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Matter occupies space and has mass.Can exist in solid, liquid and gas state.The characteristics of matter can be explained using the kinetic The kinetic theory of matter explains the state of matter in solid, liquid and gaseous states based on the following assumptions: a) Matter is made up of tiny and discrete particles. b) Particles in matter are always vibrating or moving and colliding with each other. c) Particles often move randomly.There are attraction forces between particles of matter. These attraction forces will increase as the between the particles become closer. Table 2.0 Characteristics of matters in solid, liquid and gaseous states. distance theory of matter.

Diffusion is a process whereby particles of different matters mix slowly due to the random movement of particles. Table 2.1 Scientists and their atomic models

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Comparison between subtomic particles : Proton are positively charged, electrons are negatively charged while neutrons are neutral (no charge).The atom of any element is neutral as the number of protons and number of electrons in the atom is equal. For a neutral atom, the total positive charge in the nucleus is equal to the total negative charge of electrons around the nucleus.

The number of subatomic particles in different atoms are different. Proton number and nucleon number :

The number of protons in an atom determines the type of element formed.The proton number is the number of protons in the nucleus of an atom.

For a neutral atom, the proton number also refers to the number of electrons in the atom.

The nucleon number is the total number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of an atom.

The number of neutrons in an atom can be calculated if the proton number and nucleon number is known, using the following formula:

Isotapes of the same element have similar chemical properties, but different physical properties.The orbitals of electrons outside the nucleus are known as shells.Electrons will fill the shells with the lowest energy content, which is the shell closest to the nucleus first.Valence electorns are electrons on the outermost shell of an atom. Shells of atoms consist of orbitals.An electron shell is a group of atomic orbitals with the similar levels of energy .Each shell, numbered from the one closest to the nucleus(lowest in energy) , can hold up to a specific number of electrons due to its different orbital capacity. Shell 1:2 electron capacity - 1 orbitals Shell 2:8 electron capacity - 4 orbitals

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Shell 3:18 electron capacity - 9 orbitals Shell 4;32 electron capacity - 16 orbitals An electron's orbital is the region of space the electron occupies in an atom

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