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System of Numerology Understanding Numerology Meaning of Numbers Destiny Number Six Six Represents Tarot Number Six Sixth Chakra Sixth Planet Actual Words of Six Summary of Six Life Path Number Four Four Represents Tarot Number Four Fourth Chakra Fourth Planet Actual Words of Four Summary of Four Core Numbers Pinnacles, Challenges, Karma Lessons, Essences Intensifications

4 5 6 7 10 13 16 18 19 22 28 33 36 39 41 43 46 52 54 74


Numbers are the Universal language offered by the deity to humans as

confirmation of the truth. St. Augustine of Hippo (A.D. 354 - 430) Numerology is the science of mathematics that is used to reveal the inner nature of people, place and things. I am using the Pythagorean Method taken from Gematria which came from the oldest system of Numerology the Egyptian Rheket. Sheshat, the Egyptian Goddess married to Thoth was the first Numerologist. She was known as the Lady of Builders, Surveyors and Architects. Gematria is the relation between words and numbers through calculating their numerical values. Gematria is an ancient Egyptian science and an art form that uses numerology to reveal the deeper meaning in life. This is an ancient science used in calculating the Mysteries of the World. The art of Gematria was known to the Egyptians, preserved by them from the collapse of the former universal order and was introduced in the Greek and Hebrew languages. The View Over Atlantis by John Michell pg.86 The world is build upon the power of numbers. The entire universe is composed of mathematical patterns and all things can be expressed in numbers, which correspond to universal vibrations. These numbers determine our personalities, destinies and fortunes of individual. Pythagoras


I shall give you several examples of how this system is used. As with the graph above every number is associated with 2 or 3 letters. In our first example we have: ADAM 1414 MAN 415 DUST DNA SEAL 4312 451 1513

The numerical value for ALL is 10. The relationship is apparent. Genesis 2:7. Adam, man, dust, DNA, seal ALL equals 10. Ex: 1+0=1, 1+9=10 All are 1. In our next example: VIBRATION 492912965 ENERGY 555 977 LIGHT 397 82 BALANCE 2 13 1535

The relationship is apparent. Vibration is number 47, Energy is number 38 , Light is number 29 and balance is 20. 4+7 = 11 and 1+1 =2. All equal the Number 2. EVENT 51552 REAL TROUBLE 9513 2963235 FLOOD WATERS 6366 4 5125 91 TORNADOES 269 51465 1

All add up to 3! Now you can calculate words for the rest of your life!


1 Original, authoritarian, independent, ambitious, achiever, leader, will, ego 2 Diplomatic, partnerships, balance, cooperation, considerate, intuitive, empath 3 Expression, communication, creativity, optimism, fertility, popularity, fame 4 Formation, construction, foundation, work, practicality, management, details 5 Nonconformity, freedom, change, spontaneity, opportunity, sensuality, healing 6 Love, provision, protection, family, community, counseling, culture, beauty 7 Intellectual, analytical, spiritual, mysterious, introspective, hermetical, genius 8 Money, business, materialism, status, power, control, karma, leadership, drive 9 Humanitarian, wisdom, completion, success, finality, warrior, finances, reward



25 5921 1 1 5 3 858 26 995 1 Benita, your Name Expression Number is also known as the Destiny Number. According to Western Science you use your complete name. Your Name Number is 87 (8+7=15/6) which is equivalent to 6. This number defines your destiny and purpose in life.

Benita, you have the blueprint of the ARTISTIC PHILOSOPHER and the destiny of the PSYCHIC EDUCATOR. You were born to have a career before the public in some capacity. 6s are essentially counselors and educators. Your artistic abilities may be expressed through the arts and all types of craftsmanship that may include architecture, interior decorating, cooking, catering and music. Any vocations in teaching, counseling, health care, humanitarian and creative arts are where you will excel and find your true calling and mission. It also means bringing your ability to care and uplift others through various programs or organizations. You will learn to maintain a balance between what you give and what you receive.

The Chaldean method recognizes the name you most go by which is The Chaldean gives you a more esoteric meaning of the vibration of your name. Compound numbers give a more esoteric and even a more visceral meaning into understanding the name and its destiny. Your first name BENITA is 18. This number has a difficult symbolism to translate. It is pictured as "a rayed moon from which drops of blood are falling; a wolf and a hungry dog are seen below catching the falling drops of

blood in their opened mouths, while still lower a crab is seen hastening to join them." It is symbolic of materialism striving to destroy the spiritual side of the nature. It generally associates a person with bitter quarrels, even family ones, also with war, social upheavals, revolutions; and in some cases it indicates making money and position thorough wars or by wars. It is however a warning of treachery, deception by others, also danger from the elements such as storms, danger from water, fires and explosions. When this "compound" number appears in working out dates in advance, such a date should be taken with a great amount of care, caution and circumspection. Your Foundation Letter B Using your first name tells a lot about the person as well. The first letter of your first name is called your Foundation letter and carries significance with your destiny. The vowels in your name also defines your character attributes. This vibration is a sensitive helper and finds it's motivation through others. It seeks balance, and harmonious environment to thrive. It is very good in areas calling for diplomacy, mediation, and improvement. This vibration responds well to appreciation and can be quite kind, gentle, and lovable unless it is lacking in confidence and self-appreciation. 'B' works best with others as a team member and can contribute much once it feels connected. Your End Letter is A Having an A End Letter denotes someone who is not a quitter. They will finish whatever task they have taken on with or without the help of others. Your First Vowel is E Having an E First Vowel suggest a person with a strong need for freedom and desire to bring the products of original ideas to life.

NAMES The power of your knowing your name's meaning is in it's ability to reveal the spiritual and emotional urgings of your soul that are meant to be expressed through the talents and physical capabilities of your personality. Together these radiate as your YOUnique quality of consciousness and all that you intrinsically are. Your name can change either through marriages, adoption or the use of spiritual names. A current name can be used as opposed to your full birth name, which is known as a minor expression and acts as a stencil that highlights to certain abilities that you have within you. Your name should project new talents and strengths if not, you have the power to change it and it will take writing and using that name repeatedly before the energy becomes authentically imprinted to you.


Albert Einstein, Buckminster Fuller, Christopher Reeve, Eddie Murphy, Eleanor Roosevelt, Elizabeth Browning, George Steinbrenner, George W. Bush, Goldie Hawn, Howard Hughes, Jane Seymour, Joanne Woodward, John Denver, Michael Jackson, Richard Nixon, Robert Browning, Robert DiNero, Rosie O'Donnell, Steve Irwin, Thomas Edison.

REPRESENTS: THE ROMANTIC POSITIVE: The number 6 is the 'Mother' number and is essentially a working, building number that symbolizes responsibility and service, which needs is achieved through love, nurturing and protection. 6s are generally idealistic, optimistic and need to feel useful to be happy. A strong family connection is important to them. Their emotions influence their decisions. Six signifies responsibility and empathy, and has a strong urge to take care of others and to be of service. They are very loyal and make great teachers and have the ability to be diplomatic in conversations and outlook. They like art and music and may have wonderful voices and exhibit musical talent. They make loyal friends who take the friendship seriously. They have a love for community and social consciousness, they are protectors, providers, nurturers, psychics and healers. This number will give comfort and help when needed, always. They are motivated by a sense of duty to their fellowman, and find joy in serving others. Six expresses charm and grace, they like the good things in life, things that represent beauty, luxury and refinement. Their homes reflect culture, art and warmth. They are conscious about their appearance, they tend to be proper, yet charming. Your paternal, or maternal, as the case may be, instincts with a 6 Life Path exceed all others by a considerable margin. Whether in the home or in the work place, you are the predominant caretaker and family head. While the 6 may assume significant responsibilities in the community, the life revolves around the immediate home and family, for this is the most domestic of numbers. Conservative principles and convictions are deeply ingrained and define your character. You are idealistic and must feel useful to be happy. The main contribution you make is that of advice, service, and ever present support. You are a humanitarian of the first order. It is your role to serve others, and you start in the home environment. You are very human and realistic about life, and you feel that the most important thing in your life is the home, the family and the friends. This is the Life Path related to leadership by example and assumption of responsibility, thus, it is your obligation to pick up the burden and always be ready to help. If you are like the majority with Life Path 6, you are one who will willingly carry far more than your fair share of any load, and you are always there when needed. In doing so, you take ownership and often become an authority over

the situation. It's likely you feel compelled to function with strength and compassion. You are a sympathetic and kind person, generous with personal and material resources. Wisdom, balance, and understanding are the cornerstones of your life, and these define your approach to life in general. Your extraordinary wisdom and the ability to understand the problems of others is apt to commence from an early age. This allows you to easily span the generation gap and assume an important role in life early on. 6s tend to be humanitarian, prone to self sacrifice, parental authortarians, honest, integral, they are also tactful mediators, that possess poise, compassion, responsibility, domesticity, care, and concern. It is a feminine number of relations between the sexes, intercourse, charm and romance.

ESOTERIC: The Hexad is said to be the first perfect number and can denote perfectionism. It brings harmony between the higher and lower numbers. It is considered to be the father/mother number that exhibits unconditional love and is associated with the planet Venus. Six is the opening of the Third Eye Chakra. NEGATIVE: (This does not mean that you own all these traits, but to change those traits that may be a stumbling blocks to your success) You may have a tendency to become overwhelmed by responsibilities and a slave to others, especially members of you own family or close friends. It's easy for you to fall into a pattern of being too critical of others; you also have a tendency to become too hard on yourself. The misuse of this Life Path produce tendencies for you to engage in exaggeration, over-expansiveness, and selfrighteousness. Modesty and humility may not flow easily. Imposing one's views in an interfering or meddling way must be an issue of concern. The natural burdens of this number are heavy, and on rare occasions, responsibility is abdicated by persons with this Life Path 6. This rejection of responsibility will make you feel very guilty and uneasy, and it will have very damaging effects upon your relationships with others. Other traits are disharmony, discord, lack of concern or responsibility toward others, too fixed in opinion or beliefs, anxiety, interference. Easily-stressed, superiority complex, weak, inhibitions, impractical, submissive, shallow, restlessness, selfishness, weak-willed, unsupportive, promiscuous, unfaithful, jealous, bitter and vengeful.


AS LOVERS: Number Sixes have a deep dislike of discord and will generally work hard at keeping the peace. They are very attached to their homes and their families. At their best, they are devoted and stable partners who do whatever they can to maintain balance and harmony. At their worst, they take their peace-loving natures too far, and become lethargic, diplomatic to the point of superficiality. Loving making brings thoughts of conception. 6 Lovers make you feel nurtured, cared for. They call you pet names, hold your hand. They are sentimental and relationships affect them deeply than they let on. They may be jealous and act out in a passive aggressive way or withhold sex and affection. In romance, the 6 is loyal and devoted. A caretaker type, you are apt to attract partners who are somewhat weaker and more needy than yourself; someone you can care for and protect. The main ingredient that must prevail in the relationship is complete harmony. You don't function well in stressful relationships that become challenges for you to control. It is the same with friends, you are loyal and trustworthy. But there is a tendency for you to become dominating and controlling. SIX FACTOIDS: Extrasensory perception is called the 6th sense. The 6th chakra is the Third Eye, the pineal gland the eye of inner vision. The sixth day is Friday ruled by Venus, Man was supposed to have been created on the 6th day. The sixth month is June. The sixth sign of the zodiac is Virgo. The sixth planet from the sun is Saturn, the disciplinarian. The 6th Tarot card of the Major Arcana is the Lovers. 6 is the atomic number for Carbon the building block of all life forms. There are 6 cardinal directions: East, West, North, South, Up and Down. A cube and a hexahedron has 6 faces, a hexagon has 6 sides. 6 feet under is the number of feet below ground level that a coffin is buried. A person that is ripped has 6 pack abs , Number of cans/bottles of soda , beer, or alcohol is also called a 6 pack. Flight instruments on cockpit display is known as a six-pack. A cube and a hexahedron has 6 faces, a hexagon has 6 sides. The highest number on dice and dominos are 6. Six is a lucky number in Chinese culture. A senator is elected for 6 years. A group of 6 musicians are a sextet, 6 babies born are called Sextuplets.



