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Muslim Face of the EU

As overall birth rates throughout Europe collapse, falling well below replacement levels,
the birth rates and immigration rates of Muslims have been high. Because Muslims often
don’t assimilate, strife is inevitable.
by R. Cort Kirkwood with 380,000 in Belgium and 280,000 in women. The European Union as a whole

Sweden. Nearly 200,000 live in Austria. is 102.5 births per 100 women.
n early May, Libyan dictator Muam- France and Germany have more than 6 The concern is what Europe’s face will
mar Gaddafi predicted Europe’s fu- million and about 3 million respectively. In look like when Muslims are ascendant
ture: “We have 50 million Muslims all, some 50 million Muslims have entered demographically, and how much that face
in Europe. There are signs that Allah will Europe since the 1950s, when virtually no will remotely resemble what used to be
grant Islam victory in Europe — without Muslims lived there. They now compose 7 called Christendom.
swords, without guns, without conquests. percent of the population.
The 50 million Muslims of Europe will As Muslim birth rates surge, native Eu- Cultural Change
turn it into a Muslim continent within a ropeans are aborting and contracepting Naturally, as the Muslim population has
few decades.” And he is right, if present themselves to death. The collapsing birth grown, so has its visible presence. Rot-
trends hold. Muslims will dominate Eu- rates across Europe aren’t just low; they terdam’s mayor is an immigrant Mus-
rope if Turkey, which contains 77 million are below replacement levels, meaning lim. Another Muslim immigrant sits in
Muslims, is allowed into the European that Europeans will soon go the way of the British House of Lords. In Southern
Union, as is now proposed, and its citizens the dodo bird. The bare minimum replace- France, mosques are more numerous than
are allowed to live anywhere in the EU. ment rate is 2.1 children per woman (or Catholic churches. As European Christian-
That is about the only conclusion one can 210 children per 100 women). Germany ity declines, its churches become mosques
draw from the growing Muslim population and Italy, at 80 births per 100 women and as well. Minarets poke into the skyline of
of the continent, which shows no signs of negative population growth, are headed Europe’s old cities and towns. In Brussels,
slowing. The demographics prove it. About for literal extinction. The German gov- Belgium, Muslim squatters simply began
1.5 million Muslims live in Great Britain. ernment predicts that the land of Goethe holding services in Our Lady of Perpetual
Another 890,000 live in the Netherlands, and Beethoven will be a Muslim coun- Succor, apparently with the permission of
try by 2050. France isn’t far behind with the bishop. Open-air meat markets line city
R. Cort Kirkwood is managing editor of the Daily 125 births per 100. The Netherlands’ and streets. Schools serve Halal food (foods
News-Record in Harrisonburg, Virginia. Spain’s rate is about 100 births per 100 permissible under Islamic law), not just

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Muslims ascendant: In the 1950s, few Muslims lived in Europe. Now Muslims are 50-million strong and growing, while the population of people of
Christian heritage plummets. Because Muslims often live in enclaves and don’t assimilate, many expect violent cultural clashes to occur.

to Muslim children but also to Christians A few years ago, a Muslim fanatic mur- overrepresented on rape statistics. In Oslo,
without their knowledge, while so many dered Theo van Gogh because he produced Norway, immigrants were involved in two
Muslims populate Norway’s prisons that the film Submission, which documents Is- out of three rape charges in 2001.”
the authorities gave up trying to serve dif- lam’s inherent misogyny. The woman who And then, of course, Europe is suffering
ferent foods and adopted an all-Halal diet produced it with him, Ayaan Hirsi Ali, is with its share of “honor killings,” the Mus-
for prisoners to keep the Muslims quiet. under sentence of death by Muslim radi- lim practice of killing wives, daughters,
Public swimming pools now segregate cals. In November 2005, Paris and other and sisters who displease their husbands,
men and women into different times of cities in France went up in flames when fathers, and brothers by considering di-
the day. In London, the Croydon Council “youths,” as the media described them, vorce, dating non-Muslims, or adopting
adopted a Muslim-only swim time. went on a rampage after police killed an- western attitudes or accouterments.
The Muslim transplants often do not ac- other “youth” they were pursuing for a On February 7, 2005, the Boston Globe
cept cultural differences and are not hesi- crime. Of course, the “youths” were Mus- reported in 2006, a man walked up and
tant to show their disdain of non-Muslims. lims, and cars burned around Paris for three shot his sister to death because she fled
As the late Oriana Fallaci observed, Mus- days. In the City of Lights, the police know the husband in her arranged marriage and
lims in Europe often show their contempt which areas they had better not go into. returned to Germany with their son. She
for Christianity by publicly urinating on In Scandinavia, European girls have also refused to wear the hajib, the Mus-
church properties. Others urinate in bap- suffered under what the European blogger lims’ scarf, and instead adopted west-
tismal fonts or defecate on altars. Fjordman calls a “rape wave.” As he re- ern wear, including earrings, makeup,
ported in 2005, “according to a new study and jeans. Frighteningly, all three of her
Crime from the Crime Prevention Council, Brå, it brothers planned it. Students at a Muslim
This sacrilege and cultural jihad is just the is four times more likely that a known rapist school outside Berlin, the Globe reported,
tip of the iceberg when it comes to what is born abroad, compared to persons born “greeted news of her slaying with loud ap-
Europeans face every day, for the illegal in Sweden. Resident aliens from Algeria, proval. Her brothers were hailed as local
immigrants from North Africa and else- Libya, Morocco and Tunisia dominate the heroes.” Der Speigel, in its article on the
where are also conducting a crime wave. group of rape suspects. According to these subject in 2005, put an even finer point
A quick Google search of the Internet statistics, almost half of all perpetrators are on the schoolboys’ approval of these kill-
reveals just what radical Muslim immi- immigrants. In Norway and Denmark, we ings. “She only had herself to blame,” one
grants and their European-born children know that non-western immigrants, which boy said. “She deserved what she got. The
have done, and are doing, to the continent. frequently means Muslims, are grossly whore lived like a German.”

