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Lesson Plan Template 1 Primary & Secondary Unit/Topic: Exploring light and sound Examining light and sound

d in our world Date: Thur 10 th Oct 2013 Time: 1.55-3.00 Science

Key Learning Area:

Year Level: 1D and 1C Lesson: 1 ___________________________________________________________________________________________________________ Curriculum outcomes for the unit: Science as a Human Endeavour Nature and development of science Science involves asking questions about, and describing changes in, objects and events (ACSHE021) Use and influence of science People use science in their daily lives, including when caring for their environment and living things (ACSHE022) Science Inquiry Skills Communicating Represent and communicate observations and ideas in a variety of ways such as oral and written language, drawing and role play (ACSIS029) Evaluating Compare observations with those of others (ACSIS213) Planning and conducting Participate in different types of guided investigations to explore and answer questions, such as manipulating materials, testing ideas, and accessing information sources (ACSIS025) Use informal measurements in the collection and recording of observations, with the assistance of digital technologies as appropriate (ACSIS026) Science Understanding Physical sciences Light and sound are produced by a range of sources and can be sensed (ACSSU020) Processing and analysing data and information Through discussion, compare observations with predictions (ACSIS212) Use a range of methods to sort information, including drawings and provided tables (ACSIS027) Questioning and predicting Respond to and pose questions, and make predictions about familiar objects and events (ACSIS024) Students explore sources of light and sound and the senses used to observe them. They manipulate materials to observe how light and sound are produced, and how changes can be made to light and sound effects. They examine how light and sound are used in everyday life and by a variety of cultures. They make predictions; share ideas and sort information about light and sound and represent and communicate their understandings in a variety of ways.

(Key Knowledge and Skills students should achieve in the lesson taken from relevant curriculum documents.) Understand that light effects can vary in brightness and colour Understand that the colour and brightness of light can be changed

LESSON STRUCTURE: Time 1.55-2.30 Introduction (Set): Prior to lesson set up hall stage on curtains, floors and chairs with Indigenous cave paintings,bats, snakes, mouse, glow worms,spiders, webs, a black shiny nose, two goggly eyes and teddy bears. Teaching Approaches Experiencing the known and the new (authentic pedagogy) learning is situated, contextual and grounded in the real world and connects school learning with practical application in a real life context) Applying appropriately and creatively(functional pedagogy) learners expand their ways of making and expressing meaning in effective and powerful ways. Analysing functionally(critical pedagogy) interpret the purpose of texts

Explore light
This Science unit is about light and sound. You will be investigating and learning about sources of light: where light comes from; and sources of sound: objects and actions that create sound. 1 Tell students that they are going to do a role-play activity involving light and sound. Were going to pretend we are exploring a cave. Q. What do you know about caves? A. Answers may vary, e.g. theyre dark, bats live in them, theyre cold. Its a long way to the cave. Lets go exploring. Put on your boots and your hard hat to stay safe; and collect your camera and your torch.

Have them clap rhythm to Were going on a bear hunt on their thighs and continue the rhythm on our exploration. Take children on an adventure around the school and have them imagine a slippery silvery stream (run hands along silver benches), furry bushes (run fingers along the leaves), a deep dark forest (taken children through the garden outside the principals office (get permission first), meander through the slithery snake (fence poles), walk over the steep, high hill (playground mound), over the rocky creek bed (outside the hall) over the rickety bridge (where the troll lives) and wait for entry into the cave (the hall). Brief children on safety measures, holding hands to form a line, and not to be frightened as its an imaginery adventure. Discuss safety when observing light. In a line, enter the cave with only my torch as a source of light. Q. What can you see? A. Answers may vary, e.g. nothing its dark, tiny glowing lights, bats, darkness, a bear Q. How do you feel? A. Answers may vary, e.g. excited, scared, cold, hot Q. What can you hear? A. Answers may vary, e.g. bats screeching, water dripping, nothing Q. Look up ... What is that sparkling on the roof of the cave? A. Answers may vary, e.g. glow worms Glow worms on the roof of a cave can provide a source of light. Students to pretend to turn on your torch and start walking through the cave. Duck; bend down low because the roof of the cave is low here. Q. Why is it so dark in the cave? A. Answers may vary, e.g. because the sunlight cant get in Q. What else can you see in the cave when you shine your torch? A. Answers may vary, e.g. bats, dripping water, a creek, water on the ground, rocks, different coloured and shaped rocks (rock formations) Were going to leave the cave now. On your way out of the cave, look ahead (through curtains) Q. What do you see? A. Answers may vary, e.g. light at the cave opening Q. Where is the light coming from? A. Answers may vary, e.g. the sun Discuss sources of light in the cave: The sun is a source of light. When there was no sunlight shining in the cave, it was very dark. We used a torch to see where we were going, so our source of light in the cave was the torch. Class discussion back in the classroom about our experience and sources of light. Q. How do you observe light? What sense(s) do you use? A. Answers may vary, e.g. we see light, our sense of sight Display word cards: observe and senses for word wall, read with students, and add to Science learning journey path.

the human purposes, functions and motivation by situating texts. Learners engage in critique to analyse perspectives and connect conceptual learning to causes and effects. Conceptualising by naming(didactic teaching metalanguage and wide frame of reference for meaning-making)
Learning by Design Knowledge processes Kalantzis & Cope, 2012)

Incorporating a synaes thetic approa ch as a pedago gical suppor t to switch betwee n modes: visual (writte n word, props), audial (spoke n word, music), tactile (props) , spatial (role play in cave), gestur al (dancin g). Representing and commu nicatin g in multim odal ways deepen s unders tanding , caters to diversit y and preferr ed learnin g styles. Inquiry techniques Brainstorming Teacher led questioning Hands up to answer, but also involve others. One voice at a time. Role-playing


Post Reflection: Torches, lanterns Animal props and print outs for cave

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