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Observation Assignment One Site Location: UNCC Tailgate


Assignment One February 2 , 2013; August 31st, 2013; September 7th, 2013 Time (Varies on Date): 7:45-11:30AM

Note: The observation in which I chose to observe was already in effect for an hour and a half when I began observing and took place over two hour. And more- because of the allotted times I will be articulating my information and observations in a chronological order in an effort to create a mental flow of events. In addition please note February 2nd, 2013 will be replaced with September 14th, 2013 to provide more accurate details and time accounts. Description of the Location: The location of the UNCC tailgate is in a parking lot referred to as lot 5, otherwise located across the street from the East Deck parking complex. This parking lot is a wide open area comprised of approximately 6 rows for parking all of which is doubled and extends the width from East Deck to Hawthornes learning community. The main area in which I chose to observe was comprised of four car parking spots in size closest to the tree line. We had three trucks present to use as means of electricity, and transportation. We also had two tents located directly in front of the trucks under which we housed two large white plastic tables to sit food and beverages on. Directly below which were 6 coolers filled with ice and beverages. To the left of these tables we had a brothers (Mohit Nighams) dj production sound systems playing all of the new favorites as well as the old. Practically placed a few feet in front of the tents were the corn hole boards and ladder ball for people to play. Lastly, to the left of the tents was where the grill was located so to be out of the way. Figured World: A figured world is a realm where actors interact with one another creating states of changes. This figured world can be anything from the world we live in to the game societies many of us fall into on a daily basis. And more- it is complete with its own setting, means of communication, and artifacts. The figured world I am going to be observing is that of a college football tailgate. And more specifically the tailgate of the brothers of Sigma Tau Gamma fraternity. The purpose of me observing this figured world is that I am a current part and asset to it to begin with. However, I have never taken then outside look of this world and its interactions. I felt as though it would be an interesting outlook to see this figured world from a differently angle. Also, this world was easily accessible for me to monitor. As stated previously this is a tailgate; ergo this is a socialistic atmosphere were various activities ranging from social interactions, cooking and eating, games, and the consumption of alcoholic beverages take place. This figured world allows me to view many different activities simultamiously while all working together to create one larger activity, the tailgate, as a whole. The rules and conventions for a tailgate are rather broad. There isnt really a set guide of rules are laws like typical societies. However there are limitations on inappropriate behavior such as gestures, touching, etc. there cannot be too high levels of intoxication because this can result in illness or harm to the individual, and other forms of rude and vulgar behaviors such as language and /or actions. However in the same degree, typical problematic issues and bothers such as loud noise and horse play are widely acceptable. To enforce these there is elected officials known as Risk Management Chairs which keep this figured world a fun and safe environment.

Observation Assignment One Site Location: UNCC Tailgate


In the idea of discourse communities I plan to see a variety of interactions. I feel personally as though there will be groups of common denominators such as people eating, drinking, playing games, dancing etc. I believe the communities will be more defined on the activities theyre participating in more than on their interactions as a whole. Actors: An actor is described as being habitus, a compilation of a persons interactions with others and later has an effect on future interactions. Therefore an actor is the person who is performing the actions that are observed and compiled. These actors are important to the figured world because their actions play key roles in the figured world they interact with. However, not everyone is considered an actor; an actor is only those who play a specific and important role. The following people are people who play a key role in the function of the fraternity (Sigma Tau Gamma) as a whole. Daniel Asbill: Daniel Asbill is a brother and frequent pranker. He was once risk management head so now carries the idea of just wanting to have fun. He is often at the head of jokes and even more often is the one to take them too far. However his comedy is his role in this figured world. He uses his comedy to become a higher part of this social environment and because he does so he is more socially aware of everything happening. Michael Tilley: Michael Tilley is the current chapter president of Sigma Tau Gamma Fraternity. His role as an actor in this figured world is that of a leader and is supposed to set the examples. However he is often like most of the guys. Joe Cutler: Joe Cutler is one of the brothers of Sig Tau and is also a head of community service/philanthropy. Unlike Michael Tilley Joes role is that of the fool. Hes rash and typically acts on impulse. However, although he is not a leader he is a comedic person who assists in the social interactions with his humor, drunkeness, and other characteristics. Dawson Corn: Dawson is the head of risk management and tailgating grill keeper. His role in this figure world is that of control; because he runs risk management he is in charge of controlling situations before they can become hazardous or out of hand.

