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is whitewashed
and crew wears
white clothing to
blend installation
, ,TVi _ _into snowterrain.

d. The use of decoys as well as decoy tracks is particularly effec-

tive in snow terrain.
e. In soft snow care should be taken to brush out distinctive
tracks, such as those made by tanks. When tanks turn quickly, small
mounds of snow are piled up and reveal the nature of the vehicle.
Such mounds of snow should be brushed out. If tanks turn slowly
in a gradual arc, these snow mounds are not formed.
f. When it is desired to obliterate tank tracks on a hard crust of
a road, use a road grader.
g. Especial care must be taken to avoid shine from vehicles and
equipment. Shine is often the only betraying sign of an otherwise
well-concealed object in snow.
h. When bushes, buildings, and marked terrain lines are in evi-
dence, parking procedure for vehicles is essentially the same as in
temperate zones.
i. Leafy woods, orchards, and brushwood lose much of their con-
cealment value in winter and should be supplemented by covers of
white disrupted with branches.
j. When no white covers are available, dark ones can be used and
covered with a layer of snow.
k. Thawing conditions are advantageous to camouflage since they
reveal dark patches of ground which form a disruptive pattern.
Vehicles and equipment can be made to blend easily against such
a background.
i. In bivouac or in ambush, in deep snow, ditches may be made
to conceal equipment or vehicles, but additional covers must be used
to hide entrances. Track discipline must be rigidly maintained to
prevent disclosure of the hiding place.
m. The degree of whiteness of artificial material employed must
be carefully chosen. A hint of yellow or other alien color betrays
the camouflage.

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