POSITIVE : Feminine The 6 vibration resonates with this card energy because 6 represents passion and it corresponds to Love. Tarot gives this number vibration a more esoteric meaning. Originally, this card was called just LOVE. Love is a force that makes you choose and decide for reasons you often can't understand; it makes you surrender control to a higher power. And that is what this card is all about. Finding something or someone who is so much a part of yourself, so perfectly attuned to you and you to them, that you cannot, dare not resist. In the interpretation, the card indicates coming across a person, career, challenge or thing that they will fall in love with. They will know instinctively that they must have this, even if it means losing what they already have. You are magenetically drawn to what the soul requires. It also represents the law of reciprocity, the act of giving and receivng. Notice that the man stands next to a tree whose leaves are on fire and the tree next to the woman has fruit. The man represents earthly passion and the tree of good and evil and the woman represents the fruit of wisdom from the tree of life. The Angel stands for Raphael, who is emblematic of air and Mercury, it is the ruling planet of Gemini known for communication ; indicating a synergestic telepathic union. They represent the twins in Gemini and also represent the Divine Feminine and the Divine Masculine; indicating a synergestic telepathic union. NEGATIVE : Immaturity, disharmony, unfaithfulness, spiteful, unreasonable, aggression. MINOR ARCANA : Mundane and Human Affairs In the Minor Arcana, the four suites represents the four elements and stages of life in which we function. 6 Wands (Clubs, Fire, Social, Work) A victorious man on a horse, applauded by all, enters carrying a wand with a laurel wreath. carries another on his staff. Leadership and enterprise have been achieved, business venture is successful. Victory in business endeavors. 6 Cups (Hearts, Water, Love, Relationships)


Two children among six flowering cups. A moment of recognition, nostalgia, of something or someone from our past coming back into our life. A reunuion of past friendship, rediscovery of lost love. 6 Swords (Spades, Air, Mind, Thoughts ) A boat of swords being ferried across a river with a woman and child as passengers. The meaning is that one is leaving difficulties behind. A trip or change of scene may be the answer to restoring and finding balance. In relation to the mind, ideas and words of the sword suit, this is also about finding an answer to problems. 6 Pentacles (Diamonds, Earth, Money, Career) A wealthy man holding scales hands out money to the poor. This card reflects how to give and take creates balance and harmony. The man wants to balance the scales, but has one coin too many. By giving it away, he gets his balanced scales, and the beggar benefits. Thus, the prediction of this card is that money, work or health woes can be solved by way of a gift, benefit, free promotional items or scholarship. Generosity is a good way to solve others problem.

INTERPERTATIVE : The intergration of Tarot in numerology, means synchronization of the higher universal principles of the Major Arcana and the worldly mundane affairs of humans in the Minor Arcana that vibrate to the energy of Number Six. In the Minor Arcana the four suites represent the four elements and stages of life in which we function. The Universal Prinicple of Love will lead us to fall in love with a career, talent or significant other drawn by divine guidance. 6 of Wands shows success in business endeavors and social popularity. The 6 of Cups recapture a karmic relationship with an old friend or flame. The 6 of Swords shows the leaving behind of problems and mentally moving on with ones life. 6 of Pentacles show how to distrubute generosity by showing concern for the welfare of others.



The Brow Chakra located between the eyebrows and is known in Egypt as the Mer Aritu; in India it is known as the Ajina or the The Third Eye an organ located in your known as the pineal gland. The pineal gland is a light sensitive gland, that produces the hormone melatonin, which regulates the instincts of going to sleep and awakening. It also produces trace amounts of the psychedelic chemical dimethyltryptamine. So it is said to be the chakra of time and awareness of light, it separates reality from illusion. It is the eye of conscious vision. Its location at the front of the head is between the eyebrows at the third eye. The Third Eye Chakra represents second sight and corresponds with psychic ability to see the images and revelations of the past, present and future. I call it the Eye of the Mind. The Third eye is to behold the beauty of the I AM in ALL and to hold the balance of the Divine Masculine and Sacred Feminine in light of who we are. The eye inside the Triangle, is the symbol of the awakened Mind's Eye. Whereas the two eyes see outward toward material things, the single Eye sees inward toward the spirit world. MEMPHIS, the city of Rebirth, the city of Ptah, connects with the opening of our third eye inner vision to the sixth chakra. There a story about Horus/Heru losing his right eye to Set in an ancient battle and that Thoth magically restored his eye. The restored eye became known as the Wadjet (or Ujat meaning Whole One). The right represented the sun called the Eye of Ra and the left represented the moon known as the Eye of Horus. The Wadjet is a powerful symbol of protection it was also called the All Seeing Eye. The Eye of Horus was believed be a healing and protective power and used a protective amulet. The symbol was divided into six parts, representing the shattering of Horus eye into six pieces, each piece associated with the sixth senses It is suggested that dark blue sodalite can be used to awaken this energy center to clear the mind to receive greater revelation and insight. WHAT THIS MEANS FOR YOU: Gain and sustain your vision. To have sight means to see the light to proceed on the path of your destination, business, journey and ascension. The Eye is the light of the body and if it is dim

darkness sets in and obstacles appear. Let Nothing keep your from finishing what you started in whatever endeavor it may be. The third eye is the center of psychic powers and higher intuition, you can receive guidance, channeling, and tune into your higher self. This is the center that enables you to experience telepathy, astral travel and past lives.



Saturn is the 6th planet from the sun and is the ruler of Capricorn. The Egyptian name for Saturn is Heru - the Bull of the Sky. Known as a planet for trouble, limitation and resistance, Saturn has many lessons to teach. Saturn is a Master teacher and disciplinarian, his school is a gulag which ensures that you WILL LEARN the discipline that Saturn brings. You will learn to apprentice, train and execute lessons under Saturns stern and exacting eye to be your own Messiah. Initiation is serious business with Saturn because if you dont get it right this taskmaster will bring it to you harder and hotter; he will turn up the heat to see if you can stand the fire. Saturn sweats you, purifies you in the fires of efficiency and unrelenting instruction. Saturn brings structure and meaning to our world. Saturn knows the limits of time and matter. Saturn reminds us of our boundaries, our responsibilities, and our commitments. It brings definition to our lives. Saturn makes us aware of the need for self-control, responsibility and boundaries. Your reward is adeptship, this is the heros journey for those on the path of ascension. Saturn represents the spleen and rules the skin, teeth, bones and bodys defenses. It teaches us that we are stronger than we think. Spiritually it means physical and mental receptivity to Divine Will. WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU: Saturn helps to harness and focus your energies and responsibilities. Its fixed nature will keep you on point to achieve all your goals and commitments. Should you forget to keep structure, obstacles will appear to bring you back to your purpose, otherwise you will repeat these lessons until you learn them.



These words and the respective numbers will total to 6.

BASIC POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES: Excel, truth, justice, pedant - 24 knowledge, wise mind, wholestic, compatible, unstoppable - 42 visionary, very candid, compassionate, lots of money - 51 self confident - 60 financially secure, good personality - 78 BASIC NEGATIVE TRAITS: (This does not mean that you own all these traits, but to change those traits that may be a stumbling blocks to your success) Gay 15, A sellout, distant - 24 Selfish, cheater, homely, phony, confused, unnatural, volatile - 33 scheming, degenerate - 42 introvert, conformist, remorseful, physical abuse- 51, uncompromising 78 CAREER PATH and INTERESTS: Banker, artist, jockey, hostess - 24 orator, teacher, educator, marine, janitor, CIA agent, curator 33 history, architect - 42 audiologist, IT trainer- 51 school teacher, psychologist, antique dealer 60 customer service, hip hop artist, graffiti artist, business executive 69, airplane mechanic, aircraft mechanic, network marketing -78, professional fighter - 105 (Career choice indicate the various possibilities of vocation that you may pursue that resonate to the 6 vibration. You may have gone to school, express interest in, used to have a career or currently in a vocation with one of these occupations).


COMPATIBLE COMPANIES: Hess, Visa, Dell -15, Sunoco -24,CVS Caremark, Walt Disney, Dow Chemical, Nationwide -51, Intel , Sears Holdings -60, Abott Labortories, General Dynamics -69, UnitedHealth Group -87

MONTHS, SEASONS, DAYS, YEARS, SIGNS, PLANETS: February, October - 33 COUNTRIES, STATES AND PLACES: Japan, Texas, Mars - 15 Peru, islands - 24 Belguim - 33 New Zealand - 42

AIRLINES: Delta 15

HOTELS: Embassy Suites, Best Western 42, Westin Hotel 51, Radisson Hotel -60, Renaissance Hotel,, Doubletree hotels 69

RENTAL CARS: Avis 15 Avis Rent a Car 51

GEMSTONES: cats eye, topaz 24, citrine, peridot -42, smokey quartz 51

TALISMANS: Hamsa, Udjet 15, Hunab Ku, Magnet -24, Om Symbol- 33, Four leaf clover, Flower of life 69,

Talisman of Mercury 78

ANIMALS: Cat, crab-15, fish, raven, bird, falcon, turtle-24, heron, pelican -33, dolphin 42, reindeer -51

HEALTH PREDISPOSITIONS: Sick, AIDS, Crack, face, ear - 15 tumor, colic, drugs, wine, pork, apples, jasper 24 sprains, colitis - 33 snoring, chest pains, heroin, anorexia, mushrooms- 42, coriander, disc injury, healing arts, stomach cancer, heart disease, alkaline water 51, overweight, Rh positive, spinal injury, drug problems, aromatherapy - 60 hemorrhoids, hypertension 69, Alzheimer disease -78, medical experiments, hypothyroidism 87, myofacial pain dysfunction - 114

RELATIONSHIPS: Black Male 24 ancestors, ancestry, past lives, people - 33 middle age - 42 Euro- American, ancient mankind 60 getting married, family orientated 78 brotherhood of man, unhealthy marriage 87 will have a happy marriage -114

ANGELS & DEITIES: Bast 6, Ausar 15, Sofiel, Yemoja, Durga -24 Ambriel, Ochosi, Shongo - 33

SPIRITUAL: Muslim, Sufism, holy, pray, magic 24 forecast, Santeria-33 destiny, sons of God, archangel, occult mind, messenger - 42 Book of life, inner voice, guardian angel - 60 Catholic Church, Prime Creator, spiritually mature, reincarnation - 69 sound of the trumpet, spiritually mature, higher power,return of the gods -78 Negative: Demon, Satanism - 24 possession 42, evil entity -51, false prophet 60, the Jesuit Order 69

Actual words are used to make up the Summary ATTRIBUTES: Benita, you are a person who is passionate about family, relationships and social outreach. You have a strong sense of justice and tend to be the go to person for mediation and consultation. You own and speak your own truths. CAREER Persons with this energy are usually financially secure and usually excel in education, finance or the security industry. International travel is indicated that might revolve around the career or personal preference. RELATIONSHIPS Your Relationships indicates marriage and being in a relationship with a significant other. This is how youre wired the desire to be in the right relationship; as identified in the Tarot: The Lovers. Indicators of unhealthy marriage and marriage not recommended depend upon your lifestyle and if you are indulging in any of the negative traits that will keep you from enjoying a happy marriage, as well as the type of person you chose. From the actual words you tend to be a good provider and desire financial security as apart of the stability of your partnership. Middle age may be a turning point for you regarding career and relationships; learn to take what may come as a lesson to a greater revelation. HEALTH PREDISPOSITIONS DISCLAIMER: These are just predispositions to watch for and does not indicate that you will get this set of health issues unless you are not maintaining a proper mental attitude and physical regime. Regarding your health, you must watch heart disease, stomach cancer, hemorrhoids, hypertension, Alzheimer disease, medical experiments, hypothyroidism, myofacial pain dysfunction. Less processed foods and eating organically and wholistically as possible. Drug use and alcoholism show

up as another health concern, always take care of and respect your temple; which leads to another concern you must watch for: A.I.D.S. DO NOT share needles, use drugs or have unprotected sex. Guard against sickness to catch colds, as well as issues with your ears, face and tumors are indicated. Watch back injuries, sprains. TALISMANS The word "Talisman," derived from the Greek verb "teleo," means, primarily, to accomplish, or bring into effect. A talisman is an object marked with magic powers and is believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection. A Talisman is a small amulet or other object, often bearing magical symbols, worn for protection against evil spirits or the supernatural. These talismans have a wide variety of purposes as each one is specifically made for the intention of helping each individual, ranging between healing, protection or success. Talismans are charms which have magical empowering abilities or power of their own which is transmitted to their possessors.

