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Basic Astronomical facts about Sun Sun, the largest body and a star at the center of our solar system it is made mostly of hydrogen and helium, has a diameter of about 1.4 million kilometers. It contains more than ninety-nine percent of total mass of our solar system. Its mean distance from the earth is about 149 million kilometer. Its average geocentric motion per day is 0059'08". The Sun never seems retrograde as it is stationary and located in center of solar system and all the planets revolve around it.

The Sun in Hindu Mythology The Sun God is the source of all life and energy that exist in the universe. In hindu mythological, the abode of Sun god is known as Suryaloka, and this sphere is next to the physical world or bhu-mandala. Sage Kashyap and his wife Aditi gave birth to Indra, Visnu, Vivasvan, Miter, Amsuman, Dhata Tvasta, Pusa, Varuna, Aryama, Bhaga and Savita. These twelve sons of Aditi become know as twelve Adityas. Lord Bramha selected Savita from theses twelve Adityas and blessed him by saying only he will be worshiped and all other Adityas will be merged in him. But these twelve Aditayas exerts their force separately which gave rise to twelve months and each of them are said to rule over the each of the twelve months. As a result of this, we have different seasons and climatic changes. The Sun god's wife Sanjana was the daughter of Vishvakarma, the celestial architect. They had three children Vaivasvata, Yama (the god of death) and Yami. Sanjana was having tough time with Sun, not because of any discord between them but as Sun's light was too strong for her. One day Sanjana decided to go away from home, leaving in her place her body double, Chaaya (shadow). For some time, Sandhya lived with her father and then left it too, she took the form of a mare and went to the mountains to pray. Meanwhile, the Sun being unknown of this fact, continued to live with Chaaya and she gave birth to three more children, Savarni, Shani (later became the planet Saturn) and Taapti (later became a river). After passage of some more time Sun realized that Chaaya was not his wife and he went to look for her. He saw his wife praying in the form of a mare and he turned himself into a horse and approached her amorously. This led to the birth of horse headed twins, Ashwini Kumara, the celestial physicals of the gods. Sanjana told her husband that his light was too strong for her. Sun then decided to divide his light in to sixteen parts, each of which created different planets including Earth, while the Sun was left with one-sixteenth part of his original light and Sanjana came back to live with Sun. The Sun's chariot is driven by Arun and have seven horses pulling the chariot, known as Gayatri, Brhati, Usnik, Jagati, Tristup, Anustup and Pankti. These seven horses are metaphorically speaking are the seven colors which the Sunlight consists of and know as VIBGYOR. A powerful race of hindu kings are supposed to be the direct descendant of Sun god. This dynasty know as Suryavanshi, first king of this dynasty was Iskwakoo and later incarnation of Vishnu, Lord Rama was born in this dynasty. Names mentioned for the Sun in hindu mythology are Ravi (praised by all), Aditya (of Aditi, inspirer), Surya (the supreme guide or light), Bhaanu (the shining one or ray of light), Arka (the radiant), Bhaskara (the illuminator), Mitra (friend of all), Marichi (rays of light, starlight), Sahasrarhsu (having thousand rays), Savita (the purifier), Pushan (the nourisher of all), Khag (stimulator of the senses), Mihira , Prabhakara (creter of shining light), Martanda (sprung from lifeless egg), Chitrabhanu (lord of flames), Divakara (creator of day) and Hiranyagarbhaya (having golden

womb, the creator).

Basic Astrological facts about Sun The Sun is of masculine gender, karaka or significator of the soul, as relationship significator it denotes the father, as body part significator it governs the head. As per planetary cabinet it got the status of King, its temperament is fixed and steady, its element is agni or fire, its primary quality or guna is sattva or serenity, by caste it is kshatriya or warrior and its nature is cruel and malefic. It is the ruler of zodiacal sign of Leo and astrological fifth house, its exaltation sign is Aries, debilitation sign is Libra and determent sign is Aquarius. It gets directional strength in tenth house (south) and directional weakness in fourth house (north). As per planetary relationship its friends are Moon, Mars, and Jupiter, it is neutral with Mercury and its enemies are Venus and Saturn. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Sun are Krittika, Uttara Phalguni and Uttara Ashadha. Its period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of six years. It rules eastern direction and Sunday among the days of the week. It governs grishma or summer season and in metals gold and copper Its gemstone is ruby and substitute gemstones is red garnet and dark red, copper and orange are the colors ruled by it. In food and flavors it governs things of pungent taste. It represents the geometrical shape of a quadrangle. Positive key words for Sun are creativity, vitality, leadership, confidence & generosity. Negative key words for Sun are arrogance, cruelty, conceit, pomposity & aggression. As per Numerology, numbers 1, 10, 19, 28 and all those that adds up to 1, are governed by it.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Sun The Sun is the life giver to our physical bodies and controls the prana or life force. The placement of the Sun is very important for overall health as it governs entire constitution of the body. No number of words can express the Sun's importance in bodily functioning. It specifically rules the heart, eyes, upper back and spine, aorta and blood circulation. Every heart related problem arise due to affliction to Sun or its sign Leo, this includes enlarged heart conditions, palpitations of the heart, cholesterol-related degeneration of the heart, angina, pericarditis, endocarditis, blood pressure and heart attacks. High fevers, back problem, diseases of the bone marrow, rheumatic fever and sunstroke.

Professions governed by the Sun Any profession or employment having authority, command and power. Generally any service under Government but specifically high posts like department heads, envoy, ambassador, counsel general, ministers, etc. Employment in fields related to gold, manufacturing and trading in wool and woolen goods, wood and wooden furniture. Traders of wheat, grains, pulses and cereals. Career related to bankers, presidents, stock exchange, engineering, occupations involving children and related to entertainment, amusement and theaters. Service in medical department, particularly heart and child specialist.

