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Solution At-a-Glance - SAP Product Lifecycle Management

Business Requirement
Customer pain?
Deliver new and innovative products to the market in short cycles at a competitive price to meet consumers demand Shorten development cycles and contain the cost of developing new products. Rising product complexity being developed in networks that span across company borders. Focus on development efficiency as well as on product compliance. Resources both financial and labor need to be spent wisely while protecting corporate Intellectual property.

Solution Description
The SAP PLM functionality within ERP offers support for a wide range of industries, including both discrete and process manufacturing industries, Consumer products as well as asset intense industries. Although SAP PLM is an integral part of the ERP suite, the solution can be deployed as a separate PLM System without losing the advantages of a deep integration into the ERP system. The differentiating strength of the PLM solution within ERP roots in its deep integration with other corporate key functions. The PLM solution e.g. integrates product engineering with Sales and Manufacturing, Product Management with Financials and Human Capital Management.

Benefits / Reference
Lower costs and increase overall transparency Increased ROI through operational excellence Collaborate in product development across teams Synchronize information between engineering and manufacturing Manage manifold changes across the product lifecycle. Enhanced efficiency through continuity among product management, R & D, and quality management Improved decision support with powerful analytics

What are the customer needs?

Gain market share by collaborating with customers and suppliers to deliver targeted products quickly Boost profit margins by eliminating overlap and waste across development. Optimize product costs early in design by blending engineering ideas with purchasing.

CAD-Authoring Tools Integration and Visualization Bill of Material Change management Document Management Variant Configuration PLM Analytics via Business Context viewer Material Management Product Structure Management Product Structure synchronization Recipes Management

Type of Customer/Prerequisite
Installed base using SAP ERP Installed base of M-CAD / E-CAD applications SolidWorks, AutoCAD, Pro-E, Unigraphics, CatiaV5, Microstation and others. R&D, NPDI, Design & Development

What will excite the customer?

All Product information and the processes around their creation managed in one single, integrated solution Streamlined development processes to stay ahead of the competition Reduce innovation cycle times thus lowering development cost while delivering more transparent and reliable results.

Target Geography
Local & Global Content will be available in English

Contact 9945505421

Technical Components
SAP Product Lifecycle Management on SAP ERP ECC 6.0 Ehp5 & above

Business KPIs
Time-to-Market & On-Time Delivery Resource Utilization & Lower TCO & TCI

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