A Cascade of Ruin - The Money Party

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The Money Party (6): "A Cascade of Ruin"

Monday, 22 September 2008, 11:27 pm
Column: Michael Collins

The Money Party (6): Meltdown Perpetrators Position Themselves

Meet the new boss - Robin Hood in Reverse U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson WikiCommons

"A Cascade of Ruin"

Michael Collins
"Scoop" Independent News

(Wash. DC) Well, they finally did it. The Money Party exposed the nauseating underbelly
of first world finance. It's a cross between a Ponzi scheme and a complex math puzzle, all
geared to let those in charge rake off as much money as they can, whenever they can,
while they leave us out in the cold. Unfortunately, this time their greed and lack of
control has the world poised for a systemic economic meltdown.

The collapse and subsequent government rescue of home mortgage giants Freddie Mac
and Fannie Mae, stock brokerage Merrill Lynch, investment bank Bear Stearns, and, an
insurance company, AIG, are designed to show we're moving away from the brink of
disaster to a safer place. "The system is working" to manage what Alan Greenspan is
calling a once in a century event.

One thing the system might do while it's working so hard is explain why we're bailing out
a stock brokerage and an insurance company? Isn't this about banks? Don't hold your
breath. The corporate elite and political misanthropes who caused this are getting ready to
put the final nail in the coffin of the United States economy and the livelihood of the vast
majority of citizens.

If this happens, they will have achieved their goal: overshadowing nearly all of the
domestic resistance to their schemes of perpetual empire and plunder with a financial
meltdown that places survival and subsistence as the highest value.

The stock market rallied last Thursday indicating that some felt better. But who were
those buying stocks? The same people who bought into the ridiculous schemes
perpetrated by the fallen financial giants: Wall Street and the institutional investors who
have the biggest stake in the market "recovery." The soon to fail financial institutions are
reassuring each other that those in the tank were somehow different, deviant maybe,
rather than the first in a long line of failures to come.

How did it start?

The dot.com stock frenzy was clearly over by 2001. Since Wall Street needs constant
growth as a fix for its financial Jones, something had to replace tech stocks. That wasn't
easy since good companies with solid products don't offer the type of immediate
gratification required for those promising high returns to investors.

In a stroke of warped vision, "subprime securities" were created in 1990. Risky home
mortgages called subprime loans were bundled together then sold as a premium
investment representing an audacity of hype.

Adjustable rate mortgages (ARMs) became easily available to hard working people
struggling to buy a home, people who hadn't qualified for loans in the past. Nobody
mentioned that the way the loan was structured they'd be unable to make payments in a
year or two.

The funds of other hard working people who hoped to retire someday were used to
purchase stocks based on these risky loans. Nobody bothered to tell them that their funds
would go down the drain when those subprime loans started defaulting.

Then guru Greenspan made one of the few decipherable public statements of his career.
He told home owners about that great opportunity, adjustable rate mortgages. "American
consumers might benefit if lenders provided greater mortgage product alternatives to the
traditional fixed-rate mortgage," he said. He went on, "traditional fixed-rate mortgage
may be an expensive method of financing a home." Alan Greenspan, Feb. 23, 2004
Greenspan endorsed what was already being done and gave it the patina of a smart
financial move. Lower those payments. Get that equity line and catch the Wall Street
wave by purchasing stocks. We were "rocking in the free world!" Millions got rich on
increased home values.

Real estate prices soared and then they did what they always do. They collapsed, in this
case, with a giant thud. All that "wealth" acquired through the housing bubble vanished.
Just as the economy slowed, many of those hard working people who just wanted a home
were greeted with the full cost of their mortgage. Loan defaults soared and then it

Those premium stocks collapsed. Record bankruptcy and default rates will do that to real
estate stocks. Premium subprime real estate stocks became plain old subprime real estate
stocks, which is what they were to begin with. Subprime loans vanished. The housing
market stalled, then crashed, and there was no new scheme to feed the greed of the
geniuses who thought up this scam.

