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October 11, 2013 Dear Chamber & Alliance Members, Please be advised that a recent political mailing sent

by the New York State Democratic Party contains information that our Alliance needs to address. It creates the appearance that the Republican Candidate for the Suffolk Legislative Seat in Holbrook has taken a position on the Islip Pines Development Proposal. It is also important to note that the Democratic Candidate for this Legislative Seat is not mentioned in the mailing. The next area of concern is that this mailing used a quote from Brendan McCurdy the President of the West Sayville Civic Association without his knowledge or consent. This is a quote from Brendans recent mailing to the Suffolk County News While they are my words and I stand by the idea they express, they were spoken before the Suffolk County Planning Commission on July 3 of this year and were not intended to be utilized by any political party to advance any candidate or platform. By virtue of the fact that Newsday printed the quote, the words I spoke are now in the public domain. I was neither asked nor informed that the quote would be used in connection with the mailing that many citizens have received. Had I been asked I would have demurred. The comments that I made in front of the Planning commission were intended to influence their decision. They were not spoken to influence the outcome or our local political contests. Our Alliance met with both candidates for this legislative seat to voice our concerns regarding this current development proposal and we have not received any documentation from either candidate that they have taken a position for or against the Islip Pines Proposal. Furthermore, our Alliance does not endorse or support any candidate or political party. The role of our Alliance is to provide credible information to government and private entities, that will assist them in coming to fair and appropriate decisions, that are in the best interests of the business owners and residents that we represent. Lastly, we are concerned that this mailing creates the appearance that the Islip Pines proposal is a done deal which could not be further from the truth. The Islip Town Board has not voted on this proposal. Our group has been working diligently to inform and involve residents and business owners in the planning and zoning process. We have and continue to attend fairs, functions and meetings to inform and educate the members of our communities as to our concerns as it regards this project. We do not want this mailing or any future mailing to mislead our residents, because it impedes our ability to inform and educate and eventually invite our neighbors to join us in exercising their rights as members of the democratic process. Sincerely,

Bill Etts President Sayville Chamber of Commerce Cc: Mr. Lindsay Mr. Musumeci

Patrick Mitchell Chairperson South Shore Civic Alliance

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