The Mantras for Sun Beej Mantra of Om hram hreem hroum sah suryaye namah the Sun: The Surya Stotra: Om Jaba kusuma sankasam kashyapeyam mahadutim tamorim sarva

paapghnam pranatosmi Divakaram Gayatri Mantra of Om Adityaye vidmahe divakaraya dhimahi tanno suryay prachodayat Sun:

Remedies for Sun which are performed if Sun is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. Worshiping the ruling deity of the Sun, Lord Shiva. Recitation of Aditya Hridaya stotra. Reciting of Sun Mantras. Charity: Donate wheat or jaggery on Sundays. Fasting day: Sundays. Pooja: Rudrabhishek. Rudraksh: Wear one mukhi (one faced) or twelve mukhi (twelve faced) Rudraksh. Surya Namaskar: a simple twelve step exercise to be performed at the time of Sunrise facing east The Moon in Vedic Astrology Basic Astronomical facts about Moon: It is the only natural satellite of earth and only object in space visited by humans. It has a diameter of about 3,475 kilometers. Its mean distance from the earth is about 3,84,403 kilometer. Moon takes 27.3 days to make one orbit around the Earth and it also takes exactly same duration, which is 27.3 days to complete one rotation on its axis. That's why we always see the same face of the Moon. The Moon's gravity is about one-sixth than that of the Earth's. The surface of the Moon has many craters formed by meteor crashes. Moon is the causes tides in the Earth's large water bodies, because of the gravity force Its average geocentric motion per day is 1310'35". The Moon never seems retrograde as it rotates round the Sun along with Earth.

The Moon in Hindu Mythology Three supreme gods Brahma, Vishnu and Shiva disguised as monks, came to test Anasuya, the wife of Atri Rishi and demanded that she feed them milk from her breasts. The great Anasuya with her spirutal powers got to know the truth and and turned these three gods into babies and feed them as they desired. Immensely pleased and impressed with Anasuya, lords of the universe blessed her to have great children. Shiva's blessing caused the birth of Durvasas rishi, Vishnu's blessing resulted in the birth of Dattatreya, and Brahma's boon caused the Moon's birth. The Moon was then worshipped by all the celestials. He later married all the twenty seven daughters of Daksha and they were non other than twenty seven constellations or nakshatras. Out of his twenty seven wives Moon preferred only Rohini, and always remained with her. Other twenty-six sisters pleaded Moon to spend equal time with all of them. But Moon ignored them and with no option left these twenty-six sisters complained to their father, Daksha, who tried twice to reason with Moon, his son in law, but Moon ignored it as well. Daksha then lost his temper and cursed the Moon to suffer with consumption. Every day the Moon started to wane, losing his glow and no remedy could cure him. The gods also got alarmed at the possibility life on Earth will be affected without Moon, approached Daksha and asked him to modify his curse so that life continues on Earth. Daksha then modified his curse on condition that Moon has to spend one day with each of his wives and the consumption will effect him for fourteen days and in next fourteen days he will gain

back his form. Thus, the Moon now waxes and wanes in cycle of twenty eight days and he visits each of his wife once a month, for one day. Moon had no children by his twenty-seven wives, but he have four sons by another wife, named Manohara. But most famous son of the Moon is the planet Mercury. A powerful race of hindu kings are supposed to be the direct descendant of Moon god know as Chandravanshi, first king of this dynasty was Bharat, a legendary emperor of India, he conquered all of India, uniting it into a single entity. Bhrat today is the official name of the Republic of India and later Pandavas and Kauravas were born in this dynasty. Names mentioned for the Moon in hindu mythology are Amalendu (stainless clean), Chandra (glittering, shining), Divyendu (divine spark), Dvijendra (twice-born), Himanshu (snow covered), Mayank (deer marked), Nishanath (lord of the nght), Nishikant (lover of night), Rakesh (ruler of the day of full moon), Shashank (natural satellite), Shashi (hare-like), Soma (the cooling one ), Sudhakar (source of nectar), Sudhanshu (drop of nectar).

Basic Astrological facts about Moon: The Moon is of feminine gender, karaka or significator of the mind and emotion, as relationship significator it denotes the Mother as body part significator it governs the face. As per planetary cabinet it have the status of royalty as Queen, its temperament is fickle and changeable, its element is jala or water, its primary quality or guna is sattva or serenity, by caste it is vaishya or trader and its nature is benefic when waxing otherwise malefic. It is the ruler of zodiacal sign of Cancer and astrological fourth house, its exaltation sign is Taurus, debilitation sign is Scorpio and determent sign is Capricorn. It get directional strength in fourth house (north) and directional weakness in tenth house (south). As per planetary relationship its friends are Sun and Mercury, it is neutral with Venus, Mars, Jupiter and Saturn and its enemies are none. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Moon are Rohini, Hasta and Shravana. Its period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of ten years. It rules northwest direction and Monday among the days of the week. It governs varsha or rainy season and in metals silver and bronze. Its gemstone is pearl and substitute gemstone is moonstone and white and silvery are the colors ruled by it. In food and flavors it governs things of salty taste. It represents the geometrical shape of a circle. Positive key words for Moon are patience, sympathy, receptivity, protective & good memory. Negative key words for Moon are touchiness, worry, emotional instability, moodiness & smothering love. As per Numerology numbers 2, 11, 20, 29 and all those that adds up to two, are governed by it.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Moon: Body parts and function governed by it are the breasts, stomach, alimentary canal, lower ribs, womb, menstrual cycle and lymphatic system.

Professions governed by Moon: Employment in fields related to fluids, liquids, water, real estate, service industry and public relation. Traders dealing in sugar, milk, milk products, dairy farm, cloth manufacturers and merchants. Sailors, fishermen, liquor dealers, brewery workers, nurses, midwives, domestic help, poultry raisers, chinaware and glassware manufacturers, fruit and vegetable farmers, restaurant owners and workers, waiters and waitresses.

The Mantras for Moon: Beej Mantra of Om shram sree shrau sah somaye namah Moon: Moon stotra: Dadhishankha tushaarabham kshiro darnava sambhavam namaami shashinam somam shambhor mukuta bhushanam Gayatri Mantra of Om padma dhwajaaya vidmahae heem rupaaya dheemahi tanno soma Moon: prachodayaat

Remedies for Moon performed if Moon is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Worshiping the ruling deity of the Moon, Devi Parvati or Gouri. Recitation of Annapoorna stotra. Reciting of Moon Mantras. Charity: Donate cows milk, rice and white cloth on Monday to virgin females. Fasting: On Mondays. Pooja: Devi Parvati or Gouri pooja. Rudraksh: Wear two mukhi (two faced or Gauri Shankar) Rudraksh The Mars in Vedic Astrology Basic Astronomical facts about Mars: Mars is the fourth planet from the Sun and it is the first planet outside Earth's boundary. It appears to be of reddish color as seen from Earth. It has a diameter of about 6,794 kilometers. Its closest distance from the Earth is about 56 million kilometers. From Sun its distance varies from 205 million kilometers to 249 million kilometers. Mars takes 687 days to make one orbit around the Sun and it takes 24 hours and 37 minutes to complete one rotation on its axis. Its surface temperature varies from 10C to -120 C. Its average geocentric motion per day is 0031'27". Mars have two natural satellite of its own, named Phobos and Deimos. Mars retrograde period is about 60 to 80 days and it gets retrograde approximately every twenty six months.

