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IBM ILOG CP Optimizer Tutorial

A Robust Approach for Generating Detailed Schedules

Didier Vidal Product Manager

ILOG, All rights reserved

Didier Vidal
Senior Product Manager

ILOG, All rights reserved

The limit of fine grained time

(thousands) Purchase Produce Store January I1 50 P1 40 I1 0 I2 75 P2 30 I2 30 February I1 60 I2 45 March I1 40 P1 20 I1 0 I2 0 P2 20 I2 0 April I1 40 P1 30 I1 0 I2 10 P2 40 I2 0

P1 35 P2 10 I1 0 I2 20

2 P1-40 P2-35

3 P1-10 P2-45

4 P1-20 P2-35

5 P1-50 P2-65

6 P1-10 P2-45

7 P1-50 P2-65

8 P1-10 P2-45

9 P1-50 P2-65

10 P1-50 P2-65

Plant 1 Plant 2 Warehouse 1

P1-50 P2-65 P1 - 20

Assembly line Packaging 1 Packaging 2 Stock



C3 C1 C2

Setup product 2



Deliver C1 and C2
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Deliver C3 and C4

The limit of fine grained time

(thousands) Purchase Produce Store January I1 50 P1 40 I1 0 I2 75 P2 30 I2 30 February I1 60 I2 45 March I1 40 P1 20 I1 0 I2 0 April I1 40 I2 10

P1 35 P2 10 I1 0 I2 20

Time bucket P2 20 P1 30 view. P2 40

I2 0 Main decisions I1 0 I2 0 time bucket per

2 P1-40 P2-35

3 P1-10 P2-45

4 P1-20 P2-35

5 P1-50 P2-65

6 P1-10 P2-45

Quantities Flow between time period

8 9 10 P1-10 P2-45 P1-50 P2-65 P1-50 P2-65

Plant 1 Plant 2 Warehouse 1

P1-50 P2-65 P1 - 20

P1-50 P2-65

Assembly line Packaging 1 Packaging 2 Stock



C3 C1 C2

Setup product 2

Time line view.

C3 C4

Main decisions per time line Selection of tasks Sequence of tasks

Deliver C1 and C2
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Deliver C3 and C4

Detailed Scheduling and Math Programming Use case

Single machine with capacity M A job scheduling problem
Each job requires w[j] resources Has a due date s[j] Has a duration d[j]

Schedule all tasks to minimize tardiness costs

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Detailed Scheduling and Math Programming

An ILOG CPLEX formulation
// x is 1 if job j starts at time t dvar boolean x[1..nbJobs][0..maxTime]; // w[j] number of resources used by job k - s[j] due date minimize sum(j in 1..nbJobs, t in s[j]..maxTime) x[j][t]*w[j]*(t-s[j]); constraints { forall(j in 1..nbJobs) sum(t in 0..maxTime) x[j][t] == 1; forall(t in 0..maxTime) sum(j in 1..nbJobs, t2 in maxl(0, t - d[j] + 1)..t) x[j][t2]*w[j] <= 2; }

Number of x variables depends on time granularity

How can we express this problem without enumerating time ?

IBM ILOG CP Optimizer

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CP Optimizer modeling concepts

Data structure Variable/expression Constraint No-overlap constraint Sequencing constraints Transition distance Piecewise function Stepwise function Sequence variable Constraints on function value (alwaysIn, ) Constraints on function value (alwaysIn)

State function

Cumul function

Basic expressions over interval variable (startOf, startEval, ) Interval variable

Unary constraints (forbidXXX)

Precedence constraints (endBeforeStart, )

Logical constraints (presenceOf)

Composition constraints (alternative, span)

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A production problem
Step 1 Prepare Step 1
Duration 30

Step 2 Prepare Step 2

Duration 30

Manufacturing process

Heat treating
Duration D1 Temperature T1

Heat treating
Duration D2 Temperature T2

4 possible temperature levels

Product Steps
1 2 3 4 5 T1 30 T2 30 - T3 30 T2 45 T3 45 T4 45 T1 45 T1 30 T4 30 T3 30 T4 45 T1 45 T2 45 T4 30 T3 30 T2 30