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Nor is Britain spared these grisly murders. suspiciously, along with
In London in 2004, Iraqi Kurd Abdullah nearly 50 in the six years
Yones held his 16-year-old daughter over a before the Globe article
Given that Europeans are considering
bathtub, then slashed her throat. Her crime? was published. In 2005, admitting Turkey to the European Union,
She wrote love letters to a classmate. In Bir- British police reclassified
mingham in 1998, 19-year-old Rukhsana 18 murders as honor kill- they may want to consider what they might
Naz, pregnant by her lover, tried to leave ings: “Scotland Yard has
an arranged marriage. Her brother strangled reopened probes into 109
be importing. “Here in Turkey the figures for
her with a jump rope while her mother held suspicious deaths, cover- 2007 show that over 200 women were killed
her down. Fadime Sahendal also refused an ing a 10-year span, that
arranged marriage and planned to marry a seem to have been family here in the name of family or community
Swede. In 2002 in Stockholm, her father conspiracies to kill Mos- honor,” a British parliamentarian told VOA.
put a bullet in her head. lem women.” London’s
These honor killings are so widespread metropolitan police began
that European police forces convened a reviewing files as well. In 2004, they began ing admitting Turkey to the European
meeting in The Hague in 2004 to discuss reinvestigating 52 murders in London and Union, they may want to consider what
them. As Der Speigel reported, “The Turk- 65 across England and Wales. they might be importing. “Here in Tur-
ish women’s organization Papatya has Nothing has changed since that report key the figures for 2007 show that over
documented 40 instances of honor killings was filed in 2005. In May last year in 200 women were killed here in the name
in Germany since 1996. Examples include Hamburg, Germany, a Muslim man, also of family or community honor,” a Brit-
a Darmstadt girl whose two brothers pum- a career criminal, stabbed his sister 20 ish parliamentarian told VOA. “And it’s
meled her to death with a hockey stick times because she was not living the se- just the tip of the iceberg: In the United
in April 2004 after they learned she had date life of an obedient Muslim woman as Kingdom; in Germany; in Belgium; in
slept with her boyfriend. In Augsburg in he thought she should. She paid for that France; in Norway, there is evidence of
April [2005], a man stabbed his wife and “crime” with her life. A year later, also in honor crimes and honor killings.”
seven-year-old daughter because the wife May, the Voice of America disclosed that
was having an affair. In December 2003, a “a report compiled by the Council of Eu- The End of Free Speech
Tuebingen father strangled his 16-year-old rope warns that the killings of women by Aside from criminal violence, Muslims in
daughter and threw her body into a lake family members to protect their so-called Europe, particularly politically active Mus-
because she had a boyfriend.” honor is far more extensive in Europe than lims, are perpetrating another crime against
In its article from 2006, the Globe report- previously believed. The report was pub- the Frenchmen, Italians, Germans, and oth-
ed that police in Germany and England are lished by the council’s gender equality ers who welcomed them. Those who would
investigating cold-case murders. In 2005 committee at a meeting in Istanbul.” protest the Islamization of Europe have for
alone, eight women in Berlin were murdered Given that Europeans are consider- several years suffered criminal prosecution
for violating hate-speech laws.
The most prominent among
the last is Dutch Parliamentar-
ian Geert Wilders. Alarmed by
what Muslims are doing to the
Netherlands, Wilders produced
a 14-minute film called Fitna,
which documents the violence,
misogyny, and anti-Semitism
with which the Koran, the Mus-
lims’ holy book, imbues its re-
ligionists. As reported on THE
N EW A MERICAN ’ S breaking-
news website, Wilders has been
subject to all manner of indig-

