihachi himself is still staring at the ship with excitement. His father grabs him by the arm, shakes him hard and points in the direction they came from. Heihachi turns and starts running. CUT TO: 3 EXT. STREET - LATER Heihachi is running through the street. Men SHOUTING, women SCREAMING, and a few people are running around in panic. (CONTINUED) 3 2 1

2. 3 CONTINUED: Soldiers appear and start shooting the unarmed civilians. A maid, running in front of Heihachi, holding a CRYING child, is shot in the back and falls to the ground. CUT TO 4 EXT, HEIHACHI'S HOUSE - LATER OVER THE SHOULDER SHOT OF Heihachi, as he reaches his house but stops right outside. Through a big window right in front of him we see his mother, a rather young, beautiful Japanese woman, SCREAMING as two soldiers, weapons at aim, move into their living room. He ducks behind a terrace, shaking. A SHOT is heard, the SCREAMING stops. A hand grabs his shoulder, he turns quickly, fear in his eyes, to see WANG, a 42 year old Chinese servant, kneeling behind him. Wang signals him to follow and they quickly head back. CUT TO 5 EXT, MAIN STREET - LATER Wang, holding Heihachi's hand, leads him through the main street, that is now filled with black armed men, shooting in all directions. Dead bodies lie everywhere, sounds of SHOTS and EXPLOSIONS mix with the CRIES of people trying to get away. Some houses are on fire, more people run out, only to be gunned down by the troops in the street. They duck behind a bush, by the dead body of the little girl from before, her lizard hopping around it, biting into her flesh. A soldier appears behind them, but Wang, showing great skill, quickly takes him down, breaking his neck, grabs his gun, shoots a couple of soldiers heading their way and continues their escape. The lizard rises in alarm as they run by it and then resumes its feast. CUT TO 6 EXT, EDGE OF TOWN - NOON They reach the edge of town, where the houses and streets turn back into purple dunes. Without looking back they keep on running in the direction of a mountain, located about four miles out of town. DISSOLVE TO 6 5 4 3

3. 7 EXT, MOUNTAIN TOP - AFTERNOON A child's hand appears, grabbing a hold of the ledge. Heihachi pulls himself up and immediately harries over to the opposite edge. Wang pulls himself up behind him and tries to hold him back, but Heihachi has already reached the other side and drops to his knees. A single tear appears in his eye, as he sees the town half way burned to the ground and a heaven off earth turned into nothing but a bloody, dark memory. Two crafts are still there, the third takes off and he follows it with his eyes as it soars up into the sky. MOVING SHOT follows the craft, moving quicker and quicker, leaving the craft behind, passing the two moons, three more crafts far up in the sky... FADE TO BLACK OPENING TITLES 8 EXT, NEW YORK, ALLEY THE YEAR 2254, NIGHT A dark, dead-end alley in one of the worst parts of the New York Metropolitan Ghetto. On the left side wall there's a heavy metal door and a covered air shaft, four feet above ground. A black, heavy motorcycle moves into frame, its rider dressed in black leather. He drives down the alley, makes a U-turn and parks under the air shaft. he gets off, turns around, back to frame, takes off his helmet, holding it under his arm. PAUL, a 27 year old American street-fighter, has a blond, punk style hair cut and a rough look. He KNOCKS on the door, heavy FOOTSTEPS are heard, a small shaft opens, then slowly so does the door. A mountain of a man holds it open, Paul enters and the door SLAMS shut. CUT TO 9 INT, NIGHT CLUB - LATER The night club runs an illegal operation of street fighting events and attracts a wide audience of creeps and other forms of night creatures, noisy and rough. On the wall by the back door hangs a big red poster with the face of a BLUE DEVIL and the words "KING OF THE IRON FIST II" in big print. Paul enters, heads straight to the bar and sits down in front of NICK, the barman. NICK Ha'ye, Pauly. (CONTINUED) 9 7