12 16 14 18 13

Oven 1 Capacity 4

Oven 2 Capacity 4

Define a production plan that minimizes the oven usage time

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Oven 3 Capacity 4

A production plan
T2 Oven 1 Capacity 4
P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1

P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2

T2 Oven 2 Capacity 4
P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1

P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1

P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3

P2-S3 P2-S3 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2

T2 Oven 3 Capacity 4
P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1

P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1

P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3

P2-S3 P2-S3 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2

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CP Optimizer modeling concepts

Data structure Variable/expression Constraint No-overlap constraint Sequencing constraints Transition distance Piecewise function Stepwise function Sequence variable Constraints on function value (alwaysIn, ) Constraints on function value (alwaysIn)

State function

Cumul function

Basic expressions over interval variable (startOf, startEval, ) Interval variable

Unary constraints (forbidXXX)

Precedence constraints (endBeforeStart, )

Logical constraints (presenceOf)

Composition constraints (alternative, span)

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Modeling step 1
P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P1-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P1-S1 P3-S1 P4-S2 P1-S1 P3-S1 P4-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3

P2-S3 P2-S3 P3-S2 P3-S2

P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2

Atomic decisions:
Start date and end date of each heating task (product, step, order number) Modeled as intervals

Temporal relation
Step n+1 starts at least 30 minutes after step n
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Model step 1
dvar interval stepHeatingInt[a in allTasks] size a.ovenDuration; minimize max(a in allTasks) endOf(stepHeatingInt[a]); constraints { forall(t in allTasks : t.stepCount == 1) { startOf(stepHeatingInt[t]) >= preparationTime; }

forall(t1,t2 in allTasks : t1.processId == t2.processId && t1.stepCount + 1 == t2.stepCount && t1.commandId == t2.commandId) { endBeforeStart(stepHeatingInt[t1], stepHeatingInt[t2], preparationTime); } }

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Solution step 1

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Solution Step 1

Oven 1 Capacity 4

P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1

P1-S2 P1-S2 P1-S2 P1-S2

P1-S3 P1-S3 P1-S3 P1-S3


P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1

P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2

P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3

P2-S4 P2-S4 P2-S4 P2-S4

Oven 2 Capacity 4
P2-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S3 P3-S3 P3-S3 P3-S3


Oven 3 Capacity 4

P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1

P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2

P4-S3 P4-S3 P4-S3 P4-S3


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Step 2: modeling the capacity

At any point in time, the number of heating tasks must be smaller than the available oven capacity (3 ovens of capacity 4 each) The CP Optimizer concept to model this constraint without enumerating time is a cumulative function

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Step 2: modeling the capacity

P1-S1-C1 P1-S1-C2

Pulse(p1-s1-c1, 1)

0 1

Pulse(p1-s1-c2, 1)

Pulse(p1-s1-c1, 1) 2 + Pulse(p1-s1-c2, 1) 1

Cumulative functions and pulse operators

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Model step 2
dvar interval stepHeatingInt[a in allTasks] size a.ovenDuration;

cumulFunction heatingUsage = sum(a in allTasks) pulse(stepHeatingInt[a], 1);

minimize max(a in allTasks) endOf(stepHeatingInt[a]); constraints { forall(t in allTasks : t.stepCount == 1) { startOf(stepHeatingInt[t]) >= preparationTime; }

forall(t1,t2 in allTasks : t1.processId == t2.processId && t1.stepCount + 1 == t2.stepCount && t1.commandId == t2.commandId) { endBeforeStart(stepHeatingInt[t1], stepHeatingInt[t2], preparationTime); }

heatingUsage <= sum(o in ovens) ovenCapacity[o]; }

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Solution Step 2

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Solution Step 2

Oven 1 Capacity 4

Oven 2 Capacity 4

P1-S1 P2-S1 P1-S2 P2-S1 P1-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P1-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P1-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P3-S1 P1-S1 P5-S2 P2-S2 P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P5-S1 P4-S1 P5-S1 P2-S1 P4-S1 P5-S1 P2-S2 P5-S1 P2-S1 P5-S1

Oven 3 Capacity 4

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Step 3: selecting the oven

Prerequisite for temperature management
Selecting the oven for each heating task

Each heating task can be performed on one of the 3 ovens The CP Optimizer concept to model this is an alternative statement