Hamsa In its simplest form the symbol for Hamsa is the hand. It is talismanic symbol that they believed would protect them from harm against the evil forces and bring them goodness, abundance, fertility, luck and good health. Hamsa is an icon used by man as a defence, in his struggle against the forces of evil.

Udjet The Eye of Horus was believed to have healing and protective power, and it was used as a protective amulet, and as a medical measuring device, using the mathematical proportions of the eye to determine the proportions of ingredients in medical preparations) to prepare medications. Together, the eyes represent the whole of the universe, a concept similar to that of the Taoist Yinyang symbol. Spiritually, the right eye reflects solar, masculine energy, as well as reason and mathematics. The left eye reflects fluid, feminine, lunar energy, and rules intuition and magick. Together, they represent the combined, transcendent power of Horus.


Hunab Ku Despite predictions about the future, the symbol is still considered a powerful one. It can be used to achieve balance and harmony in life because of its intrinsic powers of uniting or bridging opposites. It can also be used to connect ones inner being with ones external body or to achieve oneness with the universe.

Om Symbol If Divinity were to be represented in sound codes, it would be Om. Om is the purifier, the all powerful tool that awakens in us the deepest reflection of Spirit, or God, or the Universal energy. This is because Om is the representation of this energy and flows through our breath in our waking and sleeping state. Om is the essence that unites all of us at our most intuitive level.

Four leaf clover The four leaf clover is a universally accepted symbol of good luck. The leaves of these unusual little green plants are sometimes said to stand for faith, hope, love, and luck.

Flower of life The Flower of Life has deep spiritual meaning and is believed to contain the patterns of creation as they emerged from the Great Void. By meditating upon this symbol of Sacred Geometry and wearing the Flower of Life symbol on the body it has been known to have powerful healing benefits, helps to disolve fears, assists in connecting to the higher self, stronger self awareness and reveals the innate harmony in the template of all life. Talisman of Mercury This Ancient symbol and powerful talisman traditionally enhances Mental Ability. The Mercury Talisman is said to call on the power of Mercury or Hermes to enhance intellect and health.

ANIMAL TOTEMS The Ojibway scholar Basil H. Johnston defines dodaem, or totem, as "that from which I draw my

purpose, meaning, and being," A totem is a being, object, or symbol representing an animal or plant that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, group, lineage, or tribe, reminding them of their ancestry (or mythic past).

Cat The cat is your domestic totem animal and relates to the protective and nurturing energy of Bast related to fertility, the home, guardianship, mystery and transformation. Raven Foremost, the Raven is the Native American bearer of magic, and a harbinger of messages from the cosmos. Messages that are beyond space and time are nestled in the midnight wings of the Raven and come to only those within the tribe who are worthy of the knowledge. The Raven is also called upon in Native ritual for healing purposes. Specifically, the Raven is thought to provide longdistance healing. The Raven is also a keeper of secrets, and can assist us in determining answers to our own hidden thoughts. Often honored among medicine & holy men of tribes for its shape shifting qualities, the Raven was called upon in ritual so that visions could be clarified. Dolphin Symbolizes spiritual guidance, your intellect, mental attributes and emotional trust. It suggests that a line of communication has been established between the conscious and unconscious aspects of yourself. Dolphins represent your willingness and ability to explore and navigate through your emotions. Dolphins message is wellbeing, compassion, protection and freedom to be who you are.

GEMSTONES: Stones of all sizes and types have been called "the bones of Mother Earth". Stones have been used as talismans and amulets since recorded history. Many people attribute supernatural powers to gemstones which have been used to heal physical ailments, bring spiritual power and gain emotional health. All stones or gems have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are beneficial to us for their therapeutic cures. They emit vibrations and frequencies, they create strong energy fields which enable us to be charged with their energies. The gems are used for healing, transforming, balancing, and attuning the body, mind and soul. Jasper It is probably good to keep a jasper stone on you because Jasper is protective. It can align all the chakras and balance yin yang energies, it is stabilizing and healing. This tends to validate your

protective qualities. Citrine You should use Citrine as a gemstone to carry with you to aid in your digestive system and reduce toxins in the body. Helps against depression and phobias and helps you to become more psychic. It may also be used as a prosperity charm to attract finances. Peridot A stone of lightness and beauty, symbol of purity and morality. Only spiritual or clear-minded persons should use peridot. Used in a necklace, peridot is a protector against negative emotions. It has been known to have healing effect on the gall bladder and liver. Commonly used in treating emotional states such as anger or jealousy and irritation. It's color as well as the stone, Inspires healing, renewal, purification, rebirth and growth. It has the power to heal hurt feelings and mend damaged relationships. It said to increase patience, confidence and assertiveness. It clears the heart, releases the ego, which in turn cleanses jealousy and anger, bringing about a sense of peace. Cats eye A stone that gives the powers of strong determination to accomplish goals. Cats eye stone is highly recommended for those who are in business. It protects the wearers against losses in business and ensures financial stability. Rich and wealthy persons can wear it as it will act not only as a guardian of its owners wealth but will lead to further accumulation of riches. It is capable of relieving the tensions of the wearer, particularly for the fear of the impending hardships. It is good for those suffering from allergies or skin disorders. Smokey Quartz A grounding stone that transmutes negative energies and facilitates your ability to get things done in the practical world. It enhances organizational skills and is good to have around in the workplace or home office. Smokey Quartz is connected with the sounds of the universe. Increase telepathy and relieves depression. Smoky quartz is particularly effective for ailments of the abdomen, kidneys, pancreas, hips and legs. It relieves all sorts of other pain too, including headaches, tootheaches, fevers and benefits the reproductive system, muscles and nerve tissues, as well as the heart. The stone dissolves cramps and strengthens the back. It also aids in the assimilation of minerals and regulates liquids within the body. It has been said that a quartz crystal placed under the pillow offers psychic impulses in the form of dreams, which are the language of the deep conscious mind. It also ensures peaceful sleep.

SPIRITUALITY You have insights and revelations to spiritual truths that can be iconoclastic. You are seen as a guardian angel especially to your family, and have a Gnostic outlook to spirituality, without falling into the trappings of religion; which is why occult mind, holy of holies and inner voice appears to you as epiphanies when coming into spiritual truths. It is this trait that shows you attaining spiritual maturity by innerstanding the Gnostic and esoteric meaning of the process of spirituality. Interest in diverse spiritual practicums is shown.





Your BirthDate 7/12/1974 (7+1+2+1+9+7+4) is Number 31 (3+1) which is equivalent to Number 4. This Number represents the talents and skillset that is inherent within our birthdate and dictates where you can employ your talents. The day of birth is known as your sun number and is considered your lucky number.


Benita, The Life Path 4 suggests that you entered this plane with a natural genius for planning, fixing, building, and somehow, with practical application and cerebral excellence, making things work. You are one of the most trustworthy, practical, and down-to-earth of individuals; the cornerstone members of society, an ideal citizen. 4s excel in banking, as business executives, politicians, administrative assistants, secretaries, auditors, accountants, engineers, real estate agents, IRS, financial planners, scientists, naturalists, and veterinarians.


The Chaldean method recognizes the birthdate number (sun number) as the Life path number. This number is most influential between your 28th and 56th year. "12" means divine and governmental perfection, it is a loving expressive number that enjoys the public, its job is to express the joy of living by creative originality and bringing harmony in the lives of others. Because 1 and 2 is 3 it is a great communicator and makes an animated salesman. 12 has a dramatic flare of doing things, it likes to be admired for its wisdom. It can be direct and authorative as it holds the executive energy of 1 in balance with its sensitive and intuitive vibration of number 2. Twelve tends to be an end of a cycle. 12 relates to the 12th card in the Major Arcana

known as the Hanged Man which means, wisdom, discernment, prophecy, and trials in which the "victim" was sacrificed for the plans and intrigues of others. You have numbers that are taken from your destiny, life path & birth date numbers that can bring you favor, grant your desires by accomplishing your objectives on these days: 3,4,6,12,13,15,21,22,24,30 &31. 3 OF DIAMONDS The Three of Diamonds is considered one of the more difficult of the life paths of all the cards, especially when the Three of Diamonds is a woman. Indecision in values along with past life karma (Six of Hearts Karma Card) in relationships cause many challenges in the affectional life. A natural interest in metaphysics should be cultivated if they are to know more peace in their lives and overcome the many hurdles and temptations. They always know what is right and wrong, though sometimes they try to ignore what they know. They have more satisfaction in business where they can travel or do various different things. There is usually someone younger for whom they must make sacrifices for, often one of their children. These people are here to try many "things" on for size and then to settle on the truth. They are very creative. Some of them discover a divine mission and follow a lofty path where their innate creativity serves a higher purpose where they find peace and contentment.

At age 39 you have come to the end of the cycle of 3, which is a number of creative expression and communication. 3 engages the public with the ability to create, dramatize and speak from its heart. 9 is the humanitarian that helps others, it is spiritual and multitalented so you may fond yourself involved in speaking, writing, acting or serving in some spiritual capacity as a spiritual counselor or elder, guide, teacher. Spiritual interest may broaden to different spiritual concepts and modalities like qigong or tai chi or yoga. It is also a time to finish creative projects that you have neglected. 3 is a fertile number of fertility, abundance and expansion, it is possible to receive money for your talents and pregnancy can be possible as 3 is the trinity representing the father, mother and child.


Your zodiac sign is Cancer the Crab, 4th sign in astrology whose planetary ruler is the Moon and represents the home, security and stability. Number 4 also represents stability as it is a builder, organizer, manager and hard worker and likes to feel that home is a sanctuary. Cancer is a cardinal sign (leader of the water element) and so it carries an alpha personality of authority but with a sense of compassion as it is deeply intuitive. 4 also aligns with your Lifepath number. Cancer is represented in the 7th month of the year which means that number 7 is deep thinker and spiritual archeologist, so it tends to be sensitive as well as psychic. 7 relates to your private, analytical, discriminating, and occult nature.


How many times have parents been accused of allowing their youngest child to get away with absolutely everything? Often older siblings compare the treatment they receive to that of the last born with exaggerated testimony, but clearly there is some credibility to their claims. The youngest sibling can benefit from parents who are more relaxed and willing to bend the rules for peace of mind. Alfred Adler an Austrian medical doctor, psychologist and early associate of Sigmund Freud is credited as one of the first to theorize on the effects birth order has on siblings personalities. Of course, it has to be acknowledged that all psychologists do not completely agree with this theory and there are many individual exceptions and variables that must be taken into consideration. However, it is an interesting subject to explore using real life personalities (siblings, relatives, friends and children) as your subjects. Since the youngest is never dethroned as the baby, they are put in the position of dictator of the household. Parents and older siblings are always doing for the youngest, first out of necessity, then out of habit. Because of this, the youngest child expects others to make decisions and take responsibility for them. Frequently, last borns are referred to as the charmer as well as the manipulator. Because of their status as the perpetual baby of the family, they are usually doted on and not only expect attention, but they also become skilled at getting the attention. It is not uncommon to hear the

older siblings express the idea that the youngest has the parents wrapped around their finger. Interestingly enough, the youngest (and skilled manipulator) is often the better educated because parents economic situation of the family generally improves in later years. Youngest children are unique in that they are never displaced by a newborn. They are the babies of the family, and in that way, they continue to be babied long into adulthood. Youngest tend to appear youthful throughout their lives. (Ronald Regan was a youngest, a rarity for a US President.) Youngest children often receive a lot of attention from family because many feel responsible for taking care of them. Thus, youngest may be indulged, pampered and spoiled in ways that other children are not. Having experienced good things from others, youngest children may grow up expecting good things from life and therefore tend to be optimists rather than negative-thinking people. Parents tend to be rather blase about the youngest after they come along. After all, they have already done some child-rearing tasks, and may not be as enthusiastic about this childs accomplishments. Thus, the youngest has less expectations placed upon them and they tend to achieve less. Youngest children grow up having others make decisions for them and thus, as adults, have far less confidence about decision-making in early and mid-adult life. If teased and youngest tend to be teased a great deal they may become interested in working for people for whom they perceive as powerless in society. Occupations such as clergy, nurse, social worker, actor, singer and therapist are common professions for youngest children. The may be less ambitious than other sibling or birth order positions and are less likely to follow family traditions; creative or artistic pursuits can be a large draw for them. Being the smallest in the family, youngest children quickly learned that being aggressive was ineffective; to get what they wanted youngests found that employing charm was much more useful. Another less desirable but perhaps arguably effective way of obtaining ones wonts was pouting to get ones way. Either way, it is some manner or form of manipulation that attemps to get what the person wants. Later in life the youngest may not need to use manipulative strategies, but nevertheless youngests tend to continue to be charming in nature. Because their older sibling seemed to have the hold on the intelligence in areas such as scholarly academics, youngest children try to move in different directions in order to be content on their own terms. If an eldest child was the honor roll, the youngest may be in the school play or music room or creative writing class. Youngest children are followers much more than leaders, and will happily follow a leader they

respect. If a youngest finds themself in a leadership role, they are often well-liked, but their authority may not be taken seriously. In relationships, youngest children may be dependant on their older spouses and then rebel against them or their control.