Home value and retirement funds are taking a massive beating. It's survival of the fittest
for the vast majority.

But the planners and perpetrators of the scheme are doing just fine. The current rulers
decided it's time to expand socialism for the rich. In full public view, they're bailing out
the people who created and pushed this crazy scheme. How many in the management
chain are getting fired? Not many, it seems.

Is this just another example, outrageous as it is, of the super wealthy taking care of each
other or is there something even worse lurking in the wings?

What are they hiding?

Each financial entity bailed out so far had major holdings in the very risky financial
product called derivatives. Merrill Lynch even bragged about getting the "Risk
Magazine" award as "Derivatives House of the Year 2007.

Warren Buffet sees derivatives as a major threat: "The derivatives genie is now well out
of the bottle, and these instruments will almost certainly multiply in variety and number
until some event makes their toxicity clear." He went on to describe derivatives as
"weapons of mass financial destruction." These financial products were valued at $516
trillion dollars in 2007. The value of world economy was $65 trillion that same year.

Overly complex and insider oriented, derivatives are designed to "reduce risk." They are,
in fact, the looming mega risk that apparently can't be discussed. If the derivatives market
collapses, interlinked major financial institutions around the world are finished. The
financial system will have failed.

Analyst and author Michael J. Panzer describes derivatives as clearly as possible:

"-- it is not hard to grasp the basic economics of a garden-variety derivative such as a
futures contract. If the market price of wheat goes up between the time a deal is struck
and the expiration of the agreement, the buyer wins and the seller loses. That is what is
known as a zero-sum game. Nonetheless, whatever a farmer, to use the earlier example,
might give up as a result of hedging his output is offset by the reduced uncertainty.
"But it is an altogether different story when it comes to analyzing options, or a portfolio
of derivatives, especially those with lots of complicated bells and whistles. In most cases,
valuation and risk assessment depend on mathematical formulas and computerized
models, with many inputs derived from estimates and past data. That is all well and good
if the tools are perfect and the history is complete."

Panzer goes on to point out that the history, data, and assumptions used to analyze value
and risk are often sorely wanting. Hence, this pervasive financial product is a risk, in and
of itself, due to questionable assumptions.

These products are sold by very aggressive financial services groups based on serene
assumptions. For example, the products often don't factor in the impact a recession
derivatives. David Amerman made the point in simple terms. If sellers will target home
buyers who can't pay loans, we can count on bigger sellers going full tilt to get major
commissions on this widely held financial product.

So the financial geniuses have created a market that has no relationship to reality, other
than the reality conferred arbitrarily by banks and brokerage houses. Michael J. Panzer
explains how something this detached from oversight takes hold:

"In the modern global financial system, where many participants are either unregulated or
are monitored by a patchwork of country or sector-specific regulatory overseers, chances
are that a derivatives-related catastrophe will see a similar lack of coordination that will
produce a far more devastating outcome than if it was a purely domestic affair."

What is the real value of the derivative market? It would be helpful to know that given
the reliance of our banking and financial services industry on these financial phantoms.
More importantly, for our current circumstance, what happens when enough people
realize that there cannot be a value commensurate to the amount claimed?

This teetering derivative market can't be bailed out. There simply isn't enough money.
But our rulers think that the banks, insurance companies and stock brokerages heavily
indebted and riddled with derivatives can be saved. As Ellen Brown pointed out last
Thursday, save them and you stop the full exposure of the derivatives market. You avoid
the risk of people finding out that their money and investments are being held by
institutions willing to invest in financial products that are, at the least, highly speculative
and, at the worst, pure vaporware.

The current risk was triggered the forgotten assumptions in the home mortgage
derivatives market like recessions. Here's what's next. "The $62 trillion dollar credit
derivatives market is 50 times the size of the subprime mortgage derivatives market, and
is indeed larger than the entire global economy." David Amerman

Is it any wonder that we're faced with an economic crisis, one that encompasses the entire
economic system?

