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Society for Clinical & Experimental Hypnosis, India

(Affiliated to International Society of Hypnosis) Organises

9th National Conference on Hypnotherapy

Conf. Theme: Mind is the Master, Master the Mind Dates: 25th to 27th October, 2013 Venue: Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Mehrauli Road, New Delhi 110067

In collaboration with Jawaharlal Nehru University, New Delhi (Dept. of Social Sciences & Dept. of Adult Education)

Inauguration By

His Excellency Dr APJ Abdul Kalam

Former President of India

His Holiness Dalai Lama

We regret both the dignitary above are unable to attend the inauguration Patron Chairman Co-Chairman

Dr. Bhaskar Vyas

Society President SECH India

Dr. Shridhar Sharma

Society Secretary SECH India

Dr. Radha Mohan

Dr. Alok Prapanna

Co-sponsored by

Dr. Ajay Kumar Dr. Pranav Desai Dr.C. R. Mukundan Dr.S.S.Nathavat

Gujarat Forensic Sciences University & Indian Association of Positive Psychologists

Visit for more information


Mind is the master, Master the mind.

Mind is The Master!!!

Mind is the master of the body and to maintain a healthy body, we need a healthy mind. Mankind has made a perpetual journey to maintain good health and happiness at all times. We believe that ideal health is achieved only by balancing the Mind Body continuum. Healthy life is absolutely essential to maintain happiness individually and collectively. We are the architects of our own health. The body constitution of each of us is unique because each of has a unique mind and during any illness our mind primarily brings about the required correction to maintain good health. Good experiences always bring pleasure and pride, and bad experiences lead to frustration, guilt, and subsequently ill health causing Psychosomatic Diseases or abnormal human behavior. The original triggering incident gets sealed over a period of time and is hidden from our memory or forgotten, but the outcome of ill health continues throughout life to ultimately make you a victim of suffering and thus giving rise to Psychosomatic illnesses. During illnesses which are psychosomatic in origin, the required correction is brought about in the mind by insight generation which occurs either by default, or by design as in hypnosis. Each persons experiences in life varies and these experiences all ,leave their imprints in the minds which are stored serially irrespective of it being good or bad in our mental bank as State Dependent Memory. Re-living these State Dependent Memories brings the cure through insight generation and dispersal of the seed cause and subsequently resolution or self remission of illness occurs as a natural phenomenon to bring about healing and ultimate cure. Thus mind is the master or creator of the seed cause of any abnormality to make you sick and healing also originates in the mind to be manifested in the body as perfect good health.

Master The Mind!!!

Mastering the mind is a challenging task, requiring strong determination, patience, constant practice and perseverance of the mind. Mind has a weakness of running always to the past or the future to destabilize us about the present and our endeavour is to keep it in the present and constantly tune it to maintain good health. This tuning of the mind occurs by self hypnosis which brings along with it clarity of thought and purity of mind. The action or effort involved is to materialize stillness of body by relaxing and viewing the mental screen with detachment while observing the breathing process. The impulsive response for correction of ill health springs from that tranquil energy of the silent mind brought about by physical relaxation which is a pre-requisite to Self Hypnosis. The action of intuitive intelligence which is impersonal, unbiased and aming at resolution or cure ultimately results in good health. Thus right action takes place instantaneously bringing about the permanent cure through hypnotherapy. Each individual has all the answers he is searching for, within him in his inner mind. Mind is the veil through which we perceive the world and if only we learn and study to master the mind, our whole life and personality including our health changes for better. Thus mastering the mind to bring about healing and recovery is absolutely essential.

Contents of the Conference & Concurrent workshops

Entire event is organized in to main conference and concurrent workshops - ranging from basic to advance to research topics - so that all levels of participants can get the maximum advantage according to individuals choice of growth and learning. Most Singular and Unique feature of the event is free workshops. It has been observed that the workshops are most sought after even with high fees. The event is organized as simultaneous workshops in several halls; the delegates are free to choose which one to attend; entirely free. This is what made Bremmen(Germany) conference an unprecedented success. We are trying to emulating it as a model.