The Mars in Hindu Mythology Daksha, the king of entire earth once organized the greatest yagna and invited all gods, demigods, sages, and other famous personalities. He however did not invite Lord Shiva, his own son-in-law. When Sati, Lord Shiva's wife heard about this yagna she left to attend it inspite her husband's objections, but when she arrived there her father Daksha insulted Shiva. This was unbearable for Sati and she gave up her life. On hearing the events that had taken place at Daksha's yagna, Lord Shiva's wrath reached its boiling point and in rage he pulled a hair from his matted locks and threw it on the ground and it became a fiery being of unequal strength with many heads and eyes, and thousands arms and legs. His mare sight was enough to strike unparallel fear in strongest of hearts. Lord Shiva named him Virabhadra and commanded him to destroy Daksha and his yagna and anyone who tries to stop him. Virabhadra with Shiva's army of spirits and goblins reached the venue of the yagna and seeing him and his army all started to run in different directions to save themselves. Virabhadra destroyed Daksha's sacrifice, and then killed Daksha. Virabhadra returned to Shiva who was extremely pleased with him, and granted him a permanent place in the heavens as a planet and named him Angaraka (Mars), the fiercest of planets. As Lord Shiva

directly produced Mars or Angaraka's, he is naturally referred as son of Lord Shiva just like his other son Karttikeya and it is said that those afflicted by Mars should worship Karttikeya.

Basic Astrological facts about Mars: The Mars is of masculine gender, karaka or significator of the strength and power, as relationship significator it denotes siblings, as body part significator it governs the chest. As per planetary cabinet it have the status of army commander, its temperament is violent, angry and rash, its element is agni or fire, its primary quality or guna is tamo or dull or ignorant, by caste it is kshatriya or warrior and its nature is malefic. It is the ruler of zodiacal sign of Aries and Scorpio and astrological first and eight houses, its exaltation sign is Capricorn, debilitation sign is Cancer and determent sign is Libra. It get directional strength in tenth house (south) and directional weakness in fourth house (north). As per planetary relationship its friends are Sun, Moon and Jupiter, it is neutral with Venus and Saturn and its enemy is Mercury. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Mars are Mrigashira, Chitra and Dhanishta. Its period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of seven years. It rules south direction and Tuesday among the days of the week. It governs grishma or summer season and in metals copper Its gemstone is coral and substitute gemstones is bloodstone and blood red is the color ruled by it. In food and flavors it governs things of bitter taste. It represents the geometrical shape of a hourglass. Positive key words for Mars are courage, energy, activity, initiative, and originality. Negative key words for Mars are arrogant, aggressive, headstrong, selfish, and impulsive. As per Numerology numbers 9, 18, 27, 36 and all those that adds up to nine, are governed by it.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Mars: Mars is associated with our physical and energy levels It is the natural significator of muscles, without Mars one cannot move a muscle and it is the energizer and stimulator of all aspects of our bodies. In terms of body parts and health problems Mars signifies head and reproductive organs due to its ownership of Aries and Scorpio, the natural first and eight houses of the zodiac. It governs muscular system, adrenal and prostate gland, blood specifically red blood cells and thus signifies any disease related to blood disorders, such as anemia, blood poisoning etc. Any type of blows, cuts, accident, wounds and surgery are signified by Mars. Headaches including migraine headaches, brain fevers and any type of inflammation, high fever and rapid temperature increases are also governed by Mars. As Mars also rules over the reproductive system it governs most diseases related to them like hemorrhoids, diseases of the reproductive system, coon, bladder, and venereal diseases. If Mars is well placed and aspected then one can quickly bounce back from sickness and have good recuperating powers and stamina.

Professions governed by Mars: People working in departments or trade related to police, army, firemen, security guards, weapons, ordnance, firearms, ammunition, artillery, inflammable substance and anything that is volatile, needs physical power including any fast, active and contact sports. Surgeons, radiologists, pathologist, technicians, mechanics and repair workers of any kind of machine, electronics and electrical systems, construction workers, iron and steel workers, butchers and barbers. Manufacturer or traders in acids, metal melting industries, furnaces etc.

The Mantras for Mars: Beej Mantra of Om kram kreem kroum sah bhaumaya namah the Mars: Mars stotra: Dharanigarbha sambhutam vidyut kanti samaprabha kumaram shaktihastam cha mangalam pranam mayaham Gayatri Mantra of Om angarakaya vidmahe sakti hastaya dhimahi tanno bhaumah Mars: prachodayat

Remedies for Mars which are performed if Mars is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. Worshiping the ruling deities of the Mars, Lord Kartikeya and Shiva. Recitation of Durga or Hanuman chalisa. Reciting of Mars Mantras. Charity: Donate red cloths, red lentils, ghee and black pepper on Tuesdays to young males. 5. Fasting: On Tuesdays. 6. Pooja: Kartikeya or Hanuman pooja. 7. Rudraksh: Wear three mukhi (three faced) Rudraksh The Mercury in Vedic Astrology Basic Astronomical facts about Mercury: Mercury is the planet closest to the Sun in our Solar System. Its orbit is one of the most eccentric among the planets. As seen from the Earth, Mercury never gets more than 27 degrees away from the Sun. It has a diameter of about 4,879 kilometers. Its distance from the Earth varies from about 77 million to about 222 million kilometers. From Sun its distance varies from 47 million 70 million kilometers. Mercury takes 88 days to make one orbit around the Sun and it takes 58.65 days to complete one rotation on its axis. Its surface temperature ranges widely between -168C to 427C. Its average geocentric motion per day is 0123'. Mercury has no natural satellite of its own. Mercury retrograde period is about 20 to 24 days and it gets retrograde approximately every four months.