Minnie Driver, Joseph Fiennes, Jake Gyllenhaal, Jennifer Love Hewitt, Kate Hudson, Peter Jackson, Jewel, Val Kilmer, Chris ODonnell, Will Smith, Chris Tucker, and Usher. Woody Allen, Pamela Anderson, Bono, Jeff Bridges, Tom Brokaw, Joy Browne, Amanda Bynes, Sean Diddy Combs, Michael Crichton, Sheryl Crow, Russell Crowe, David Duchovny, Clint Eastwood, Bill Gates, Jeff Goldblum, Helen Hunt, Ice-T, Elton John, Nicole Kidman, Eva Longoria, Rachel McAdams, Paul McCartney, Matthew McConaughey, Demi Moore, Mike Myers, Sarah Jessica Parker, Dolly Parton, Luciano Pavarotti, David Pierce, Brad Pitt, Keanu Reeves, Roseanne, Adam Sandler, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Seal, Quentin Tarantino, Vanessa Williams, and Oprah Winfrey.



A person under four has a very special work to accomplish and fulfill, to organize and manage the world and environment around them; they have the self discipline and perseverance to carry it out. They are well grounded, centered and persistent. They tend to be serious, conservative and hard workers; and can tend to be workaholics because their weakness is getting trapped in work routines and details, they need to loosen up to take the edge off of their everyday routine. Give anything to the number 4 and they will complete the task. 4s will often take on others work load, as children they can do anothers homework. They are excellent mentors and role models, actually they are the ideal citizens of society. 4s have the ability to take orders and to carry them out with dedication and perseverance and many 4s live and work happily in this context. But so often, the 4 Life Path is the entrepreneur and manager in the community. In either role, you always demand as much from yourself as you do from others, and sometimes a lot more. You have the kind of will power that is often mistaken for sheer stubbornness. You don't think of yourself as dogged, but your honest beliefs and that ever direct speech makes you come across as completely unremitting. Once a decision is made, it will be followed through to the conclusion, right, wrong, or indifferent. You are very set in your ways and determined to handle things the way you are so certain that they should be handled. Your tenacity of purpose and ability to get the job done borders on obsession. You are a wonderful manager with a great sense of how to get the job done. You are an excellent organizer and planner because of your innate ability to view things in a very common sense and practical way. This stems from a strong desire to be a perfectionist in your labor. Planning is necessary to avoid errors. It's very likely that a 4 Life Path person invented the to-do list, because it is the rare Life Path 4 who doesn't have one by her side at all times. Your life is programed in an orderly fashion permitting you to catalog and manage the flow of ideas and activities that fill your day. Indeed, you seem to function best when you are under the gun and facing a tough set of problems. Often, you are called on to take care of others; to finish what they have started. It may not seem fair and probably isn't, but it may be the key to your

accomplishment and reputation. The symbolic meaning of number 4 invokes the grounded nature of all things. Four is the number of nature; the four seasons, four directions, four elements all these amazingly powerful essences under Four. It is the number of the great elements: air, fire, water, earth; which correspond to us as reason, passion, emotion and stability. There are 4 great regions of the earth: North, South, East and West. 4 represents the four regions of day, morning, noon, evening and midnight. The 4 seasons of the year: spring, summer, fall and winter. The 4 lunar phases: new moon, quarter moon, full moon, waxing moon. The number four is the builder, it means foundation, construction, stability, and applies the grounded nature of all things. It also means security, practical application, formation, organization, power, progress, ability, tradition, law and order, the conscious mind, conviction, commerce, business, manifestation, concentration, management, application, conservation, dedication, and efficiency. It means that which is concrete, solid, centered, secure, the home environment. ESOTERIC: Tetrad, the first square number. The first in female extension. 4 is manifestation in accordance with the 4 seasons. It is the result of a well-built foundation, proper application and natural effects. It is what comes as a result of desire and imagination.

NEGATIVE: (This does not mean that you own all these traits, but to change those traits that may be a stumbling blocks to your success)
The negative side of the 4 can prove dogmatic to an excess, narrow-minded, and repressive. A lot of skin-deep people turn you off, and you lack the tact to keep your feelings from being nasty and petty. You have a bad tendency to get caught up in the daily routine of affairs. Materialistic, nit picky, pettiness, trying to find the faults of others, exacting work, stinginess, limitation, blocks and opposition.

They need faithful down to earth partners that they can count on, reliable and responsible for them to feel secure in the relationship. 4s are traditional, they have intense sexuality, insistent performance, & earthy sensuality. Can be fussy & nick picky.

A quartet, a foursome... Tetra - means four. A tetradite is someone who attaches mystical properties to the number four. A

tetragram is a word with four letters (like four itself). The word four has four letters. In the English language there is no other number whose number of letters is equal to its value. A tetrahedron is a kind of pyramid with four triangular faces. It also has four corners. Quad- also means four. A quadruped is a four-footed animal. 4 letters of the Tetragrammaton-the name of God. 4 Noble Truths of Buddhism. 1. Suffering 2. The Cause of Suffering 3. The Cessation of Suffering 4. The Way Leading to the Cessation of Suffering. The four cardinal Virtues in Hinduism: 1. Non-violence, 2. Truth, 3.Purity, 4.Self-control. The four worlds of the Kabbalah: Atziluth, the world of the emanation; Binah, the world of the creation; Yetzirah, the world of the formation and Asiah, the world of the action. 4 Virtues According to Plato: Wisdom, courage, self-control, and justice. In Christianity there are four cardinal Virtues: prudence, justice, temperance, and fortitude. The Sioux value these 4 Virtues: bravery, fortitude, generosity and wisdom. 4 suits in a deck of cards four points on a compass. The fourth book of the Bible is Numbers Beryllium is the atomic number 4 on the Periodic table. Four-dimensional means that something has an extra dimension as well as length, width and depth. For the scientist, this is usually the dimension of time, where space and time are thought of as part of the same continuum.



The 4 vibration resonates with this card energy because 4 represents stability and establishment. Tarot gives this number vibration a more esoteric meaning. THE EMPEROR As Aries, the Ram, Aries is the infant, the first sign of the Zodiac. The meaning of the card includes being in control over your environment, your body, your temper, your instincts, and your love life. In the best of circumstances, he signifies the leader that everyone wants to follow, sitting on a throne that indicates the solid foundation of an Empire he created, loves and rules with intelligence and enthusiasm. The Emperor could be a father or father figure, leader or employer, either a demanding tyrant or a charismatic king. The Emperor and his throne signifies stability and a solid foundation. It signifies permission for you to take charge and be in command of your life. NEGATIVE : Like an infant, the infant is focused on self, like a baby he can also be a tyrant and be impatient, demanding, controlling. The throne can also be a trap, or an unwelcome chore, the responsibility may leave the Emperor feeling restless, bored and discontent. This also indicates unreasonable, critical, harsh, stuborn and unyeilding personality who is unwilling to change. MINOR ARCANA : Mundane and Human Affairs In the Minor Arcana, the four suites represents the four elements and stages of life in which we function 4 Wands (Clubs, Fire, Social, Work) The ships have come in, and the Querent can sit back and enjoy them. This card, with its four wands holding up garlands, implies the foundation of a house, literally and figuratively. Building, establishing something strong and solid. Sometimes this card suggests laying the foundation for the future. 4 Cups ( Hearts, Water, Love, Relationships)


The four cups represents stagnation, disstraction and boredom. A man sitting under a tree with three cups is offered a fourth by a hand from a cloud. This is the "grass is greener" card. The relationship, once so fresh and exciting, is no longer moving or growing. This card represents s reality check, to be reflective about the relationship, it is one in which divine intervention imposed to give the person a deeper insight not previously shown. 4 Swords (Spades, Air, Mind, Thoughts ) A young man rests on a pallet, three swords above, one under him. This is the "meditation" card. The card advises that you need to get away, rest, recuperate. The card indicates that you have been facing mental or emotional stress, arguments, misunderstandings or verbal abuse, or suffering illness. A healing retreat is needed, time to clear the head, heart and soul. 4 Pentacles (Diamonds, Earth, Money, Career) A man holds tight to his four pentacles in this card. And in this case, the refusal to budge may be damaging. This is the miser card. It shows hes holding on tight to what he's got and is not sharing it with anyone. When this card appears it tells the Querent that they're in a position of status, health, money, even comfort. The fear of loss is apparent.

INTERPERTATIVE : The intergration of Tarot in numerology, means synchronization of the higher universal principles of the Major Arcana and the worldly mundane affairs of humans in the Minor Arcana that vibrate to the energy of Number Four. In the Minor Arcana the four suites represent the four elements and stages of life in which we function. The Universal principle of the Major Arcana shows the Emperor as establishing stability and order in ones immediate enviroment while the Minor Arcana in the four different suits establish a foundation in which to build and establish our outer reality. Doubly so because the four suites with the four expression number must reap manifestation. The 4 of Wands point to establishing foundation and the construction of something permanent. The 4 of Cups allude to distraction and perhaps missing something that goes unnoticed, a time to gain deeper insights and look for divine guidance that is offered. The 4 of Swords indicate the need for solitude to clear the mind, to go within and let Divine Mind find the answer. In the 4 of Pentacles it shows a man who is holding on to his career and prized possessions. Someone who has worked hard for what he has; it indicates a selfish miserly aspect that can also be seen as the application for acquiring wealth.


The Heart Chakra, is called the Khepra Aritu in Egypt. In India it is known as Anahata, is known as universal love, equilibrium, and well-being. Its planet associated with this Chakra is Venus and connected with Taurus and Libra. There is also the connection with Cancer as it is the fourth sign of the zodiac. It is associated with the musical note of F and Its color is green and it represents Cosmic Consciousness and corresponds to that which carries blood (the water of life) and circulation to every feed every cell. Anahata is associated with the ability to make decisions outside of the realm of karma and means 'following your heart', based upon one's higher self, and not from the unfulfilled emotions and desires of lower nature. The Heart Chakra is connected with compassion and charity to others as well as psychic healing. The Heart Chakra is related to the thymus, located in the chest. This organ is part of the immune system, as well as being part of the endocrine system. It produces T cells responsible for fighting off disease, and is adversely affected by stress. When the heart chakra is closed and static, we may find depression, isolation and instability. At Karnak in Egypt is found the heartbeat of man in stone, it the fourth intiation site and represents the fourth chakra and the opening of the Higher worlds for we are also a living temple. It connects the heartbeat of man with the planets and the Cosmos. Here was built the Temple of Love and Light modeled from Atlantis. The heart is the temple and the kingdom within. The Heart Chakra is the center of compassion, when the heart is open you transcend the limits of your people, plants, animals, all of life. This is the humanitarian center, you care about social causes like saving the whales and the planet earth. The heart makes you see through the eyes of compassion. The Heart Chakra is the gateway into the higher states of consciousness. It is the portal through which we radiate the great power of unconditional love and how we receive from the universe. Awakening the Heart Chakra is one of the most important steps that we can take on our spiritual journey through life. True healing of old emotional wounds comes from here. With a strong heart energy, we stop clinging to old hurts and pain and feel forgiveness. Some signs that the Heart Chakra is out of balance are: Lack of self discipline Difficulty in relationships An attempt to live vicariously through another


Dependence on someone else for your happiness HEART CHAKRA - Color The color associated with the heart chakra is Green. Green symbolizes harmony, creativity, health, abundance and nature. It is the combining of yellow (soul) and blue (spirit). Green, nature's color, offers new energy and revitalizes tired nerves. All the green stones - emerald, green tourmaline, malachite, jade, chrysoprase, dipotase, peridot, aventurine, moss agate, green jasper - are used with the heart chakra. (see heart chakra gemstones).