Keynote Address
Dr Ramkrishna Rao Dr.Julie Linde Prof C.R.Mukunadan DR. Shridhar Sharma Prof S. S. Nathwat Dr. Sudhir Shah Dr. Enrico Dr. B. M. Palan

Sr No

General Students (learning through practical training and live demonstration)

Workshops on Following Topics

Self Hypnosis Self development (Improve Concentration, confidence, memory & creativity) Remove Exam Fear/Phobias Positive thinking (mind power) Public Speaking/ Stage Fear Stress Management Self Hypnosis & self development Hypnotic Induction & Deepening Techniques Public Speaking, Stress Management Past Life/ age Regression Forensic (criminal) psychological investigation CBT through hypnosis, Raising self esteem Child & adolescent hypnosis, HypnoBirthing Use of hypnosis & NLP In effective teaching technique Better student handling Stress Management Counselling Children NLP, Bio feedback, Child Hypnosis Metaphors/analogy/symbolic transforms Mind-body-cell-gene expression concepts Indirect hypnosis Hypnotherapy for lifestyle related diseases Past Life Regression & Age Regression Pediatric Hypnosis Gynec & Obst Hypnosis For Psychiatric & PsychoSomatic diseases. Bio feedback Use in Dermatology & Dentistry, Hypno - anaesthesia Self Hypnosis, Memory Enhancement Stress Management, Public Speaking Improve Performance & Public Relations, NLP


Psychology Students (learning through practical training and live demonstration)


Educationists & teachers (learning through practical training and live demonstration) Hypnotherapists (learning through practical training and live demonstration) General Physician/ Doctors (learning through practical training and live demonstration) Corporate Personnel (learning through practical training and live demonstration)




Tentative Program Schedule

Sr. No.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46

Pediatric Hypnosis Hypnotherapy for Children Hypnotherapeutic Cure of PsychoSomatic Diseases Application of Hypnotherapy for Life Style Related Diseases Hypnosis a wonderful tool in treatment of insomnia Hypnotherapy for Psychiatrists on Psychosomatic Diseases Hypnotherapy for Obst & Gynec Communication in Hypnosis,Dentristry Hypnosis facilitated psychotherapy for pathological gambling Sports Hypnosis Hypnosis for effective Self-Regulation and Selfdevelopment Autogenic Training NLP NLP Research in Consciousness & Hypnosis CBT Cognitive Therapy in Practice Mindfulness and Health+12 The Mindful Hypnotherapist Ego Enhancement vs Ego Purification Hypnotherapy with Indian Perspective Ego State Therapy Icchhashakti and Kriyashakti: Creative Visualization in Kashmir Shaivism TBA Research in Yoga Consciousness & Hypnosis Subliminal Therapy Panel Discussion on Hypnosis Paper Presentation Use of Hypnoanasthesia Management of pain, , Surgery Forensic Psychological Investigations Forensic Psychological Techniques Hypnotherapy & Spirituality TBA Past Life Regression TBA Quantum dimensions of consciousness Trauma Tapping Experience in Rwanda Bio Feedback Hand on training Nocebo- A Negative Hypnosis Music & Hypnosis TBA Hypnosis & Meditation NLP With teachers Stress Management

1 1 2 2 2 3 3 1 3 3 1 1 2 2 2 1 2 2 1 2 3 2 1 2 3 3 3 2 3

Dr. Radha Mohan Dr. Reena Biswas Dr. Radha Mohan Dr. Kiran Shinglot Dr. Roopa Chandrashekhar Dr. Bhaskar Vyas, Dr Vani Jain Dr. Rajni Vyas, Dr. Maitri Shah, Dr. Sejal Dr. Chandarana,Enrico Facoo Pantazis Iordanidis Dr. Reena Biswas Veena Panjwani Dr. Ritu Nanda Ulf Sandstrom, Fredrik Praesto, Gunilla Hamne Jorgen Sundvall, Dr. Leo Lobo, Amit Goswamy Dr. Shirley Tellers Jini K Gopinath Prasanta Kumar Roy, Doyel Ghosh Samdong Rinpoche Dr. Reena Biswas Dr. B M Palan Dr. B M Palan Dr. B M Palan Virendra Qazi Dr. Shivani Dr. Shirley Edwin K. Yager Prof. Ratan Singh Aarohi Parimu, Doyel Ghosh, Divya Srivastava, Dr. Aashish Phadke Dr. Alok Prapanna Enrico Facoo Prof. Hema Acharya Prof. Hema Acharya & team Dr.Andreas Dr. Pranav Pandya Dr. Yogesh Chaudhary Dr. Ramchandran Fr. Mathews Gunilla Hamne Rajan Kukreja & Amit Goswamy Dr. Vani Jain Dr Roopa Chandrashekar Khirod Pattnaik Snigdha Pattnaik Dr Sudhir Shah Shashi Chaudhary Sarita Joshi

India UK India India India India India India Greece UK India India Sweden Sweden India India India India UK India India India India India India California India India India Italy India India Germany India India India India Sweden India India India India India India India India

Time Slot
3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 1 hr 6 hrs 3 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 6 hrs 1.5 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 3 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 2 hrs 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr 1 hr

