Volume 1 Number 4 Nye-Gateway To Nevada's Rurals Newsletter

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August 1, 2009

Vol 1 No 4

Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals Newsletter

P o l i t i c a l N e w s a n d C o m m e n t a r y

P a u l R e e v e s B e g i n s C a m p a i g n

Paul Reeves will appear ning will be the appear-

Inside this issue: and announce his candi- ance of Paul Reeves and
dacy for the United States his address.
Republicans Fight Health-
care Reform 2 Congress Monday evening, Erin Neff, will serve as
August 3 at Honeysuckle
moderator-panelist, ques-
Abortion trump senior Park in Pahrump, Nevada.
healthcare? 2 tioning Mr. Reeves follow-
The event will begin at ing his presentation. Ms.
Senator Ensign a Mission-
7:00 p.m., about twilight, Neff is the noted former Paul Reeves
ary for The Family? 2
as the day cools. columnist for the Las Ve-
Oakland approves taxing gas Review Journal and is against the Republican in-
3 Mr. Dennis Keating will be
marijuana author of the Progress Ne- cumbent, Dean Heller, in
the Master of Ceremonies.
vada Now blog. Nevada’s Congressional
Hate Groups in Nevada 3 Mr. Kelly Almond, an ac- District #2.
Everyone is invited to at-
complished talented per-
Healthcare support, opposi- tend. It promises to be a Mr. Reeves’ campaign web-
tion, indecision 3 former, will present
memorable kick-off of the site is here.
American Jazz Standard
new election cycle for You can learn his position
Cash for Clunkers 4 live music for entertain-
2010. on current issues on the
Gov. Gibbons asks Sen. Reid Mr. Reeves is seeking the Nye-Gateway to Nevada’s
Excellent pizza can be pur-
to end Yucca Mountain nomination of the Democ- Rurals blog.
chased from K-7 Pizza dur-
ratic Party to be the De-
ing the event.
mocratic candidate to run
The highlight of the eve-

G o v e r n m e n t w i l l a s k y o u t o d e c i d e h o w y o u
w a n t t o d i e
Last week a lady named she had heard there is a Of course that concerned will engage in euthana-
Mary phoned into an clause in the healthcare Mary and everyone else of sia. The bill Mary re-
AARP meeting with Presi- bill that provides the gov- “Medicare age," including ferred to is HR 3200.
dent Obama as the ernment would send me because I’m one of
The Republicans in
sp ea k er co n c er ni ng someone to talk with them.
Congress are hammer-
healthcare reform. “everyone of Medicare age
The question raised is ing on the question.
to decide how they wished
Mary told the President whether the government
to die.” Read more.
P a g e 2 N y e - G a t e w a y t o N e v a d a ’ s R u r a l s

R e p u b l i c a n s F i g h t H e a l t h c a r e R e f o r m

A woman named Daria bols necessary to im- Fortunately Vicki Rock,

Novak is running for press the voters. of Nevada, countered
Congress in Connecti- each of Mrs. Novak’s
She uses all the patri-
cut. She is a Republi- charges.
otic slogans about lib-
erty, freedom, socialism The exchange between
She is armed with a and more. Mrs. Novak and Ms. Democrat Donkey

facsimile Statue of Lib- Rock is classic.

She visited the Nye-
erty, clutching a copy of
Gateway to Nevada’s It demonstrates the
the United States Con-
Rurals blog and left a views of a Progress vs a
stitution in one hand
long list of comments Conservative.
and an American flag in
about the havoc Democ-
the other. I hope you read it. You Republican Elephant
rats are bestowing on
can read it here.
All the patriotic sym- our country.

W i l l a b o r t i o n s t r u m p s e n i o r h e a l t h c a r e ?

A new TV ad by an anti- medical care while the pay for someone else’s
abortion group shows a “federal plan" will force benefit. An “I’m not my
gray-haired man fret- them to pay for abor- brother’s keeper" atti-
ting that under a federal tions. tude.
healthcare plan “They
The idea is to pit the pro FactCheck analyzes the
won’t pay for my sur-
-life group against the issue and determined
gery, but we’re forced to
Abortion or No abortion pro-choice group. that as to the bills out of
pay for abortions!”
committee that abortion
There is a wide-spread
The ad is designed to is not mentioned at all.
reluctance to be per-
cause senior citizens to
ceived as being denied Read more.
fear they will be denied
something but having to

S e n a t o r E n s i g n : A M i s s i o n a r y f o r T h e
F a m i l y ?
An in depth look at been particularly cho- There are many mem-
Senator John Ensign’s sen by God to “learn bers of the Senate and
connection to the “C" how to rule the world.” House that are also
Street secretive associa- members of or con-
The “C" Street location
tion of Christian evan- nected with The Fam-
is just one of many
gelicals. ily.
other affiliated loca-
Also referred to as The tions and organizations Questions are being
Fellowship the member- w ith international raised as to whom they
ship contend they have links. represent. Read more. Senator John Ensign
V o l 1 N o 4 P a g e 3