Everything contains a lesson, with the heart chakra it is a Spiritual Lesson, one of forgiveness, unconditional love, letting go, trust, and compassion. The heart is the cathedral of man in which he goes to church to connect to God and gain absolution for his sins (ignorance). This is a great time to resolve ANY issues of resentment, unforgiveness, unhealthy codependant attachments, self recriminations, self sabatoge, insecurity, envy and her sister jealousy. Claim your atonement, youre at - ONE ment with Self and Divine Source, fill your heart by looking at the nature, drink in all her colors, sounds and energy, smile at the abundance of all her life forms, see the sacredness of that which is manifest and FEEL your heart smile after dining in natures banquet.



Mars is the 4th planet from the sun. Mars represents our desires and aspirations for emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual things which stimulate activity. We always have to want something before we reach out for it. In Cosmobiology it is activity, work, combat, quarrel, separation (through enmity). Biologically it is the heat of the body, the muscles, the sex functions. The Planet Mars( the bringer of war) is the fourth planet from the Sun, the Egyptians named it "Her Desher," meaning "the red one." The distinct red color was observed by stargazers throughout history. The red color is because the soil is composed of iron oxide, or what we call rust. It was given its name by the Romans in honor of their god of war. It is half the size of earth. Mars has about a third of the earths gravity, which means that you can jump three times as high. You can see Mars with the unaided eye, it appears as a bright reddish star. Mars is also known as the 'Red Planet', due to its distinctive red appearance from Space. It has also featured in many theories involving alien civilisations - there have been stories about it being the home of a hostile civilisation, the base of an advanced species of human and even the home of a dying civilisation! In 1964 however, the Mariner 4 space probe - to the disappointment of many people - put a stop to all that and confirmed that, at present, there are no signs of any civilisation on the red planet, though there do appear to be dried up riverbeds which implies that there was once water on Mars, so it may thus once have been capable of supporting life. In the 1970s, the Viking orbiter took pictures of what appear to be giant faces and pyramids carved into the planets surface in the Cydonia region, speculation is that the Egyptians came from Mars and that the Martians built the pyramids.


MARS - EARTH CONNECTION A striking characteristic of the pyramids and Sphinx of Giza is the way in which they are integrated into a grand architectural plan, based on mathematical and astronomical data. There is no evidence that the pyramids were used as tombs. What is certain is that two narrow shafts emanating from inside the Great Pyramid were directed to two specific stars: Zeta Orionis, one of the three stars in Orion's belt, and Sirius, in the constellation of Canis Major.

WHAT THIS MEANS TO YOU : Mars is the energy that moves us, its the way it makes us feel, it is the drive that determines our atmosphere and colors our aura. Dealing with emotions and the meaning of life anything that gets a rise out of us. Mars represents our desires and aspirations for emotional, physical, mental, and spiritual things which stimulate activity. Positively use Mars energy to drive your goals and dreams, negatively sheild your self from its more destructive vibrations and challenges with certain spirtual and cleansing modalities.



These words and the respective numbers will total to 4.

BASIC POSITIVE ATTRIBUTES: Humorous, temperate, tranquil, vivacious, presence, vigilant - 40 Reputation, pecuniary, illustrious 49 perception, a true friend - 58 distinguished, nonconformist - 67 a sincere friend - 76 BASIC NEGATIVE TRAITS: (This does not mean that you own all these traits, but to change those traits that may be a stumbling blocks to your success) Bias, weak, busy - 13 liar, rape -22, stingy, remote, insular, cynical, bankrupt, sexual assault - 31 deceitful, big liar, insecure, sycophant- 40 opposition, a jealous friend, curmudgeon, aggressive, undermine, libertine - 49 incarceration, short tempered-67, incorrigible - 76 MONTHS, SEASONS, DAYS, YEARS, SIGNS, PLANETS: September, November - 40 1993, 2002, 2011 - 22 Uranus- 22 Mercury, solar system, evening 40 DIRECTIONS AND NUMBERS: West 13 COUNTRIES, STATES AND PLACES: Libya, Boston, Ghana 22

CAREER PATH: Actress, chef, model - 22 healer, mentor, accountant, affluent - 31 journalist, bus driver, gardner, herbalist- 40 instructor - 49 screenwriter - 67 online retailer 76 professional athlete, spiritual

counselor, software engineer, multi level marketing - 85 human resource manager 94 (Career choice indicate the various possibilities of vocation that you may pursue that resonate to the 4 vibration. You may have gone to school, express interest in, used to have a career or currently in a vocation with one of these occupations) COMPATIBLE COMPANIES: CNN - 13, Best Buy-22, Chevron, Walgreen 40, JP Morgan Chase, Costco Wholesale -58, Johnson Controls 67, ConocoPhillips, Goldman Sachs Group -76, Northrup Grumman, Medco Health Solutions -85

HOTEL: Hilton Hotels -58, Baymont Inn Suites, Fairmont Hotels -67

RENTAL CARS: Budget Rent a Car, Dollar Rent A Car 58, Hertz Rent a Car -67

NATURE: Cedar 22, willow, birch, ash tree, totem pole, biology 40

COLORS: Green -31

GEMSTONES: Emerald, silver, ametrine, zircon, bloodstone, danburite -40



Eel, bees, ape, koala, skunk -13 Whale, blue-jay, jaguar, baboon 22, bald eagle -31, reptile -40, mountain lion -58 TALISMANS: Swastika 22, Kali Yantra 40, Vesica Pisces, Third eye 49, Lucky horseshoe - 67

RELATIONSHIPS and RACIAL AFFINITIES: Heir - 31 Divorce, family man, male child, daughters, adoption 40, Caucasian people 58, senior citizen 76

HEALTH PREDISPOSITIONS: Weak, dates, IBS, Dumb - 13 rape, bowels, cloves, cells salts - 22 implant, club foot, fasting, honey, sinusitis - 31 Conceive, period, abortion, allergic, toxic waste, impotent, sleep apnea, insomnia, seizure, golden seal, tarragon - 40 colon cancer, congestion, sore throat, ovarian cysts 49, Weight gain, kidney cancer, crohns disease, elderberry, strawberries 58, hypoglycemia, human papillomavirus 67, chronic fatigue -76, hypochondriac 85

ANGELS & DEITIES Amun, Aten, Nun - 13, Buddha, Khnum, Tauret -22, Hamied -31, Het Heru, Orunmila-40, Jesus the Christ - 58

SPIRITUAL: Master, lord, guru, sign - 22 the One, gospel, healer - 31 esoteric, telepathy, seventh seal, minds eye - 40 revelation, Third Eye - 49 perception - 58 divine calling, - 67

Negative: Evil spirit - 58


SUMMARY OF FOUR Actual words are used to make up the Summary


Benita, from the basic positive attributes you are a person that loves living life, laughter and having a good time. You possess a balanced and even- tempered personality. There is a distinct presence about you that carries with it a distinguished reputation as an authority to be respected. You are a nonconformist and many of your perceptions are validated and respected. You are loved by friends and family because they find in you a shoulder they can lean, loyal and your ability to give them your wise insights. You are quite money conscious, there are issues where generosity is concerned. CAREER Your career shows that you will be affluent in several fields: acting, screenwriter, chef or professional athlete. A wide range of interests in management, healing, spirituality and transportation are also indicated. The arts tends to stand out. The four vibration helps you become completely focused to do whatever it is to achieve your goals. MONTHS The particular months September and November can be favorable times of the year for travel, moving, career and or business venture; and may also be the type of sun signs you attract or repel. Uranus shows a prominent planet in this reading and indicates your awakening to your true inner individuality. It means sudden revolution and change, truth and freedom. Connect the dots of Uranus position in your natal chart.

RELATIONSHIPS Relationships indicate marriage as well as divorce. This depends on whether your relationships are toxic or elevating. Sons are indicated as heirs. It is also possible to be a heir and inherit family money or estate.

HEALTH PREDISPOSITIONS DISCLAIMER: These are just predispositions to watch for and does not indicate that you will get this set of health issues unless you are not maintaining a proper mental attitude and physical regime. Concerning your health there are indications that might be associated with diet, weight gain and colon cancer. Care concerning fertility health, allergens and mental health. Shown are indications for surgery such as the implant of organs, IBS and sleep apnea. The following foods and herbs are good for you: honey, cloves, dates, cheeries, strawberries, elderberry, tarragon and golden seal. COLORS Many people believe that colors are powers, color can influence our emotions, our actions and how we respond to various people, things and ideas. Blue - is the color of the sky and sea. It is often associated with depth and stability. It symbolizes trust, loyalty, wisdom, confidence, intelligence, faith, truth, and heaven. Blue is considered beneficial to the mind and body. It slows human metabolism and produces a calming effect. Blue is strongly associated with tranquility and calmness. In heraldry, blue is used to symbolize piety and sincerity. Green - is the color of nature. It symbolizes growth, harmony, freshness, and fertility. Green has strong emotional correspondence with safety. Dark green is also commonly associated with money. Green has great healing power. It is the most restful color for the human eye; it can improve vision. Green suggests stability and endurance. Silver - symbolizes security, reliability, intelligence, modesty, maturity, conservative, old age, and sadness.

GEMSTONES Stones of all sizes and types have been called "the bones of Mother Earth". Stones have been used as talismans and amulets since recorded history. Many people attribute supernatural powers to

gemstones which have been used to heal physical ailments, bring spiritual power and gain emotional health. All stones or gems have magnetic powers in varying degrees, and many of them are beneficial to us for their therapeutic cures. They emit vibrations and frequencies, they create strong energy fields which enable us to be charged with their energies. The gems are used for healing, transforming, balancing, and attuning the body, mind and soul.

Emerald The emerald is the sacred stone of the goddess Venus. It was thought to preserve love. The emerald has long been the symbol of hope. It is considered by many to be the stone of prophecy. For some the emerald acts as a tranquilizer for a troubled mind. The emerald is said to bring the wearer reason and wisdom. The strongest time for the powers of the emerald is said to be spring. Emerald is used by healers to help heal the heart. The power of the Emerald is highest at the full moon. Ametrine Ametrine energies are said to stimulate the intellect and rid the aura of negative energy. It helps you recognize the divinity within all, thus eliminating prejudice. It helps release old programs in the mind and attunes you to higher states of consciousness in meditation. Ametrine teaches you to balance your physical activities with your spiritual hunger. If you walk with fear, ametrine will reveal your hidden warrior to you. Ametrine strengthens the nerves, promotes the supply of oxygen to the body, encourage the healing process after a serious illness, combats hardening of the arteries, dementia, deafness and eye complaints. An ametrine elixir may help to remove toxins from the body. Zircon In the middle ages, zircon was said to aid sleep, bring prosperity, and promote honor and wisdom in its owner. Zircon brings you into a harmonious relationship with your natural strength, gives energy, vitality and self-confidence. Very effective against depression, fortifies the nerves. Zircon helps us to detach ourselves from materialism and encourages us to reflect on the meaning of life. Against allergies, promotes clairvoyant dreams and visual thoughts. Bloodstone


The bloodstone has been used as an amulet to protect against the evil eye. Bloodstone is the symbol of justice. The bloodstone is used for circulation and to purify and detoxify the blood, kidneys, liver, spleen, bladder and intestines. It has been used in the treatment of leukemia and other blood disorders. It can also be used in crystal healing for the eye sight.. Bloodstone is considered a stone of courage. It was once believed to overcome enemies, It was carried by soldiers to avoid being wounded and to stop bleeding. Bloodstone is still used today as a health talisman and to heal illnesses related to the blood. Bloodstone, because of it's ability to increase success, lends well to attracting money. Keep a bloodstone in your wallet for good luck, money and good health. In ancient times, women wore them to ensure a safe pregnancy and easy child birth. Bloodstone can be used to facilitate a communication with the spiritual realms.