1.5hr 1 hr 1hr

Visit for updated program schedule

Registration Details
Society (SECH India) members, non-members and student all are invited to register their entry for the conference. Fees details are mentioned below. before Aug 31st, 2013 Society Members (Full & Associate) Non-members Special Offer for Students (Under-graduate) Special Offer for Students (Postgraduate) Anybody interested in hypnosis can be Associate member of the Society. Non-Members can become Associate members or members by paying the fees (One time life membership fee is Rs. 3,500) & then will be eligible for reduced rates for attending the conference. before Aug 31th, 2013 Registration Fees for the conference + Associate Membership (Worth Rs. 3500/-) Rs. 5000/Instead of 6500/( 3500 + 3000 ) After Aug31th, 2013 Rs. 5500/Instead of 7000/( 3000 + 2500 ) Rs.950/Rs.1500/Rs.2500/Rs. 1500/Rs.3000/Rs.500/After Aug 31st, 2013 Rs.3000/Rs.3500/Rs.1000/Spot Registration Rs. 5500/Rs.5500/Rs.2000/-

Special Offer for Non-members

Notes: All are invited to register their name as participant or as presenter-cum-participant at the earliest. Only those who register for the conference are eligible to present. More, those who are presenting have either to be members or assoc. members of the society. Every one who is presenting a workshop/ paper/ poster has to be either a Full/Associate Member of the Society. Any one can become Life time Associate Member of the Society by paying Rs. 3,500/once. They can then register at a reduced rate for registration. Your Paper/Workshop may be submitted as a short summary to Scientific Secretary by due date. While submitting the abstract you are required to pay conference registration fees & mention the details of payment & they have to be members or associate members of the society.

Registration Method & Payment details:

REGISTRATION MODES: 1. Online Registration: Visit website: 2. By Email: Send duly filled registration form to 3. By Mail: Send duly filled registration form to Dr. Alok Prapanna. A-13, Arnath Society, B/H. Aryakanya Vidyalaya, Karelibaug, Vadodara-390018. Gujarat, INDIA PAYMENT MODES: 1. Electronic Money Transfer within India BANK A/C DETAIL SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPNOSIS SAVING A/C NO: 10208492152 STATE BANK OF INDIA CANTONMENT BRANCH, FATEHGUNJ, VADODARA-390002 IFS Code: SBIN0004670 2. By Cheque/DD: It should be in favour of SOCIETY FOR CLINICAL AND EXPERIMENTAL HYPNOSIS and payable at VADODARA

Call for Papers

Research & conceptual papers are invited from academicians, philosophers, professionals, research scholars, behavioural scientists and people engaged in the practice of Hypnotherapy, NLP & Bio-feedback. Abstracts (upto 200 words) and the full paper in electronic format only (the aim is to make the conference a Paperless conference to the extent possible) containing aims, methodology and main findings (as per standard format for most journals now) are invited to : Mr. Prasanta Kumar Roy Mr. Jini K Gopinath - Dr. Veena Panjvani - Dr. Aarohi Parimu Mind-body continuum will be researched in the context of Indian Psychology as well as Mindfulness in Buddhism.

Last date for Abstract: 31st July 2013 Last date for Full 31stdetails: August 2013 Registration Method & Paper: Payment

Organizing Committee:
Patron Chairman Co-Chairman Dr. Bhaskar Vyas Dr. Prof. Shridhar Sharma Dr. Ajay Kumar Dr. Pranav Desai Dr.Nimesh Desai Dr.CR Mukundan Dr.S.S.Nathavat Dr. Radha Mohan Dr. Alok Prapanna Dr. Vani Jain Mr.Amit Goswami

Society President SECH India Society Secretary SECH India Organising Secretaries Scientific Secretaries

Mr. Prasanta Kumar Roy

Mr. Jini K Gopinath Dr. Veena Gupta Dr. Aarohi Parimoo Meghana Shah Raxit Desai Dr. Nitendra Rajput Dr. Manoj Jain Dr. Amit Goswami Dr. Simrita Chaudhary Meena Gupta Sarita Joshi Deepti Goyal Shashi Chaudhri Seema Nigam Dr. Saurabh Vats Parul Kathuria Tripti Jaiswal Dr. Rupa Chandrashekhar Dr. Radha Mohan Dr. Vani Jain Raxit Desai

Web, Digital Committee Accommodation & Transport Committee

Fund Raising & Marketing Committee

General Inquiry (Delhi) Organizing Committee

Souvenir Committee

Correspondence Address:
For Registration: visit For Paper/Worskshop Presentation: ,,, For Accommodation & Transport:, & For General Inquiries in Delhi:, For all other Inquiries Email:, &

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