Internet Monitoring

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Infraction Groups
A Traffic Diversion
B Counterfeiting
C Unauthorized Association
D Channel Compliance


The following information illustrates the type of infractions that can occur against a client’s brand. These infractions include IP
violations and third party infractions. Infractions can include: web linking, traffic diversion, logos issues, framed website, URL
infractions, vanity websites, employment listings and business listings to name a few.

Below we have provided explanations of the aforementioned infractions in further detail.


1 Link diverts to a competitor website: A link hosted on a third party website which contains your trademark, when clicked on
forwards to a competitor’s website

2 Link diverts to a third party industry website: A link hosted on a third party website which contains your trademark, when
clicked on forwards to a third party website within your industry

3 Link diverts to a search engine: This link does not forward to the client website but diverts traffic to a search engine.

4 Link diverts to third party website: This occurs when the client link does not resolve on the corporate website but forwards to
another site that has no relation to client or the financial service industry.

5 Link does not resolve: This infraction consists of a broken client link. The page cannot be displayed or there is an error.

6 Meta-Data/Tags: Meta Data is the content that exists within the source code of a website. Meta Data is invisible to the human
eye (but can be accessed by viewing the web page’s source code) and is used to communicate the nature of the web page to search
engines. Meta Data is often used to mislead the search engine as to the real nature of the website.

7 Initial Interest Confusion: Initial Interest Confusion misleads the customer to believe that a website that is hosted on a domain
name containing a corporate trademark is a corporate site when in fact it is operated by a third party.

8 Diverting Traffic: Traffic diversion occurs when a third party website uses a client’s trademark as a method of diverting potential
customers to their websites. Diverting Traffic is used as the category when the above three methods do not apply, such as having
the trademark in the title of the page; when the trademark is typed in the same colour as the background to divert traffic or
when URL’s redirect to or away from the corporate site.
9 Malware Present: Malware is a very common problem and many third party website with your trademark terms present will try
and infect the user with malware. If this is the category please BEWARE of opening this page as it could infect your computer
with malware.

10 Client in third party URL: Where your trademark appears in a third party URL and the web page does not discuss or refer-
ence your company. The nature and other content on the page determines the value assigned to the record. For example, the
website offers a product/service (in your industry) that is not competitive with yours, this item would be assigned a three which
means it is on our radar but no immediate action is required. In a second example, the website contains hate group information
and links to other hate group websites. This example would be assigned a value of one for immediate action.

11 Third party URL resolves on your website: In this instance the URL contains client in the address and resolves on a site that
appears to be corporately owned. The domain name is registered to a third party.

1 Counterfeit Activity: Where a third party sells fake products under the guise of your brand

1 Link diverts to corporate website: These types of links forward to the client corporate website. Links that resolve on the cor-
porate website fall into two categories depending on the nature of the website hosting the link. The link can either be from an
industry related page or from a third party website that doesn’t offer products/services in the financial service realm.

2 Logo acts as a link: A logo appearing on a third party website links to your corporate website making the inference that a formal
relationship exists

3 Misrepresentation: Where a third party website displays a reference to your organization usually in the form of an authorized
reseller, agent, broker of your organization

4 Framed Website: Where your website appears in a frame contained within the boundaries of a third party website. For a con-
sumer it can be very difficult to decipher that the website that they are viewing is not your corporate website. Any information
captured on the site is typically used for spam or identity theft

5 Website Content: Where the content on a third party web page implies that a formal relationship exists with your company

6 Non-Hyperlinked Logo: Where a third party website displays a reference to your organization in the form of your logo. This
logo is not hyperlinked but is making the inference that this site is associated with your corporation.

7 An unauthorized association exists on this web page: There is an association to your organization by a third party that claims
to be a partner, client, member, lender, investor or sponsor.

8 Employment: Employment listings can be problematic. Head hunters will often place false employment listings to lure poten-
tial candidates into becoming clients. They will then attempt to place the candidate in your organization. In other instances they
will attempt to lure potential candidates to other companies using your brand to attract the individual.

9 Business Listings: A company may be included in a business listing without authorization. As a result, a company may not
be properly indexed, its name or contact information may be incorrect or the company may even be listed in an area where a
company division does not exist.

10 Incorrect Logo: The logo displayed on this website is not current

1 Vanity Website: A member of your organization creates a website representing your organization without prior approval

2380 A Prospect Drive, Aurora, Illinois 60504

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