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Friends for Me

A pleasant morning to my beloved professor Mrs. Gaston and to my co-student, I am here just in front of you to share my experience about friend ships. I know that all of us have their own friends but some of us doesnt even know the real meaning of this, even to me I always asked myself What? What it is means? I remember that when I was in child hood, I doesnt even know how to make friends because I am a type of person that the only know is to go in school , went home and watching television, but as the time pass by , I realize that I want to be matured about the things happen in my surroundings ,like having some fun with others goes everywhere and so on .that time the first thing that I says to myself is Grow Up!!. For the past few years I already developed myself to become more Independent and doing whatever I want, In my high school life, When I was in 3rd year high school ,I experience how to hung out with my friends attending some parties taking something that until now I always thinking if it IS right ,I know that some of you already know what I am saying because here in this classroom not all of you but few ,are doing or taking a cigarette and drink alcohol .That kind of stupid things make me feel to become a part of this society , But before I take that , I think it twice if I will do this or not in short take it or leave it, But this what I want and I know that this can make myself happy and I feel the enjoyment in here . Thats me and I will not stop this because If I myself and my family accept it what more with others, I know that it is a bad thing but I already do this ,friends is a part of our life without friends your life are so bored because I experience that. But now, I can say that my friends are the best and I have no regret for all of this. Because in our friendship we are treated ourselves as a brotherhood ,We are doing same thing, enjoying same trip even if it is corny were always getting laugh , we sleep in same house .having a movie marathon until midnight ,listening the same of music goes hiking ,taking some pictures and having food trip. My friends are a kind of person that would not leave you in case of trouble and even in a personal problem, because they are real friends and we will not broke our relationship us one because we all know that we are doing a right thing and it teach us to learned with our mistake and that kind of relationship is a real meaning of friends for me Again good morning and thank you for listening.

Jomarie SJ Maray

BSBA 2-b

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