Danburite Danburite is a very spiritual stone that carries a pure vibration. It is excellent for relief of stress and worry. Hold a danburite in each hand for a calming effect and to prepare for deep meditation, restful sleep, lucid dreaming, Promotes angelic communication, Stimulates heart chakra, Opens one to Divine Source, Karmic cleanser. TALISMANS The word "Talisman," derived from the Greek verb "teleo," means, primarily, to accomplish, or bring into effect. A talisman is an object marked with magic powers and is believed to confer on its bearer supernatural powers or protection. A Talisman is a small amulet or other object, often bearing magical symbols, worn for protection against evil spirits or the supernatural. These talismans have a wide variety of purposes as each one is specifically made for the intention of helping each individual, ranging between healing, protection or success. Talismans are charms which have magical empowering abilities or power of their own which is transmitted to their possessors.

Swastika The Swastika is a very archaic and sacred symbol which can be found in the religious relics of every ancient nation, for it depicts the whole story of the cosmos and man, their contrasting dual aspects, the four directions of space, the revolution of worlds, cyclic progression, and the union of spirit and

matter at the heart of things. In H. P. Blavatsky's words: Within its mystical precincts lies the master-key which opens the door of every science, physical as well as spiritual. It symbolizes our human existence, for the circle of life circumscribes the four points of the cross, which represent in succession birth, life, death, and IMMORTALITY. -- The Secret Doctrine, II, 556-7

Kali Yantra Yantra for Protection from Black Magic, Saturn & Evil influences. This Yantra bestows fulfillment of desires, wealth, comforts of life.

Third Eye Aids in psychic ability and increases intuition.

Horse Shoe The horseshoe is considered very lucky and used to be hung in many homes to protect and attract good fortune for the family residing inside. Many believe that to hang it with the ends pointing upwards is good luck as it acts as a storage container of sorts for any good luck. ANIMAL TOTEMS The Ojibway scholar Basil H. Johnston defines dodaem, or totem, as "that from which I draw my purpose, meaning, and being," A totem is a being, object, or symbol representing an animal or plant that serves as an emblem of a group of people, such as a family, clan, group, lineage, or tribe, reminding them of their ancestry (or mythic past). Bluejay - represents the element of air and the ability to link heaven and earth to access each for greater power; is symbolic of determination, assertiveness, and intelligence. The crest on the jay's head is symbolic of higher knowledge. It is a crown of mastership in the development of physical and spiritual realms. Blue jay resonates truth, faithfulness, and solidarity because they keep the same mate for life, which is symbolic of endurance, patience and loyalty. Jays are communicative, vibrant and energetic. The jay is fearless when it comes to protecting its partner, young and territory. They will defend their positions against adversaries who seem much more powerful than


themselves often with successful results. Whale represents water, fluidity and sensitivity; it symbolizes emotional creativity, well-being, nurturing as well as emotional depth. Those who own whale energy will tend to be incredibly deep in perception. The depth of feeling whale-totem-people endure can be overwhelming. Whale people are in tune about the feelings of those around them, because of this you have to know when your empathy for others may become too costly to you. Jaguar - represents the element of earth, it means wisdom and personal intergrity. They are symbolic of power, ferocity, and valor; he is the embodiment of aggressiveness. For some, the jaguar represents the power to face ones fears, or to confront ones enemies. However, they are also associated with vision, which means both their ability to see during the night and to look into the dark parts of the human heart. The jaguar often warns of disaster. Along with physical vision, jaguars are also associated with prescience and the foreknowledge of things to come. SPIRITUALITY Spiritually the reading indicates your potential to becoming a mature realized Adept, A Christ protype of Savior; a person possessing spiritual stature, moving into spiritual counseling or even introducing that as an author or in film. You will be attracted to the esoteric and metaphysical and be able to interpret religious material and symbology, bringing about an iconoclast in your findings to religious spiritual practicums. As a non-conformist in the area of spirituality you will find that your revelations will be received more readily as the Aquarian Age energy is opening up many minds to a higher revelation of truth.


There are 5 core numbers in numerology that help you with the blueprint of understanding the Self. Life Path Number : describes you inherit talents and traits by adding together your date of birth. These provide your potential path in life. Destiny Number: Describes your purpose in Life by adding all the letters in your name. Soul Number : Describes your inner hopes and desires by adding all the vowels in your name. Personality Number : Describes how others see you by adding all the consonants in your name. Soul Contract Number: Reveals the true purpose you came to fulfill in alignment with your destiny, the person you will become by adding your life path and destiny number together.


Your Destiny and Lifepath numbers have been previously discussed, presented are the rest of your Core numbers.
Your Soul Number is 5 Your Soul Number describes your deepest desires and dreams and the person you truly want to be. You love freedom and change and have would love to travel and have adventure in life. You hate restrictions of any kind. You want to live life to the edge and fulfill your hearts longing to explore all of your curiosities and experience your dreams. You have spiritual interests to explore the occult, the scientific, sacred sexuality and alternate healing modalities. 5 is a magnetic number and one the most sensuous number in numerology!

Your Personality Number is 1 Your Personality Number reveals the "external you"--the personality traits others will know you by. As is fitting with the number 1's prime directive to lead, those with a 1 personality number have the qualities of a natural born leader. They are confident, self-reliant and courageous. They are also blessed with a mind capable of formulating innovative solutions to old and new problems. They are generally go- getters and self starters. People admire their drive and enthusiasm. 1s are respected for their originality, self sufficiency and courage. People admire their drive and enthusiasm. 1s are respected for their originality, self sufficiency and courage.

Your Soul Contract Number is 1 Your Soul Contract Number reveals the person you will come to be your true self, what you came here to fulfill. Your Soul Contract Number is the blueprint of the Authentic Original in alignment with your destiny number the Psychic Educator. This combination shows a person who is skilled in leadership, management and counseling others. This contract describes being artistic, innovative and to meet with some form of notoriety based on your talents, craft. It shows you being an educator, counselor or trainer, perhaps pioneering a unique field around health, culinary, psychology, and community out reach programs. This soul contract is marked by assuming roles of leadership and developing a self-reliant, pioneering spirit. In your later years you will able to look back on a successful life based upon leading others to places they may not have been able to go


Your Balance Number is 5 (Obtained by the Initials in your name) As long as your life is on an even or uplifting keel balance numbers are relatively dormant. However, in those times when your life is out of order your Balance Number can become central to resolving the turmoil you are experiencing. Your Balance Number reflects the traits you need to bring to the forefront in order the get through difficult periods with the least amount of damage or time wasted on negative influences. A 5 Balance Number indicates a need for focus during times of strife. Face your problems with an unwavering single-mindedness to overcome them. Do not procrastinate when dealing with issues. Not only will they not just disappear, but there is a good chance your problems will increase in severity. This is not a time to try and find solace in substitutes. Dont go on binges of any kind. Focus and act!

The 4 Pinnacles Pinnacles represent moments in your life in which you realize current goals and learn some of life's lessons. If you are at the beginning of a Pinnacle, then they can be used as a predictive tool to assist in managing your future. The Pinnacles connect you to a well-defined road map which illuminates your individual life rhythm. The Pinnacles are a step by step developmental experience that can show your life experiences. Your first Pinnacle begins at birth and last until around the age of 27, it develops your character and defines our sense of self. Your Second Pinnacle last through the next 9 years and represents a productive time of life revolving around relationships and responsibility. The Third Pinnacle last for 9 years after the Second Pinnacle has passed, because it is the autumn cycle in life it broadens our experiences. Your Fourth Pinnacle picks up where the Third Pinnacle ends and last throughout the rest of your life. It is a winter cycle that brings rewards and opportunities to use the knowledge gained through our life's experience.

Your First Pinnacle Number is 1 (0-27) A 1 Pinnacle indicates a time when you are attempting to become self-reliant, independant and claiming your individuality. It is also a time to learn how to lead, manage and own your skillset in

which it is likely destiny is grooming you for leadership.

Your Second Pinnacle Number is 6 (28-37) A 6 Pinnacle notes a time of love and devotion to friends and family, or possibly the building of a new family after a divorce. During this Pinnacle your energies will be focused on your relationships with significant others, friends and family and home-life. You may also be more health conscious and telepathically connected to others. Your psychic ability will increase as well as your paranormal experiences. It is also a time in which community service may be calling and you must balance your needs with those of others. Bringing culture, beauty and harmony in your home environment is what you seek to do.

Your Third Pinnacle Number is 7 (38-47)* A 7 Pinnacle marks a time for study, self-discovery and spiritual development. Your focus on your inner-self may deal with a feeling of alienation, but it demarks a time for further spiritual exploration and refinement of your understanding of yourself and the sharing of your wisdom with others. Your interests will include occult, mysticism and metaphysical studies, sciences, history and other intellectual pursuits.

Your Fourth Pinnacle Number is 1 (48 on) It is time for you to rise to leadership. It may mean a promotion to an executive level in your career. Running your company, going back to school or enhancing your skills with specialized training. It suggests being original, authentic, brilliant and gaining attention.

The 4 Challenges Challenges denote personal weaknesses and temptations you will have to overcome and strengths you will have to develop to fully realize your goals. The 4 Challenges have the same time frame as the 4 Pinnacles.


Your First Challenge Number is 5 (0-27) A 5 Challenge marks a time when you most overcome your fear of change and risk. You will also learn to liberate yourself from that which restricts your self-expression. While a 5 Challenge may be a bit scary, it is a time of great personal development, learning how to be resourceful and adaptable marked by the growth of your individual freedom. One should also embrace spiritual modalities and understand new perspectives to grow and elevate your natural psychic abilities.

Your Second Challenge Number is 0 (28-37) The 0 challenge means the choice of what you do with your life is entirely yours. Yours is an old soul--you've already struggled through all the challenges of the other numbers. Your reward for completing these Challenges is free will. You may face all or any of the challenges of the numbers 1 through 9. You may simply drift through life without a destination or goals. Or you may rise above the struggles of others and use this Challenge period to sculpt a life based on love, integrity, justice and vision. At first glance, this freedom to choose may seem like a vacation, but it isn't. Indeed, the gravity of the responsibility which comes with a 0 challenge is tremendous, because how you choose to address your 0 challenge will profoundly affect the lives of those around you, and, possibly, the entire world.

Your Third Challenge Number is 4 (38-47) Your challenge is to learn the value of practicality, discipline and organization. A 4 challenge is rarely easy. You may find yourself boxed in by boundaries. In this period you will have to learn to be patient, open-minded and flexible.

Your Fourth Challenge Number is 5 (48 on) A 5 Challenge marks a time when you most overcome your fear of change and risk. You will also learn to liberate yourself from that which restricts your self-expression. While a 5 Challenge may be a bit scary, it is a time of great personal development marked by the growth of your individual freedom.


The 3 Cycles Cycles occur in 28 year periods. The First Cycle last from birth through your 28th year and is called your Formative or Seed Cycle. The Second Cycle--your Productive or Fruit Cycle--begins at age 29 and last through your 56th year. The Third Cycle, your Harvest Cycle, begins with the coming of your 57th year and last throughout the rest of your life. Your Cycle Numbers tell you the lessons you must learn and goals you must meet to stay on your Life's Path and achieve your true destiny. Your First Cycle Number is 7 (0-28) A 7 Cycle denotes a time of analysis and exploring life's deeper meanings. Your need to devote most of your intellectual energies to introspection may well stress your relationships with others, but they should survive. Your knowledge of life's meaning will increase dramatically. You may well be called upon to share your wisdom with others. People will seek you out for your wisdom.

Your Second & Third Cycle Number is 3 (29 on)* Your emphasis during this Cycle will be on unleashing your creativity. You are at a time in life where the door to self-expression is open. This should be a very creative period for you to develop your talents and hobbies. You may receive recognition, notoriety, accomplishment and monetary award. You also develop strong friendships and learn to speak from your heart.

