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The2008editionoftheNationalElectricalCode(NEC)isnowineffectasofJanuary1, 2008. Electrical contractors and homeowners should be aware of the many changes in thisedition,especiallythefollowing,whichareonlyafewofthechangesthatwillaffect usall:
The definition of kitchen now applies to residences as well as nonresidential. Wet bar areas with permanent facilities for food preparation and cooking now require kitchen type wiring (two appliance circuits, proper receptacle spacing at thecounterareas,GFCIprotection,etc.(SeethedefinitionofkitcheninArt.100 NEC). All multiwire branch circuits now require either common trip circuit breakers or breakerswithidentifiedtiehandles.(See210.4NEC). All 120volt, single phase, 15 and 20 ampere receptacle outlets installed in garagesandunfinishedbasementsnowrequireGFCIprotection.Exceptionsfor singlereceptaclesforfreezers,sumppumps,etc.havebeenremoved.Theonly exceptionleftisforfireorburglaralarmsystems.(See210.8NEC). AFCIprotectionhasbeenexpandedtoincludeareasotherthanbedrooms.All 120volt single phase, 15 and 20 ampere branch circuits supplying outlets installed in dwelling unit family rooms, dining rooms, living rooms, parlors, libraries, dens, bedrooms, sunrooms, recreation rooms, closets, hallways or similar areas shall be protected by a listed arcfault circuit interrupter, combination type, installed to provide protection of the branch circuit. (See 210.12NEC). Feeders withoutan equipment grounding conductor are no longerapprovedfor buildingsfedfromotherbuildings.(See250.32NEC). AmpacitieshavebeenreducedforaluminumSEUandSERcableswhereused forinteriorwiring.Forexample,theampacityofanaluminumSERcablefeeder (that does notsupplytheentire load of a building) will now befound in the60 degreecolumnoftable310.16.(See338.10(B)(4)(a)and334.80NEC). All 120volt, 15 and 20ampere receptacles installed for dwelling units shall be listed as tamperresistant. All receptacles installed outdoors shall also be listed asweatherresistant.(See406.8and406.11NEC) All 15 and 20ampere receptacles, 125 and 250volt nonlocking receptacles installed in damp or wet locations shall be a listed weatherresistant type. Weatherresistantcoversmustbesuitableforeachlocationaswell(See406.8A &BNEC). Questions? CallDewayneJenkinsat2962419attheCityofKetteringPlanningand

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