Metatron Resonance Brochure Website

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I am a Metaphysical Practitioner, Sound Healer, visionary intuitive and lightworker who has dedicated my life to healing myself and others during these fascinating energetic times. I am actively involved in therapeutic energy work, breath work, creative visualization and manifestation, meditation and energy therapy with a blend of various energy healing modalities.

Location: Workshop takes place in London Minimum 6 and maximum 12 attendees per course Duration: The course consists of 7 daily classes. Each class lasts for 7 hours and workshop starts at 10 am and finishes at 5 pm. For more information please visit

metatron resonance
Foundation and Intermediate Workshop Inspired by Archangel Metatron. An exploration of awakening your soul essence and magnifying your vibrational soul resonance Inviting all sensitives, empaths, holistic practitioners, hypnotherapists, councillors, etc. for deep intense soul energy work in congruent and loving way. Are you stuck in waiting mode? Do you feel your `journey` is becoming more challenging? Are you ready to harness new levels of awareness? and deepen your therapeutic process with new set of tools and techniques? CONNECT with the knowledge of the sage within and share your skills with those around you in profound and loving grace INVITE greater happiness, joy and freedom into your life EXPLORE your galactic heritage and receive all the gifts that come your way IGNITE your creativity and your soul essence MANIFEST your souls dreams, intentions and visions BECOME an alchemist and a new divinely-embraced teacher of energy, sound and light
f Metatron Healing Your Vibrational Soul Resonance with Gratitude

Pawel Patrick BMsc, BCMA reg. Usui Reiki Master, Angelic Reiki Master/Teacher, New Shamballa Master, Metaphysical Practitioner, Spirit Release Practitioner, Crystalotherapy Practitioner, Sound Healer, Basic Golden Heart of Merkabah Teacher, Accredited Member of IMM (International Metaphysical Ministry), Spirit Release Foundation, Full Member of AET (Association of Energy Therapists) and BCMA (British Complimentary Medicine Association) Mobile 07766 459 285
Please visit my websites for details regarding energy healing work, 1 to 1 sessions and workshops:

Support and mentoring offered during and after the class. 1-1 individual classes are available. A different fee structure applies.

Metatron Healing
The home of Alchemy, Resonance and Sound
Soar above the worries of daily life and explore the other possibilities that abound. Knock and new doors will open. Find, and quench your thirst for seeking. Vikram Joshi, The Alchemy Of The Soul

Supporting you

Soul Dynamics bridging and integration work, creating a new set of tools and skills to embrace your presence as a whole. The potential of your Algorithmic Self, supporting you in a smoother transition with the integration of external shifts and energetic imbalances and working creatively with new levels of consciousness. Polarity Integration - balancing duality, (integrating two opposites) to achieve a bountiful expansion and expression, and to deepen your energetic knowledge about yourself (power of word, sound and thought). Metatron`s Diagnostics expansion and your connection to multilevel sacred energy structures with Metatron Resonance Codes. Introduction to physical modelling synthesis utilising a set of techniques and methods to generate the matrices of new energy to simulate the physical source of sound, light and energy. Embracing your puzzle for development of yourself and others through an accelerating process of self alchemy. Deepening your own therapeutic process, increased understanding and development of new skills. Contributing to the development of healing as a whole and to improve the nature and status of healing.

to r e m e m b e r
Connect with the alchemy of your soul and your own mission to integrate and express fully. Expand the potential of your sacred heart. Connect with the unique tone of your essence. Let your own overtone take you further on your journey. Inspire an authentic transformation in yourself and others. Let your learning path be filled with crystal clear clarity. Acquire new energetic skills, abundance and joy.

New levels of Universal Consciousness are unfolding... Your intuition is your only compass. Your soul knows the way... The three-part Metatron Resonance workshop for therapists and holistic practitioners connects the participants with the 12dimensional aspects of themselves.

It provides a structured and creative platform for an in-depth exploration of the relationship between their soul energy essence and their energetic presence, exploring personal therapeutic processes in depth.

The key to growth is the introduction of higher dimensions of consciousness into our awareness ~ Lao Tzu

We work with bridging tablets (Metatron Resonance Codes), sacred geometry in motion and Solar and Galactic Consciousness to integrate and maintain new energy levels and be fully present in the `now` moment.


For those who wish to further their knowledge, an additional 4 part (12 classes) workshop is available. During this four-part workshop for sensitives, empaths, healers and holistic practitioners participants will actively work with sacred geometry in motion through a sound, light and breath synthesis to experience and maintain their energy and to be fully present in the `now` moment. The 12-dimensional Solar Logoi Codes form an algorithm interweaving new sound and energy patterns to express and strengthen the participants sonic presence on their ascension journey. Metatron Alchemy bridges the potential of your Sacred Heart with your multidimensional presence..

Focus on what you still have. Begin counting your blessings, and as you give it time nature will undulate. Soon the tide will turn. Soon, you will have another chance. Vikram Joshi, The Alchemy Of The Soul

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