Courses For Academic Year: Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine

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1M Computing p1 of 2

Department of Mechanical Engineering, Imperial College of Science, Technology and Medicine Courses for Academic Year 2002-2003

Code, Title, Status :

ME 11



Aims : The main aim of this course is that the student: should gain an understanding and ability to use computers to solve engineering problems using the Matlab package. Subsidiary aims are that the student be able to present the results of problem solving in Matlab in other documents; become familiar with "basic" computing terminology; Objectives : By the end of the course student should be able to: explain basic computing terminology; enter data and manipulate matrices in Matlab; write Script files in Matlab which involve variables, loops and conditions; write Function files in Matlab both with and without passed parameters; solve simple differential equations numerically; find roots of polynomials and other equations numerically; create least-squares polynomial fits to data; solve problems from the Electronics, Statics and Dynamics courses where these problems have been converted into suitable format to be solved numerically within Matlab; Syllabus : 1. Introduction. Basic computing terminology ("memory", "disk space", "RAM", "ROM", "speed", "operating system", "machine code", "language", "interpreting and compiled languages"). Introduction to Matlab. Plotting simple functions. 2. Matrices. Arrays and Matrices in Matlab. Matrix arithmetic. Identity Matrix. Inverse of a Matrix. Determinants. Solving linear equations. Zeros and Ones functions. The workspace browser. Load and Save. ASCII file format. Three dimensional plots. Exporting plots into other programs. 3. Script files. Comments. Running scripts. Selecting part of a matrix. Using Help. 4. Variables and Loops. For loops; While loops; 5. Conditions. If statements; Keyboard input. Comparisons. "Not". 6. Function files. Differences between Functions and Scripts; passing variables; scope of variables. 7. Examples: Electronics, Statics & Dynamics problems. 8. Advanced features of Matlab: solving differential equations; finding roots of equations; Least squares approximations. Recommended textbooks and category* (*as defined by Central Library : A = required, B = recommended but not essential, C = background reading) B Magrab, E.B., S. Azarm, B. Balachandran, J. Duncan, K. Herold, and G. Walsh, An Engineer's Guide to Matlab. (2000), Upper Saddle River, NJ 07458: Prentice Hall. C Hanselman, D. and B. Litlefield, Mastering Matlab 6. (2001), Upper Saddle River, New Jersey 07458: Prentice Hall.



1M Computing p2 of 2

Pre-requisite course(s) :


Course(s) for which this course is a pre-requisite : Many subsequent courses assume computing competence, and some assume direct knowledge of Matlab. For example, the following require knowledge from this course. ME24 Computing; ME304 Machine System Dynamics; ME309 Computer-Aided Design; ME310 Computational Methods; ME308 Computational Continuum Mechanics; ME312 Microprocessors; and many others which assume computing competence. Duration : Autumn term

Summary of course structure : a series of 9 lectures (including an introductory session in week 1) a series of ~ 8 two hour tutorial sessions conducted in pairs on the PCs on level 7. There are two parallel sessions running on different days. Each tutorial has a recommended exercise and further work suggested from the Recommended Textbooks. Summary of student timetabled time : Lecture hours Tutorial hours Other hours (design, lab, computing etc.) Total timetabled hours : 30 Expected private study time : At least equal to time spent in tutorials to complete tutorial work and test exercises. Assessment details and maximum marks (marks as in Scheme for Award of Honours) : Written examinations Title None Approx. date Length Type Max. mark Pass mark Autumn Term 9 16 5 (tests) Spring Term Summer Term

Coursework submissions (including progress tests, oral presentations etc.) Item Exercise A: Matlab exercise (in pairs) Exercise B: Multiple choice test (individual). incl. knowledge of computing "basics". Exercise C: Matlab solution of engineering problem (in pairs) Staffing requirements (for timetabled activities) No. of Lecturers : 1 No. of Associate Lecturers : 1 No. of Tutors : 9 (lecturer & associate plus workstation manager plus 6 GTAs) Expected regular use of GTAs : 6 i.e. 3 for each tutorial stream Staff for current year (initials) Leader : Tutors :

Submission date Max. mark Pass mark October 20 All marks November 20 contribute to the December 40 year's CW total


Lecturers :


Associates :


RPT, MJB, FN, pg1, pg2, pg3, pg4, pg5, pg6


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