The Mercury in Hindu Mythology Mercury is the son of the Moon. Moon conquered the three worlds and performed the Rajasuya, the sacrifice which gives lordship. Many gods and goddesses served him; having achieved this glory he became arrogant. The Moon was the chief disciple of Jupiter, the guru of the celestials, and was also the favorite of Tara, Jupiter's wife, who was attracted to him by his character and beauty. Once when Jupiter was away Tara and Moon eloped. Jupiter returned home, found his wife gone, soon discovered her whereabouts, and several times sent messages to the Moon requesting his wife's return. The Moon, however, repeatedly refused to comply with these requests, maintaining that Tara had accompanied him of her own accord and would leave only when she was satiated with him. These replies so infuriated Jupiter that he communicated them to his disciple Indra, the chief of gods who sent an ultimatum to the Moon. When Moon refused to yield, Indra began a war. Venus and the asuras (demonic celestials) took the side of Moon in this war, because of the ongoing enmity between Jupiter and Venus, while Lord Shiva, took the side of the devas. The war dragged on so long that the Great Rishis began to fear that the end of the world was near. Brahma asked Moon to return

Tara . This the Moon did, but he returned her pregnant. When Jupiter learned of this he was furious, and asked her for abortion. Tara had to did that but the baby which was a boy survived and he was radiant like gold. Seeing the child's splendor both Jupiter and Moon hankered after him, and both claimed paternity, demanding that Tara declare the true father's name. Tara was too embarrassed to speak. Finally, when Brahma questioned her in private she admitted that the Moon was the father of that wonderful child, who was the planet Mercury. Basic Astrological facts about Mercury: The Mercury is of neuter gender, karaka or significator of the speech, as relationship significator it denotes the maternal uncles, as body part significator it governs the hips. As per planetary cabinet it have the status of royalty as crown prince, its temperament is volatile and versatile, its element is bhoo or earth, its primary quality or guna is rajo guna or imperious and passionate, by caste it is vaishya or trader and its nature is benefic when associated with benefic planets otherwise malefic. It is the ruler of zodiacal sign of Gemini and Virgo and astrological third and sixth houses, its exaltation sign is Virgo, debilitation sign is Pisces and determent sign is Sagittarius. It get directional strength in first house (east) and directional weakness in seventh house (west). As per planetary relationship its friends are Sun and Venus, it is neutral with Jupiter and Saturn and its enemies are Moon and Mars. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Mercury are Ashlesha, Jyestha and Revati. Its period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of seventeen years. It rules northern direction and Wednesday among the days of the week. It governs sharad or autumn season and in metals brass and quicksilver or parad. Its gemstone is emerald and substitute gemstones are peridot and green tourmaline and all shades of green colors are ruled by it. In food and flavors it govern things of mixed or varied tastes. It represents the geometrical shape of a triangle. Positive key words for Mercury are brilliance, alertness, articulateness, versatility, and dexterity. Negative key words for Mercury are skepticism, nosiness, indecision, criticalness, and restlessness. As per Numerology numbers 5, 14, 23, 32 and all those that adds up to five, are governed by it.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Mercury: Mercury rules the nervous system, and as such its placement in a natal chart indicates all mental and nerve related problems nervousness, tension and the inability to relax. The messenger of the gods, it is also the messenger of the nervous system, relaying split second commands throughout the body. Mercury rules Gemini and Virgo, all the diseases governed by these two signs are automatically governed by Mercury. It rules all the tubing in the body, the channels through which blood, hormones, enzymes and oxygen move. Mercury partially rule the hormones dispensed by the glands in the body. Mercury is involved with the splitting up action and the pancreatic breakdown of sugar into glucose the amount of hydrochloric acid (HCI) in the stomach. This malfunction causes all digestion related problems such as colitis, flatulence, heartburn, diarrhea etc. Mercury is also closely associated with the thyroid, along with its co ruler Taurus. Mercury also rules the Thiamine or vitamin B-1.

Professions governed by Mercury: Mercury is a planet of communication, reasoning, knowledge, travelling, education and all business espcially trading related, it thus governs all profession related to these. Any profession or employment that requirs or is related to memory, intellect, writing,

communication, travelling and trade and commerce is giverned by Mercury. It governs profession and career related to any kind of publicity, advertising, propaganda services, telegraph, telephone, astrologers, clerks, accountants, auditors, translators, mathematician, brokers, teachers, lecturers, authors, journalists, editors, writers, interpreters, secretaries, messengers, post office personnels, salesmen, publishers, printers, drivers of bus, cabs and trains etc.

The Mantras for Mercury: Beej Mantra of Mercury: Mercury stotra: Om bram breem broum sah budhaya namah.

Priyam gukaalikashyamam rupenaam prathimam budham soumyam saumya gunopetham tham budham pranamaamyaham Gayatri Mantra of Om gaja dhwajaaya vidmahae sukha hastaaya dheemahi tanno buddhe Mercury: prachodayaat

Remedies for Mercury which are performed if Mercury is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. Worshiping the ruling deity of the Mercury, Lord Vishnu. Recitation of Vishnu sahasranama stotra. Reciting of Mercury Mantras. Charity: Donate green beans, gram and vegetables on Wednesdays to Eunuchs. Fasting: On Wednesdays. Pooja: Ganesh pooja. Rudraksh: Wear four mukhi (four faced) Rudraksh The Venus in Vedic Astrology Basic Astronomical facts about Venus: Venus is the second farthest planet from the Sun. It is the brightest thing in the sky besides the Sun and Moon. As seen from the Earth, Venus never gets more than 48 degrees away from the Sun. It has a diameter of about 12,100 kilometers. It is closest planet to Earth and its minimum distance from the Earth is from about 40 million kilometers. From Sun its distance is 108 million kilometers. Venus takes 225 days to make one orbit around the Sun and it takes 243 days to complete one rotation on its axis. Its average surface temperature is 452 C and that makes it the hottest planet. Its average geocentric motion per day is 0112'. Venus has no natural satellite of its own. Venus retrograde period is about 40 to 43 days and it gets and it retrograde approximately every nineteen months.

