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: (Basic Lesson)

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1. ?
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2. ?
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, , , -

3. 12 (Portfolios) ?

The first house of your horoscope represents your identity, physical characteristics,
appearance, health and well-being, the
physical body, vitality, attitude, temperament and the way you look upon the world. It
also represents your self-image, outer
personality and disposition
b. : (& )
The second house in your birth chart governs money, possessions, material assets, self
worth, attitude towards security, bank and
savings accounts, spending and how money is acquired. Emotional and financial
security, personal values and principles are all
2nd house issues
c. : , , ( )
, &

The third house of your horoscope governs all forms of communication and
transportation. The style and manner of
communications, neighbors, siblings and other relatives such as aunts, uncles, and
cousins are representative of the third house.
Additionally, letters, contracts, telephone calls, computers, early childhood education,
documentation, papers, books, writing
utensils, cars, the subway and all forms of short distance travel are found in the third
house. Your mental attitude, learning style,
opinions, the analytical mind, self-expression and speech are also 3rd house issues.
d. : , ,
The fourth house of your horoscope governs areas related to home, family and
property. Your roots, family background, childhood, inner emotions, immovable
possessions, domestic life, the end of life and endings in general are covered by this
Psychological foundations and conditioning are also found in the 4th house.
There is some controversy as to whether this house covers the Father or the Mother.
One might say that the parent with the
most influence is covered by this house. In my practice, the Mother is found in the
fourth house and the Father in the tenth
house. Given that females are ruled by the moon in your chart and the moon is the
natural ruler of the fourth house, I use the
fourth house as a significant factor of the mother. This house also covers the one that
nurtures, which is primarily the mother
e. : ,
Children and how one relates to them are found in the fifth house. Also, romance, love
affairs (the type that will not lead to
commitment or marriage), pleasures, enjoyment, fun, amusement parks, playgrounds,
sports of all kinds, games, arts, leisure
activities, creativity, entertainment, concerts, holidays, games of chance such as,
gambling, speculation, financial risks, stocks
and investments are found in the 5th house. This is the house of self-expression
through creativity
f. : (, , ) .
The sixth house of your horoscope is the house of health and service. General wellbeing and illness are found here. Proactive
measures you take for your health such as diet and exercise are also found in the sixth
house. Hygiene, work (not career, as that
is a tenth house matter), service, employees, relations with employer, anyone who
provides a service to you in whatever
capacity, domestic pets and your daily routine are related to the 6th house
g. : ..

Serious committed relationships are found in the seventh house. Traditionally, this was
the house of marriage as marriage is a
contract you have with another person. Your spouse, contractual partnerships, one-onone relationships, business partnerships
including verbal commitments, rivals, justice, law, opponents (adversaries) are included
in this house. Whereas the 5th house
governs romance and love affairs, the seventh house is about the deep commitment of
love. It also shows what you need in a
relationship and partner
h. :
( )
Traditionally known as the house of rebirth and regeneration, this house is symbolized
by the Phoenix rising up from the ashes.
The eight house covers birth, death, decay, surgery, healing, wills, gifts, inheritance,
credit, legacies, other people's money, your
partner's money, child support, taxes, investments, the clearing away in order to make
room for the new, reincarnation, sex and
attitudes towards sex. As sex is a gift of giving one's self to another, so sex is found in
the 8th house.
i. : ,

Traditionally the ninth house is known as the house of long distance travel. Travel of
distances greater than 500 miles would be
found in this house. Voyages, foreigners, foreign countries, journeys into the unknown
both physical and mental, church, religion,
theology, philosophy, beliefs, divination, languages, higher learning, college education,
literature, books, publishing, media, law,
lawyers, truth, justice, prophecy, expansion and broadening of one's horizons in all
ways are covered by the 9th house.
j. :
The tenth house is the house of career and status. Ambitions, aspirations, attainments,
success, occupation, recognition,
reputation, prestige, identity within the community, public image, duty, responsibility,
superiors, authority and the father within a family are found in the 10th house. Since the
tenth house focuses on ambition and career, it makes sense that it would be the
house that appropriately symbolizes the father
k. : ,
Traditionally known as the house of hopes and wishes, the eleventh house is where

dreams do come true. If you don't think your

dreams can come true, just wait until you have a significant planet transit this house.
They do! Friends, group activities, your role
in your community, social life, acquaintances, associates, societies, volunteering,
leagues, clubs, other cultures and how we relate
to them, humanitarian causes and charity are 11th house issues
l. :
Things that are hidden are found in this house. Seclusion, secrets, occult activities,
psychic matters, escapism, drugs, alcohol,
sorrow, confinement, imprisonment, prisons, restraint, institutions, hospitals, anywhere
that you might be detained for whatever
reason, exile, the unconscious self, dreams, hidden fears, paranoia, self-undoing,
something behind the scenes, the subconscious
mind, spirituality, faith and psychological problems are covered by the 12th house. This
is the last house of the horoscope and the
end of a complete cycle
4. ?