4. 9 CONTINUED: PAUL Hey, Nicky. NICK Good to see you back, man. It's been a while. PAUL (Lowering his head) Yeah, well, I've been busy. NICK Had to pull one of your disappearing acts again, have ya? Paul returns a cold stare but doesn't reply. NICK (Cleaning a glass) Guess they're gonna catch up with you sooner or later. It's only a matter of time... PAUL Yeah... Time... NICK (Pouring Paul a drink) Forget about it, Pauly. Life's tough for all of us down here. Best stick to our own problems and make the best of whatever little time we've got. PAUL (Picks up the glass) You've got that right, Nicky Paul empties the glass and knocks it down on the counter. PAUL How's it looking tonight? NICK (Pouring him another one) It doesn't look good. Godzilla there has taken out three fighters already, actually killing one of them poor bastards, and looks like he's not even sweating. (CONTINUED) 9

5. 9 CONTINUED: (2) 9

Paul takes the drink, empties it and turns back. He scans the crowd, cheering in excitement, noticing only one man sitting still. LEI, a 26 year old Chinese man, dressed in a heavy raincoat, is by himself at his table, comfortably staring at the fight with interest. In the central ring, Grego, a huge cross between man and reptile, is finishing off yet another street fighter. The crowd goes wild as he raises his hands in satisfaction. An elegantly dressed ANNOUNCER climbs into the ring. ANNOUNCER Give it up to Grego, folks... As Paul continues to scan the room we see a covered air shaft on one side of the back door. He pauses for a moment, staring at the poster on its other side, then turns back to the bar and picks up another full glass. ANCHOR (O.S.) ...And today space pirates associated with the MISHIMA CORPORATION attacked yet another settlement on the planet Pegasi Q. Paul puts down his drink and looks up at the 3D TV set. ANCHOR (CONT.) ...Bringing the total number of liquidated investments in space to a round thirty, since the first attack on Mitsubishi's 'Little Tokyo' 42 years ago. This is bound to encourage another violent response from the Galactica Corporation, who financed the project. In a special meeting held today, Mr. Von Schik, the president of the Federation of Europe, expressed his condolences to the stock holders. 'life in space', he said, 'is becoming even more dangerous than life on earth'. And now for some more cheerful news... Paul turns back to the barman. PAUL How much are you guys giving away tonight, Nicky? (CONTINUED)

6. 9 CONTINUED: (3) NICK Two fifty. PAUL Is that good? NICK Very good, but I wouldn't go in there today if I were you. PAUL (Handing Nick his helmet) Sure Nicky. Hey, be a pal and watch my helmet for me, would you? NICK No problem, my suicidal friend. Paul signals the announcer and slowly heads toward the ring. The crowd cheers as he climbs in and takes off his jacket. His opponent stands on the opposite corner, smiling with contempt. PRESENTER Gentlemen, Grego the Mighty vs. Paul Phoenix. A BELL is sounded, the two men approach each other, and the fight begins. Acting wildly, using wrestling techniques, Grego tries to get close to Paul, while Paul, trying to keep his distance from him, uses techniques from the game. It's a close match but at some point Paul manages to knock Grego hard enough and he drops to the ground. As he moves in for the kill he notices Lei getting up, smiling, and walking away. A punch to the jaw brings him right back to reality and he's thrown back across the ring, maneuvering at the last second to avoid being squashed under a three hundred pounds half-lizard. He gets back on his feet and the fight continues, until Paul defeats his opponent. Suddenly, police forces break into the club from both front and back doors, raiding and using massive force in taking control over the crowd, who's now trying to escape. Paul helps Grego up, grabs his jacket and jumps over the ropes, kicking a policeman on his way down. He takes out another coming at him, runs and jumps, legs first, through the air shaft by the back door, breaking its cover. CUT TO 9