The Venus in Hindu Mythology Venus is the guru of the demons, he can raise the dead, with the help of the Sanjivini Vidya, who fall in battles with the gods. He is immensely astute, and, a true Brahmana, he is an expert in every form of learning. Venus has a medium-sized well-nourished body, long hands, prominent shouldets, a broad chest, and dark, short, curly hair. Overflowing with virility, he is intelligent, handsome, and sensuous. Venus is the son of the Rishi Bhrigu and his wife Puloma. Bhrigu Rishi was, like Angiras Rishi, (father of Jupiter) born directly from

Brahma's semen, which means that Venus and Jupiter, two implacable adversaries, are first cousins. One day, when Bhrigu was absorbed in deep meditation, Venus was near him and was appreciating the beauty of the nature, at that time the beautiful Apsaras Vishvachi was passing by, seeing her boy's heart with delight and he followed her to heaven. They fell in love at first sight of each other, and to fulfill his desire Venus created a hut in a small corner of heaven. Then they indulged in lovemaking of the many ages. When Venus's good karmas had finally been used up, he fell from heaven down to the Moon, where his soul reached the earth through rain that fell on a rice paddy. Entering the semen of a Brahmana who ate that rice, and then entering the womb of that Brahmana's wife via his semen, Venus was reborn in that Brahmana family. He then led an austere life on Mount Meru for long, until his path again crossed that of Vishvachi, who had been cursed to live as a female deer. He fell in love with the deer and mated with her; the result was a human child. The Brahmana who had been Venus died of snake bite not long after, and then, reborn as prince of Madra, ruled that country for many years. Afterwards he took many other births, including one as a bamboo forest and another as a python, until at last he was born as the son of a Seer living on the banks of the river. His original body, meanwhile, had long ago dropped to the earth. After many thousand years, Bhrigu opened his eyes to find not his living son but a worn-out body lying nearby. In his fury over his son's death, he was about to curse Yama, the god of death, when Yama appeared before him and asked him not to curse him, because his son fell into this state because of his own actions and he is now performing penance on the banks of the river Ganga. Yama then revived the body of Venus; Bhrigu thereupon told the boy his past lives and showed him the road to spiritual success. Venus set out to gain the favor of Lord Shiva and after worshipping him for five thousand years Lord Shiva appeared and blessed Venus and taught him the Sanjivini Vidya. In addition, Shiva named Venus the best of the planets and told him that his rise in the sky would inaugurate the performance of all auspicious rituals. It is for this reason that marriages are performed only when Venus is rising in the sky. Venus himself has enjoyed several wives and has been blessed with daughters and sons. Basic Astrological facts about Venus: The Venus is of feminine gender, karaka or significator of potency and desire, as relationship significator it denotes the spouse, as body part significator it governs the pelvis and reproductive organs. As per planetary cabinet it have the status of minister or advisor, its temperament is easy going and accommodating, its element is jala or water, its primary quality or guna is rajo guna or imperious and passionate, by caste it is brahmin or priest and its nature is benefic. It is the ruler of zodiacal sign of Taurus and Libra and astrological second and seventh houses, its exaltation sign is Pisces, debilitation sign is Virgo and determent sign is Aries. It get directional strength in fourth house (north) and directional weakness in tenth house (south). As per planetary relationship its friends are Mercury and Saturn, it is neutral with Mars and Jupiter and its enemies are Sun and Moon. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Venus are Bharani, Purva Phalguni, and Purva Ashadha. Its period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of twenty years. It rules southeast direction and Friday among the days of the week. It governs vasant or spring season and in metals platinum and silver. Its gemstone is diamond and substitute gemstone is white sapphire and white and variegated colors are ruled by it. In food and flavors it governs things of sour taste. It represents the geometrical shape of a octagon. Positive key words for Venus are harmony, devotion, refinement, affection, and responsiveness. Negative key words for Venus are laziness, indifference, self-indulgence, superficial, and flirtatious. As per Numerology numbers 6, 15, 24, 33 and all those that adds

up to six, are governed by it.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Venus: Ruling over Taurus and Libra, Venus helps regulate the throat, thyroid and kidneys. Venus rules vitamin E, Niacin and Copper. Venus also has dominion over half the circulatory system, the venous supply and it is concerned with skin. Venus play a part in diseases of the blood. Venus is also valuable in circulatory ailments, such as phlebitis, embolisms, thrombosis and dilation of the vessels of the arterial and venous systems and it keeps the body supplied with a pure source of oxygen. Venus also governs slack muscle tone in the body. Mars represents tight, healthy muscles, whereas Venus, its opposite, indicates a potential lack of tone or tightness, soft or weakened muscles. All the disease related to throats and neck like vocal cords, tonsillitis, diphtheria, laryngitis, swelling in the neck, mumps, and thrush or fungus infection of the mouth or throat. It governs thyroid related problems, various diseases of the kidney, as well as skin ailments, Sugar or diabetes, urine and semen related problems. There can be a tendency to overeat or eat rich foods, with afflicted Venus that put on weight and edema of the hands and feet or an inability to lose weight. Professions governed by Venus: Venus governs all professions and career related to art, entertainment, beauty products, luxury, and costly, items, food items especially sweets. Venus denotes all those related to acting, drama, film industry, music, dance, singing, instrumental music, drawings, painting, sculpture, photography, ornamenting, perfumery, art, decoration, jewelers, precious stones, luxury items, income-tax, revenue, finance department, bank officials, judge, wool dealer, barbers, hair stylists, wig maker, tailor, dressmaker, women's apparel, fancy goods dealers, hotels, restaurants, bakery, cooks, butlers, bars, dealers in dairy farms, ice cream, sugar, milk, confectionary, paints, dyes, acids, petrol, oils, fertilizer, glass, plastic, perfumeries, soap, marriage broker, registrar of marriages, tannery, hide, yarn, leather goods, tobacco, veterinary doctors, chemical and drugs manufacturers and dealers of automobiles and vehicles.

The Mantras for Venus: Beej Mantra of Om dram dreem droum sah shukraya namah Venus: Venus stotra: Hima kunda mrinalaabham daityanam paramam gurum sarva shastra pravatkaram bhargavam pranamaamayaham Gayatri Mantra of Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae dhanur hastaaya dheemahi tanno shukra Venus: prachodayaat.

Remedies for Venus which are performed if Venus is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. Worshiping the ruling deity of the Venus, Goddess Shakti or Durga. Recitation of Durga chalisa. Reciting of Venus Mantras. Charity: Donate perfumes, fancy items and white sandal wood on Fridays to married females. 5. Fasting: On Fridays. 6. Pooja: Santoshi mata pooja. 7. Rudraksh: Wear six mukhi (six faced) Rudraksh

The Jupiter in Vedic Astrology Basic Astronomical facts about Jupiter: Jupiter is the largest planet in our Solar System. It has a diameter of about 142,800 kilometers. Its closest distance from the Earth is about 588 million kilometers. From Sun its average distance is 778 million kilometers. Jupiter takes 11.86 years to make one orbit around the Sun and it takes 9 hours and 55 minutes to complete one rotation on its axis. Its average surface temperature is about -148C. Its average geocentric motion per day is 0004'59". Jupiter have 63 natural satellite of its own out of those Io, Europa, Ganymede and Callisto are well known. Jupiter retrogrades for about 110 days per year.