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Step 3: Selecting the oven

Min 30 minutes
P1-S1 P1-S2

Min 30 minutes



P1-S1 on O2

P1-S2 on O2


P1-S1 on O1

P1-S2 on O1

P1-S3 on O1

P1-S3 on O2

P1-S1 on O3

P1-S2 on O3

P1-S3 on O3

Oven 1 Capacity 4

P1-S1-C1 on O1 P1-S1-C2 on O1 P1-S1-C3 on O1 P1-S1-C4 on O1

P2-S1-C1 on O1 P2-S1-C2 on O1 P2-S1-C3 on O1 P2-S1-C4 on O1

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Model step 3
dvar interval stepHeatingInt[a in allTasks] size a.ovenDuration; dvar interval stepOvenInt[a in allTasks][f in ovens] optional; cumulFunction ovenUsage[f in ovens] = sum(a in allTasks) pulse(stepOvenInt[a][f], 1); minimize max(a in allTasks) endOf(stepHeatingInt[a]); constraints { forall(t in allTasks : t.stepCount == 1) { startOf(stepHeatingInt[t]) >= preparationTime; } [...] forall(t in allTasks) alternative(stepHeatingInt[t], all (f in ovens) stepOvenInt[t][f]);

forall(f in ovens) ovenUsage[f] <= ovenCapacity[f]; }

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Solution Step 3

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Solution Step 3

Oven 1 Capacity 4

P1-S1 P2-S1 P1-S2 P2-S1 P1-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P1-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P1-S1

Oven 2 Capacity 4

P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P3-S1 P1-S1 P5-S2 P4-S1 P4-S1

P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S2 P4-S1

Oven 3 Capacity 4

P4-S1 P4-S1 P5-S1 P4-S1 P5-S1 P2-S1 P4-S1 P5-S1 P2-S2 P5-S1 P2-S1 P5-S1

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Step 4: Managing the temperature

For each oven, at any point in time, all heating tasks are done at the same temperature. For each oven, the minimum delay between two tasks at different temperature is given by a transition matrix
T1 T2 T3 T1 T2 T3 T4 0 5 10 15 5 0 5 10

T4 10 5 0 5 15 10 5 0

The CP Optimizer concept to model this is state function

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Step 4: modeling the temperature

Interval requiring T1 Interval requiring T1
T1 T1 T2 T3 T4 0 5 10 15 T2 5 0 5 10 T3 10 5 0 5 T4 15 10 5 0

Interval requiring T2 Interval requiring T2

State function for oven 1

3 2 1 0
Only intervals requiring T1 allowed

5 minutes min
Only intervals requiring T2 allowed

-1 (undefined)

State function
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Model step 4
dvar interval stepHeatingInt[a in allTasks] size a.ovenDuration; dvar interval stepOvenInt[a in allTasks][f in ovens] optional; cumulFunction ovenUsage[f in ovens] = sum(a in allTasks) pulse(stepOvenInt[a][f], 1); stateFunction ovenTemperatureCode[f in ovens] with transitionTimes;

minimize max(a in allTasks) endOf(stepHeatingInt[a]); constraints { forall(t in allTasks : t.stepCount == 1) { startOf(stepHeatingInt[t]) >= preparationTime; } [...] forall(t in allTasks) alternative(stepHeatingInt[t], all (f in ovens) stepOvenInt[t][f]); forall(t in allTasks, f in ovens) alwaysEqual(ovenTemperatureCode[f], stepOvenInt[t][f], t.ovenTemperatureCode); forall(f in ovens) ovenUsage[f] <= ovenCapacity[f]; }
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Solution Step 4
T2 Oven 1 Capacity 4
P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1 P1-S1

P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2 P4-S2

T2 Oven 2 Capacity 4
P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1

P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1 P4-S1

P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3

P2-S3 P2-S3 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2

T2 Oven 3 Capacity 4
P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1 P2-S1

P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1 P3-S1

P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S2 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3 P2-S3

P2-S3 P2-S3 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2 P3-S2

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Solution Step 4 (time limit 2 minutes)

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Solution Step 4 (time limit 2 minutes)