7. 10 EXT, ALLEY - LATER The motorcycle is parked under the air shaft. The sound of a person SLIDING through it, its cover breaks open and Paul comes flying and lands in his seat. He puts his jacket on, starts the engine and quickly rides up the alley. CUT TO: 11 EXT. STREET - LATER Police cars everywhere. Paul emerges from the alley as some more are coming toward him. He turns his bike, picks up speed, lifts his front wheel, jumps over a police car blocking the road and disappears. On the sidewalk, by that police car, stands Lei with three more cops. He follows Paul with his eyes, smiling, then slowly turns back. People are now being taken out of the club by the police, red lights flicker all around. DISSOLVE TO 12 EXT, PLANET EPSILON TAURI, STREET - AFTERNOON A city of thick strings of green gas surrounding buildings of pure blue metal. An old fashion Cadillac pulls to a stop. The two sitting in it look exactly the same - massive, pale, bold and inhuman, dressed in heavy raincoats and hats. The one further away from us slowly goes for the rear door, the second one gets out and both doors slam shot simultaneously. They start walking in a simultaneous, slow pace, which will characterize their movements from now on. A LITTLE GUY, who looks exactly the same, only four feet high, emerges from behind the car, walking between them, only twice as rapidly, to match their pace. They simultaneously turn at a trail leading to a big metal building, continuing slowly up the trail. Two guards are standing at the entrance and, as the three approach, one reaches for his gun. Suddenly, in a remarkable speed, the two big guys reach the guards, lifting them by their necks. CUT TO 13 INT, METAL BUILDING, LOBBY - LATER The third guy, moving with the speed of lightning, rolls into the lobby, lands on his knees and shoots down seven guards and two civilians with a green laser gun. The other two walk in to his sides, he gets to his feet and the three carry on walking in the same slow pace, toward the elevator on the far side of the lobby. (CONTINUED) 13 12 11 10

8. 13 CONTINUED: They press the top floor, enter and then darkness closes in. FADE TO BLACK 14 INT, OFFICE - LATER BLACK. A RING is heard, and the elevator doors open, clearing away the darkness. CLOSE UP on the three still standing inside. For a second it seems their lidless eyes are shielded with a membrane, which now clears away, revealing big green pupils. The small one steps out first, gun in hand, the other two follow. The office is big, well decorated. On the far end, behind a long, oak desk, sits NEIL, a handsome man in his 40's, in an expensive suite, one of his hands is under the table. The three stop at a distance. LITTLE GUY Hands on the desk, Mr. Richmond. Neil slowly puts both hands on the desk. LITTLE GUY I bring a personal message from Mr. Mishima. You've been ordered several times to back off from our business on Epsilon Tauri. Apparently you failed to do so! (Pause) Mr. Mishima is not someone to fool around with. His orders are... Suddenly all lights go off. Instantly, two green laser shots are fired at Neil, followed by two red shots to the sides and another red one in Neil's direction, fired from the back of the room. A soft CRUSHING sound is heard. When the lights return we see NINA, a 22 year old assassin, blonde and deadly beautiful. She's dressed in a purple, tight body suit and wears a night vision device - a silver bow covering her eyes. A gun in each hand, she's standing right behind where the three assassins stood, only that now the bodies of the two big ones lie quite far apart on both sides of the room, face down, with a clean hole in the back of their heads. The small guy seemed to have crushed into an unseen screen, a couple of inches from where Neil is now rising from under the desk. His body lies on the long desk, with a clean hole in the back of his head. Nina's night vision device folds into two pieces placed behind her ears. (CONTINUED) 14 13

9. 14 CONTINUED: She places one gun into a pouch strapped behind her back. A SQUISHING SOUND as the screen protecting Neil seem to fold down and the little guy's face, once flattened and starched, is now sinking down to the desk. NEIL (Smiling in relief) Nice job, Nina. She starts walking toward him in a seductive manner. NINA (With a slight Irish accent) That's what you hired me for, isn't it, Neil. NEIL It's good to see our money is well invested. NINA (Reaching the little guy) Maybe not enough of it, though. She lifts her leg and rolls him over. She's got a pouch strapped to her leg. CLOSE UP on the little guy, his pupils covered with a membrane. NEIL (Re: the assassins) What are these things anyway? She puts her second gun in the pouch strapped to her leg. NINA Levitons. A deadly bunch to be messing with. Quite sensitive to darkness though. NEIL You mean the little guy was scared of the dark? NINA Sure seems like he had a good reason to be. She kicks him off the table, keeping her sexy leg in front of Neil's face and looks straight at him. NINA What did they want? (CONTINUED) 14