The Jupiter in Hindu Mythology Jupiter or Brihaspati was one of the eight sons of Angiras, (son of Brahma) and Shraddha. After receiving initial knowledge from his father, Jupiter left his home in quest for spiritual knowledge and meditated for thousands of years, his penances earned him a place as guru or teacher to the demigods. His work was to guide then and advancing their cause by thwarting the designs of the Asuras. Once Bhrigu or Venus, the guru of the devils went to the Himalaya to worship Lord Shiva for obtaining means to conquer and destroy the demigods. Meanwhile sensing an opportunity, Indra, the king of demigods sent his daughter Jayanti to Venus to obtain whatever he receives from Lord Shiva by deceit. She stayed with Venus for many years as his disciple until he obtained the boon from Shiva. Then, when he was about to return to the devils, Jayanti requested him to accepted her as wife. He agreed to be her husband but for only ten years and during this period they would be alone. When Jupiter came to know about this he made a plan and disguised himself as Venus he went to live with the Asuras and during these ten years he succeeded in removing hatred and factionalism from them. When Venus returned home the Asuras got confused seeing two identical gurus and they declared that their real teacher was the one who had been teaching them for the past years. The real Venus, got angry and left cursing them that they would soon be destroyed. Shortly thereafter Jupiter resumed his real form and returned to heaven. The Asuras, were now left without a guru and guide approached the real Venus and begged his pardon. He relented and again became their guru, but his curse had its effect, and for many ages the Asuras were too weak to threaten the gods.

Basic Astrological facts about Jupiter: The Jupiter is of masculine gender, karaka or significator of knowledge and fortune, as relationship significator it denotes children, as body part significator it governs the abdomen. As per planetary cabinet it have the status of minister or advisor, its temperament is mild, benign and soft hearted, its element is aakaash or ether element, its primary quality or guna is sattva or serenity, by caste it is brahmin or priest and its nature is benefic. It is the ruler of zodiacal sign of Sagittarius and Pisces and astrological ninth and twelfth houses, its exaltation sign is Cancer, debilitation sign is Capricorn and determent sign is Gemini. It get directional strength in first house (east) and directional weakness in seventh house (west). As per planetary relationship its friends are Sun, Moon and Mars, it is neutral with Saturn and its enemies are Mercury and Venus. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Jupiter are Punarvasu, Vishakha and Purva Bhadrapada. Its period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of sixteen years. It rules northeast direction and Thursday among the days of the week. It governs hemant or pre-winter season and in metals gold. Its gemstone is yellow

sapphire and substitute gemstones are topaz and citrine and yellow is the color ruled by it. In food and flavors it governs things of sweet taste. It represents the geometrical shape of a ellipse. Positive key words for Jupiter are expansion, opportunity, understanding, optimism, and enthusiasm. Negative key words for Jupiter are extravagance, bigotry, indulgence, fanaticism, and smugness. As per Numerology numbers 3, 12, 21, 30 and all those that adds up to three, are governed by it.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Jupiter: Jupiter rules growth and expansion and in medical terms Jupiterian expansion means overeating and lack of control. Jupiter also indicate swelling, abnormal expansion or too much of something. This inculdes all types of tumer. Jupiter has dominion over the liver and all diseases related with it including cirrhosis and hepatitis. Jupiter also rules the fats of the body, their process of breaking down through enzyme reaction and their proper utilization. It rules the hip and thigh region, gout and rheumatism, sugar problems. Jupiter rules Vitamins B-6, biotin, cholin, inositol, pangamic acid, chromium, manganese and zinc.

Professions governed by Jupiter: Any profession or employment that requires or is related to Spirituality, Religion, Wealth, Law, Voyages or Long Journeys. Vocations: Lawyers, Clergymen, Judges, Wholesale Grocers, Aldermen, Appraisers, Bond Salesmen, Cashiers, Capitalists, Financiers, Jockeys, Horse Trainers, Racing Stable Owners and Workers, Sporting Goods Manufacturers and Dealers, Shoe Manufacturers and Dealers, Shoe Workers. law, finances, budgeting. Money lending, helping moneylenders. Functioning as priest or worshipper in temples, Bishop, Nun or Padre in Christianity. Giving discourses on religion, faith and spiritualism. Holy places and places of pilgrimages, including outside temples, mosques, churches. Functioning as representative or member of any judicial or semi-judicial tribunal or any other similar forum. Agents and brokers in the field of law, judiciary, religion.

The Mantras for Jupiter: Beej Mantra of Om jhram jhreem jroum sah gurave namah Om graam greem groum sah Jupiter: gurave namah Jupiter stotra: Devanaam cha Hrisheenaam cha gurum kanchan sannibham buddhi bhutam trilokesham tam namami brihaspatim Gayatri Mantra of Om vrishabadhwajaaya vidmahae kruni hastaaya dheemahi tanno guru Jupiter: prachodayaat

Remedies for Jupiter which are performed if Jupiter is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. Worshiping the ruling deity of the Jupiter, Lord Shiva. Recitation of Shiv sahastranam. Reciting of Jupiter Mantras. Charity: Donate yellow clothes, bananas, saffron and turmeric on Thursdays to priests or brahmin. 5. Fasting: On Thursdays. 6. Pooja: Shiva pooja. 7. Rudraksh: Wear five mukhi (five faced) Rudraksh

The Saturn in Vedic Astrology Basic Astronomical facts about Saturn: Saturn is second largest planet in our Solar System. Its surface is made up of liquid and gas. Saturn is well known for its complex ring system. It has a diameter of about 120,660 kilometers. Its closest distance from the Earth is about 1.2 billion kilometers. From Sun its distance varies from 1.35 billion kilometers to 1.5 billion kilometers. Saturn takes 29.5 years to make one orbit around the Sun and it takes 10 hours 40 minutes to complete one rotation on its axis. Its average surface temperature is 178C. Its average geocentric motion per day is 0002'01". Saturn have 62 natural satellites of which Titan is most famous as it is the biggest satellite in our Solar system. Saturn retrograde for about 135 days per year.