Worth screaming about: A

sculpture entitled “Scream” is
unveiled near where filmmaker
Theo van Gogh was stabbed and
shot to death in Amsterdam by
AP Images

a Muslim for producing a film

criticizing Islam’s treatment of
women. £™

Before that, in February, victed five times for speaking out against
as THE NEW AMERICAN web- Islamic immigration and Muslims. Oriana
Unhappily, intolerant Muslims can count site reported, Britain denied Fallaci, the famous journalist and resis-
on allies in their effort to stop free speech entry to the Dutch politician tance fighter from World War II, faced trial
after Nazir Ahmed, a Mus- in Italy for “hate speech” against Muslims
and to dictate behavior according to sharia. lim member of the House before she died of lung cancer. Fallaci,
of Lords who was born in who called herself a “Christian atheist”
Among the collaborators are the Archbishop Pakistan, decided Wilders because she loved the cultural patrimony
of Canterbury in England, who said that must not be allowed to Christendom bestowed upon Europe, au-
speak. Wilders lives under thored three books that sent Muslims into
Europeans and Britons likely must accept 24-hour guard thanks to a a rage. Of course, she told the truth.
Muslim death threat, but it
some form of Muslim law, known as sharia. was he, the British border Rise of the Dhimmis
agency said, who threatened Unhappily, intolerant Muslims can count
nities for telling the truth about Islam. harmony and public security. After that ig- on allies in their effort to stop free speech
Indeed, Wilders runs afoul of some hate- nominious episode, the French Association and to dictate behavior according to sharia.
speech law every time he speaks. for the Defense of Human Rights (AEDH) Among the collaborators are the Archbish-
For producing Fitna, Wilders must announced that it wanted the authorities to op of Canterbury in England, who said that
face a trial. In January, after a lower court prosecute Wilders for “hate speech.” AEDH Europeans and Britons likely must accept
ruled that Wilders was merely exercising cited a speech he gave at the Hudson Insti- some form of Muslim law, known as shar-
his free-speech rights making Fitna, an tute in New York in September, which was ia. In Germany a few years back, a woman
appeals court ruled that Wilders must be part of Wilders’ truth-telling crime spree. judge actually ruled against giving a bat-
prosecuted for making “statements which If convicted, Wilders could face a year tered Muslim woman a divorce because the
create hate and grief.” in prison. In the United States, Wilders in- Koran sanctions “castigating wives.”
In early May, organizers of a free-speech vited the ire of the notorious Council on As Srdja Trifkovic described the case
conference in Denmark postponed their American-Islamic Relations after a speech in Chronicles: A Magazine of American
conference because of Wilders. According in Florida. CAIR was an unindicted co- Culture, “The husband routinely beat his
to the Copenhagen Post, the Danish For- conspirator in the Hamas terror-financing 26-year-old German-born wife, mother of
eign Ministry feared Muslims would not trial that shut down the Holy Land Foun- their two young children, and threatened
attend a climate conference in the country dation for Relief and Development. to kill her when the court ordered him to
if Wilders were allowed to speak the truth Wilders, however, isn’t the only cou- move out of their apartment in Hamburg.
about the creeping sharia gaining power rageous voice baying in the European The police were called repeatedly to inter-
over Europe. wilderness. Brigitte Bardot has been con- vene. The wife wanted a quick divorce —
without waiting a year after separation, as
mandated by German law — arguing that
the abuse and death threats she suffered
easily fulfilled the ‘hardship’ criteria re-
quired for an accelerated decree absolute.
The judge — a woman by the name of
Christa Datz-Winter — refused, however,
arguing that the Kuran allows the husband
to beat his wife and that the couple’s Mo-
roccan origin must be taken into account
in the case.”
The judge even referred to Sura 4, Verse
34 of the Koran: “Men have the authority
over women because God has made the

Honor killings: Europe, like Muslim-dominated

countries, has seen many Muslim “honor
killings,” where male family members kill
nonconforming female family members.
Shown are police outside a court in
Copenhagen, Denmark, at a trial in the murder
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of 19-year-old Ghazala Khan, killed by her

brother and eight accomplices because they
disapproved of her choice of a husband.