10. 14 CONTINUED: (2) NEIL This one was just about to make me an offer I wouldn't be able to refuse. NINA Yeah? An offer from whom? NEIL From Mishima Corporation. They've been biting into our business for quite a while now. She sits on the edge of the table, obviously interested. NINA Why won't you force them out then? NEIL Can't. They're too big. They've got the third strongest private army in the galaxy and they're playing hard ball, I'm talking real ruthless bastards. NINA (Looking at the corpse) I see what you mean. NEIL Mishima is a devil. I'm talking real wings and horns, the whole thing. He opens a drawer in his desk, pulls out a poster and spreads it on the desk, next to Nina. It's the same one from the club in N.Y., which has the devil's face on it. NEIL He's gonna be holding a big fighting competition in their headquarters next week. I reckon that'll be the perfect opportunity for us to have our little problem solved. NINA What do you mean? NEIL (Smiling) Well, all we've got to do is take him out. That'll cool things down for a while. (CONTINUED) 14

11. 14 CONTINUED: (3) NINA We? NEIL You are an assassin, aren't you? NINA (Smiling back) That depends on the benefits. NEIL That depends on what you have in mind. Nina throws her head back, laughing, stands up, approaches him, kicks his chair back and sits on his knees. NINA I'm sure we can work something out... He grabs her and they kiss passionately. CLOSE SHOT of the poster for the KING OF THE IRON FIST II tournament. CUT TO 15 INT, SHANGHAI, LAW'S DOJO - NOON A modest dojo where LAW, a 27 year old, short and skinny Chinese man, dressed in black pants, is instructing his martial art techniques, similar to Bruce Lee's Jeet Kune Do, to about twenty of his students, commoners of various ages. The dojo's door shatters as in walks BAEK DOO SAN, a Korean man, bigger then Law and wearing a white robe. Behind him about forty of his young pupils appear, dressed in blue. He claps his hands, and they charge, demolishing the dojo on their way. Law's men protect themselves, showing greater skill then their opponents, but are outnumbered. Law tries to get to Baek but is being blocked by the men destroying his dojo. CUT TO 16 EXT, PLANET GAMMA CEPHEI Q, MINING COLON - MORNING A heavy cargo ship hovers slowly over a dusty mining site and comes into landing at the flat loading zone by the front gate. Two trucks approach, driving passed an entrance to one of the mines and, as the ship's hatch opens, start unloading. Both drivers are human. Out of the mine comes two rhinos and a hippo, walking upright, wearing helmets and carrying pickaxes. (CONTINUED) 16 15 14

12. 16 CONTINUED: They walk passed the trucks and through the gate, greeting the human guard. We follow them as they leave the mine, passing by two gorillas dressed as miners, on their way to work. CUT TO 17 EXT, MINER'S COLONY - LATER The rhinos and the hippo approach a mid-20th century colony and continue through the main street, where the few shops are surrounded by simple huts. A kid panda with a school beg on his back crosses the road. Out of one of these huts steps KUMA, a fully grown brown bear, walking upright and carrying an old suitcase. He walks past the kid panda, heading toward the road and glances angrily at the rhinos who continue out of frame. When reaching the road, out of nowhere, a kangaroo appears, riding a skateboard and wearing his cap backwards, almost crushing into Kuma, who growls at him, furiously. Kuma starts walking up the road toward a bus stop, while around him we can see a lady donkey pushing a baby carriage, a tiger and a lion in miner's outfits and a Labrador behind a 'HOT DOG' stand, all upright. An old yellow school bus arrives, its air pressure, double door opens. An erect wolf quickly steps ahead of Kuma and enters. Kuma follows up the steps but stops, as the sound of TAPPING FEET is heard. He turns around and sees another kangaroo bouncing restlessly right behind him. He throws his arm back and sends a punch in the direction of the poor creature. CUT TO 18 INT, RUSSIA, LAB - EVENING DR. BOSKONOVITCH, an elderly scientist in a white robe, is adjusting devices, sneaking occasional glances of concern at a dark glass wall in the back of his lab. VLADISLAV, a well dressed man, is following every step he makes. JACK, a 35 year old, massive and unconscious Russian mobster, is seated in the center of the lab, electrodes connected to his forehead. Above him, in a monitor, we can see a sequence of quick, short images of his past. The doctor turns his eyes to a second monitor where the same sequence ends with Jack shaking Vladislav's hand, sitting down and being injected by the doctor. The sequence changes into martial arts information, and the doctor turns to Vladislav. (CONTINUED) 18 17 16