The Saturn in Hindu Mythology Saturn is tall, black, long-limbed, and emaciated, with reddish-brown eyes, large teeth and nails, prominent veins, a sunken stomach, a long beard, matted locks, and stiff body. He is lame and his limbs are rigid; intensely harsh, he is cruel in authority, and his gaze is utterly terrifying. Saturn is the son of the Sun and his wife's Chaaya (shadow) and is the brother of Yama, the god of righteousness and death. As soon as Saturn was born, his gaze fell on his father and caused vitiligo; his gaze next fell on the Sun's charioteer, who fell and broke his thigh; and next upon the seven horses of his chariot they all went stone blind. The Sun tried a number of remedies but nothing worked. It was only when Saturn's gaze left them that the Sun's skin cleared, his charioteer's femur healed, and his horses regained their sight. Saturn became a planet after performing penance in Benaras and propitiating Lord Shiva. When Shiva's son Ganesha was born, his mother Parvati wanted to show the boy to Saturn. Saturn politely advised her not to do so, but when she insisted, he gazed at the child reluctantly with only one eye. Instantly Ganesha's head was reduced to ashes. To prevent Parvati in her anger from destroying the universe, Lord Vishnu cut off head of a bull elephant and joined it to Ganesha's body. Saturn is the lord of longevity, death, justice and time. Even King Indra and all the gods panic when Saturn is nearby, for over the ages many thousands of Indras have been overtaken by the power of time.

Basic Astrological facts about Saturn: The Saturn is of neuter gender, karaka or significator of grief and misfortune, as relationship significator it denotes subordinates, as body part significator it governs the thighs. As per planetary cabinet it have the status of servant, its temperament is cruel, insensitive and harsh, its element is vaayu or air, its primary quality or guna is tamo or dull or ignorant, by caste it is shudra or lower caste and its nature is malefic. It is the ruler of zodiacal signs of Capricorn and Aquarius and astrological tenth and eleventh houses, its exaltation sign is Libra, debilitation sign is Aries and determent sign is Leo. It get directional strength in seventh house (west) and directional weakness in first house (east). As per planetary relationship its friends are Mercury and Venus, it is neutral with Jupiter and its enemies are Sun, Moon and Mars. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Saturn are Pushya, Anuradha and Uttara Bhadrapada. Its period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of nineteen years. It rules west direction and Saturday among the days of the week. It governs shishir or winter season and in metals iron and lead. Its gemstone is blue sapphire and substitute gemstones is lapis lazuli and black and blue are the color ruled by it. In food and flavors it governs things of astringent taste. It represents the geometrical shape of a window with four

panes. Positive key words for Saturn are experience, patience, humility, wisdom, and compassion. Negative key words for Saturn are testing, sorrow, delay, disappointment, and limitation. As per Numerology numbers 8, 17, 26, 35 and all those that adds up to eight, are governed by it.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Saturn: The Sun is the life giver to our physical bodies and controls the prana or life force. The placement of the Sun is very important for overall health as it governs entire constitution of the body. No number of words can express the Sun's importance in bodily functioning. It specifically rules the heart, eyes, upper back and spine, aorta and blood circulation. Every heart related problem arise due to affliction to Sun or its sign Leo, this includes enlarged heart conditions, palpitations of the heart, cholesterol-related degeneration of the heart, angina, pericarditis, endocarditis, blood pressure and heart attacks. High fevers, back problem, diseases of the bone marrow, rheumatic fever and sunstroke.

Professions governed by the Saturn: Saturn represents all career and vocations that are related to hard labor, tradition, the practical, real estate, the old and the conservative. Saturn denotes people working or associated with labour and menial jobs like working as peon, servants, industry and factory workers, domestic work, driver, cabman, and working on manpower. All career and jobs associated with mines, farms, agriculture, gardeners, cemetery, excavators, real estate, builders, bricklayers, tanners, hides, coal, ice, and tombstone makers. Priests, monks, nuns, night workers and night watchmen are also denoted by Saturn due to strict, hard, conservative and lonely life of people connected with these jobs. Manufacture and trading in rail engines and locomotives of all kinds including manufacture and trading in cars, lorries, trucks, heavy vehicles and all other kinds of transport vehicles of auto and non-auto type like bullock and horse-carts are also associated with Saturn. It also includes all those associated with theft, robbery, dacoit, plundering, pick-pocketing, and any other kind of criminal or other unlawful activities.

The Mantras for Saturn: Beej Mantra of Om pram preem proum sah shanaischaraye namah Saturn: Saturn stotra: Neelanjana samabhasam ravi putram yamagrajam chaaya martanda sambhutam tam namami shanaischaraye Gayatri Mantra of Om kaak dhwajaaya vidmahae khadga hastaaya dheemahi tanno mandah Saturn: prachodayaat

Remedies for Saturn which are performed if Saturn is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. Worshiping of Lord Hanuman. Recitation of Hanuman Chalisa and Maha mrityunjaya Mantra. Reciting of Saturn Mantras. Charity: Donate black cloths, things made of iron, mustard oil, black sesame on Saturdays to old men. 5. Fasting: On Saturdays.

6. Pooja: Hanuman pooja. 7. Rudraksh: Wear seven mukhi (seven faced) Rudraksh Rahu and Ketu in Vedic Astrology Basic Astronomical facts about Rahu and Ketu: Astronomically (as per Hindu Astrology), Rahu and Ketu denote the two points of intersection of the paths of the Sun and the Moon as they move around the celestial sphere. Therefore, Rahu and Ketu are respectively called the north and the south lunar nodes. The fact that eclipses occur when Sun and Moon are at one of these points gives rise to the myth of the swallowing of the Sun.