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Banned but not banished: Dutch politician
Geert Wilders was banned from entering Great
Britain because he produced a short film,
Fitna, warning about the contents of the Koran.
Though he is often accused of hate speech,
a poll by Maurice de Hond in March 2009
discovered that the Party for Freedom, founded
by Wilders in 2006, was the Netherlands’ most
popular political party.

tolerate them. When Islam ascends, the

feminists and homosexuals will feel the
sword of Islam drop upon their necks.

Donner’s “approach” brings the subject

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back to Turkey, for all these truths sug-
gest that Turkey’s bid for membership be
rejected, regardless of President Barack
one superior to the other, and because they changed, as long as he sticks to the law. Obama’s enthusiasm for the idea. And the
spend their wealth to maintain them. Good It is a sure certainty for me: If two thirds bid ought to be rejected for a simple rea-
women are obedient. They guard their un- of all Netherlanders tomorrow would want son: Turkey is a hardline Islamic nation.
seen parts because God has guarded them. to introduce sharia, then this possibility Even its prime minister, Recep Tayyip Er-
As for those from whom you fear disobe- must exist. Could you block this legally? dogan, disputes the widespread belief that
dience, admonish them and send them to It would also be a scandal to say ‘this isn’t his country or Islam is “moderate.”
beds apart and beat them.” allowed!’ The majority counts. That is the “It is unacceptable for us to agree with
Trifkovic made a trenchant observation: essence of democracy.” such a definition,” the prime minister has
Not surprisingly, Donner does not be- said. “Turkey has never been a country
Such treatment of women might be ex- lieve Muslims should assimilate: “That is to represent such a concept. Moreover,
pected to make Islam abhorrent within not my approach.” Islam cannot be classified as moderate or
the cultural milieu epitomized by the Indeed it isn’t. Western elites will not not.” The Hurriyet Daily News Service,
equal-rights obsessed European Union condemn Muslim outrages and fight which reported those remarks, also added
and the neofeminist New York Times, against uncontrolled immigration for two these from Erdogan: “It should be known
but this has not happened. There is a reasons: first, they hate their own culture that adopting a malicious and offend-
reason for this. It is the refusal of Islam and themselves. Second, they are terrified ing approach toward the sensitive issues
to accept the wife as her husband’s of the “racist” or “Islamaphobic” label. of [the] Islamic world by hiding behind
closest and inseparable loving partner A Muslim woman forced into an ar- some democratic freedoms like freedom
and companion. Islam therefore chal- ranged marriage at 15 years old could not of speech and right of free publication is
lenges Christian marriage in principle persuade German publishers to use her unacceptable.”
and in practice. Moslem teaching on writings. Serap Cileli told Der Spiegel Erdogan, as mayor of Istanbul, opposed
marriage and the family, though “con- magazine in 2005 that “people were afraid Turkey’s entering the EU and thought the
servative” about “patriarchy,” denies they would be called Nazis if they dared nation should quit NATO. He was jailed
the traditional Christian concept of to bring up issues of human rights in the for Islamist sympathies, which included
matrimony. Islam is therefore an “ob- Turkish community.” Thus, “everything these words from a poem: “The mosques
jective” ally of postmodernity, a few I wrote from 1994 to 1999 was rejected, are our barracks, the domes our helmets,
beatings here and a few rapes there even by newspapers. They told me I was the minarets our bayonets and the faithful
notwithstanding. writing about a minority issue and they our soldiers.” In 1995, Erdogan said, “You
were afraid of appearing racist.” cannot be secular and a Muslim at the
The judge’s point seemed to be that sha- Oddly, these same Europeans, who are same time. The world’s 1.5 billion Mus-
ria must supersede German law, which is at least nominal or baptized Christians, lims are waiting for the Turkish people to
what the Archbishop of Canterbury said have little problem trashing their own cul- rise up. We will rise up.” Erdogan, who
last year. Echoing that sentiment, Piet ture and other Christians. now supports EU membership for Turkey,
Hein Donner, the Dutch minister of justice, Across the board then, the left in Europe may well implement sharia there.
agrees that sharia is coming to his country: views its own society, particularly Christi- So the question for Europe, given that
“It must be possible for Muslim groups to anity, as oppressive and patriarchal, worse Islam is already reshaping the continent
come to power via democratic means,” he than Islam, it seems. But the multicultural legally and politically, is whether it can
said in an interview for a book. “Every left will learn the hard way that when tolerate another 77 million Muslims.
citizen may argue why the law should be Muslims predominate, Muslims will not The answer is obvious. ■

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