An aggregate view, per batch

oven 1 1 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2 2 3 3 3 3 3 3 3

startTime endTime duration temperatureCode label 30 120 90 2 P2S1: 8 125 680 555 1 P1S1: 12 - P2S4: 16 - P3S1: 10 - P4S2: 18 685 775 90 2 P1S2: 1 - P4S3: 4 - P5S3: 5 780 810 30 3 P1S3: 3 30 75 45 2 P2S1: 4 85 130 45 4 P4S1: 4 135 225 90 3 P2S2: 8 230 485 255 4 P2S3: 5 - P3S2: 7 - P4S1: 9 - P5S1: 6 490 580 90 3 P3S3: 6 - P5S2: 6 585 735 150 2 P1S2: 7 - P4S3: 4 - P5S3: 6 740 800 60 3 P1S3: 5 - P3S3: 3 30 75 45 2 P2S1: 4 80 110 30 1 P3S1: 4 120 210 90 3 P2S2: 8 215 500 285 4 P2S3: 11 - P3S2: 7 - P4S1: 5 - P5S1: 7 505 595 90 3 P3S3: 5 - P5S2: 7 600 770 170 2 P1S2: 4 - P4S3: 10 - P5S3: 2 775 805 30 3 P1S3: 4

usage 100.00% 98.65% 100.00% 75.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 95.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 92.65% 100.00%

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CP Optimizer modeling concepts - review

Data structure Variable/expression Constraint No-overlap constraint Sequencing constraints Transition distance Piecewise function Stepwise function Sequence variable Constraints on function value (alwaysIn, ) Constraints on function value (alwaysIn)

State function

Cumul function

Basic expressions over interval variable (startOf, startEval, ) Interval variable

Unary constraints (forbidXXX)

Precedence constraints (endBeforeStart, )

Logical constraints (presenceOf)

Composition constraints (alternative, span)

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Project Scheduling: Work Breakdown Structure

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Project Scheduling: Work Breakdown Structure

forall(t in tasks : t.isSubdivided == 1) { span(taskInt[t], all(s in tasks : s.parentId == t.taskId && s.projectId == t.projectId) taskInt[s]); } forall(t in dependencies) endBeforeStart(taskInt[<t.projectId, t.beforeTid>], taskInt[<t.projectId, t.afterTid>]);

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Various costs
int n = 100; int horizon = 500; int capMax = 500; dvar interval cover in 0..horizon size horizon; dvar interval a[i in 1..n] optional in 0..horizon size i; cumulFunction free = pulse(cover, 0, capMax); cumulFunction level = sum(i in 1..n) pulse(a[i],n-i) + free; Requires n-i resources

dexpr int peak = capMax - heightAtStart(cover, free); dexpr int makespan = max(i in 1..n) endOf(a[i]); dexpr int nbTasks = sum(i in 1..n) presenceOf(a[i]); int mpeak = 1; int mmakespan = 0; int mnbTasks = 0; Size i

minimize mpeak*peak + mmakespan*makespan - mnbTasks*nbTasks; subject to { forall(i in 1..n) presenceOf(a[i]) + mnbTasks >= 1; level <= capMax - 200*mnbTasks; heightAtStart(cover, free) <= mpeak*capMax; }

Cap max
10 40 90

Horizon (500)


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Various costs
600 500

400 minimize makespan Minimize peak Maximize task count with cap 300 200

Requires n-i resources



Size i
0 1 38 75 112 149 186 223 260 297 334 371 408 445 482

Cap max
10 40 90

Horizon (500)


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CP Optimizer modeling concepts - review

Data structure Variable/expression Constraint No-overlap constraint Sequencing constraints Transition distance Piecewise function Stepwise function Sequence variable Constraints on function value (alwaysIn, ) Constraints on function value (alwaysIn)

State function

Cumul function

Basic expressions over interval variable (startOf, startEval, ) Interval variable

Unary constraints (forbidXXX)

Precedence constraints (endBeforeStart, )

Logical constraints (presenceOf)

Composition constraints (alternative, span)

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Modeling with IBM ILOG CP Optimizer

To learn how to model scheduling problems without enumerating time
CP Optimizer modeling concepts for scheduling
30 pages

CP Optimizer tutorial
54 pages

Resources at

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