O a k l a n d a p p r o v e s t a x i n g m a r i j u a n a

Last Tuesday Oakland, California Campia, executive director of the

became the first city in the U.S. to Marijuana Policy Project in Wash-
approve taxing marijuana. They ington D.C.
need the money revenue.
It is estimated that legalizing
Marijuana is the top cash crop in marijuana would save $7.7 billion
the United States. in law enforcement costs and gen-
erate as much as $6.2 billion annu-
Marijuana production in the U.S.
ally if marijuana were taxed like
is valued at $35.8 billion, exceed-
alcohol and tobacco, according to
ing the combined value of corn
Jeffrey Miron of Harvard Univer- Marijuana Leaves
($23.3 billion) and wheat ($7.5
Should marijuana be legalized and
Three decades of trying to eradi-
a user tax imposed? Read more.
cate marijuana has failed said Rob

H a t e G r o u p s i n N e v a d a

There are 13 hate groups in Reno, according to the Pov- documented a staggering
Nevada, according to the erty Law Center. 926 hate groups operat-
Southern Poverty Law Cen- ing in our country—a
The Southern Poverty Law
ter. more than 50% increase
Center says “Racism is a
The groups include the Ku serious problem in America. since 2000.
Klux Klan, Neo-Nazi, Racist Fueled by immigration It can be recalled how
Skinhead, Anti-Immigrant, fears, the economic crisis, Nazi Germany came into Ku Klux Klan
White Nationalist, Black and the election of a black power as a group hating
Separatist. President racist hate groups Jews, leading to World rights movement in
increased their numbers War II. The attacks by Alabama.
They are located in Elko,
again in 2008. The South- police and police dogs on
Henderson, Las Vegas and Read more.
ern Poverty Law Center has blacks during the civil

C o n g r e s s m e m b e r s s u p p o r t , o p p o s i t i o n , a n d
i n d e c i s i o n a b o u t O b a m a ’ s h e a l t h c a r e P l a n

199 members of Congress Republican Congressman The insurance and pharma-

support President Obama’s Dean Heller is either op- ceutical industries are pour-
healthcare reform plan. posed or undecided. His ing substantial sums of
That is 21 Senators and 178 press releases would indi- money in opposing change
Representatives. cate he is opposed. with an army of lobbyists
daily bombarding members
Only Shelley Berkley and Republican Senator John
of Congress to resist change.
Dina Titus are on record as Ensign is also in this list.
being in support of Obama President Obama has been Healthcare Reform
See the full list of those ei-
in Nevada. See the full list asking grassroots Ameri-
ther opposed or undecided. It is going to be up to us to
in support. cans to put the pressure on
Generally members of the their Congressional repre- express support if we get re-
338 members of Congress form. That means writing to
Republican Party are in sentatives to support the
are either opposed or unde- both Reid and Ensign and
favor of retaining the status reform. We won’t know how
cided. 72 Senators and 266 Heller.
quo. it turns out until this fall.

To subscribe to this newsletter please send an

N y e - G a t e w a y t o
N e v a d a ' s R u r a l s e-mail with your name and e-mail address

Jack Wood Phone: 775-537-1262 with the word “subscribe" in the subject or
1290 Bruce Street E-mail: featheriver@hughes.net body to featheriver@hughes.net. To unsub-
Pahrump, Nevada 89048
scribe enter the word “unsubscribe.”
A voice in the desert.
This newsletter is connected with the Nye-
Gateway to Nevada’s Rurals blog.
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All opinions and commentary expressed in
Join Organizing for America
the this newsletter and blog are solely my
Join the Pahrump Chapter of Democracy for America
own and does not represent the views of any
Join the League of Women Voters
political party or anyone else

You are invited to read my weekly column in

the Pahrump Mirror entitled Nye-Gateway to
Nevada’s Rurals.

Follow me on Twitter.

C a s h f o r G i b b o n s ’ Some recommended
C l u n k e r s F o r k e d T o n g u e reads:
Cash for Clunkers has been a huge Governor Jim Gibbons sent a letter Aetna: An American diversified h
success for the Obama administra- to Senator Harry Reid asking him ealth insurance company, provid-
tion. to repeal the Nuclear Waste Policy ing a range of traditional
Act which designates Yucca Moun- and consumer directed health
The aim of the program is to en-
tain as a nuclear waste dump. care insurance products and re-
courage trading in gas-guzzling
vehicles for more fuel efficient But in 2007 Governor Gibbons lated services, including medical,
ones. It also stimulates auto sales. backed a state engineer’s extension pharmaceutical, dental, behav-
to allow the Department of Energy ioral health, group life, long-term
The government put up $1 billion care, and disability plans, and
to use Nevada water to drill bore
to fund the program. medical management capabilities.
holes near Yucca Mountain.
Consumers, taking advantage of
“Jim Gibbons has done very little
the program used that up in a
as governor to advance the state’s Anthem: Anthem was
fight against Yucca Mountain,” Jon an insurance company that
The House, yesterday, swiftly Summers, Reid’s spokesman, said. merged the Blue Cross Blue
added another $2 billion to the Shield organizations of several
Read more.
program to keep it going. states to achieve economy of
scale, converting them in the
Shelley Berkley and Dina Titus
process from non-profit to for-
both voted for the appropriation.
profit status.
Republican Dean Heller voted
against it. Why? Who knows?
Read more.

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