Artifacts: These are physical items and emotions/feelings, which are culturally or socially significant to specific characters within the office or to the group as a whole. The Grill: This is significant to Dawson because as the head of risk management he likes the feeling of controlling the situation. The grill for example allows him to control when people eat as well as makes him a central icon to the tailgate. Michaels Title: Michaels title is important because he is chapter president. This he often makes known when he has to use his power to make decisions for us as well as rectify situations. Dawsons Apron: Dawsons apron is significant because its, in a sense, his way of showing his power. His apron is similar to that of a title because its what separates him from everyone else.

Discourse Communities: These are groups, which share common interests, goals, qualities, and ways of communication within any given figured world.

Observation Assignment One Site Location: UNCC Tailgate


Playing Tailgate Games: Many of the people at the tailgate flock to the tailgate games such as corn hole, because it allows them a means of common communication. Tailgating games are meant to be social and through this allows for ease of communication and social groupings. These games are also the basic integration for other communities. Music: Many of these actors participate in dancing, singing, and other melodic activities. This allows people to communicate in similar yet unique ways. And more- this creates a discourse community of individuals with the interests of music, dancing, or singing. Fraternity Brothers: From the beginning we already have an established discourse community with the brothers of Sigma Tau Gamma based on the fact of our association with the fraternity. We already have common interests and ways of communication because we are brothers. Food/Drinks: Food and beverages similar to the other discourse communities are connected because these people have similar interest. To eat or drink. However this community allows people to connect and branch out into other communities. Based on that single interest individuals are able to connect on other levels on communication.

The Observation February 2nd, 2013(To be replaced with September 14th, 2013): -Arrive at the tailgate and everything is already set up at this point. -Everyone is fairly evenly distributed because we are associating with Sigma Kappa Sorority only because they are our partners for Greek Week 2013. -Joe is cooking today and some brothers surround him. -Sisters of Sigma Kappa do associate more together as do brothers. This I believe is primarily due to sharing the interest of their organizations. -Everyone forms a larger group in the bed of the trucks for group photos. -We then all leave to head to a different area of the tailgate where Ryan Hurley is competing in the hot dog eating contest of Greek Week. He is representing Sigma Tau Gamma and Sigma Kappa so we group together in support of him. -Everyone generally socializes and not much happens for the next 30 minutes then leave as a group for the game. The Observation August 31st, 2013: 7:45AM-Starting first thing we all met at our Fraternity house and began by engaging in a ritualistic behavior known as pre-gaming, as well as gathered all the supplies for tailgate. During this time youre able to see many different discourse communities form primarily around drinks but also brothers and those helping. 7:55AM- We all load into vehicles with designated drivers and head to the lot in which we are to tailgate. There are a total of 3 vehicles. 8:00AM-We arrive on campus and begin to unload and set up and everyone begins to help unload everything as well as set up. During this time Michael takes a minute to stop everyone to give a speech on how to behave at the tailgate for safety as well as image reasons.

Observation Assignment One Site Location: UNCC Tailgate


8:15AM- The tailgate is finally set up and all the brothers begin to socialize over drinks and tailgating games arising the beginning of the two discourse communities mentioned. 9:30AM- By this time a number of people have arrived; my educated guess would be roughly 65. Everyone is interacting and having a good time and the communities are ever so apparent. You can see the groups of people around music communicating through dancing, and singing, while the games groups associate over the particular game theyre involved in, meanwhile brothers still associate, and lastly the drink groups arise near the coolers. 9:45AM- Dawson cues that he is beginning to grill and establishes his control over food as well as his title and importance by his apron singling him from the rest of the communities. And more- displays his level of significance to the figured world. 10:00AM- At this time Dawson finishes cooking and as seen previously the groups create larger ones in the same common interest of food. 10:30AM- Once everyone finishes eating I took a minute to observe everyone. Alex McAlvin was talking to his girlfriend a Zeta Tau Alpha who attends school in Virginia, Joseph Cutler is playing cornhole with a new associate member as well as Hunter Dunn and Benjamin Stabbes, Conley Hicks is talking to Jesse Curry, Hunter Dunn while playing corn hole also talks to his girlfriend Becky, Will Putnam and Michael Tilley associate primarily with their girlfriends, Daniel Asbill is being his typical pranking self to friends of different sorority chapters at UNC Charlotte, David Morgan talks with his Girlfriend Bayleigh, Collin McDonald and Dan Henry toast and drink together, Ryan Tate casually walks around, New members tend to group together; I would assume this is because they have to common relationship of being new members, Grant Thomas is talking to his girlfriend Merica(yes her name really is Merica) and a few other brothers, and the other present individuals are socializing within various other groups. 10:50AM- The before mentioned is continuing; there isnt any problems for Tilley to express his power or Dawson to have to enact risk management power. However his apron is still present. 11:15AM- Sam Polad is tapped out and risk management notifies DDs. Tilley expresses how important it is to handle your alcohol and/or liquor to a few brothers as to keep from making a scene. 11:30AM- DDs arrive for same and a few people accompany him home as well. Whether it be from not having a ticket, or also consuming to much. 11:40AM- At this point I help pack up some then leave for the game with Conley Hicks, Kelsey Franklin, and Camilla Strazanac. The Observation September 7th, 2013: 9:45AM- Arrive at the tailgate, everything is set up in Lot 5 across from East Deck. Our tailgate is located between Sigma Chi and the PHA (PanHellenic) tailgates. 9:55AM- Theres groups of people all organized similar to observation two. 10:00AM- Joe Cutler is moving from group to group displaying his humor by making everyone laugh. However the groups are still based on interest rather than on him.