13. 18 CONTINUED: BOSKONOVITCH I really don't think we should do this. VLADISLAV (With a Russian accent) You are not here for your opinions, Boskonovitch. Now, is he ready? BOSKONOVITCH Well, I'm not sure if... VLADISLAV (Putting a gun to his head) Boskonovitch, is he ready? The doctor confirms sadly, Vladislav signals guards to escort the doctor out. He looks at the image of the blue devil on the second monitor, then at Jack sitting under it. He then turns to the first monitor, and under it sits yet another identical and unconscious Jack. First Jack wakes up, stretches, and looks at Vladislav, smiling. Dialog is in Russian until end of scene. FIRST JACK I hope you found what you were looking for in there, Vladi. Sure don't like having my head poked into and all. I mean, what's the deal this time? Then he notices his second self and seems puzzled. FIRST JACK What the fu... VLADISLAV (Pulling out a gun) Nothing personal, Jack. Vladislav shoots him, and as the guards drags his body away he turns calmly to the second Jack, who now also wakes up, stretches and looks at Vladislav, smiling. SECOND JACK I hope you found what you were looking for in there, Vladi. Sure don't like having my head poked into and all. I mean, what's the deal this time? Vladislav smiles back, and helps him up. (CONTINUED) 18

14. 18 CONTINUED: (2) VLADISLAV I'm sorry about all of this, Jack, but this one is top priority, and after you screwing up the last job... SECOND JACK (Getting aggravated) You know it wasn't my fault, Vladi. VLADISLAV Take it easy, big guy. Lets just try and do it right this time. Now, if you would just follow me. He leads him to a door on the right corner of the lab, next to the glass wall, opens it for him and they exit. CUT TO 19 INT, LAB, OFFICE - LATER They enter a big, affluent office where two other well dresses men are sitting. Through the glass wall we can see the lab where some people are now cleaning the blood from the chair. Jack shakes their hands and joins them. JACK (In Russian) So, do you want to tell Jack what this top secret job is all about. MAN A (English, slight Russian accent) Same old Jack, huh. Can't wait to get down to business. JACK (English, thick Russian accent) Jack will never change. You need men like me to keep business going. MAN B (Fluent English) That's right, Jack, but this time we need you to fight for us. JACK You mean break some bones. (CONTINUED) 19 18

15. 19 CONTINUED: MAN B No, we need you to win a fighting tournament at Mishima's headquarters. Jack relaxes, smiles and pours himself some vodka. JACK Old comrades, huh. MAN A You can say that again. JACK How long? MAN B Three, four days top. MAN A Depends on the program. JACK (Drinks up) And the money? MAN B Same deal, plus the prize, if you win the fights that is. JACK Of course! Jack never loses a fight. VLADISLAV (Offering his hand) Settled then. Always a pleasure doing business with you. They shake hands, he presses a button, another door opens and a guard steps in. MAN B (To the guard) Show him to the shuttle. Jack stands up, shakes both men's hands, picks up the vodka bottle and turns to leave. VLADISLAV (In Russian) Good luck, Jack (CONTINUED) 19

16. 19 CONTINUED: (2) JACK (In Russian, turning back) I don't need luck, Vladi. Whoever fights me does. He leaves the room with the guard, the three men look at Each other and smile. VLADISLAV So, gentlemen, what do you think? MAN B He's perfect. Even as vain as old Jack. MAN A Yes, I think that devil is finally going to get what's coming to him. He gets up, takes the bottle and starts pouring drinks. MAN B That was a nice touch with the memories implant, Vladislav. You are a genius. VLADISLAV Yes, I am. But lets not forget Boskonovitch did all the work. MAN A (Lifting his glass) Nazdarovie, to Boskonovitch then. MAN A (Lifting his glass as well) To the new Jack. VLADISLAV (Lifting his) No, to Galactica! ALL OF THEM To Galactica... 19

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