The Paulson Secretariat

The White House has selected Secretary of the Treasury Henry Paulson to lead an
economic "Charge of the Lite Brigade" to prevent a total economic meltdown. A version
of the administration's rescue package is available online. What's missing? There is no
requirement for "the bosses" to restrain their behavior, take a pay cut, or suffer any
consequences. It might tarnish their self esteem.

But the real treat is the unfettered authority of the U.S. Secretary of the Treasury, Henry
Paulson, to obligate citizen debt in order to rescue incompetent banks, brokerages, and
other failed institutions. Citizens will pay the bill but have no influence on Paulsen's
decisions. Here are two revealing provisions from Bush-Cheney White House proposed

"Sec. 2 (a) Authority to Purchase.--The Secretary is authorized to purchase, and to make

and fund commitments to purchase, on such terms and conditions as determined by the
Secretary, mortgage-related assets from any financial institution having its headquarters
in the United States.
"Sec. 8 Decisions by the Secretary pursuant to the authority of this Act are non-
reviewable and committed to agency discretion, and may not be reviewed by any court of
law or any administrative agency." (Emphasis mine) White House bill,

So here's the plan in summary. You bail out those companies that caused the current
crisis based on what one guy wants to do. You don't allow any review of the process of
spending $700 billion. And, you let the management and key staff of these companies
stay in place to do it all over again.

Tinkering with the bill to provide oversight, input, monitoring misses the point. The
bailout is the wrong approach. To begin with, oversight has failed again and again in the
financial markets. More importantly, it ignores the next crisis, credit default swaps, and
rewards the meltdown perpetrators. Nobody tells the truth about this being the tip of the
iceberg. Nobody faces any negative consequences. Most everybody stays in place.

How about somebody in authority coming clean?

When is someone in authority going to tell the truth, lay out the facts, and take
responsibility for this mess? Never, unless we make that happen. The mechanisms
readied for approval will be sold much like the Patriot Act; steamrolled due to times of
crisis. Those who speak out against another element of tyranny put in place will be
ridiculed. Protestors will face the newly outfitted local law enforcement anti terrorism
units who are more than willing to arrest anyone who disagrees with the administration,
even in heavily Democratic cities like Denver, Minneapolis, and St. Paul.

The perpetrators can position all day long, taking advantage of the citizens through a
quiescent White House, Congress, and judiciary.

But the truth will emerge - the country is broke and not because we don't work hard
enough, make good products, and provide quality services. We're broke because the
greediest people in the world couldn't contain their greed and there was nobody watching
them who wasn't benefiting. Now the watchers are desperately trying to make it all go

There needs to be an accounting and a correction - and not by the usual suspects.

Here's one way to start with derivatives crisis in major institutions:

"If all the top 25 financial institutions were put into receivership, and (big if) if they all
could be liquidated under an agreed legal framework, many of these risky contracts could
be allowed to offset each other, and much of the risk eliminated."
Private correspondence, Numerian, The Agonist, Sept. 21, 2008

Permission granted to reproduce this article in whole or in part with attribution of

authorship, a link to this article, and acknowledgment of any images.

For more information see:

It's the Derivatives, Stupid! Why Fannie, Freddie and AIG Had to Be Bailed Out by Ellen
Brown, Sept. 18, 2008
Letter to my Senator by Numerian, The Agonist, Sept. 21, 2008
The Coming Disaster in the Derivatives Market by Michael Panzer, Nov. 9, 2005
AIG’s Dangerous Collapse & A Credit Derivatives Risk Primer by Daniel R.
Ammerman, CFA, Sept. 17, 2008
LEAP/E2020 Summer 2008 Alert – July-December 2008: The world plunges into the
heart of the global systemic crisis. Global Europe Anticipation Bulletin, Summer, 2008

Previously in The Money Party Series


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