. (That is on April 14th)
6 8 .
(August 17th or 18th)
5. ?
2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11, 12 .
6. ? ?
, .
7. ? ?
(Birth Chart) , ,


8. ( - Transit of planets) ?

9. / ? ?

120 .
(Sub period).

10. ?

11. , ?
- 6
- 10
- 7
- 18
- 16
- 19
- 17
- 7
- 20
Major Period x Sub Period = Number of months & Days of the Sub- Period
(In the three digit answer, first 2 digits are months and the last digit
multiplied by three is the days
12. ? ?
( )
- ,
- ,
- ,

- ,
- ,
( 2 )
13. ? ?
100% (Power)
- ,
- ,
, -
- ,
- ,
- ,
, -
14. , ?

4, 7,10
, 5, 9


15. ? ?

5 , 2-
16. ?
( 337 )



17. ? ?
Navamsam is the magnified version of a Rasi Chart
( )
18. ? ?
authority (Owner)

( , .


, !

The first house of your horoscope represents your identity, physical characteristics,
appearance, health and well-being, the
physical body, vitality, attitude, temperament and the way you look upon the world. It
also represents your self-image, outer
personality and disposition
b. : (& )
The second house in your birth chart governs money, possessions, material assets, self
worth, attitude towards security, bank and
savings accounts, spending and how money is acquired. Emotional and financial
security, personal values and principles are all
2nd house issues
c. : , , ( )

, &
The third house of your horoscope governs all forms of communication and
transportation. The style and manner of
communications, neighbors, siblings and other relatives such as aunts, uncles, and
cousins are representative of the third house.
Additionally, letters, contracts, telephone calls, computers, early childhood education,
documentation, papers, books, writing
utensils, cars, the subway and all forms of short distance travel are found in the third
house. Your mental attitude, learning style,
opinions, the analytical mind, self-expression and speech are also 3rd house issues.
d. : , ,
The fourth house of your horoscope governs areas related to home, family and
property. Your roots, family background, childhood, inner emotions, immovable
possessions, domestic life, the end of life and endings in general are covered by this
Psychological foundations and conditioning are also found in the 4th house.
There is some controversy as to whether this house covers the Father or the Mother.
One might say that the parent with the
most influence is covered by this house. In my practice, the Mother is found in the
fourth house and the Father in the tenth
house. Given that females are ruled by the moon in your chart and the moon is the
natural ruler of the fourth house, I use the
fourth house as a significant factor of the mother. This house also covers the one that
nurtures, which is primarily the mother
e. : ,
Children and how one relates to them are found in the fifth house. Also, romance, love
affairs (the type that will not lead to
commitment or marriage), pleasures, enjoyment, fun, amusement parks, playgrounds,
sports of all kinds, games, arts, leisure
activities, creativity, entertainment, concerts, holidays, games of chance such as,
gambling, speculation, financial risks, stocks
and investments are found in the 5th house. This is the house of self-expression
through creativity
f. : (, , ) .
The sixth house of your horoscope is the house of health and service. General wellbeing and illness are found here. Proactive
measures you take for your health such as diet and exercise are also found in the sixth
house. Hygiene, work (not career, as that
is a tenth house matter), service, employees, relations with employer, anyone who
provides a service to you in whatever
capacity, domestic pets and your daily routine are related to the 6th house

g. : ..
Serious committed relationships are found in the seventh house. Traditionally, this was
the house of marriage as marriage is a
contract you have with another person. Your spouse, contractual partnerships, one-onone relationships, business partnerships
including verbal commitments, rivals, justice, law, opponents (adversaries) are included
in this house. Whereas the 5th house
governs romance and love affairs, the seventh house is about the deep commitment of
love. It also shows what you need in a
relationship and partner
h. :
( )
Traditionally known as the house of rebirth and regeneration, this house is symbolized
by the Phoenix rising up from the ashes.
The eight house covers birth, death, decay, surgery, healing, wills, gifts, inheritance,
credit, legacies, other people's money, your
partner's money, child support, taxes, investments, the clearing away in order to make
room for the new, reincarnation, sex and
attitudes towards sex. As sex is a gift of giving one's self to another, so sex is found in
the 8th house.
i. : ,

Traditionally the ninth house is known as the house of long distance travel. Travel of
distances greater than 500 miles would be
found in this house. Voyages, foreigners, foreign countries, journeys into the unknown
both physical and mental, church, religion,
theology, philosophy, beliefs, divination, languages, higher learning, college education,
literature, books, publishing, media, law,
lawyers, truth, justice, prophecy, expansion and broadening of one's horizons in all
ways are covered by the 9th house.
j. :
The tenth house is the house of career and status. Ambitions, aspirations, attainments,
success, occupation, recognition,
reputation, prestige, identity within the community, public image, duty, responsibility,
superiors, authority and the father within a family are found in the 10th house. Since the
tenth house focuses on ambition and career, it makes sense that it would be the
house that appropriately symbolizes the father
k. : ,