Observation Assignment One Site Location: UNCC Tailgate


10:05AM- Dawnson yells that food is done and suddenly multiple groups break up and create one larger one based on the common interest of food. 10:15AM- Everyone returns to their original groups, with a few exceptions, based on drinking, brothers, relationships (girlfriends, interest, etc.), games, and other groups. 10:20AM- Joe Cutler sits down alongside of Sam Polad, both have had too much to drink and although not verbal they demonstrate the same nonverbal cues of being too drunk. However everyone continues on except those who group together out of concern for the two. Risk management is notified and DDs are called/texted a warning. 10:30AM- Joe and Sam are tapped out and DDs take them home. At this point some groups have left and I head to the game myself with Lauren and Margaret to meet a new member, Charlie, and the two girls he is with. Interview Sessions with Donald Caldwell, Matthew Long, and Ryan Tate: How has football and more importantly tailgating affected your social interactions? Donald: Football here in the south is something people can rally around and tailgating is just a plus. It is hard to find one person that does no enjoy old fashion American football. Sports in general bring groups of people together. Here at Charlotte you can see mass groups of people coming to together for tailgates and an increase in enrollment to our school. Matthew: Tailgating has affected my social interactions a lot. There are so many people tailgating and talking about Charlottes new football team. It is quite exciting to have a first year football program start up while you are a student. There are so many people at the first tailgate and you get to talk to everyone there and get pumped up before the game starts. It really is such a fun experience. Ryan: It has not affected my social interactions. I still associate with the people I normally would if I wasn't at the game or the tailgate. How do you feel items such as alcohol, food, and tailgate games play a role in interactions Donald: Alcohol, food, and tailgate games are just part of what tailgating is . Tailgating is to support for your team the day of game day for a long period of time before the game. Something must be done to pass the time. Whether it be listening to music socializing, or even playing Corn-hole. People find activities to not only have fun but also pass the time. Matthew: Alcohol and games make the tailgate! You cant have a successful tailgate without them. Playing corn-hole with your buddies before a football game is what college is about and it is such an awesome time. You just cant tailgate without the beer, food and games. Ryan: I think alcohol has the most important impact. The games and food would happen at your regular run at the mill cookout. Alcohol can make people's emotions

Observation Assignment One Site Location: UNCC Tailgate


change quickly. They can be happy one second, sad another, excited one second, exhausted later. What aspects of tailgates bring you to them and why? Donald: Something that brings me to tailgates more than anything is mostly the social aspect of it. Being able to hang out with most of your friends and just rally for the game thats about to commence is just exciting. Matthew: The social aspect is the reason why I go to the tailgates. It is just a blast to talk about the upcoming game with all your friends. Everyone there is rooting for the same team and you can easily meet new friends because they are also rooting for the 49ers Ryan: The social interactions. It gives me a few hours to hang out with the people I enjoy spending time with, and focus on nothing in particular. What is your overall outlook on tailgating in terms of a school function? Donald: I would not say that tailgating is a school function but rather team supporters coming together to show support for the team. Matthew: It is more than a school function. It is not just for the students it is also for the local fans and alumni to come down to the school and support their team! Ryan: I think it's a great thing. I think it brings the student population together and encourages them to go to the games to support their football team, and can lead to more school spirit. What is the stereotype of tailgating versus what it actually means to you? Donald: A lot of people see tailgating as an excuse to drink. Just another reason to pound back a beer. When in reality, tailgating is much more than that. Its about getting out there at the break of dawn and showing support for your team and also to engage in social activities to pass the time and have fun. Matthew: The main stereotype is just everyone gets really drunk and is a nuisance to everyone really trying to enjoy the game, but to me that is not true. Of course people are going to be drinking beers there, but its about getting pumped for the game and having fun with your peers, not getting wasted. Ryan: Most people see tailgating as just an excuse to get drunk. For me, it's a chance to unwind. I can have a few drinks if I choose to and spend some good time with the people I like to spend time with.

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