The Rahu and Ketu in Hindu Mythology The Rahu is the son of Viprachitti and his wife Simhika, the sister of Prahlada. the devotee of Lord Vishnu. Ketu is the dismembered body of which Rahu is the head. The demi gods or the Devas were losing their glory and power due to a curse by sage Durvasas and the king of Devas the mighty Indra has lost his kingdom, the heaven to Asuras or the devils. The Devas approached supreme father, and creator or universe, Lord Brahma for help, who guided them to Lord Vishnu, the preserver of universe. Lord Vishnu made a plan and suggested Devas to approach the Asuras and ask them for their co operation in churning the mighty ocean to obtain amrita, the nectar of immortality, which Devas and Asuras can divide among themselves and can become immortal. The Devas approached Asuras who agreed as this task required combined efforts of both Devas and Asuras. They started churning using Mount Mandara as a rod and the Serpent Vasuki as a rope. Lord Vishnu incarnated as a Tortoise to hold up the mountain on his back. As the churning of the ocean started several things energed as a result, starting with poison Halahala which threatened to destroy all the universe but Lord Shiva kept it in his throat, without swallowing it. Kamadhenu, the wish-fulfilling cow, celestial horse Ucchaishravas, Airavata, the celestial elephant, the Kausthubha gem, the Parijataka (wish-fulfilling tree), Apsaras, the beautiful celestials maids, Lakshmi, the goddess of prosperity, Varuni, the goddess of liquor appeared one by one. Finally Dhanvantari, the god of medicine, appeared holding the pot of amrita. The Asuras forcefully snatched it, and refused to give it to Devas. Lord Vishnu then incarnated as Mohini, the enchantress, the most beautiful female form in the universe. Devas knew this plan and controlled themselves but the Asuras were overwhelmed with lust for her and agreed to her decision for distribution of nectar as per her rules. She asked all the Devas and Asuras to sit in a line and started distributing nectar first to Devas. Rahu disguised himself as one of the Devas and sat between the Sun and Moon gods, who recognized him and told Vishnu who was in the form of Mohini. Lord Vishnu severed Rahu's head with his discus, the sudarshan charka but not before he managed to drink a drop of the nectar and become immortal. Thus his Head and Body become separate but both become immortal as separate entity due to nectar. The Head is known as Rahu and the headless body is the Ketu. Since then Rahu and Ketu constantly chase Sun and Moon for revenge for they are the cause of separating head and body of the devil Rahu. And when they succeed catching Sun and Moon they swallow them causing Solar or Lunar eclipse but they cant hold them for long and Sun and Moon emerges again intact as they also had nectar and are immortal.

Basic Astrological facts about the Rahu and Ketu: The Rahu is of feminine and Ketu is of neuter gender, Rahu is the karaka or significator of

spiritual knowledge and Ketu is the karaka or significator of Moksha or the final liberation, as relationship significator Rahu governs maternal grandparents and Ketu denotes paternal grandparents. Their temperament is erratic and unpredictable and Rahu belongs to vaayu or air element and Ketu belongs to agni or fire element, their primary quality or guna is tamo or dull or ignorant, by caste they are outcaste, not fit to be a part of normal society and their nature is malefic. Rahu and Ketu dose not have rulership of any zodiacal signs. Rahu get exalted in the sign of Taurus and its debilitation sign is Scorpio and Ketu get exalted in the sign of Scorpio and its debilitation sign is Taurus. As per planetary relationship Rahu and Ketu are friends are Venus, Mars and Saturn, it is neutral with Jupiter and Mercury and its enemies are Sun and Moon. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Rahu are Ardra, Swati and Satabhisha. Nakshatras or Lunar mansions governed by Ketu are Ashwini, Magha and Mula. Rahus period as per Vimshottari Dasa is of eighteen years and that of Ketu is seven years. They rules southwest direction and in metals Rahu and Ketu rules lead and gemstone of Rahu is hessonite or gomed and its substitute gemstone is agate. Gemstone for Ketu is Cats eye and its substitute gemstone is turquoise. color ruled by it. In food and flavors they governs leftovers and inedible foods and foul taste. Positive key words for Rahu are Originality, independence, insight, inspiration and imagination. Negative key words for Rahu are confusion, deception, illusion, addiction and neurosis. Positive key words for Ketu are idealism, self-sacrifice, spirituality, intuition and compassion. Negative key words for Ketu are fanaticism, eccentricity, violence, amorality and impulsiveness. As per Numerology, numbers 4, 13, 22, 31 and all those that adds up to four, are governed by Rahu and numbers 7, 16, 25, 34 and all those that adds up to seven, are governed by Ketu.

Body parts, function and diseases governed Rahu and Ketu: Epidemics, insanity, skin diseases, poisoning of all types.

Professions governed by Rahu and Ketu: As Rahu acts like Saturn and Ketu like Mars, generally they rules the profession signified by these planets, but apart from this they signifies profession related to occult arts, magic. Rahu or Dragons Head or North Node represents, foreigners, foreign countries, foreign travel, engineering and the technical trades, gambling dens, the underworld and the bad elements in the society. Ketu or Dragons Tail or South Node represents technical trades, spiritual inclinations, superstitions and electronics.

The Mantras for Rahu: Beej Mantra of Om bhraam bhreem bhraum sah rahave namah Rahu: Rahu stotra: Ardha kaayam maha veeryam chandraditya vimardanam simhika garbha sambhutam tam rahum pranamamy aham Gayatri Mantra of Om naaka dhwajaaya vidmahae padma hastaaya dheemahi tanno raahu Rahu: prachodayaat

Remedies for Rahu which are performed if Rahu is not well placed in the horoscope:

1. 2. 3. 4.

Worshiping of Bhairava or lord Shiva. Recitation of Kalabhairav asthakam. Reciting of Rahu Mantras. Charity: Donate blue clothes, blankets, urad dal (Horse Bean) or coconut on Saturdays to beggars. 5. Fasting: On Saturdays. 6. Pooja: Bhairav or Shiva pooja. 7. Rudraksh: Wear eight mukhi (eight faced) Rudraksh.

The Mantras for Ketu: Beej Mantra of Om Sraam Sreem Sraum Sah Ketave Nama Ketu: Ketu stotra: Palasha puspa sangasham taraka graha mastakam raudram raudratmakam ghoram tam ketum pranamamyaham Gayatri Mantra of Om aswadhwajaaya vidmahae soola hastaaya dheemahi tanno ketu Ketu: prachodayaat

Remedies for Ketu which are performed if Ketu is not well placed in the horoscope: 1. 2. 3. 4. Worshiping of Lord Ganesha. Recitation of Ganesha Dwadasanama Stotra. Reciting of Ketu Mantras. Charity: Donate brown cloths, blanket, black mustard seeds to beggars and feed black dog on Thursdays. 5. Fasting: On Thursdays. 6. Pooja: Ganesh pooja. 7. Rudraksh: Wear nine mukhi (nine faced) Rudraksh

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