Traditionally known as the house of hopes and wishes, the eleventh house is where
dreams do come true. If you don't think your
dreams can come true, just wait until you have a significant planet transit this house.
They do! Friends, group activities, your role
in your community, social life, acquaintances, associates, societies, volunteering,
leagues, clubs, other cultures and how we relate
to them, humanitarian causes and charity are 11th house issues
l. :
Things that are hidden are found in this house. Seclusion, secrets, occult activities,
psychic matters, escapism, drugs, alcohol,
sorrow, confinement, imprisonment, prisons, restraint, institutions, hospitals, anywhere
that you might be detained for whatever
reason, exile, the unconscious self, dreams, hidden fears, paranoia, self-undoing,
something behind the scenes, the subconscious
mind, spirituality, faith and psychological problems are covered by the 12th house. This
is the last house of the horoscope and the
end of a complete cycle
: &
: , , ,
: , , , ,
: !
75% ! (
90% .
(200%) !

---------------------------------------------------------------------------- ?
. .
. .
. , .
. . . .
( , ), , , ,
. + ( - Five Parts) = !

. (Date of birth)
. .
. ,
. .

. .
. .
( ? .

30 .
- 30 , . 0
. .
. 180 . ( 360
15 ( .
. .
, )
15 ( )
1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. , 6. , 7. , 8. , 9. , 10. , 11.
, 12. , 13, , 14.
+ 14 + + 14 = 30 .
. ,
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, , ( ),
, ,
, ,
, .
! .
() . .
( )
, .

, .

: 1, 4, 7 10 .
: 1, 4, 7 10 .
: 1, 5 9 .
1, 5 9 .
---------------------------------------------------------7 :
(Aspect, look, glance) . . , ,
2 . - 5, 9, 4, 8, 3, 10
, .

(Affliction): ?
. . ,
? . . .
! . .
Affliction - A planet that is aspected by or is associated with malefics is said to be afflicted.
Affliction - Affliction refers to a condition or cause of suffering. A planet that is aspected by or is associated with malefics is
said to be afflicted.
. (Combustion)
. .
Combustion means a planet losing its strength, so if a chart has 3 planets combust, means the person really loses the
major fruits of life.
: (Conjunction) , .
0 .

Two planets having the same longitude are said to be in conjunction.

. .
(Association): .
. . , ?

! !
, , .
- !
, .

-Asubhayoga: .
A Combination caused by evil planets
-Asurayoga: , , ,
A Combination for tyrannical and demoniacal characteristics tyrannical - characteristic of an
absolute ruler or absolute rule; having absolute sovereignty!
(Owner): . . .
(Ownership) , , .
, -
, -
, -
, -
, -

, . .
. 90 90 .
, !
- Ashtagavarga: - Eight sources of energy
of the planets.

Ascending directions

-Avarohana: -Descending direction

- occhabala: -Exaltation strength

-Ghati: 24 . 1/60
- Shadbala: . Six sources of
planetary and house strengths Shad Bal consists of the following strengths
1. Sthan Bal (Positional strength)

2. Dig Bal (Directional strength)

3. Kaal Bal (Temporal strength),
4. Chesht Bal (Motional strength)
5. Naisargika Bal - (Natural strength)
6. Drik Bal - (Aspectual strength)
These strengths are computed for the seven Grahas from Sun to Saturn. The nodes (Rahu & Ketu) are not considered.
-Satru: -Enemy
( , ,
): 6 8 !
- 1/30 .1/30th division of a sign
Dusthana: - 6, 8, 12
An evil place, namely, the 6th, 8th and 12th houses
- Dwadasamsa: 1/12 1/12th division of a sign

Dosha: Affliction

- Navamsa: 1/9 1/9th division of a sign. .
! Navamsam is the magnified version of a Rasi Chart!
-Neecha: .

Neechabhanga: -Cancellation of Debility

- Parivartana: ,
-mutual exchange of signs

- . - , - ,
, , , .

. , .
, .
. 27 .
1., 2., 3. , 4. , 5. , 6., 7. , 8. ,
9., 10., 11., 12., 13. , 4. , 15. , 16. , 17., 18.
, 19., 20. , 21. , 22. , 23. , 24., 25., 26., 27.
; .
, , , ,
, .
, , , , , , ,
, , , , , , 15
, , , 5 .

. 6- . 11-.
:1. , 2. , 3. , 4. , 5. , 6. , 7. , 8. , 9.
, 10. , 11. .
----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- , .

-------------------------------------------------------- , , .
: .
, . .
- Retrogression: .The backward motion of a planet.
? .
. 4 ,
. 4 .
: . .
. .

: . - auspecious time
31 (15-7.2010)
8 3/4 111/4
9:30 10:30
... .
:Janma Rasi:
.Sign occupied by the moon at birth
. ,
, .
Dasa - Period of Directional Influence.
, , ,
-------------------------------------- 120
---------------------------------------------- 120 ? . ?
? , 90 .
, . . ?
. ,
(Sub -periods) . ,
! !
& .
. 7,200 .
(Sub -periods) 7,200 . .

, .

, , .

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