Your Karmic Lesson Numbers are 4 & 7 Karmic Lesson numbers reveal areas in which we need to grow. To become more complete, we need to give extra attention to these areas in this lifetime. If one of your 5 core numbers is the same as a Karmic Lesson Number the significance of the Karmic Lesson Number is reduced.

A 4 Karmic Lesson Number is indicative of a need for direction in life. Although you may feel somewhat confused about why you are here, work to find your true path through this life. You feel confusion about your life's direction. You will have to establish a methodical and disciplined approach. You need to create a foundation for your life. Otherwise, you will feel lost and tossed about by change. You have trouble finding the work you do best. You tend to be somewhat impractical and

disorganized. You look for the answers to life's problems outside yourself, rather than within. New jobs start off as The Answer, but do not have the same glamour for long. You quickly discover that the new work requires the same effort and perseverance, without the excitement you expected, which may cause you to give up too soon. Concentration and application need to be strengthened. The effects of this Karmic Lesson are diminished if you have at least one 4 among your core numbers (Life path, Birthday, Hearts Desire, Expression or Personality Number).

A 7 Karmic Lesson Number signifies you may be neglecting your innate talents. Whether it is a lack of will or fear of failure, it appears you are not devoting enough time and energy to honing those talents that are core to your being. You need to deepen your knowledge and talents in a specific discipline. You lack the will or determination to perfect yourself or a specific talent you possess. You must learn to be your own critic, without self condemnation, in order to bring your abilities to their full development. You will learn not to take things at face value. A superficial understanding of important matters will prevent you from experiencing the satisfaction of your true potential.

Your Karmic Debt Numbers are 13 & 19 Karmic Debt Numbers signify past abuses of your talents that you must make amends for. Like all of us, you have made many choices and taken many actions in your lives. Some of those choices and actions have been mistakes. Your past errors must be addressed, so you can use your Karmic Debt Numbers to identify exactly what type of mistakes you have made in the past and how you can atone for them. A 13 Karmic Debt Number implies that somewhere along your beings path you forsake your spiritual self for material gain. You may have abused others to get ahead. Because of your past behavior you may find yourself facing what appears to be one brick wall after another as you try to find success. The key to overcoming these obstacles is perseverance, hard work and the development of a spiritual awareness that keeps you from abusing the rights of others. Those with the 13 Karmic Debt will work very hard to accomplish any task. Obstacles stand in their way, and must be overcome time and again. One may often feel burdened and frustrated by the seeming futility of one's efforts there may be a desire to surrender to the difficulties and simply give up on the goal, believing it was impossible to attain in the first place. Some with the 13 Karmic

Debt fall to laziness and negativity. But efforts are not futile, and success is well within reach. One simply must work hard, and persevere in order to reach the goal. Many highly successful people in all walks of life, including business, art, and athletics, have a 13 Karmic Debt. The key to succeeding with the 13 is focus. Very often, people with the 13 Karmic Debt do not concentrate or direct their energies in one specific direction, or on a single task, but scatter their energies over many projects and jobs, none of which amount to very much. A temptation with the 13 is to take shortcuts for quick success. Too often, that easy success doesn't come, causing regret and the desire to give up. The result is a poor self-image, and the belief that one is incapable of amounting to very much. In order to focus, you must maintain order in your life. Order is essential to success. You must maintain a schedule, keep appointments, and follow through. Keep your environment neat and under control, and never procrastinate. If you sustain a steady and consistent effort, you will realize much reward. A 19 Karmic Debt Number denotes an abuse of power. This number indicates you had considerable power sometime in your past and either abused others to get it or keep it or both. The get past this debt you must learn to use your powers in ways that do not harm others. The person with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn independence and the proper use of power. You will be forced to stand up for yourself, and often be left to stand alone. Difficulties will be faced and overcome through personal struggle. One of the central lessons for people with the 19 Karmic Debt is that you stubbornly resist help. Much of your independence is self-imposed; you simply don't want to listen to others, or to accept the help or advice of others. The 19 Karmic Debt can become a self imposed prison if you do not open up to the reality of interdependence, and the mutual need for love. The most important lesson for the 19 Karmic Debt is: While you seek to stand on your own feet, you are still a human being, deeply connected with others and in need of the support, assistance, and human understanding that all people need. Those with the 19 Karmic Debt will learn the hard way that "no man is an island,". You Have A 10! While a 10 is not a Karmic Debt number it can have a major impact on your Karmic Debts. The presence of a 10 means you will have the tools necessary to pay your debt. Of course there is a catch, and that is nothing is forcing you to use them. You must choose to use them to clear your debt. If you do take advantage of the resources your 10 indicates you have your Karmic Debt will paid and you will start anew.

Your Personal Year Number is 7 for 2013 (Personal years start on your birthday) This number tells you what is happening in your life this year. This number should be used to help you avoid setbacks and focus your energies on those areas of your life where you are most likely to achieve your goals. You are in a year ideal for introspection and self-discovery--for examining your life and making changes where needed. You may need some time out from your everyday responsibilities to explore and strengthen your spiritual self.

Your Personal Month Number is 8 for November 2013 This number tells you what is happening in your life this month. Use this number in the same way you would your Personal year number, but apply it only to the current month. This is a good month for you to improve your income, make more money, network and stand out in some way with accomplishments.



1 Personal Year 2016 This is a new beginning time. Embrace courage, openness, and initiate new ideas. Energy is behind you supporting new directions, self definition, and new endeavors. Follow your dreams and begin cultivating what really motivates you, this may involve going back to school, finishing up a degree or taking a course in skills that you need to acquire. It is not a time to wait around as you could miss out on what this year has to offer. You really are setting the pace for the next nine years. 2 Personal Year 2017 This year requires cooperation, patience, and continued development of what you began last year. Time is needed to put everything into motion. Continue to focus on your motivations and step by step progress so that what you began last year can further develop. Relationships are also an area of focus throughout the year. It can also mean a serious commitment, marriage and also pregnancy. 2 helps you to be diplomatic, learning how to compromise and get along with others is highlighted this period

3 Personal Year 2018 This year brings increased activity and recognition. Enthusiasm, creativity and expansion moves into the picture. You may find yourself quite busy with more social interaction. Seeds can be planted in the hearts and minds of those around you as you display and walk into your talents and gifts. You may find yourself speaking, writing, publishing or entertaining, and crafting things. This energy suggests friendships and family connections and interactions. It also suggests relationships, fertility, and conception. 4 Personal Year 2018 Organization and management is key in this year including continued development and focus. You may feel a little restricted in some ways but keep in mind the reward ahead from you efforts. This is a foundation year and asks you to finish details and projects, to work hard to establish yourself


to achieve financial stability and security. 5 Personal Year 2020 This year promises rewards and progress from what you developed the previous four years. Often opportunities come your way to advance in various directions. The year asks for flexibility, adaptibillity and being resourceful; this may bring some risks, but rewards are what the year wishes to bring. Sometimes relationships at a distance and travel are highlighted. Miracles may happen unexpectedly. 6 Personal Year 2021 Relationships with your significant others, family, friends, and co-workers is key this year. The spotlight shines more on domestic matters. Love interests are highlighted to committed relationships as well as the passion that connects us to our creativity. Financial streams of income present themselves. You add culture and beauty into your home environment. This is also a fertile time when you may expect having children and expanding your family through marriage. There is also a focus on self-love, connection, and nurturing. You will also become more psychically and intutitively aligned to spirit and Divine Source. Spiritual talents may become more pronounced. Community interests may also attract you. 7 Personal Year 2013 This is somewhat of a sabbatical and reclusive time for you. Much is gained through reflection and personal refinement. It is a time for seeking a deeper understanding into your inner nature. You seek out metaphysical interests and expanding your spirituality. Solitude is often needed in order to quiet your mind and get in touch with your higher self. You may experience get metaphysical and occult insights and revelations and share them with others that appreciate your findings. 8 Personal Year 2014 After the reflection of last year, it is time to move from the inner world into the outer world and manifest in greater ways what you have been working toward during the last seven years. Material accumulation, status, career, and worldly accomplishments come to the forefront. Promotions and monetary reward and gain is possible. 9 Personal Year 2015 Much like the 7 Personal Year the 9 invites you to pay special attention to your inner world. You

have graduated from a cycle of experience. You are able to complete projects, it is a time when your talents are highlighted and you receive some recognition and reward for all of your work. It is a time for completing many areas of experience so that you can move freely into the next cycle ahead without carrying forward outgrown or unneeded baggage. Money is a reward for completeing endeavors, it also speaks of promotion and abundance. There is a letting go of the old of things that no longer serve you, people or situations that no longer serve you. Gratefulness and compassion are especially important at this time.


TRANSITS and ESSENCES The Transits are the individual letters of your name that combine to form the Essence, which is the number that reveals a great deal about your year ahead. Your name can be seen as a piece of music that vibrates in time. Each note, or letter, has a specific duration and influence over the course of your life. The Transits appear as part of your Progressive Chart and will tell you much about specific influences taking place in your life during given years. The interpretation for each year is explained below, it corresponds with the personal year that gives an inner energy to the outer counterpart of the personal year. PY means Personal year.

Transits and Essences 1974 - 2020 Year Age First 1974 1975 1976 1977 1978 1979 1980 1981 1982 1983 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 B B E E E E E N N N Letter Transit Middle Last S A N N N N N C C C T T O O O O O O R R Essence PY

5 5 7 7 7 7 7 5 8 8

4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4


1984 1985 1986 1987 1988 1989 1990 1991 1992 1993 1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002 2003 2004 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 2011

10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37




3 3 7 7 7 7 7 8 1 1 1 3 3 9 1 1 9 9 9 9 9 7 8 3 7 7 2 2

5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9* 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 1 2 3 4 5

2012 2013 2014 2015 2016 2017 2018 2019 2020 2021

38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47



O O R R R R R R R 1

9 9 3 8 8 8 8 9 9 6

6 7 8* 9* 1 2 3* 4 5

ASSESSMENTS 2014 -2018 you have 5 years of 8 which represents making money, financial gain, job promotion, new business, business success, and favor. Good Financial years for you! Notoriety and statu sis yours, many years to shine and have the materialistic things that you have desired. 8 is a cyclic number which means the way it looks, ups and downs with finances can occur. Save for your emergency fund. 2016 You may be interested in starting back to school or getting some training , it may also be a job promotion, or leaving your job to run your business full time. 2017-2018 if you are not wearing contraceptives their is a great possiblity of becoming pregnant in these years.Watch issues with your relationship around communication and socializing. The specific years of 2014 & 2018 are 3-8, 8-3 years ; a creative time where a lot of

socializing and business networking will help to expand your business. On the flip side of these energies you will need to watch for accidents, both at home around sharp objects, machinery and among people, especially eating out that can cause food borne or gastric illness. Watch driving home at night alone, better to be with others than alone. Watch gossiping and those that gossip, as it may boomerang. 2019- A year where you can expect alot of work as well as reward and success. There may be home fixtures or the consideration to buy a new home. 2020- a financially rewarding year, alot of mutitasking and traveling, possibly relocation. Watch health issues and sexual temptations.



1 Essence The Essence of the number 1 signals a time when you are developing new ideas and beginning projects. This will be a period that will bring the opportunity for marked increase in your personal status and recognition. This Essence is often an opportunity to turn a life-long hobby into a moneymaking vocation. Many new friends and business associations are likely now. Your status in the world may grow, and you may get some recognition for your achievements. This may mean going to school to learn new skills and a degree that give you validity and security in your field. One thing may lead to another and you may find many alterations in your life during this essence.

if this essence remains in effect for 3 years or more...

Because this Essence is in effect for such a long period of time, its meaning with regard to change is somewhat confusing. In some cases, this foretells of a series of dramatic ongoing changes, or one considerable change with many years between the beginning and the finale of the alteration.

with a 1 personal year...

The effects of this Essence in a number 1 Personal Year are greatly amplified. It will be very hard for you to choose between the opportunities during this period. You are apt to run into some frustrating situations, especially with people in positions of authority. You need to be prepared to make careful choices now with an eye on the future value of decisions as opposed to what feels good at the moment. 2 Essence The Essence of the number 2 is a cycle when everything seems to be consolidating and growing as it is revolving around partnerships. Emphasis on cooperation and patience. You may find yourself developing relationships, or trying very hard to develop a good relationship. You will likely find yourself working with and hopefully helping others. Conversely, you can expect to get much help from others now. On the flipside of this energy, this is apt to be a period of slow development, delays, roadblocks, and obstacles, and the period can be one of great frustration for you in certain ways. There can be a lot of emotions associated with the 2 Essence, and you may become much more sensitive now. Confrontations are difficult now, but often necessary.

if this essence remains in effect for 3 years or more...

The 2 Essence remaining in your lifepath for a lengthy period may produce nervous tension due to

prolonged high emotions and/or deep frustration due to the delays and problems encountered. Negative Interactions based or physical or mental abuse that you may be causing or may have happened to you.

with a 2 personal year...

When this Essence is in effect during a number 2 personal year, emotional conflicts may heighten the tension, upset the sensitivity, and even affect the health. Self-control and a disciplined approach can help maintain a harmonious balance. Plan to move forward slowly, despite periodic detours. 3 Essence The Essence of the number 3 is a very special time when you feel and experience the joy of living and the ability to be intensely creative. You are apt to be making a lot of new friends and renewing old friendships. This is a time for love affairs and expanding the social circle; many activities and good times. You are likely to travel a good bit during this Essence. The other factor that is associated with the Essence of 3 is that of expression. This is a very good time for you to be interested in the development of creative work, particularly works that involve singing, acting, writing, entertaining, publishing, directing. This should be a busy time advancing your talents with classes or study, or for starting or expanding business ventures involving creative endeavors. It also deals with fertility and having a family. Optimism is the operative word for this cycle. This is a very pleasant period, but you must beware of a tendency now to scatter your energies.

when the period extends for 3 years or more...

This long period may allow a significant creative development in a positive and happy time of your life. Watch for idling time away that is not productive, watch for calamity and things that you say that can be misconstrued and can haunt you later.

3 Essence with 3 Personal year...

A fertile cycle and denotes having a family, twins or triplets can result. Since you are enjoying this three Essence along with a 3 personal year, you may have a great deal of difficulty maintaining your sense of self-discipline. Having too much fun can be a long term mistake. Likewise, this is probably to be a very restless time for you as you may be on the go a great deal. Watch for the Murphys Law incidents, and not taking care of your business. 4 Essence During this number 4 Essence the events and opportunities coming your way will emphasize a

more serious tone. This is a time to buckle down and put the affairs of your life in order. Your attention is apt to be drawn to more practical interests such as dealing with financial matters and work. The development of opportunities in your life now are about creating financial stability and security with a lot of hard work, effort, determination and discipline. In many ways you are apt to feel a sense of restriction in your life, this is a building time and the building is sometimes painfully slow. This cycles keeps you busy going from one endeavor to another.

if this essence is in effect for 3 years or more...

Since the 4 essence is with you for several years, this period is apt to feel like a never ending struggle. Yet significant gains or accomplishments may be the reward for your hard work and determination during this essence.

with personal year 4...

Since this Essence accompanies a personal year number 4, the feelings of being in a rut are common. The repressive conditions may be in your mind more than in the work at hand, but the feeling will be there just the same. Be objective about the obstacles you really face because it may be that they are not as formidable as you think. 5 Essence With the Essence of the number 5 you will find that the events and opportunities coming your way will emphasize freedom and change. Your experiences during this cycle will be sudden, unusual, and unexpected, and you are apt to be dealing with constantly changing circumstances and activities. The ventures in your life now will stress progress, new ideas, and probably new friends. Watch your health. Travel and change of residence is very likely. There should be a caution here to avoid tendencies to go off in every direction and scatter your forces. Choose your opportunities carefully and thoughtfully. Freedom is great, but be sure to use it in constructive ways that help others and yourself. Watch for making risky decisions, accidents on the road and around the home.

period of 5 Essence for 3 or more years

A long period of 5 Essence suggests that it is apt to be a very free-wheeling period. Unless some self-discipline is exercised, most of the energy is likely to be scattered with little accomplishment. If this scattering occurs, there may be feelings of deep frustration. Watch issues with health and repressing your feelings and life style to suit someone else.

the 5 essence during a 5 personal year...

This may be a period when you are too free-wheeling and unrestrained. Constant change is not always constant growth and development. Try to maintain a balanced and thoughtful approach to

problems and opportunities. Control self-centered interests. Watch for affairs and be careful of sexually transmitted diseases. 6 Essence (Money, Streams of Income) The 6 Essence focuses circumstances and opportunities on the home, the family, and largely on domestic matters. This time is associated with responsibility, but usually the job is close to home or involving those nearest to you, including your close friends. If you are single, this Essence is a very good time for marriage; if married, this is a good time for your marriage. It is a good time to surface any problems that may exist in the marriage and deal with them before they become more serious. This is also a time for children, and it may be a time to have a child. The 6 essence also may and often does involve you in service to your community in some way; assuming responsibility for those outside your immediate family. This is more common if you are older and the need for your services in the immediate family is not apparent.

if 6 essence extends for three years or longer

The idea of intense responsibility is very much a part of your life during this period. Ideally, you will accept responsibilities and thrive in its execution. Resistance to duty now may impart a sense of suppression or isolation. On the other hand, if you meet challenges now, you are apt to become handsomely repaid with love and the devotion of those close to you. Financial opportunities are available and you can elevate your financial status with promotions and upper level positions. Recognition for community service. This is also a time to make commitments to relationships that you have been for a while.

The 6 essence during a 6 personal year

Responsibilities may never seem greater, but the rewards for accepting obligations and meeting the test may never be greater either. This is a year when feeling emotions and sharing them with someone close to you can help the family or community grow stronger and more cohesive. Financial opportunities may abound adding additional streams of income. This may be a time when the size of your family grows larger. 7 Essence During the essence of the number 7, many of the events in your life now will often involve study, a sense of isolation, introspection and seclusion. A time of looking for an understanding of fundamentals and pursuing new interests. Spiritual analyzing and self reflection about your lifes purpose and other interests that catch your minds eye set you to do some heavy research and exploration. Your intellect will be laser sharp. You may find taking classes toward a degree, finishing a project that you are now inspired to complete because of your research, a compelling sense of

enlightening others with your finds is also there. You will find that you are more psychic and instinctually perceptive.

When the 7 essence is in effect for 3 years or more...

Since the 7 essence is to be with you for a while, look forward to a time of internality and spiritual growth. You may grow away from others and become much more introspective. Your spiritual gifts and talents will continue to grow.

When the 7 essences is joined by a 7 personal year

This can be a period when you become very moody and withdrawn. You may have to force yourself to be social because this seems like an aspect of life that is not important now. While you may actually enjoy your solitude, guard against signs of depression. 8 Essence (Money & Wealth) The number 8 essence suggests that the trend of events will be pointed toward getting ahead in a material sense and basically taking care of business. This essence normally marks a period when the business and professional reputation is enhanced and ripens. You are apt to reap financial gain now, building or expanding current ventures. Common sense and good judgments will help you achieve goals and make some real progress. This is apt to be a period when you work very hard.

for periods of 8 Essence exceeding 3 years...

This long period 8 essence may be an indication that you are very focused on issues of the career, power, and status. You may have to be reminded to stop occasionally to "smell the roses."

8 Essence with 8 Personal Year

When the 8 essence is joined by an 8 personal year, the stress of you devotion to "getting ahead" can be great. While this is an important period for you relative to the career, your power and status, it is also a time that can take a toll on other aspects of your life. 9 Essence (Abundance & Favor) With the Essence of the number 9 life will tend to have a very dramatic or emotional flair. Your feelings and reactions to events will be very acute. Often this Essence denotes the ending to a significant endeavor, and a marked change in interests of some kind. If you are single, there is likely to be an intense or emotional romance. Frequently, this Essence shows involvement with humanitarian endeavors are a constant during the essence period. Endings now may lead to a more


useful life. Time for rewards for previous work, abundance, money and favor are in store.

for periods of 9 Essence exceeding 3 years...

The fact that this is such a long period of 9 essence suggests that it is apt to be a very extended period of passionate feelings, a long drawn out love affair with a prolonged ending, or perhaps a sustained effort of some sort.

when the 9 Essence is coupled with a 9 personal year....

This may be an emotionally draining year which completions coming only with great difficulty. Clear thinking will be difficult but it is a must. 22 Essence This is a period of enormous demands and, consequently, the chance to achieve greatness. You will find yourself at the center of some larger movement or social cause. Power has come to you, but you will need every ounce of strength to accomplish the task that lies before you. You now serve some greater social good. Selfishness, pettiness, and timidity will cause you much trouble. They are antagonistic to everything that you have set your sights on. Now is a time to build some great and lasting edifice. That edifice may be physical - a building or a business, for example - or it may be social advancing a truly worthy social cause. Whatever it is, it has come to you from a higher plane, or what might be termed the archetypal world. You will see this truth everywhere you look. Practically speaking, people's well-being, their livelihoods or general attitudes - rests in a large measure with what you do. People naturally look to you for leadership and inspiration. Your vision is truly wide and distant in scope. Your actions have dramatic effects. Therefore, you are more cautious and responsible with what you do. This can be a sensitive period. You are being asked to live according to higher ideals. Your values must be above reproach. Avoid disagreements; be magnanimous and patient with others. Take the slower, sure path toward problem solving. Get sufficient rest and take care of your own personal needs. Be balanced in your activities. Avoid excessive work. Pay attention to detail without losing your vision of your longer term priorities. You are now building a foundation for something that will serve a greater social good. Think big and take practical steps to ensure that your dreams become reality.


Intensification modifiers are really a lot like road signs. Unlike the Core Numbers that make up our nature, the intensification modifiers point us to areas that we know will be examined throughout our life as lessons. Whether in excess or void we are pointed in the direction of improving the qualities of our nature. Where excess energy exists, we will use the energy to achieve, grow, and acquire in relationship to the number. If we find areas that are void, they help to round out our character and attain life lessons in these areas. BENITA 255921 Core Destiny Life Path Soul Personality Soul Contract Amount 6 4 5 1 1 SANCHEZ 1 1 5 3 858 + or Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 TORRES 269951 Letter AJS BKT CLU DMV ENW FOX GPY HQZ IR Average 4 3 1 0 5 1 0 2 3


Benita, you have a 0 in 4 (D,M,V)and 7 (G,P,Y)this shows how I obtained you karma numbers that is explained earlier in the report. You also have an excess in number in 1 (AJS) which is a number of authority, drive and ambition, all good attributes to use when going after what you want or executing goals. On the flip watch being selfish, instigating arguments, bossy, and arrogant. You also have an excess in the number 2, the number of partnership and mediation. This suggests that you can become co-dependant, looking for acceptance and self validation of others, trying to prove yourself. Watch being a co-dependant, needy and a doormat in a relationship with family, friends and your significant others. You also have an excess in number 5 (ENW) which is the vibration of change, spontaneity, travel, risk, opportunities, sensuality and healing. Using the positive aspect of this vibration can be exciting and transformational but its flip side can be vacilitation, not staying focused, scattered energies, foolish decisions that may cause personal harm. An excess of 8 is a number that is materialistic, attracted to making money and acquiring the latest things, it is very authoritative and assertive. You can get what you want and have what you need with this placement. On the flip side you can be too demanding, overbearing, controlling, argumentative and selfish. You will run others away from you if you are insensitive and bullying. Watch for making enemies and taking risks, especially with machinery and metals. An excess is also in the number 9 which is the humanitarian, and represents universality, success, accomplishment and completion. You are highly creative and gifted in this placement. You may find yourself running to aid others and wonder you where you fit in governing your own life. You will need to balance the need to volunteer and help others (champion the underdogs), at the risk of your own sanity and goals that you have set for yourself that align with your cosmic destiny. The flip side of 9 is destruction, oblivion. Learn to walk in balance.


Make sure you get your Annual Report!

Your Cosmic Numerologist 1(888) 980-1223 Specializing in the Science of Self Actualization





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